The Healing Quilt (30 page)

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Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter

BOOK: The Healing Quilt
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“This is hard work,” Kim said as she dumped a scoopful of shells onto the sand. “And it’s difficult to see if there are any sharks’ teeth in all the debris.” Truth was, she still felt a bit breathless after Jan’s kiss. If the tender way he’d looked at her before the kiss was any indication of the way he felt, he had fallen for her as hard as she had for him.

“After you’ve scooped up some stuff, try lifting the wire basket in and out of the water to rinse the sand off, and then shake it back and forth. Most of the bits and pieces you don’t want will sift right through the basket, hopefully leaving just the good things behind.”

“For a guy who’s never done this before, you sure know a lot about it,” Kim said.

Jan smiled. “Guess I’m just a quick learner.”

“Lamar seemed to be enjoying himself when he was out in the water with you,” Kim mentioned. “It was fun to watch him plodding through the water with his pants rolled up to his knees.”

“Yeah.” Jan chuckled. “He said he’s been wantin’ to do this ever since he and Emma came down for the winter. I’m glad he invited us to come along.”

“I wish I could have brought Maddie with us today,” Kim said wistfully. “She would have had fun, too. But there wasn’t room in the car for her, so I asked one of my neighbors to check on her for me today.”

“We’ll have to bring Maddie along the next time we go to the beach,” Jan said. “I’ll bet Star would enjoy seeing your dog, too. Especially since she looks so much like my Brutus.”

Kim turned to look down the beach to where Star had been sitting and noticed that she wasn’t there anymore. Then she spotted her seated on the quilt beside Emma and Lamar. They were chatting away like best friends.

I wish she would visit with me like that
, Kim thought.
I’ll never get to know Jan’s daughter if she won’t converse with me

Kim’s thoughts were halted when someone started shouting. Looking out at the water, where some teenagers had been swimming, she noticed that they seemed to be out pretty far. At first, she thought they were just fooling around, but then one of them hollered, “Help! Help! My friend is drowning!”

With no hesitation, Jan dropped his scoop, jumped into an oncoming wave, and started swimming out to the kids.

Kim stood on the shore, hands sweating and heart racing as she grabbed Jan’s scooper. She hoped Jan was a strong swimmer and that the kid he was trying to save wouldn’t pull him down.


hat’s going on? What’s my dad doing?” Star asked Emma and Lamar when she caught sight of Jan swimming out through the waves. “He sure can’t be looking for sharks’ teeth way out there.”

“I—I don’t know.” Emma placed her hands parallel with her eyebrows, gazing out to where Star was pointing. “It looks like there are some young people out there, and Jan seems to be swimming in their direction. She turned to Lamar. “Can you tell what’s going on?” The sun was at an angle that made the water glare back, and each ripple and wave glistened in the sun’s reflection, making it hard to see.

Lamar shook his head, shading his eyes. “Not from this far, Emma. My vision isn’t as good as it used to be.”

“Mine either,” she said. “And my glasses are only for close-up work.”

“Well, my eyes are good, and I don’t like what I see!” Star clambered to her feet.

Just then, Kim came running up from the water’s edge, red-faced and panting. “Someone’s in trouble out there, and Jan went to help, but we need to call for assistance right away.” Dropping to her knees, she reached for her canvas tote, which she’d left on the quilt, and rummaged through it for her cell phone.

A sense of panic welled up in Star’s soul, and with her heart pounding, she dashed to the shoreline.
Dear God, please don’t let my dad drown. I need him so bad!

“Maybe I should swim out and see if I can help Jan,” Lamar said, starting to rise from the quilt.

Emma clasped his arm as he helped her get up. “Oh Lamar, I wish you wouldn’t try to do that. I don’t think you’re up to something so strenuous.”

Lamar frowned. “I can’t just stand here and do nothing, and I’m not a
schwechlich mann
, you know.”

“Of course you’re not a weakly man,” Emma was quick to say. “That’s not what I meant.”

Lamar folded his arms. “Sure sounded like it to me, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters now is that they need help.”

“Let’s wait and see if Jan needs any assistance,” Kim said after she’d made the 911 call. “If he does, then I’ll swim out there myself. Ever since I was little I’ve been like a fish in the water.”

“I guess that would be best,” Lamar conceded. “Sounds like you’re a stronger swimmer than me.”

They stood watching while another small crowd of people gathered, pointing and observing as Jan swam toward the teens. A middle-aged man ran up to them and offered to call 911.

“Thank you, sir, but I already have,” Kim answered and scurried back down to the water’s edge to stand near Star.

“Oh dear.” Emma sighed. She felt so helpless. She had heard the concern in Kim’s usual bubbly voice.
And poor Star. She must be frantic with worry about her father right now
. All Emma could do was pray and hope for the best.

As Jan swam out to the drowning victim, he mentally recounted all that he’d learned during his training as a lifeguard shortly after graduating from high school.
Enter the water. Approach the victim from behind so he doesn’t pull you down. Place your arms under the victim’s armpits and bend your arms back so they’re pointing at yourself, and hold on tight

Even though it had been more than twenty years, the instructions Jan learned back then had stuck with him. Thanks to his job as a roofer, he was in pretty fair shape physically. There was no doubt that swimming against this current was tiring.

Jan approached the teenage boy, who was now bobbing up and down, while gulping in water and gasping for air, and his training took over. He did everything just like he’d been taught. Jan pushed aside any fears about what could be swimming beneath the waters around them and concentrated fully on the boy.

The kid was in a panic, of course, and Jan had to remind him over and over to calm down. “Try to relax. You’re gonna be okay. Trust me. I’ve got you.”

Drawing in a deep breath, Jan swam toward shore, pulling the boy along. As he drew closer, he spotted Star and Kim standing near the edge of the water.

“I called 911, so help should be here soon,” Kim said as Jan laid the nearly unconscious boy on the sand.

“Good,” Jan panted. “But we can’t wait for help to arrive. The kid could have water in his lungs, and he needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation right now.”

“I’ll do it, Dad,” Star volunteered, falling to her knees in order to help. “I’ve had CPR training. Besides, you look exhausted and oughta rest for a while.”

“Star’s right,” Kim agreed, getting on the other side of the boy. “If necessary, she and I can take turns with the resuscitation.”

Jan couldn’t argue with their assessment, so he flopped down on the sand to catch his breath and watched as the women took over. Jan cast a quick glance toward the ocean and caught sight of a dolphin not far from where the teens had been. Looking back at the teenaged boy, he sent up a silent prayer, asking for the kid to be okay.

Emma and Lamar, as well as the other teenagers who had been in the water, gathered around with anxious expressions. Star turned the young man’s head to one side, allowing the water he’d swallowed to drain from his mouth and nose. Then she turned his head back to the center and began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, while Kim checked the boy’s pulse. The small crowd of people that had quickly congregated stood far enough back to give them room.

Jan accepted a bottle of water that a middle-aged man offered him and said thanks when asked if he was alright. “Yeah, I’m okay.” It was plain that everyone around was concerned.

When the boy started to breathe and cough, the crowd sighed with relief. Jan was hopeful that the kid would make it now.

A short time later, sirens wailed in the distance. Hopefully, the boy hadn’t taken in too much water and wouldn’t end up with complications.


Mike had just taken a seat on his front porch, to read the paper and enjoy the sun, when a sporty-looking black car pulled onto his driveway. A few minutes later, Mike’s older brother, Keith, who lived in Orlando, got out of the car.

“Hey, Brother, it’s good to see you!” Mike set his newspaper aside and stood. “What brought you to Sarasota today?”

Keith stepped onto the porch, and the brothers shook hands, then drew each other in for a hug and slap on the back. Afterward, Keith groaned as he sank into the wicker chair next to Mike’s. “I was hoping you’d be here, because I need to talk.”

Mike moved his chair closer to Keith’s and sat down. He’d never seen his brother look so serious. “You seem upset. Is something wrong?” he asked, giving Keith his full attention.

Keith nodded, pulling his fingers through the ends of his thick blond hair. “I’m just gonna come right out and say it. Gina’s left me.”

Mike bolted upright, feeling as though an electrical current had been shot through him. “You’re kidding, right?”

Keith slowly shook his head. “Wish I was.”

“But why? What happened?” Mike could hardly believe his sister-in-law would have done such a thing. His brother had gotten married later in life, concentrating on getting settled into his career first. Gina was quite a bit younger than Keith, but from the beginning of their relationship she seemed to adore Keith. He’d given her everything she could have asked for—a big house, fancy car, and money to satisfy all of her whims. It made no sense that she would leave.

“Gina says I’m never around—that I’m not there for her and the kids anymore.” Keith reached up and massaged the back of his neck. “She’s seeing the clown who coaches Robbie’s Little League team. Says he’s more of a father to our son that I’ve ever been. Besides, the guy is a good-looking dude. At least, she thinks he is. Now tell me, how can I compete with that?” He moaned, leaning forward as though in great pain. “I just don’t get it. I’ve worked hard all these years so my wife and kids could have nice things. They’ve wanted for nothing, and this is the thanks I get. I feel like I’ve been kicked in the teeth.”

“I don’t know what to say, Keith, except I’m sorry. Is there a chance you can win her back?”

“I don’t think so. Gina made it pretty clear that she’s done with me.”

“Have you thought about going to see a marriage counselor?” Mike asked. “Would Gina be willing to try that?”

Keith shook his head. “I’m not about to let some shrink get inside my head. Besides, Gina’s pretty involved with this baseball geek, and I doubt she’d agree to go for counseling. I think it’s too late. I’m not sure how I could have been so dense, but I never even saw this coming.”

“You ought to at least give counseling a try,” Mike said, rising to his feet. “You can’t walk away from fifteen years of marriage.”

“You’re right. It’s tough. But if divorce is what she wants, then who am I to stand in her way?”

Irritation welled in Mike’s soul as he glanced out at the bay. “It doesn’t sound to me like you care that much if you’re not willing to fight for your marriage.”

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