The Healthy Green Drink Diet (3 page)

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vegetables, we have nothing to worry about proteinwise.

Vitamins, Enzymes, Minerals, Fiber, and More…

Greens are the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet; they’re very low in calories and pack one

helluva nutrient punch. They’re high in antioxidants; carotonoids; flavinoids; vitamins A, C, e; folic acid,

and calcium among a myriad of other vitamins and minerals. They’re also packed with dietary fiber that

won’t irritate your body’s digestive system like other fibers. Since most people on a typical American

diet are grossly deficient in fiber, green drinks are a fast and easy way to put that problem away for good.

All of these nutrients protect from an almost staggering amount of ailments like the following:

heart disease


skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis…)

high blood pressure

high cholesterol

bacterial growth

viral growth





bladder infections

bowel issues (IBS, celiac disease…)

Alkalize, Lose Weight, Fight Fatigue

Greens are a very alkaline food and can help regulate your blood to a healthier alkaline (as opposed to

acidic) state. Disease and destruction occur more readily in a body that is mostly acidic (also known as


This alkaline state, along with the vast nutrient content of greens, plays a vital role in your body’s ability

to metabolize and distribute fat correctly and can increase your ability to lose weight significantly. It also

gives you a boost of energy and begins training your body to fight off fatigue. If your body is busy fighting

disease all day, it’s no wonder you’re tired all the time. Alkalize your blood, get your vitamins and

minerals, and enjoy your newfound energy.

A quick note—lemons and limes, although one would think would be acidic, actually have an alkaline

effect on the body, so don’t worry about adding a few squeezes to your green drinks, it will only amplify

the alkalizing effects.

For more information regarding ph and the benefits of an alkaline diet, I suggest you read
The pH Miracle

by Robert o. Young, Ph.D.

More Reasons…

For years I battled with acid indigestion and something I can’t diagnose as anything other than a weak

stomach. Instead of ending my days with a nice glass of tea and a good book, I was regularly propped

upright in bed waiting for the heartburn medication to kick in. Those of you who suffer from the fire

within know that most remedies don’t work. Sleeping standing up? Nope. I fell over. Drinking a glass

of milk? Just adds inches to my waste. Aloe vera juice? A little, but mostly just has a laxative effect.

? Yes! These foamy pills do the trick, but how do I prevent it from ever happening in the first

place? Nothing I did ever
my acid reflux until I introduced a change to my overall diet.

Green drinks. It began changing the ph of my body, neutralizing the acids responsible for the reflux, and

after a few months, it even allowed me to eat the occasional pastrami sandwich piled high with

mustard without the slightest burning. I’ve been relatively heartburn free ever since.

You’ll eat a wider variety of greens than you ever have before with greater ease than you ever thought

possible. I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember the last time I had a plate of turnip greens and

Swiss chard. But I do remember the last time I blended some up… this morning!

Blender blades are better than your teeth at breaking down cell walls of fruits and greens thereby

releasing a greater amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. And juicing is even better than that if

you fork out the cash for a triturating juicer. We’re talking enzyme-city.

The Greens

Variety is the very spice of life, That gives it al its flavor.

The Task
(1785) by Wil iam Cowper

Variety is also the key to optimal health. In order to enjoy the most complete nutrition, it’s important to

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