The Heart's Warrior (41 page)

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Authors: Leigh Bale

BOOK: The Heart's Warrior
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Kerstin flinched when Tovi examined her wound, then hurried to get bandages and water.

“Do something for her,” Jonas said.

“Be patient, son,” Tovi insisted.

Kerstin closed her eyes against the pain. Someone laid warm furs over her body and a weight settled beside her on the box bed. She opened her eyes and found Jonas leaning over her, his brow knitted with worry. With the point of his knife, he gently slit the sleeve of her shirt and pulled it from her arm before he pressed a folded cloth against her wound.

Cupping his cheek with her good hand, she tilted his face so he looked at her. “I thought I was the healer.”

He smiled tenderly. “You are. You’ve healed my

broken heart. Promise you won’t leave me.”

She tried to swallow against the lump in her throat.

His request meant everything to her. “I promise.”

Love radiated from his face and she stared into his eyes. They mesmerized her and she found herself lost in their depths. Concern filled them and—tears.

“I love you so much. I can hardly believe you love the Beast.” He spoke with disbelief and awe.

Kerstin slipped her good arm around him, hardly

feeling the pain in her shoulder. What was a little pain 280

The Heart’s Warrior



when the man you loved said something like that?

He gave her a lingering kiss. As he drew away, a

smile of contentment curved his mouth.

“Come away, son. I’ll take care of her.” Tovi tugged on Jonas’s shoulder. He stood and Tovi drew him across the room and out the door, securing the portal against further intrusion.

The room bustled with activity as Tovi mashed herbs to steep in a cauldron over the fire. Gudrid cleansed the blood from Kerstin’s shoulder before Astrid applied her sewing skills to stitch the cut. Tovi pressed a healing poultice to the wound while Letta wrapped Kerstin’s shoulder with a clean bandage. Then, Tovi brought Kerstin a tasty broth and a miniscule dose of nightshade to ease the pain.

Their attention warmed Kerstin’s heart and she

gazed at them each with fondness. “If you’re not careful, our people will soon start calling each of you a witch.”

Tovi lifted her head and smiled. “I would be


The statement left Kerstin feeling stunned and

grateful. Dear Tovi, who had been so hurt by losing her son Bjorn, but had withheld her judgment of Kerstin until she learned the truth.

Several hours later, Kerstin refused to be treated like an invalid and the women helped her dress in a soft gown and a short tunic. Wearing a makeshift sling to cradle her injured arm, she let Gudrid brush her hair. A low humm of voices emanated from the main hall and Kerstin opened the door and stepped into the outer room. Surprise caused her to catch her breath. People crowded the hall, warriors and farmers, men and women alike.

At first sight of her, a hush fell over the room. Then, the people cheered. Kerstin saw Jonas, standing on the dais, watching her with a mixture of pride and


Halfdan stepped forward, a penitent expression on his gruff face. Kerstin met his eyes, finding friendship instead of censure. “Mistress, I am glad you are well. We found Elezer and have sent the Traitor’s body to the king.

I beg your forgiveness for treating you badly.”

Emotion speared Kerstin’s heart. Halfdan asked her 281

Leigh Bale


mercy. Could it be true?

She placed her good hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. “There is nothing to forgive, Halfdan. I thank you for your loyalty to my husband.”

The man bowed before her, then offered his arm. He escorted her to the dais. As she passed the long tables where Jonas’s people stood, little Ota waved and smiled from the security of her father’s arms.

Gudrid reached out and hugged Kerstin, her belly

clearing the way. “Odin has blessed us to have a healer such as you. Soon you will deliver my new babe. Haki says if the child is a girl, we will name her after you.”

Stunned by this admission, Kerstin had no chance to reply. Halfdan drew Kerstin away. Smiling faces

surrounded her. Gone was the suspicion and hatred. As Halfdan handed her up to Jonas, Kerstin heard happy chatter and laughter filling the hall. It seemed she had always belonged here. As if Hawkescliffe had always been her home and she forever accepted.

Thralls began to serve platters of cheese, bread, and rich haunches of meat cooking over the open fire pit.

Kerstin wiped tears of happiness from her eyes. Never did she expect such a show of welcome from Jonas’s people.

“A toast!” Jonas took her good hand and lifted his drinking horn high. “To Kerstin of Hawkescliffe. My lady.”

The cheer that rang throughout the hall almost

deafened her. Jonas’s eyes crinkled as he studied her bandaged shoulder and spoke to his mother sitting close by. “Did you use garlic? Kerstin says it draws the poisons and heals the wound.”

Tovi gave him a tolerant look. “Of course. My new daughter has taught me well. I’m glad to hear you also listen to least some of the time.”

Einar grinned, hobbled over on a walking stick and clapped Jonas on the back. “You’ll hear that more often now you’re a married man, brother.”

Brother! Had Kerstin heard him correctly?

“We’ll expect you to take good care of our little sister from now on,” Thorir said.

Letta cuddled against her husband’s side and

laughed, a sweet sound that warmed Kerstin’s heart.

“And you must visit us often at Moere.”


The Heart’s Warrior



Jonas chuckled as he leaned his head down and

kissed Kerstin tenderly on the lips. As he drew away, he whispered for her ears alone. “Welcome home, sweeting. I love you.”

“I love you.” All other words evaded her mind.

Kerstin gazed at her husband and then her brothers and the rest of the crowd, awed by the camaraderie between them. Never did she believe this possible.

Finally, peace reigned between their people.

And Jonas was hers...the greatest gift of all. Truly, their love had healed all wounds.




A word about the author...


Leigh Bale has been writing all her life. In 2006, she won the prestigious Golden Heart Contest and sold her first full-length book, which was released in December 2007. Leigh is delighted to announce her second sale titled THE HEART’S WARRIOR to The Wild Rose Press.

Leigh is a member of Romance Writers of America, the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, and the American Christian Fiction Writers. Leigh also belongs to various chapters of RWA, including the Sacramento Valley Rose, the Faith, Hope and Love Chapter, the Hearts through History Romance Writers, and the Golden Network.

Leigh has two children and lives in Nevada with her professor husband of twenty-six years. When she’s not working at her full-time job or writing more books, Leigh loves playing with her beautiful granddaughter and taking another history class.

Visit Leigh’s website at


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