The Hidden (The Hidden Trilogy) (37 page)

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When Thomas was in all the way, I stilled, giving myself a moment to acclimate to his size. I felt full and stretched, but it didn’t really hurt, not like last time. There was no sharp pain, no stinging. I still had a bit of tenderness, but it felt more like a deep bruising than anything else. Actually, for the past several days, it kind of felt like I’d been kicked in the crotch.

I looked into Thomas’s eyes, feeling the weight of his stare. I tried moving my hips, but it felt awkward and stiff. “I don’t really know how to…” I trailed off, feeling stupid for not knowing how to do something as simple as make love.

Thomas placed his hands on my hips and started rocking me back and forth. I gasped as he groaned. The sensations felt
different in this position. I mimicked his movements, rolling my hips as he released me, letting me do it on my own.

He groaned again and I leaned forward, resting my hands on his hard chest as my eyes fluttered closed. This felt…
. I kept up the rhythm, enjoying the angle of leaning forward so much that I went further, placing my hands on either side of his head.

My breathing hitched as I ground my hips against his, feeling him massage me from the inside, in all the right spots. My heart rate escalated as I moved, the pleasure intensifying with each thrust and roll of my hips. I felt the familiar tension building in my core, but I couldn’t quite find my release, no matter how hard I tried.

I dipped my head, resting it against Thomas’s, and squeezed my eyes shut. “Please,” I breathed. I didn’t really know what I expected him to do about it, but I needed something…

Thomas grasped my hips and thrust up to meet me, driving into me repeatedly. Our skin slapped together as I gripped his shoulders to steady myself, my orgasm barreling through me like a freight train.

Oh, God
.” My nails dug into him as I tensed, my walls clenching around him as I moaned. Thomas shuddered under me, stilling as he spilled inside me, panting my name. I collapsed on top of him, dazed. “That was…


Yes, it was.

The way Emily clamped down on me as she came–

Holy shit, I made her come.
With. My. Cock
. My inner cave man pounded his chest with his fist. It was by far my proudest moment as a man.

I hugged her to me, brushing her hair off her shoulder to kiss it. “I love you.”

“I love you more…” Nuzzling into my neck, she murmured, “Can we do it again?”

My cock twitched inside her, awakening from its semi-soft state.

Silly girl. Like she even has to ask.

Chapter Fifty-Eight

Saturday, November 14


Yawning, I stretched my arms up over my head, arching my back as I lay on Thomas’s couch. I winced immediately, my muscles screaming at me for the little bit of work.

Thomas’s brows drew together as he turned down the volume on the TV. “You okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m just sore.”

He smirked and cocked an eyebrow. “Sore from what?”

I laughed, but quickly stopped when it hurt my abs. What the hell? Why was I so damn sore today? Exercise or real physical exertion of any kind was not something I did on a regular basis.

Well, not unless you count what Thomas and I did between the sheets…

I frowned and said, “I don’t know. My body feels like I just did a triathlon. Maybe I’m sleeping wrong or something.”

He gently lifted my draped legs off his lap and set them beside him, then leaned forward to put the remote on his wrought iron and glass coffee table. “How long have you been sore?”

I almost shrugged, but caught myself. “Not too long. Maybe a day or two.” It wasn’t that bad yesterday. I moved relatively easily, albeit a little stiffly. But today… Jesus, I couldn’t even
without hurting in ten different places.

I pushed the thought from my mind. I had more pressing matters to discuss with Thomas than my bad sleeping habits. Like the upcoming holiday season and how we were going to spend it.

I smiled and said, “I have a surprise for you.”

He grinned. “You do?” he asked, while slowly climbing up my body. He kissed my neck as his hand went up my shirt, grazing my stomach before it went higher and rested on my breast. “Is it in here?” he murmured against me, his fingers tracing my nipple through my bra, instantly making it hard. I let out a little half moan as his fingers slipped inside the fabric, his skin hot against mine.

“No, it’s not,” I breathed. I bit my lip and pushed his hand away. “You know I can’t think when you do that.”

Unperturbed, he continued kissing my neck. “That’s okay. You don’t need to think. Just feel.” He gripped my waist, thrusting his hips into me to emphasize his point. His hard shaft rubbed against my core through our clothes, and I dug my fingers into his back. Oh, what a wonderful and valid point he had.

Before I could forget why I’d even started this attempt at conversation, I blurted out, “Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?”

He nodded and said, “Mmm-hmm,” making my neck vibrate. “Being in bed with you for four days straight.”

I frowned and stilled my hips, which had been returning his thrusts. “That sounds
much better than what I had planned.”

He laughed against my skin. “What did you have planned?”

I toyed with his hair, running my fingers through its soft, silky strands. “To have Thanksgiving with Beth at her house.”

He unbuttoned my jeans, running his fingertips along the little patch of exposed skin before playing with the hem of my panties. He started to push the material down my hips. “Can’t you get out of it?”

I shook my head. “I already told her we’d go.”

He stopped and lifted his head. “You told her

I nodded, mumbling, “Surprise.”

He sat up with an irritated expression as he ran his fingers through his hair. “But I don’t want to go.”

I sat up too, pulling my pants and underwear back into place. “What
are you gonna do on Thanksgiving?” He didn’t say anything, which only proved my point. “
,” I said.

He frowned. “That’s not the point, Em.”

“Then what is?”

He threw his hands up into the air. “I don’t want to go! That’s the point.”

“I don’t want you to be alone on Thanksgiving,” I said quietly.

His face softened, and he took my hand in his. “I appreciate the gesture, but that day doesn’t mean anything to me. It’s just a human holiday.”

I gave him a pointed look. “So you have nothing to be thankful for?”

He scowled and dropped my hand, rubbing his face. “You’re twisting my words.”

Indignant, I crossed my arms. “No, I’m not. Thanksgiving is a day you spend with your loved ones, and give thanks for all that you’re thankful for. So if
doesn’t mean anything to you…”

“That’s not fair.”

I shrugged, trying not to let on how hurt I was. “Whatever. If you don’t want to go, don’t go.” I wouldn’t force him to spend Thanksgiving with me. I’d just (wrongly) assumed he’d want to.


“There was a second part to my surprise,” I mumbled. “But now I’m not so sure you’d like that either.”

His eyes narrowed in a cautious expression. “What is it?”

“It’s about winter break.” I got up and walked around the loveseat, towards the kitchen.

I blinked and he was in front of me, blocking my path. “What about it?” he asked.

I tried to step around him, but he wouldn’t let me. “Stop,” I said, trying to push past him. It was like trying to move the Chrysler Building.

“Not until you tell me.”

Scowling up at him, I folded my arms across my chest. “I’m going home,” I muttered, turning to walk away.

He took my hand in his, gently pulling me back. “C’mon, Em, I’m sorry. Please tell me.”

“I just
. I’m going home for winter break.”

“Oh.” His face fell. “How long will you be gone?”

“About a month.”


No. No, no, no. “A
?” My lips pursed as I let go of her hand and rubbed the back of my neck, trying very hard not to throw a tantrum. “Is that the second part of your surprise? That you’ll be gone for a month? ’Cause you’re right, I don’t like it.”

She scowled up at me, her delicate features twisted into anger. “No, you
. My surprise is that you can go home with me. If you want.”

Wait, what? Go with her to
? “How…?” I frowned as I tried to work out the details in my head.

“I asked my parents if you could stay with us. They said yes.”

The crease between my brows deepened. “You did?”

She nodded. “I thought…you know, since I’m meeting
parents and all…” She bit her lip, indecision flickering across her face. “Never mind, it was stupid. You don’t have to–”

I pulled her to me, dipping down to kiss her. Her eyes went wide before she relaxed against me. I grabbed her ass, lifting her up as she wrapped her legs around me.

Breaking away, I looked into her gold and hazel eyes, feeling my chest grow tight. “I would love to meet your parents.”

She smiled, the corners of her eyes crinkling so finely it would be invisible to humans. “Really?”

“Of course. I’m honored you’d even ask them to include me.” God, I loved this girl. I’d do anything for her. Even go on her Thanksgiving trip, no matter how silly I thought the whole thing was. 

She jumped down, running to the coffee table to grab her phone. “I’m gonna call ’em real quick and tell ’em, okay?”

I nodded, watching her giddy enthusiasm as she rushed about.
excitement, on the other hand, quickly faded as I realized what I’d just agreed to. I’d just agreed to go down south and meet the man whose daughter I’d defiled.

, I hoped he didn’t own a gun.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

Saturday, December 5


Thomas’s parents’ house was beautiful, just as I’d predicted. And huge.

Settled in a gated community half an hour outside of DC, Thomas had informed me the area consisted exclusively of Healers. We slowed down in front of a light yellow house, set back from the street and surrounded by a large lot of perfectly manicured grass. White shutters flanked the huge windows, and white columns stood along the front porch, which ran the whole length of the house. White double doors with intricate glass detailing served as the front door.

Thomas pulled into the U-shaped driveway in front of the house. He stopped in front of the double doors, leaving the car running. A man standing behind a podium on the front porch came forward to open my door for me. He was nicely dressed, in black slacks and a black vest over a crisp, white button-down.

Wow. Valet at a private dinner party. Talk about swanky.

My heart accelerated as my palms grew sweaty. I wiped my hand off on my leg (inconspicuously, I hoped), and said, “Thank you,” to the man as he extended his hand to me, helping me out of the car. He was human, I realized, noting his average looks. I was relieved I wouldn’t be the only one at this party, even if the hired help weren’t exactly guests.

My heels wobbled on the stone driveway, and I carefully stepped to a more level spot on the porch. I smoothed out the wrinkles on my dress as Thomas got out of the Jeep, and the valet climbed in. He drove off, and I had a second to wonder where they took the cars, since I didn’t see any parked anywhere, before Thomas took my hand in his.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look?” he murmured, grazing his thumb across my knuckles.

Only about a thousand times…

My heart thundered as I swallowed, trying to wet my parched mouth. Nodding, I mumbled, “Thanks,” and looked up at him.

He was dashing in his tux, with his clean-shaven face and slicked-back hair. It looked like he could be from another time–one refined and long-forgotten, where guys were gentlemen and ladies were fair. Only…he
from that time.

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