Read The Heat Is On Online

Authors: Katie Rose

The Heat Is On (12 page)

BOOK: The Heat Is On
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Chapter 21

Chase was waiting for him when Jimmy left, a knowing smile playing around his lips.


“For what?” Connor's brow wrinkled in confusion.

“Scaring the shit out of these guys. Your suggestion to Pete to utilize a couple of the rostered players did the trick. They are serious as hell now.”

“Somebody had to do it,” Connor said, giving him a meaningful grin.

“Don't look at me. I'm a pitcher,” Chase said as if that explained everything.

And maybe it did,
Connor thought. Pitchers were up there by themselves on the mound, facing batter after batter, alone. They had to have intensity, focus, self-discipline, and that meant tuning everything and everyone else out.

“Listen,” Chase continued. “A few of us are getting together later for some beers and wings. I'm bringing Darcy, Jake will be there with Nikki, Carlos is bringing his wife, and Gavin will be there with Jess. Why don't you come with that new girl you're seeing?”

Connor looked at him in surprise. “Sounds like good news travels fast.”

But he knew the invitation was more than just a chance to hang out. It meant acceptance, recognition of his role as a leader, and friendship.

It took awhile to develop that when starting with a new team. And it made sense. These were guys who hung out, practiced, and battled together from April into the fall. Some of the players became close friends, some didn't get along, and some downright hated each other. But the core of the team, Chase, Jake, and more recently Gavin, had a close bond together that had cemented even more over time.

Chase shrugged at his comment. “It's hard to have secrets when you are part of this crew.”

“I hear that. Sure, let me ask her. She has kids, so she may need to get a sitter.”

“Yeah, Carlos mentioned that. He has to get one, too. It's kind of a little surprise party for Nikki and Jake. They are doing a destination wedding after the season. We wanted to get together, give them a few presents guaranteed to embarrass. You know, have some fun at their expense.”

Connor chuckled. While he was all for Jimmy and the rest of the buffoons getting serious, it was also good to relax a little right before the playoffs. But as he started to follow Chase out the door, he paused as a flash of gold caught his eye.

“What the hell is that?”

Chase glanced over at the goldfish peering at them from inside the glass bowl. “Oh, that's Kate. We put her in the water cooler when we want to freak out the new guys.” He smirked at the thought. “We did it to Gavin.”

“Did it work?” Connor was incredulous.

“Hell, yeah. We thought about doing it to you but decided stocking your locker with Depends was even funnier.”

Connor walked outside, shaking his head in disbelief as Chase closed the door behind them.


“So he invited you out to meet with the team?” Jillian let out a low whistle. “That is so cool! And you know what this means…”

“What?” Tracy wrinkled her nose in confusion.

“He's serious, that's what.” She could almost see her best friend roll her eyes. “He wouldn't be wanting you to meet them unless he was. Otherwise he would have to deal with all the questions, what happened to Tracy, etc. Nope, this is headed in the right direction.”

Tracy's heart skipped a beat. “I can't let myself think like that until I'm sure. It would be too crushing if it didn't work out. I'm just trying to take things one day at a time.”

One second at a time, if she had to be honest.

“Okay, I get it.” She changed the subject. “So what are you wearing? Are you getting your hair done?”

“No way,” Tracy said. “My mom's coming over tonight so I can go out. I can't ask her to be here all afternoon as well.”

But Jillian had a point. She looked at all of the T-shirts and sweats scattered across her bed. She had the wardrobe of a soccer mom, not exactly something she'd like for a date with Connor, especially meeting his teammates.

“I'm coming over and bringing some stuff,” Jillian said decisively. “You call the salon, get an appointment to get your hair done and a mani-pedi. I'll stay with the kids.”

“But you have work—” she tried to protest but Jillian shut her down.

“I also have a ton of vacation time that I never get to use. And honestly? I need a break. I'm sick of my customers and tired of the corporate politics. It will do me good to take the kids for ice cream, and to see you get all dolled up.”

Emotion welled up within Tracy. She didn't know what she would have done without Jillian when her marriage fell apart. And her best friend continued to give her the most priceless gift of all: unconditional love.

“I don't know what to say,” she managed. Her eyes stung with unshed tears.

“Say yes! Actually you don't have any other choice. But I do have one caveat.”

“What's that?”

“I want to hear all the hot stuff. I'm not dating anyone right now, and you owe me.”


The Alchemist and Barrister was a cozy little sports bar on Witherspoon Street in Princeton. Tracy sipped at an icy beer, glancing around at the brick walls plastered with widescreen TVs, the bustling bar scene, and the tables filled with patrons.

Jillian had been so right about the salon treatment and the clothes, Tracy mused. The fluttery blue silk top and white jacket helped her feel cool and confident, and getting her nails done had also helped. She had been a bit nervous at first as Connor introduced her to Chase and his wife, Darcy; Jake and Nikki; Gavin and Jessica. After all, these were all star athletes and their significant others.

But then Jake broke the ice.

“So we finally get to meet you!” He grinned, grabbing her and giving her a big hug while Connor shook his head. “We wondered who the mystery girl was. Our buddy over there”—he indicated Connor—“hasn't hit for shit recently. We blamed it on a woman.”

“Is that right?” Tracy asked, hiding her amusement and she glanced at Connor as if surprised.

“Don't listen to a word he says,” Nikki said, shaking her head at her fiancé. “He's just jealous that he doesn't have Gavin's batting average.”

“You can say that again,” Jake agreed. “You nailed that ball today. See the look on that pitcher's face?”

Carlos and his wife showed up a few minutes later, apologizing profusely. “My sitter came late,” Camelia explained, obviously flustered.

“I've had that happen,” Tracy said sympathetically. “It's hard enough to make sure everyone is settled down, but when the caregiver isn't on time, you feel like you're scrambling.”

“Exactly!” Camelia gave her a grateful smile as she and her husband pulled up a couple of chairs.

Tracy began to relax and really enjoy herself. At first the other females seemed very glamorous and well employed; Darcy worked in the executive offices at the Sonics, Nikki had her own PR firm, while Jessica was a talented physical therapist. But as she got to know them she discovered that Darcy was a little shy, Nikki confident and a lot of fun, while Jessica was athletic and down to earth.

“Let's get another round!” Chase waved over the waitress while Darcy and Jessica exchanged a secret glance. As the drinks arrived, Darcy reached beneath the table and brought out a large gift bag.

“Ahem.” Jessica tapped her glass with her spoon to get everyone's attention. “We are gathered here tonight to honor our good friends Jake and Nikki, who are being entirely sensible by running off to an exotic island to get married. Now I'm certain part of that strategy was to avoid any pranks by the team. But we couldn't let this engagement go by without a few presents.”

Jake groaned, while Nikki shot Darcy a menacing look. Chase's wife shrugged, all innocence, as she pushed the bag in front of the other woman.

“I'm a little afraid to look inside,” Nikki admitted, turning to Tracy and Camelia to explain. “When I did PR work for the Sonics, I found a crocodile in my filing cabinet, and a load of baseballs in my closet. And that was just for starters.”

“No, they didn't!” Tracy covered her mouth, suppressing laughter, while Camelia shook her head, not surprised.

So when she dipped into the bag and pulled out a pair of crotchless panties, she looked at Chase and Darcy with narrowed eyes.

“That was from me,” Jessica admitted, laughing as Nikki twirled the naughty underwear in front of them. “I thought you could use them after you dragged me to that boutique where we got Darcy's.”

“I'm afraid to see what else is in here,” she said, pushing the bag to Jake. Her husband-to-be dipped inside, completely unafraid, and pulled out a pair of black silk boxers.

“All right!” he said, standing up and displaying the shorts for everyone in the bar to see. “But they look a little too small…”

That started the jokes, and Tracy laughed until she cried, especially when Nikki extracted a female sex toy from the bag, and then glanced at Jake in comparison, shaking her head sadly as if to imply he didn't measure up. Connor sent Tracy a naughty wink that made her blush, and she saw Camelia's smile out of the corner of her eye.

She had forgotten how much fun this was, going on a date with other couples, sharing the wine or in this case the beer, along with spicy hot wings. While a part of her felt strange and missed the children, she reminded herself that this was good for her, to spend some time with adults, to come back renewed. Everyone went out of their way to make her feel comfortable, Nikki especially, and she found herself really enjoying the talk and the company.

Unfortunately, it was getting late and she leaned into Connor. “I've got to go.”

“Me, too.” He rose, taking her hand, and faced the group, who booed him. “Yeah, I know. I'm an old man. I promised Jimmy to meet him early for practice.”

His teammates took the opportunity to rib him about his advanced age, early-bird specials, and prescription for Viagra, but Tracy felt her heart squeeze as she realized he hadn't blamed her for having to leave early.

He was so thoughtful that way, and kind. His mouth was turned up in a lazy smile as he traded barbs with Jake, thoroughly enjoying himself. He was so male, so ruggedly confident and hot, she could hardly believe he was hers.

But then she reminded herself that he wasn't. Not by a long shot.

Jake got to his feet. “I hear you helped Jimmy clean up his act. You have to know we all appreciate it.”

Tracy glanced at Connor in surprise, but he simply shrugged. “Like you, I want a ring this year. And we need the whole team engaged for that to happen. Jimmy's not a bad guy. He just needs to grow up a little bit.”

Chase nodded. “He'd better. Pete's had it. The playoffs are just around the corner, and if he continues to screw up, he's out of here next season. Hopefully he got the message.”


“I had such a good time,” Tracy said as Connor walked her toward the door of her house. “They are such a great group of people. I was a little worried at first that I wouldn't fit in, but they made me very comfortable.”

“Why were you concerned?”

They stopped at the door, one of his hands on her shoulders while his other tipped her head up to his. “I don't know. The guys are these famous stars.”

“Like me?” he teased, and she smiled back, shoving him playfully.

“It's different with you. I've known you since before you got famous, when you were just another human being like us.” She grinned. “But even the significant others. They are all glamorous, have great jobs. I am, after all, a single mom who does medical billing. Not exactly bragging rights.”

“I think what you do is amazing,” he said softly. “Raising four children by yourself is hard work. And I'm sure they see that, too, especially Camelia.”

What is it about this man that he always has exactly the right thing to say?
Before she could examine that thought, she was in his arms and he was kissing her. It was amazing that a simple good-night kiss could send her heart racing, but it did. It was so long since a man had made her feel this way: beautiful and sexy. She was a mom, responsible for everyone else's happiness.

Connor provided hers.
For now…

she tried to warn herself.
Don't start to depend on him, for anything. If it doesn't work out, it will hurt that much more when he's gone…

But when he reluctantly pulled away, she had to steady herself: her knees had turned to jelly.

“My God, you are sweet,” he whispered. “I wish I didn't have an early day tomorrow.”

She shivered when she looked into his eyes and saw the same inexplicable desire she was experiencing. “You'd better go,” she said, secretly pleased to see his reaction; that she wasn't out here alone. “My mom is probably tired.”

“I'll come in for a minute and say hello,” he offered, reaching for the door. “I haven't seen her in years.”

Tracy tried the knob, not at all surprised to find it locked. She retrieved her keys from the bottom of her purse and opened the door.

As she suspected, her mother was dozing on the couch. But she woke immediately, blinking, and then her eyes settled on Connor in recognition.

“Hello, Mrs. Coleman.” Connor grinned, giving her mother a hug as she got to her feet.

“Connor Jackson.” There was something in her tone as she stepped out of his embrace, her eyes searching his. “It's been a long time.”

“A little too long,” he agreed. “Everyone okay?”

“Yes, we're fine. I can't stop my husband, but you probably remember that. He's always on the go, doing things he shouldn't.” She shook her head in disapproval.

“Yeah, I do remember that. I guess some things never change.” He turned to Tracy, that lazy smile back. “I'm sorry, but I've got to go. I'll call you tomorrow.” The whisper was husky, then he turned back to her mother. “Hope to see you again soon, Mrs. Coleman, and thanks for watching the kids.”

BOOK: The Heat Is On
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