The Haunting Season (25 page)

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Authors: Michelle Muto

Tags: #cookie429

BOOK: The Haunting Season
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Jess looked down at her plate.

“After dinner, there won’t be any staff present, and there won’t be any of the construction crew here. And, with Mrs. Hirsch gone, it’s just the five of us. We might not get an opportunity like this anytime soon.” Brandt grinned again and Jess didn’t like it. Had he heard them last night? Maybe he’d been listening to them through an open upstairs window.

“I think it’s safest this way, don’t you agree?” Brandt pulled a yellow notepad and a pen from the leather portfolio beside his chair. It’d been a while since he’d actually written anything down.

“We’ll need to record it, of course,” he went on, not waiting on anyone’s acceptance or refusal—not even Allison’s. He looked up, though he continued to write. “I leave that part to you, Bryan. You already know how to operate the video camera.”

Bryan nodded casually. “Sure.”

Dr. Brandt went back to scribbling on the note pad. The four of them exchanged a quick glance.

Now what?
their expressions seemed to say. Would Brandt have them send Riley back or would he insist they try to control him somehow? Did he actually believe Allison could handle that?

, Jess decided. If Gage and Allison were right, and she believed they were, then Brandt would want, no
them to control the situation.

Well, crap!

“We’ll meet down here at ten,” Dr. Brandt said. “We’ll gather the equipment and set up in the music room. Then, we should go over what we’ll each be expected to do. We’ll hold the séance at midnight.”

His gaze fell on Allison as though waiting for her to protest.

If it was at all possible, Allison appeared even more pale than usual. She sat down the last of her Danish. Allison put her hands in her lap and began to wring them underneath the tablecloth in an attempt to hide her anxiety. She offered Brandt a thin smile.

Jess wanted to reach over to Allison, to offer her comfort.

Good, hold it together, Allison. Just hold it together.

Bryan swallowed his food and cleared his throat. “Why the music room?”

Dr. Brandt shrugged as though this was obvious. “Because that’s where Jess has had the most sightings of Gracie and Emma. It’s where she’s been practicing the most, and I think that’s where the house’s energy is the strongest.”

And that settles that,
Jess thought. Now they had to think of a contingency plan that included Dr. Brandt.








Neither Jess nor Allison talked about the séance as they showered and dressed for the day. Jess thought it was best to keep Allison’s mind occupied on other subjects. It wasn’t like they could do anything about the séance during the day, anyway—not without putting the maids and the workers in jeopardy.

Besides, the less Allison had time to think about the séance, maybe she could hold it together when they needed her to. Coming up with other subjects to talk about wasn’t easy. Jess realized how much of their conversations had revolved around Siler House, death, demons and ghosts. Even talking about family felt too connected to their situation right now. Jess sighed. Time to bring out the tried and true topics like celebrities, movies and ex-boyfriends.

And for the rest of the morning, Allison did seem to be more at ease.

Dr. Brandt had stayed in his room that morning and came out only for lunch. Even then he seemed preoccupied. He squeezed another slice of lemon into his iced tea.

“If Mrs. Hirsch isn’t here, what are we doing for dinner?” Bryan asked.

“Spaghetti,” he replied. “I think we can handle that, don’t you?”

Bryan nodded.

“You don’t need to practice today if you don’t want to,” he added. “I’ll be in my room, if any of you need me. Otherwise, I’ll see you for dinner.”

He stood and walked a few steps. “Take the day off. Go. Have fun.”

Jess nearly laughed at this. It was as though he were sending them off to the movies or a dance club somewhere. She felt Gage’s eyes on her and her face warmed a little. Yeah, she knew what kind of fun
was thinking about. For a moment, the same idea crossed her mind. She desperately wanted something normal to hold onto while they still could. With Brandt at the séance, anything could go wrong. Not that it wouldn’t have without him, but now? Jess let thoughts of Gage fill her, trying to imagine a time in the future when they weren’t here, but were still together. The daydream comforted her.

“Weird,” Bryan said, interrupting her thoughts.

“What is?” Gage asked almost absently.

Bryan motioned to Dr. Brandt’s place at the table. “He just left his plate. He never does that.”

They all stared at the half-eaten sandwich, the crumbs and nearly empty glass. Brandt had always been so meticulous at mealtime. He’d made sure the table was cleared and that everything was back in place before they did anything else—talks, practice sessions, phone calls.

Jess frowned. “What do you think?”

“I think he’s being sucked in worse than us,” Allison replied. “And I don’t like it.”

“Yeah? Well that makes two of us.” Gage got to his feet and cleared his place at the table. “But there’s not much we can do except keep watch.”

It didn’t take much for the four of them to put away the sandwich fixings they’d taken out of the fridge.

Jess put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and closed it shut. “Now what?”

Allison sat the dishtowel on the counter as though its weight were more than she wanted to bear. Shoulders slumped, she sighed and stared off into nothing. “The house already knows. There’s nothing we can do.” Slowly, she turned to face them. “So, we might as well hang out in the Great Room, or go hang in our room.”

“Your room sounds like a plan,” Gage replied.

On the way upstairs, they passed two maids who were just finishing their duties on the second floor. Once they’d reached their room, Allison curled up on her bed, leaving space for Bryan. He took a couple of pillows and propped himself up beside her.

Jess sat on her bed and tried not to think of the last time she shared a bed with Gage. He reached over and took her hand, smiling faintly.

She couldn’t help but return the smile.

Bryan glanced around the room, clearly feeling a bit awkward. “So, why do you guys think Brandt’s spending so much time in his room and the basement?”

Several things ran through Jess’s mind. Was Brandt holding his own séances? Was he using the Ouija board?

“Could be anything,” Gage mused. “Working on paperwork, sending emails to EPAC—”

“He could be figuring out a way to bring back Riley on his own, or talking to ghosts we haven’t seen yet,” Bryan theorized.

Jess hadn’t thought about anyone else seeing ghosts without her present. But, the house
getting stronger, and since it had a way of affecting them all, it was entirely possible that Brandt was seeing or talking to someone Jess hadn’t come across yet.

She thought of the times she’d walked into a room and sensed someone behind her, even when the room was empty. And the man on the stairs—the apparition that was nothing more than a shadow.

Other people besides Gracie, Emma and Riley have died here.

We’ll probably be next.

She closed her mind against that thought.

Allison had fallen asleep. “I can’t believe she’s sleeping,” Bryan said.

“She’s on overload,” Jess replied. “I don’t think she can do this, guys.”

“We don’t have any other choice.” Gage shrugged. “Unless you’ve got something?”

Bryan shook his head.

“Let’s just let her sleep. Maybe it’ll help,” Jess offered.

Gage stifled a yawn. “We probably could
use a nap.”

Jess agreed. They hadn’t had a lot of sleep last night, and if they were going through with this plan, it might be best to catch a couple hours sleep. Gage cradled her against him and pulled a pillow under their heads. Bryan rolled over, his back to Allison.

Jess lay there, listening for the sounds of the house or the maids, but other than an occasional creak of a floorboard or a bird chirping outside, it was quiet. After a while of listening to the soft, peaceful breathing of everyone else in the room, Jess’s eyes closed.


When she awoke the room felt warm and stuffy. The clock on the nightstand indicated it was after five. They should be going downstairs for dinner.

She glanced at the others, who were still asleep.

Let them sleep,
she thought.
Just a few more minutes
If they’re sleeping, they’re not thinking about Riley or the house.

Jess got up slowly, so as to not wake Gage. She loved the way the late afternoon sun shone on him, basking him in light. Resisting the urge to bend over and give him a kiss, she went to the dresser for her hairbrush.

For a second, she thought the towel covering the mirror had moved.

It’s the ceiling fan. Just a draft.

Towel or no towel, being so close to the mirror gave her an uneasy feeling. What if Riley could sense how nervous she was, even with the towel between them? Jess knew he was there, right on the other side…

Stop it. Stop scaring yourself!

She snatched the hairbrush and moved to the window instead, quickly brushing her hair as she went. Beneath the oak tree, in the shadows, stood the figure of a man. A ghost from the way he flickered. It made it impossible to see his face, but she swore it was…

The hairbrush tumbled from her hands.

Couldn’t be. Not here.

Her father. She pressed her face against the glass. The figure might be the right height, and even the right weight—before he got sick. Blue jeans. White t-shirt. Short brown hair.

She rubbed her eyes and looked again. Between the glare from the glass and the way the sun glinted through the tree limbs, she couldn’t be sure it was him. Then again, she couldn’t be sure it wasn’t. Whoever the apparition was, he didn’t look like he’d died in the early 1900s.


If was him, she wanted to scream at him to get away, to leave Siler House.

Damn it! Step away from the tree. Step into the light where I can see you!

be him. He’d have shown up before now. There were others here—Jess had sensed them. Brandt had told them about the people who’d died while the Silers lived here, but he never said that others
died here since. Was this one just now showing himself?

No one has lived here since then. That meant…

I saw a man on the stairs today…

Get a grip, Jess. It could be anyone.

If it were her dad, surely he would never have let her come here if he knew about the house. She’d never thought about it before, but could ghosts travel long distances? Did they always know where their loved ones were? Or, since they were in the veil, were they limited in their knowledge of things?

Allison’s words ran through her head.
They know where to find you.

The figure pointed toward Gracie and Emma’s graves. Then it pointed to her, then back to the graves once more.

The hair rose on the back of her neck. What was he telling her? That’d they’d be dead like Gracie and Emma? Or was he telling her to hurry up and bury that bone?

From somewhere behind her, a floorboard creaked and Jess spun around, expecting to see…



Except everyone was still resting. No one stood behind her. The sound came from the hallway. Someone was pacing the hallway just outside the door. Jess looked back out the window, but the shadowy image was gone.

She turned back toward the room. Allison was awake now, and the two of them stared at each other as though they were trying to decide why Dr. Brandt was pacing outside their room. The maids would already be gone for the day.

Allison carefully got out of bed, but her movements still managed to wake Bryan.

“Huh?” he said in a muffled voice.

“Nothing,” Allison said quietly. “Just Dr. Brandt.”

Gage woke and rubbed his face. Bryan got up and walked to the door. He opened it slightly at first, then all the way. He stepped out into the hall, then back in.

“He’s gone.”

Jess shivered.

“We probably should head down for dinner,” Gage said.

“Yeah,” Bryan agreed. “We should go.”

“I like Bryan’s idea,” Allison said. “Leave.”

If they only could. Just walk down the stairs and keep going. Jess looked out the window one last time. The sun sparkled between the branches of the oak. But not a single person—dead or living—was anywhere to be found.

“Jess, you coming?” Allison stood in the doorway. Gage and Bryan waited behind her. Although she’d slept a little last night and soundly again this afternoon, the dark circles under her eyes were still pronounced and her face still pale.

Her eyes darted between Jess and the mirror.

We both sense him. We both know he’s there. Ghost or demon?

Or maybe a little of both?

Jess crossed the room, not daring to glance at the mirror.








The more he thought about Brandt at the séance, the more Gage realized it was a
bad idea. Hell, the séance with just the four of them was dangerous enough. They had to leave. Or at least try. Maybe together it was possible.

After dinner, Gage led the way as the four of them walked to the front gate. Allison and Bryan hung back, already convinced any attempt at leaving was useless. Gage quickened his step. They didn’t have long. Brandt wouldn’t stay in the basement all night. Or his room. Sooner or later, he’d know they weren’t in the house.

Brandt might not be like Riley or Siler House, but he wouldn’t agree to them leaving. Not now.

Not that
could stop them.

Only the house could do that.

But they had to try. He had no doubt the séance would work. The only doubt Gage had was whether they’d survive the aftermath. Brandt was up to something and whatever it was, he didn’t think it would help their plan.

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