The Heart Remembers (29 page)

BOOK: The Heart Remembers
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The proprietor said, “Mrs. Bates, you’ve heard that Dr. Dane Logan is now Central City’s physician, haven’t you?”

Mrs. Bates nodded. “Yes. We’ve been to Dr. Fraser many times, but haven’t needed to see Dr. Logan so far.”

“Well, this lady who saved Billy’s life is Dr. Logan’s wife. She’s a nurse.”

Mrs. Bates thanked Tharyn again for what she did.

Tharyn smiled and patted the boy’s head as he clung to his mother. “To God be the glory. He made it possible for me to become a nurse, and He timed it just right so I would be here when Billy began to choke. Give the praise to Him.”

When Tharyn entered the doctor’s office, carrying two large paper bags, Dr. Dane was taking payment from an elderly male patient at her desk.

Tharyn looked up at the clock. “Sorry it took me so long. I’ll explain in a moment, after I put these groceries down.”

Dr. Dane grinned. “You don’t need to explain. I already heard from some people who were in the store about you saving that little boy’s life. They stopped in here to tell me about it.”

“I just thank God I was there, honey. That precious little boy might well have died.”

“The people who told me about it said you handled it like you were a well-trained physician.” He chuckled. “Honey, you should have gone to medical school. You would’ve made a wonderful doctor.”

Tharyn wrapped her arms around him and smiled. “But I don’t want to be a doctor. I’m happy to be a nurse. But more than anything, there are two things I want to be—a wife and a mother. Half of this desire is already satisfied. Someday the other half will be satisfied, too.”

Dane kissed the tip of her nose. “Well, it will be wonderful when little Dane Jr. comes into our lives.”

Tharyn laughed. “Or little Elizabeth Ann.”

The front door swung open, and they were surprised to see Chief Tando, Leela, and a limping Latawga come in.

Dr. Dane smiled. “Well, hello! Is something wrong with Latawga’s leg?”

The chief, who was carrying the Bible Dane had given him, shook his head. “No. It is doing well. We have come to talk to you about Jesus Christ.”

Both Dane and Tharyn felt their hearts jump.

The doctor smiled again. “We’re so happy to hear this.” He then introduced Leela to Tharyn.

Leela smiled and said, “Mrs. Dr. Dane Logan, I am so happy to meet you. My husband and my son told me that you are very beautiful. They did not lie.”

Tharyn hugged her and said, “You are very kind.”

Tando said, “Dr. Dane Logan, we have been reading this Bible you gave me. We know now that the Ute gods are false. We want to make the true God’s Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior.”

Dane and Tharyn were thrilled to see that the Holy Spirit had worked in the Indians’ hearts—even as they had prayed.

Dr. Dane wanted Pastor Shane in on this and told them he would take them to the parsonage. Tharyn told him she would watch the office while he was gone.

At the parsonage, Pastor Mark Shane was thrilled to see the Indians and to hear that they wanted to be saved. Together the doctor and the pastor led them to the Lord.

Tando then said he wanted help getting the message across to his people. He wanted them to become Christians also.

Pastor Shane told him that he would come to their village the next day and talk to as many of the village people as would listen.

The Indians rode away with joy in their hearts.

When Dr. Dane arrived back at the office, there were patients in the waiting room. Before he took the first patient to the back room, Dr. Dane first led Tharyn into his private office and told her that all three Indians had clearly understood the gospel and had received Jesus into their hearts, and that Pastor Shane was going out to the village tomorrow to preach the gospel to as many Utes as would listen.

Tharyn burst into happy tears, and together they praised the Lord for answered prayer.

In Denver on Friday, David and Kitty Tabor were at home to warmly welcome their adopted daughter and her husband when they arrived just after two-thirty. David explained that he was taking the afternoon off so he could be there when they showed up.

Tharyn hugged him and said, “Oh, Papa, that was so sweet of you.”

He hugged her tight. “That’s because I so dearly love my daughter and this wonderful son-in-law of mine.”

They were led into the parlor, and all four of them sat down.

Kitty said, “Well, let me fill you in on what’s happening. The four of us, plus Tim and Melinda, have been invited for supper this evening at the Brockman home. Melinda and Tim are so eager to see both of you. Melinda volunteered to help Breanna, and they are already busy preparing the meal.”

Tharyn laughed with glee. “Oh, this is so wonderful!”

David said, “John had told Breanna when he got home about the incident at your town hall on Wednesday. They passed it on to us. Of course, John also told Breanna about you two coming to Denver to do the hip replacement, and that you would be arriving this afternoon. Breanna took hold of that good news and made her plans in a hurry.”

Kitty laughed. “That’s Breanna for you!” Then she ran her gaze between Tharyn and Dane. “I know you’ve had an arduous trip from Central City. How about some coffee and chocolate cake?”

Dane grinned. “Sounds good to me! It indeed was a chilly ride all the way. But as always, the colorful trees in the mountains were a beautiful sight to behold.”

“This is my favorite time of year,” Tharyn said. “I love the crispness in the air and the quaking of the golden aspen leaves. Right now, Central City looks like a beautiful patchwork quilt with all of the brilliant colors. The sky today was such a clear canopy of blue. Of course, any day now the snow can come. But that’s a lovely sight, too, and we look forward to it.”

The foursome headed for the warm kitchen where Kitty already had the coffee on the stove. They sat down at the table, and she placed steaming mugs before her daughter and son-in-law
and husband, along with plates containing large pieces of chocolate cake.

After devouring the delicious cake and downing a sufficient amount of coffee, Tharyn covered her mouth as she yawned.

From the opposite side of the table, Kitty said, “Tharyn, why don’t you go on up to your old room and take a nice nap? There’s plenty of time before we need to leave for the Brockman place.”

Tharyn yawned again. “Are you sure, Mama? I came here to visit with you and Papa, you know.”

“Of course I’m sure. Your papa agrees.” Then to Dane: “Why don’t you take your luggage upstairs to Tharyn’s old room and get some rest yourself? You both look pretty tired out. This is an extra good chance to rest before you tackle that hip replacement surgery tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Mama, that sounds so good,” Tharyn said around another yawn.

“Run along now,” said David. “You two enjoy a nice nap.”

Dane and Tharyn left the kitchen arm in arm.

When evening came, the Logans and the Tabors arrived at the Brockman place in the country. Dr. Tim had left the hospital early to be sure he was there before Dane and Tharyn arrived.

There was a sweet reunion between Tharyn and Melinda … and between Melinda and Dr. Dane, who had freed her from her captivity at the Ute village. Dr. Tim was very happy to see Dane and Tharyn again. The Brockman children, Paul and Ginny, asked to sit beside the Logans at the dining room table.

As the group was eating, they talked about the recent peace treaties that had been signed with the Utes, and those who hadn’t heard were thrilled to learn that Chief Tando and his family had become Christians.

David then turned to the phenomenal growth of the medical
practice in Central City that they had learned about from the letters Tharyn had exchanged with her mother. Melinda and Tim, especially, wanted to hear the latest.

Dane explained that the growth had caused him to make plans to expand into a clinic with as many beds as seemed reasonable as soon as they could afford to buy property on Main Street and erect a new building. As Dane spoke, he noticed Dr. Tim’s eyes light up at the mention of the new clinic.

The subject changed again as John Brockman brought up the incident at the Central City town hall on Wednesday. “I talked to Judge Claude Harper,” said John. “The Barton gang trial will be held this coming Tuesday. There’s no question in my mind that they will hang. And when Bud Finch is brought to Denver and faces trial, he’ll also hang.”

Tim told Dane and Tharyn that Chief Brockman had informed them all about the incident, and he commended Dane for his courage in capturing the gang.

When the enjoyable evening was over and the guests were leaving, Dane told Tim and Melinda that he and Tharyn wanted to talk to them sometime Sunday afternoon. Kitty overheard it, and invited Tim and Melinda for Sunday dinner, saying the four of them could go to the parlor and talk in private afterward.

The next day, Dr. Dane and Tharyn finished the hip replacement on Max Thurman just after one o’clock in the afternoon, with Dr. Matt Carroll and a hospital nurse present. While Tharyn and the nurse stayed with Max, who was still under the anesthetic, Drs. Logan and Carroll went to the surgical waiting room and informed Mrs. Thurman and other family members that the surgery was a success.

The church services the next morning were enjoyable for Dr. Dane and Tharyn. Along with the teaching and preaching, it was a blessing to see old friends, including Pastor and Mrs. Nathan Blandford.

After dinner at the Tabor home, the Logans and Dr. Tim and Melinda went into the parlor for their private talk.

Dane brought up the proposed clinic again. He explained that Dr. Robert Fraser needed to completely retire as soon as possible, and set his eyes on the young intern. “Tim, I want to ask you something.”


“Would you be interested in going to work for me in the practice after you finish your internship here?”

Melinda looked at Tharyn, who flashed her a smile.

Tim’s face brightened. “You really mean it, Dane?”

“I sure do. And Tharyn is in full agreement with my offering the job to you.”

“I’d be more than interested! I’d be delighted!” Tim closed his eyes for a few seconds, then looked at Dr. Dane. “I … I wish I had some funds to invest in the practice so it could become a clinic sooner.”

“You don’t need to say another word. I very well know how expensive medical school is, and how low the pay is when you’re an intern.”

Melinda took hold of Tharyn’s hand. “Tim and I will be getting married right after he finishes his internship. That means—”

“Yes!” squealed Tharyn. “That means you’ll be living in the same town I am!”

The two women hugged and gave praise to the Lord.

Dr. Dane told Dr. Tim what he could afford to pay him, and Dr. Tim told him it would be plenty enough for him and Melinda to live on.

Tim said, “Dane, I don’t know how to thank you. This is so wonderful!”

Dane smiled. “When I was still a kid in the alleys of New York
City, a kind old doctor befriended me. He’s the one that I met when I first went to live on the streets. He and his wife had me in their home many times. They got me into church, where I first heard the gospel and learned of Jesus and His love for me. That precious old man led me to the Lord, Tim. Then later, he led everyone in our alley colony to the blessed Savior. But that’s only part of what he did for me.

“Tharyn was hospitalized due to the trauma of losing her parents. I was trying to find a way to pay her hospital bill. Dr. Harris, the one I just mentioned, paid the bill for me, and when I offered to pay him back, his comment was, ‘You don’t owe me anything. But when you’re a physician and find a young doctor in need, you help him out. That’s what a fellow physician once did for me, and now I’m passing it on.’

“Tim, I will never forget that generous man. He took special care of all of us orphans, got me a job at a pharmacy, and was a great strength to me. Now it’s my turn to carry on this most worthy tradition.”

Tim had tears in his eyes. “Thank you, Dane. I appreciate your attitude so much. And when the time comes, I too will pass along this kindness to another struggling young doctor.”

“Good for you, Tim! We need to always care about others.” Dane paused, then said, “Now let me add this—whenever we can afford to buy a lot on Main Street and have the building built, I’ll make you a partner. Your income will increase as the clinic grows.”

Tim was thanking Dane as Tharyn and Melinda embraced each other, agreeing how wonderful it was going to be to live close to each other again.

The Logans then told Tim and Melinda that they would love their church and Pastor Shane’s preaching.

Dane said, “We’ll stay in contact with you by mail, and keep you posted as to the progress of our plans for the clinic.”

Melinda asked about housing in Central City. Dane told her
there were usually some houses and apartments for rent in town, but if there weren’t any available at the time they came, there were always rooms in boardinghouses.

Tim said, “Well, my internship will be finished on Friday, May 5. We’ve set the wedding with Pastor Blandford for the next day. We won’t be able to go on a honeymoon, so we’ll come to Central City on Monday, May 8, 1882.”

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