The Healing Powers of Honey (16 page)

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11 CAVITIES (Kiss off dental caries):
Like skin burns, holes in your teeth can stress you out and hurt, too. Since honey is a sweetener, it is believed that it can cause visits to the dentist and drill. But hold off on laughing gas, because these days medical researchers believe that the right type of honey can actually stave off cavities.
What Honey Rx to Use:
Opt for the darker type of honey when choosing the home cure to include in your healthy-teeth diet regime.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
Honey guru Joe Traynor says the fact is, “sucrose rots your teeth; honey is good for teeth.” He explains that tooth decay requires sucrose to form plaque (the sticky stuff that forms on tooth enamel). We know granulated white sugar is 100 percent sucrose, but honey is made of glucose and fructose—and the antibacterial properties of honey help keep tooth decay at bay.
Research suggests Traynor could be right. The honey bee's by-product may be useful in treatment of cavities. The extract of propolis was looked at for its antimicrobial activities. The findings, published in the
African Journal of Biotechnology,
show that the “bee glue” has a strong antimicrobial action and hints that it may be useful in the treatment of dental cavities.
The Queen Bee's Honey Tips for Cold and Flu Season
In my pantry are bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, and other gifts of the honey bee—and from Dutchman's Gold natural honey and maple products. Dazed and confused, I contacted a few folks in the honey world, but nobody said that they had tried the royal jelly or other bee products. Then, I contacted my local health-food store. I was told that they do carry these special by-products and that they are used for medicinal use—not like honey varietals we put to work in drizzling on cheeses and yogurt and in cooking and baking.
Erika Van Alten of Dutchman's Gold has more than two dozen years of experience with the healing powers of honey, and she shed some light to me on what honey prescription to use when you're not sure which one to use....
“The sound of a cough from a cold is a rare memory from my childhood; however, I do recall the sweet taste of honey and the morning rituals of eating bee pollen....
My mother, Annie, the Queen Bee and Dr. Mom, was quick to quell the onset of cold and flu viruses with the application of therapeutic bee products in our family hive. We used honey to ease many illnesses but also other products that the bees work hard to collect such as bee propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen. These products have been applied to prevent and heal disease and maintain health for thousands of years.
Dry and sore throats:
pure honeycomb; buckwheat honey; honey sticks.
Fever, flu, cold, or bronchial infection:
propolis throat spray; propolis tincture; raw propolis chunks; propolis capsules.
Stress cold:
fresh royal jelly; royal jelly capsules.
Immune booster and energizer:
bee pollen. Try a tablespoon in a smoothie or all on its own.
12 COLD SORES (Good riddance to the ouch):
A common woe can pay you an untimely visit in the form of an unsightly cold sore—both come uninvited. Imagine this all-too-familiar scenario: You wake up in the morning before a big event. In the mirror a red, swollen cold sore or fever blister around the mouth gives you a rude awakening. It's good to know these sores are not life threatening. Yes, you'll survive the red blister(s) caused by the herpes simplex virus, and they will go away by themselves after several days. The good news is, there may be a gentle way to speed up their departure and your healing process.
What Honey Rx to Use:
Dab honey (manuka is recommended, but any honey may work) on top of the cold sore. Repeat two to three times each day.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
There are different antibacterial compounds in honey that can help fight skin sores. Jane from New Britain, Connecticut, decided to give the cure-all healer a try on a cold sore that had just begun to redden on her upper lip. “I've used over-the-counter products which help . . . but not until the cold sore has bloomed in a big, ugly mess on my face.” The honey (from The Manuka Bees Company), did its job in stopping this cold sore. Two days later, the cold sore was dormant, like a volcano warning that had fizzled.
13 CONSTIPATION (Get regular):
Cold sores are painful and not pretty, but being irregular can make you feel ugly. Irregularity can be due to eating less, resting more. Also, not eating enough fiber-rich foods or drinking enough water, a change in climate and environment, as well as not staying physically active can wreak havoc on your digestive system. But honey comes to the rescue.
What Honey Rx to Use:
Before bedtime or in the morning, try 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water with fresh lemon. Or, if you prefer, try that honey cure in a fresh cup of strong java, and your irregular woe will soon be history.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
Because honey contains a healthy dose of sugar, which can cause a mild laxative effect, it may help induce regularity in some people, especially sensitive individuals. (Yes, honey has been my sweet friend during irregular spells.)
14 COUGH (Outfox irritating hacking):
Irregularity and coughs can interrupt our life as we like it. No matter what age you are, a cough is another unwelcome visitor and can make you feel terrible. Let's face it, cough medicine can be pricey, doesn't taste good, and may or may not do its job. Also, what if it's in the middle of the night or the drugstore is closed?
What Honey Rx to Use:
A teaspoon of buckwheat honey is recommended before bed. Or you can make syrup of 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey, and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar. Repeat each remedy as needed.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
Twentieth-century scientists have proven that honey can stop a cough just like cough medicine does—and even better. A group of Penn State College of Medicine researchers discovered that honey may offer parents an effective and safe alternative. The findings showed that buckwheat at bedtime was more powerful for curing a cough in children than dextromethorphan (not recommended for children less than six years old), a cough suppressant found in over-the-counter cold medications. But note, honey is not to be given to children under the age of one due to the ill effects of botulism.
What's more, Dr. D. C. Jarvis notes that honey will act as a sedative to the nervous system. It also will attract and hold fluid when you're sleeping.
15 DEPRESSION (Defeat the blues):
Now that the kids or you aren't coughing, the bad news, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, is that about 10 percent of Americans wade through at least one bout of melancholy misery sometime during their lives. The victim list of depression sufferers includes Virginia Woolf and Ludwig van Beethoven, as well as everyday people including truck drivers, clerks, salespeople, actors, and musicians. No one is immune.
What Honey Rx to Use:
Try a spoonful of honey. Or opt for bee pollen, which is rich in B
, B
, B
, and B
—and contains 18 amino acids. Take it on a daily basis beginning with a few granules, working up to a teaspoon as needed. If you're feeling down, don't give up on the honey cure. Although depression can prove to be a depressingly complicated ailment, daily health habits can offset its effects. That means getting regular exercise (honey can help boost your stamina), eating healthy (refer to chapter 6: “The Mediterranean Sweetener”), and getting adequate sleep to help treat mild depression may defeat those blues.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
There is light at the end of the dark tunnel for gloom-and-doom feelings. Research shows that diet and lifestyle can lower your risk of depression—and honey plays a role in feeling upbeat. Depression has been linked to lack of the B vitamins. These vitamins are often involved in the production of energy, and a large component of depression may encompass the inability to get out of bed and deal with the ups and downs of the world.
Amino acids, also found in honey and bee pollen, are the vital building blocks of protein and may also help improve mood. The amino acids are used by the body to construct brain chemicals that help alleviate depression. So are we feeling a bit happier?
16 DETOXIFICATION (Say good-bye to toxins):
Feeling down is a drag, and when your body is polluted that'll drag you down, too. No matter what season you're in, it's healthful to give your body a minivacation from too many unhealthy toxins. I'm talking about junk food (i.e., empty-calorie processed foods), caffeine, and high-fat foods. A minidetox minifast is healthier than a total fast because it's not a major shock to your system. You can still eat water-dense fruits and vegetables to help you to cleanse your system, along with dark honey, which can sweeten the goal of detoxing your body, mind, and spirit.
What Honey Rx to Use:
Mix a teaspoon or two of strongerflavored, antioxidant-rich honeys (such as buckwheat or leatherwood) paired with 1 teaspoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar in cold or hot water each morning before breakfast.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
By pairing honey with a minifast of fresh fruits, vegetables, and 6- to 8-ounce glasses of water, you will help to give your organs a rest from toxins in foods and cleanse and rejuvenate your body. Also, the honey will give you an energetic buzz to help you stay physical as well as stave off cravings for sweets.
17 DIARRHEA (Leave behind a pesky problem):
A bout of the runs can be triggered by many things, including a detoxifying minifast, antibiotics, or eating a food gone bad. Everyone at one time or another has experienced this miserable visitor and wants it to go away ASAP.
What Honey Rx to Use:
Try 1 cup of calming chamomile or ginger tea with 1 teaspoon of honey three times per day.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
Personally, I stay clear of the anti-go tablets, because while they can work often irregularity may follow. Honey and tea, a soothing, natural remedy, is comforting and can help stop the urge to go and go. It works because honey is a quick and easy route to easing intestinal problems, as it coats the stomach lining. Team honey with yogurt, another probiotic that helps keep the “good” bacteria in your system. Both honey and yogurt boast antibacterial properties and probiotic effects—and get rid of the “bad” bacteria. It's a win-win end result.
18 DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS (Tame tummy drama):
Running to the bathroom or feeling the pain of colitis (inflammation of the colon) or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS: a spastic colon that has a mind of its own) can be a pain in the rear (pun intended). So, when your internal pipes are out of whack, that's a cue to turn to the friendly bacteria found in sweet honey (and in the future before as a sweet preventative measure).
What Honey Rx to Use:
Take 1 tablespoon of manuka honey (less than 10 UMF), bee pollen, or propolis on an empty stomach. Or, if preferred, put 1 teaspoon honey in a cup of soothing ginger or peppermint tea.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
Scientists in New Zealand found a cause of upset stomach is the bacteria strain
Helicobacter pylori.
A 5 percent solution of honey slowed the growth of the bacteria. Ingredients used were manuka honey (UMF 20+), bee pollen, and propolis.
A study is good, but if it works for you it's great. Back in my college days, for instance, IBS paid me frequent visits. I saw a gastroenterologist. He took out a prescription pad and scribbled: “Drink water, eat fiber-rich foods, destress, and exercise.” In retrospect, I realize he was spot-on. But in hindsight I sense he should have included honey on the at-home to-do list.
19 ENERGY DRAIN (Beat low energy):
Getting your digestive system back on track is a good feeling, but then what if your energy plummets? Savannah Bee Company founder Ted turns to liquid gold—the good stuff. “I take a healthy-sized spoonful of bee pollen every day. It gives me a boost of energy and is packed with all of the vitamins and minerals you need,” he says. “It is said that man can survive on bee pollen, water, and sunshine. It helps me stay healthy and hopeful.”
What Honey Rx to Use:
Each morning include a teaspoon of bee pollen in your breakfast. Go ahead and take it solo. Or try The Honey Association's Energy Drink recipe: ¼ pint orange juice, ¼ pint natural yogurt, 2 tablespoons clear honey. Place all the ingredients in a liquidizer and blend until smooth. Pour into two tall glasses. Serves two people.
Why You'll Bee Happy:
Honey is a source of natural unrefined sugars and carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body. That means, you'll get a quick energy boost with longlasting effects. Athletes include it in their daily diets. It was even used by runners at the Olympic Games in ancient Greece. If a spoonful of honey every day can give you extra energy to do all of the things you want to do, whether it be work or play, it makes sense to give it a try. And eating honey beats drinking sodas with caffeine or coffee, which give you a lift but leave you with a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs until you get your next fix. Stick with the honey bee's energy prescription.

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