The Gunslinger's Gift (14 page)

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Authors: April Zyon

BOOK: The Gunslinger's Gift
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cut Sophia a hard look and growled.

You can go kill her later. Right now, we need to focus on the VV’s. Our
doesn’t know who’s getting the
info, or how the info is coming to this person. All he knows for sure is that
the instant a Guardian is within a certain radius of a VV, or a relative of a
VV, information starts to pour in. It’s not accurate to the point they can just
drive up and snatch them. It’s more of a guideline than anything else,” Mercury
said. “Gaius.” He looked to the other man.

Gaius muttered. “Best he was able to describe it is that they are given rough
coordinates. Like the fact that there was a VV in the Seattle area. The fact
they found Sophia first, instead of Vivian, who was the actual VV to make
contact with one of us, we still don’t get. Apparently, though, the Monsters and
those that have turned to Evil, can sense the balance of innocence and evil in
the VV’s. Again, he’s being really vague about it.”

the concussion you gave him,” Eric said, in a quiet voice.

glared at him as he continued, “But it acts like a homing beacon. What we
figured out from what little he’s given up is that the Monsters arrived in
Seattle and just happened to be closer to Sophia’s position than Vivian’s when
they got there. They sensed her because of her link to Vivian and Vivian’s contact
with Jason. I’m not entirely buying it, though. He’s leaving a lot out, but
he’s definitely more scared of someone else than me.”

you’re going soft being bonded with Emily,” Alexander said. “You need to reach
down deep to that ruthless part of you and remember the situation his
information caused to occur out on that road. Then, I’m sure you’ll be able to
scare Henry again.”

you. That’s so very helpful,” Gaius growled.

Sit,” Mercury interrupted. He pointed Gaius to a chair and glowered at the man
until he sank down. “Sophia, did they say anything you could hear? I know you
were already outside and moving, but did they make any comments, anything that
could help us figure out if he’s lying to us or not?”

had to take a moment. She closed her eyes and breathed out. “Hang on,” she
whispered, as she centered herself and bit her lower lip. Then, she frowned and
cocked her head to the side. “They were talking about a place. I think?” She
had to focus to reach for the memories of that time. “Maybe Hades? No.”

opened her eyes. “Not a place, but a person. They said if they didn’t bring
another VV back, Hades wouldn’t be able to reach out to more of his followers?
His minions? Does that make sense? Something about a VV who can touch something
and know the minion or killer by the weapon? Something about her being ripped
away from them before that minion could destroy her? Does that make sense at
all to any of you?” She wrinkled her nose and added, “And they smell like
sulfur. Horrid, really.”

they do,” James agreed, taking her hand. He’d ditched the steak on the table
and had one really unpleasant shiner darkening even as she stared at him.

the hell could they have been talking about?” Eric was the one to pose that

Gaius whispered. Looking to the man, Sophia saw how pale he was. “Her ability
allows her to touch weapons or items belonging to killers and identify them,
sometimes even picking up bits of things that occurred before the death of the
individual. It’s a shaky ability, but she’s been working on building it
stronger and refining it. Fuck me, if they get their hands on her…”

won’t, but she can’t be going out of The Mountain, not until we figure out
their plan. Gaius, you need to work Henry for every drop of information he has.
Let him know that we know about this scheme. See what he says to it. Maybe
he’ll fill in the blanks.”

I can do that,” Gaius got to his feet, but stood there a moment.

“Go and
see her then deal with our traitor,” Mercury ordered. With a nod, Gaius was out
of the room. “We need to find the other VV’s and fast. Helen has a list of
possible sightings of Monsters and killings that fit their twisted profile.
Alex, Eric, you two are heading out. Fuck me, I have to call the others back
from Europe. We’re spread way too thin right now.”

since they seem to be focused on the women found in the States, so far.” Sophia
put in. She had been reading up on it all in her spare time, relaxing because
of the babies.

have been four of you here, so far. Makes some sort of sense you’d all
gravitate to the same general area. The Monsters definitely did. While there
are still some over in Europe, they all seemed intently focused here. What we
really need to figure out is who Henry was working with in Florida. The guy
that took off when they split up,” Mercury said.

“When I
recall the others, I’ll assign a couple to that mess. For now, let’s focus on
what we
know and narrow down some
potential spots where the VV’s might be. I think we need to get the women
together to see if they can spot a pattern we’re missing.”

would be up for it,” Hector commented, speaking up for the first time since
they’d all entered the room. “She’s going a little stir crazy since we went
into lockdown.”

wouldn’t be opposed to anything to keep her mind occupied. I’m sure James would
appreciate her attention being somewhere else, as well.” Jason shot his friend
a smirk and laughed when James, again, threw him the middle finger salute. “You
should remember what time period I came from. I might think that’s an
invitation, sweetheart.”

just gave him a dirty look and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, give Vivian another
reason to pop me one,” he muttered.

let out a sigh and pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “Talk to them
and let me know. I’ll get Helen to compile all the incidents, the area
information, and anything else we have. If they’re on board, have them meet me
here tomorrow morning at ten, and we’ll start on it. Now, get the fuck out of
here, you’re all giving me a damn migraine.”

slipped her hand into James’s. “Come on, let’s go, and I’ll give you some more
lovins for your poor eye.” She touched his cheek and sighed. “I seriously need
to talk to Viv so she stops getting all cranky with you. I’m a grown freaking
woman,” she muttered.

he squeezed her hand. Lifting it to his lips, he pressed a kiss to her
knuckles. “Yes, ma’am,” he said, softly. He tugged her toward the door as the
others filed out. Walking with her, he led her to the elevator with a couple of
the others. They all rode to their levels in silence. Once they were in their
room, James pulled her into his arms and hugged her close. “Love you, Sophia.
I’m not going to let anything happen to you, or any of the other VV’s.
Promise,” he whispered.

moved her hands up and down his chest. “I need you,” she said, with a grin.
“Your eye won’t be an issue, right? Because I want you. Naked. Now.”

Sophia, you amaze me. Still thinking about jumping me with everything else
going on. Hot damn, woman, I truly am the luckiest man alive.” Scooping her up
in his arms, he dashed through their suite toward the bedroom.

laughter filled the room. “Well, I can’t help it. You’re seriously sexy, and I
can’t help but want to jump you.” She leaned in, kissing him to stop him
talking. She just wanted him naked. Period.


*The End*

About the Author

Having been a lover of the written word all her life April has
always wanted to expand her horizons and write something that could be shared
with the world. Only one thing held April back, the fact that the letters and
numbers mixed and jumbled more often than not. Diagnosed with Dyslexia when she
was eight years old April had to work her butt off just to be able to keep up
with the other kids in reading and writing, so her love for fictional writing
was tossed to the wayside for the moment.

Time marched on, as it always does, and she forgot her childhood
dream of becoming an author and instead focused on what she had to - creating a
career for herself.

As the endless waves of time passed the shores became less rocky
and more sandy, a place where she could find an even foot. That and Microsoft
invented Word. Halleluja.

This is where April began her journey into the written world, the
world that her imagination had been ceaselessly creating for her entire adult

Now she has been given a chance to let her literary wings unfold
and fly, thanks to her amazing publishers.

Now its time to let the dream take flight and watch it soar!

Other books by April

A King’s Salvation

The Argonauts Fate

The Prince’s Forever


Secret Cravings Publishing















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