The Hidden Paths to Power (9 page)

BOOK: The Hidden Paths to Power
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It was a Tuesday so, as long as their schedules hadn’t changed much, Tina and Debra would be at their respective schools.

Harold would be easy as he had an office at the police department. I can call him, as I trusted he wouldn’t flip out when he heard my voice. He just saw me not that long ago.

I decided to head to Boulder first, after filling the tank with gas. It took a lot sometimes not to react, when I smelled things like gas. The scents were far more potent now than before I became a guardian.

I was wearing my baseball cap and changed my brown eyes to blue. My blonde hair was tucked inside the cap. I needed to be able to discard my disguise and reapply it quickly so kept it simple.

As soon as Doriane felt my defensive skills were solid enough, I’d stop bothering and come out of hiding. I wouldn’t go out of my way, to be tracked down by journalists and cameras, but I’d make it known, I wasn’t missing anymore and be out in public openly.

I arrived at the CU campus and was stuck for a moment. I didn’t know Tina’s class schedule this semester.

I was beginning to wonder, if I’d have to figure out something else, when I got lucky.

I managed to park outside the building she was in and felt a smile stretch my face, when I saw Tina’s dirty-blonde head come out. I apparently timed my arrival for when she was changing classes.

I picked up the jewelry box; the amulet was in a drawer inside; and got out of my car.

Moving quickly, I managed to catch up to her, letting my eyes return to their natural color, before she saw me, “When did you start wearing fake nails my dear?”

I was pounced on for a hug and fortunately, she swallowed her scream. I could tell it took some effort.

She replied as her arms were squeezing me, “What are you doing out of hiding?”

“I’m not officially out yet but I couldn’t stay away any longer. I had to see you and make sure you were okay with my own eyes. I can’t stay long. I don’t want to be spotted. I also brought you a gift, so you can always remember, you’re in my thoughts.”

Her blue eyes shone with tears, “I hope he gets caught soon. I don’t mind the eyes on me but I miss you. If you’re planning to see Debra, she’s at work today. Her schedule changed at school so no classes on Tuesdays.”

“Thanks for the tip. Be good to yourself. I heard recently, there might be some good news in the situation with Ryan. I don’t know the details yet. He’s bound to make a mistake sometime and get caught. Nobody’s perfect, no matter how skilled they are.”

Tina let go, and I saw the emotion she had, when I gave her the jewelry box and showed her the amulet.

She blessed my peace of mind when she put the amulet on immediately, “Thank you. They’re gorgeous and I’ll treasure them. I’m happier though, with seeing that you’re okay. You look better.”

“I found a place to keep out of sight, with a friend who’s helped me stabilize, and lose a lot of the fear. I still worry but I’m stronger now.”

“Good because we have a vacation to go on, as soon as Ryan is where he belongs. Debra and I plan to claim you, for about two weeks, as soon as it can be arranged.”

“Just don’t count on it being soon. Ryan must be dealt with, before I’ll feel secure, to be around any of you for more than a few minutes.”

We hugged again then I was back in the car.

Taking the highway around to Aurora, I got off on the exit to the mall. It made me shiver a little, as this was where Ryan wanted me to come, when he made his bomb threats. I had my essence covered but was never sure, where or when, he would try to show himself. I was sure he could disguise his appearance too. It was just my fortune, I could now sense the presence of dark magic.

I went inside the mall then to the fashion boutique Debra worked in.

I had a mischievous smile, as I walked in and saw the redhead, Debra Lickney, as she was ringing up another customer. She hadn’t spotted me yet, so I ducked into the racks, and snuck up to the counter.

I discovered it was fortunate I had chosen to be sneaky. The woman she was helping, was a girl I went to school with. We weren’t good friends but had been assigned to work on some projects together. I felt a small pang because I remembered, she also lost a friend the night of the dance.

When the coast was clear, I kept the lip of my baseball cap over my eyes, as I approached the counter.

Debra asked, “Can I help you with something?”

“You can tell me when you’re due to take a break. I want to catch up.”

The expression on her face was almost too comical and it took every subtle gesture I could come up with to prevent her from shouting.

Without a word, she ran to the office, told her co-worker she was taking her lunch then nearly dragged me to the food court.

I forced her to wait, until we had some food in front of us, as I sprung for lunch. I could tell, she was being patient with extreme difficulty, as she tried to look like, this was just a normal lunch. I got a rib-crushing hug before we sat down.

Debra was really working to hold back tears, “What are you doing?”

“I couldn’t resist coming to see you for a few minutes. It can’t be more than that. As you can tell, the hat on my head is to keep my hair from showing, as I sneak around hoping Ryan isn’t able to see me.”

“Thank you for letting me see that you’re okay. I don’t mind the eyes on me but have to admit, it makes dating difficult. I had two guys almost on the hook, until they found out, spare tire one and spare tire two, had to keep me in their sights.”

I got the same reaction from Debra when I presented her gifts. The amulet went around her neck immediately.

I found it hard to leave when I said, “I have to go. I only took this one chance, to let you know I was doing fine, but need to get back undercover soon. I saw Tina already, so you two can have a good time, talking about me in private.”

“I miss you and hope this gets resolved soon. The eyes that are watching us have an expiration date and it’s coming up soon.”

“Ryan’s bound to make a mistake. He’s only human, no matter how skilled. Be good to yourself and when I see you again, that jewelry box better have a good, prominent home, so I can see it when I visit.”

“I already have a home for it picked out. I love you and be safe.”

Leaving the mall, I felt the heartache but knew, I needed to make sure I could contain Ryan, if he appeared.

The police station was just down the street from the mall.

Parking in the lot, I had to think. There were bound to be many inside who’d recognize me. I wasn’t ready to have my name taken off the missing persons list yet.

Doriane bought me a disposable cell-phone because we had to worry, whether Ryan was able to listen in on my regular phone. It was sitting in the drawer of my nightstand at home with the battery pulled out.

I pulled out the phone then had to dial information, to get the main number for the station. Harold’s cell-phone was programmed into my regular phone but I didn’t know the number by heart.

After a few transfers, I finally heard Harold Cramer’s voice, “Lieutenant Cramer.”

“It’s nice to know you’ve been recognized for your work. How long has it been since you were raised to your lofty position?”

“Since the day after the room was discovered. I didn’t think you wanted me to give you the credit.”

“Good guess. Where are you right now?”

“I’m in my new office; which has about five more feet of space than my old one. Why?”

“I’m currently sitting in a car outside the station. I’m wearing the hat you saw me with, when I was playing detective. Are you in a position to come out? I’m not ready to officially come out of hiding and don’t want to be recognized by any of the officers.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.”

I waited until he was within a few feet of the car before signaling him. He recognized Doriane’s car but my hat drew recognition from him more.

Harold got in the passenger seat, “Let’s just go for a drive while you tell me what you’re doing here.”

“First, reach into the back seat, and grab the box with your name on it.”

When he opened it, I could tell he was touched, that I liked him enough to give gifts to, when he saw the watch, “What’s this for? I haven’t caught him yet.”

I answered as I pulled into traffic, “It’s a thank you gift, for being part of my support system, while I’ve had to deal with this. I’ve sort of come to think of you as an uncle. You’ve been a part of this from the beginning and were instrumental in helping me, after you had to tell me about Megan.”

“That’s nice to hear. I think you could’ve found less risky ways to get it to me than to hand-deliver it.”

“I wanted to see you again but also need your help. I have gifts for my parents, as well as Lisa and Erica. Are you able to get things to them?”

“I know how to locate them, to let them know when this is over. Your parents are easy because they left me with their new address. I’d give it to you but don’t have it with me.”

“At least, I know where to come, when I’m ready to come out. I just want them to know, I’m thinking of them every day.”

“I’m sure Erica and Lisa will be thrilled to get anything from you. When you take me back to the station, I’ll mail the gifts from there. I just want you to know, it might take about a week or more before Erica and Lisa get them.”

“Just as long they get them,” I said this as I swung back around to drop him off then it was back to The Dragon’s Den.

I got back in enough time, to take on my role as her employee for a couple of hours.

Doriane could sense, I felt a little more confident, now that I’d done what I could, to protect those I loved.

I said as we were waiting for more customers, “It felt good to see them. They were happier knowing I was gaining more strength.”

“You’ll continue to get stronger. I know it doesn’t seem like it sometimes but pain has a purpose. It tests us; lets us know how much we can handle and continue, to strive for the best life we can live. There isn’t a person, who’s ever lived, that hasn’t had to endure pain to one degree or another. That’s why we’re necessary. The dark forces feed on fear and pain, like a drug. The more pain they cause, the more they want to cause. Eventually, whether in a few years of activating or a century, those that practice the dark arts start to put the world at risk, with how much pain, fear and death they cause. Very few ever find the restraint necessary, to keep their activities within acceptable limits.

“I got lucky today. The man who wanted to buy my shop was into the darker mysteries. He wanted to turn the store, into one of those that sell the satanic bibles and things like that. I would’ve sold it to him anyway but one of my regular customers overheard us talking. Her name is Barbara Kingsley. She was upset at the idea, of me selling it to someone, who’d bring the darker influences in here. After asking me to hold off on making the decision, she called a few of her friends. Between them, they came up with the money to buy the shop. The man was upset but I prefer to have this place in the hands of those who’d keep it as it is. There are enough of the average stores that sell the darker tools. There aren’t many like mine that inspire the positive influences. One of Barbara’s friends, who is a housewife with grown children, will be spending the next week with me, to learn how I run the shop. They want to keep it running as close to the way I do as possible.”

“That’s good. What’s next on our agenda?”

“We need to concentrate on building up your knowledge of defensive magic and I must study the book on how to make wands with gifted wood.”

At that moment, a customer came in, so we had to wait until later, to continue my education.

I used the time while the customer was in the store, to try to learn how to gauge the attitudes of those who liked The Dragon’s Den. It became clear quickly, those that shopped in here regularly, were good people. The man who came in was a sweetheart. He noticed our appearances but was just an all-around friendly guy.

Brad was actually shopping for his wife. Her birthday was coming up and she was really into the positive mysteries.

I followed, as Doriane helped him pick out a few items that complimented each other then inspired him to buy one of the larger jewelry boxes, to put the other items into. The box would be the primary gift with little hidden surprises inside.

When he left, I could see his excitement, as he anticipated her reaction to his gifts.

Doriane said as we were closing up, “Did you see his reaction? Though he and his wife do not experience magic as we know it, there’s a certain magic in just being able to find the right thing, to brighten the day of those we care for. Brad’s day was brightened just from the knowledge, he found the right thing to give his wife for her birthday. Hers will be brightened when she receives them tomorrow. We can spread good in the world without necessarily resorting to our skills.”

That thought made me smile as we drove home.

Once in the house, we headed down to the casting room.

Doriane closed the door then went to stand on the symbol for the traveler.

This confused me, until I felt the slight movement as the room spun. It wasn’t jarring but the room rotated ninety degrees then my teacher walked to the door.

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