The Highlander's Temptation (21 page)

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Authors: Eliza Knight

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Highlander's Temptation
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“One way or another we’ll be together,” Jamie said.

“Did ye tell him that ye wished to marry me?” she asked.

Jamie shook his head. “Magnus was in a foul mood, love, and practically tackled me with questions about whether or not I was staying away from ye as he’d warned me to. When I couldn’t find ye all morning, I assumed your talk hadn’t gone well, and I thought it best to speak with ye first before broaching it with Magnus.”

Lorna nodded. “That was best, I think. ’Haps we can figure out a solution ourselves.”

“I think we have one already,” Jamie said, his fingers sliding over her hip and back to cup her behind. “I will confess to your brother that I’ve already claimed your virtue. He’ll have no choice but to wed us.”

Lorna pushed away, shaking her head. “Nay, not that way. I dinna want Magnus to be angry with me.”

“Then we’ll figure it out another way. One thing is for certain,” Jamie said as he laid her down on the bed and pressed his body on top of hers. “Ye will be my wife. I love ye, and I’ll never let another man have ye.”

He’d said he loved her!

Lorna felt herself melt into the mattress, a puddle of emotion.

“I love ye so much.”

“How did I ever get so lucky?” Jamie murmured against her lips.

Lorna had no chance to respond as he claimed her mouth in a torrid kiss, bringing about all the passion she’d felt the night before in the orchard. Her body remembered just as vividly as her mind how much pleasure he could bring her, and she in turn could give him.

Their kisses became frantic, their hands just as wild as they stroked each other, yanked at clothes. Lorna wrapped her hand around his thick arousal, feeling it pulse against her palm.

“Oh, saints, lass, I’ve never…” He didn’t seem able to finish, for Lorna had started to stroke her hand up and down his length.

The feel of his silky steel in her hand was mesmerizing, filling her with a power she didn’t know she could possess. With her touch she had rendered him immobile.

Well, not entirely. For not a moment later, she found herself completely flipped as Jamie rolled over and pulled her to straddle his hips. He settled the apex of her thighs over his turgid length and grinned up at her.

Can we…” She raised a brow, feeling wicked and sensuous and totally desirable.

“Oh, aye, lass, we can. Let me show ye.” Jamie’s voice was thick with desire.

He slid his hands under her gown and up both of her thighs leaving goose flesh in his wake and making her shiver with anticipation. Her nipples strained the confines of her clothing, and she leaned forward, gripping the ties of his
shirt. She tugged open his shirt and spread her hands over the warmth of his chest.

Jamie’s hands touched her bare hips and he shifted beneath her, making her cry out at the movement of his erection against her hyper-sensitive center.

With his fingers dancing magic between her folds, Jamie leaned up on an elbow and captured her lips. Lorna rocked her hips back and forth in time with his fingers, amazed at how her body responded to him. She wanted him to feel just as wonderful. She slipped her hand between her thighs to find his shaft, but the fabric blocking her hand from feeling the silky smoothness started to irritate her.

She shoved his plaid up around his waist and sighed when her hand met the nakedness of his sex. The
n she explored the length of him, the indentation at the tip, the ridges around the top. Ran her finger over a pulsing vein to the base, and then discovered something else. A soft sac. Jamie gasped when she cupped the sac, massaging the two orbs within. Touching him only heightened her own pleasure.

“I’ve got to have ye,” Jamie growled against her lips, skimming lower to tease her nipple through her gown.

He pushed her hand from his shaft, replacing it with his own as he guided it to her entrance.

“Please,” Lorna begged when he hesitated.

Jamie growled and thrust upward, filling her with intense pleasure. She arched her back, gripped tight to his shoulders, her head momentarily falling back.

“This feels good, too,” she commented, completely mesmerized with this new way to make love.

“Damn good,” Jamie agreed.

He tugged at her gown and chemise until one of her breasts popped free, then captured the
stiffened nipple with his lips, sucking hard, as he drove up inside her again and again.

Lorna rocked back and forth, finding it awkward at first to match his rhythm, but within a few moment
s she’d found it—and it felt…wicked, and so incredibly amazing.

“Ye look like an angelic vixen when ye ride me,” Jamie murmured.

Lorna opened her eyes and gazed down. Staring up at her was a vision that would keep her up at night, wishing she was tangled with him. His eyes were heavily lidded with desire, lips damp and curled in a mischievous grin, and cheeks slightly flushed. Looking at him made her shiver, had her nipples tightening all the more.

“Ye look like a wicked warrior bent on ravishing maidens.” She grinned. “And I’m happy to be that maiden.”

Jamie chuckled softly, then cupped the side of her face and leaned up to kiss her. Their tongues swirled and slid against each other, every breath taken ratcheting up their need another notch until they kissed with frenzied passion and their bodies rocked hard back and forth.

When the first twining
s of release caught hold of Lorna, she grabbed onto his shoulders, her fingers wrenching his shirt into her curled fists and she moaned into his mouth, letting the pleasure take hold of her and push her off the abyss.

Jamie reacted to her climax with a fever of his own, fingers gripping tight to her right hip, and the other around the back of her neck, holding her mouth to his. Faster, harder he thrust. And then he was growling as his body trembled and quaked beneath her.

He collapsed backward, tugging her with him so they lay chest to chest, her head tucked against his shoulder, completely sated and ready for a nap.

And then her stomach growled again.

Jamie’s chest rumbled against her cheek when he laughed. “I see in the future, I should have a feast prepared for each time we make love.”

Lorna playfully slapped his shoulder. “Not a feast, a simple platter would do just fine.”

“Let us sneak into the kitchens to see if we can find ye something to eat.”


“Aye. Why not? Everyone will know soon enough that we mean to wed. I love ye, Lorna, and I’ve already made ye mine.”

“I love ye, too.” She kissed him quickly, then jumped from the bed to right her clothes.

Jamie did the same, and moments later they were sneaking toward the servants’ stairs that led toward the kitchen.

’Twas only when they rounded the corner that Lorna caught sight of her aunt lurking in the hall. She opened her mouth to speak, but Aunt Fiona held her finger to her lips
in gesture for her to remain quiet, and then turned from them.

Lorna’s mouth fell open in shock. Her aunt’s plan was all falling into place. And Lorna wasn’t the least bit irritated with her for it. In fact, she was pretty darn smitten.

Chapter Twenty


When Magnus asked Jamie to remain at Dunrobin an additional week to train his men in the ways of fighting with the English, Jamie couldn’t resist the opportunity to stay on. Toby and Donald had been instrumental in that move, befriending many of the warriors and alluding to the fact that the English fought differently—which they did. Magnus’ own men had approached him about the three of them staying just a bit longer.

Surprise was an understatement.

Jamie could tell the laird asked him to stay begrudgingly, but that didn’t matter. Any extra time he could get with Lorna, Jamie would gladly take. He’d not been able to come up with a valid reason yet to push for their union and breaking with MacKinnon, and he was hoping inspiration would strike.

Over the past two days he’d trained the Sutherlands from morning until night, stealing moments between
exercises to secretly court Lorna.

While the men took a break to clean and sharpen their weapons, Jamie had handed his off to Toby and then sn
uck away to the barn where the wool was stored. Lorna had told him to meet her there for a private picnic—and he hoped a tumble within the soft fur. He could not resist her.

The barn was situated well away from the men, and there was no need for any of the other clan members to enter, which was why they’d chosen the spot for the day. Up until then, they’d snuck into the orchards or one of their chambers, but with two near collisions with others which would have revealed their affair, neither of them was willing to risk losing a good thing, especially since Magnus had yet to find out and they were not ready to tell him.
Over the past few days with the training, the Sutherland chief had grown to respect Jamie a great deal. It was only a matter of time before Jamie felt confidant Magnus would want to break the contract in favor of Jamie.

MacKinnon he would deal with when the time came.

Jamie circled around to the back of the barn and opened a single door that stood slightly ajar. Inside, the barn was dimly lit by shafts of golden light that came through the thatched roof and a few high, slim windows. Wool was stacked in sacks along the walls, and a large pile of yet to be sorted wool pooled in the middle—topped with what was enough to take a man’s breath away.

Lorna lay
gloriously naked upon a pile of freshly shorn wool. Her hair was spread out around her like a golden blanket, her creamy skin quickly flushed when their eyes locked. Two beautiful breasts topped with rose-colored nipples, already hard and taunting him. A flat, muscled belly led to the golden curls between her thighs. Thighs that he thoroughly enjoyed nibbling on. Thighs he wanted wrapped around him that very second.

“Ye’re a vision lying there like that,” he said, his voice coming out gruff.

Lorna grinned liked a wicked minx and crooked her finger at him. “Get undressed Montgomery, and come show your future wife exactly how much ye love her.”

How could a man refuse a demand such as that?

Jamie quickly divested himself of his clothing and stalked toward her like a hunter on his prey. And he was more than ready to devour her. He knelt on the ground, parting her legs so that the pink petals of her sex were exposed to him. Already they glistened, making his cock stand on end, pulsing with the need to thrust inside her deliciously tight sheath.

Lorna reached out for him, but Jamie shook his head. There was something he’d
been wanting to do to her since she took off her gown in the orchard.

“Nay. I’m going to make love to ye with my mouth.”

“What?” She gasped and pushed up on her elbows, but Jamie ignored her.

He parted her legs further and dipped his face toward the sweet essence of her womanhood. As soon as his tongue flicked over the pearly bundle of nerves
, Lorna fell back into the wool, a short gasp on her lips.

“Oh, my,” she murmured, then moaned when he swirled his tongue around.

Jamie stroked his hands over her body, massaging her breasts, hips, thighs, all the while laving at her sensitive flesh. He flicked his tongue over the bud, fluttered in circles, thrust it inside her snug opening. He couldn’t get enough of her, loved her scent, her taste and the way she was moaning with pleasure and raw abandon. Watching her face, eyes closed, lips parted, cheeks pink, he was enamored all the more with her. His cock was rigid as steel, and just from this act, he was close to spilling his seed.

Suddenly, Lorna arched
her back, her hips bucking upward. Her sex fluttered around his tongue as she cried out. He continued to suck and nuzzle at her until the waves of her pleasure subsided. And then he could wait no longer. He crawled up the length of her body, gripped his cock and pressed the tip at her entrance. They locked eyes as he thrust inside her, both crying out at the sudden joining.

“What in bloody hell are ye doing to my sister!”

A bellow that Jamie would hear for a lifetime. He quickly pulled away from Lorna, and pushed her behind him, hiding her nakedness but not caring at all for his own.

Magnus stood at the back entrance of the barn, fury in every bunched muscle and his contorted features.

“Magnus, get out!” Lorna screeched.

“Like bloody hell I will.” He stormed forw
ard and Jamie leapt to his feet, continuing to block Lorna from her brother’s view.

“Stay back, Magnus. Let your sister dress.”

Magnus growled, but did still his steps and gave them his back. Behind him, Jamie heard Lorna gathering her clothing.

“Be quick about it, lass, else ye witness a murder,” Magnus growled.

Jamie was certain the man meant every bit of his words, and he was prepared to fight. Though, he was naked and unarmed, Jamie would not back down from this.

Lorna thrust
Jamie’s plaid into his hand, and then stepped in front of him. But Jamie couldn’t dress, not when she was trying to protect him. Besides, Magnus may have given his sister time to dress, but he would definitely not give Jamie the same courtesy.

“Wait, lo
ve,” he murmured, trying to pull her back behind him.

But Lorna
resisted, shaking her head stubbornly. Thrusting her chin up in the air, she stood off at her brother like a man facing down his enemy at war.

“Ye canna hurt him. He is the man I love, and we intend to wed.”

Jamie gripped her arm, hoping to pull her away from her brother so that he could face him, explain that, aye, they’d not been smart about their love, but they were indeed true.

Magnus eyed Jamie’s hand on Lorna’s arm, and bared his teeth.

“Get. Out.” Magnus spoke through clenched teeth to his sister, but his gaze never wavered on Jamie.

Jamie intended to protect Lorna and her virtue
, no matter how naked he was. Before she could move, he stepped in front of her, prepared to face Magnus down.

“’Tis true, my laird, we plan to wed. My intentions are nothing but honorable where your sister is concerned.”

Jamie wasn’t certain how it was possible, but Magnus’ face filled all the more with rage.

“Ye’ve defiled her. Ye’ve defiled my home. My family.” His arms moved violently as he pointed to Lorna and toward the direction of the castle. “Ye will die here today.” The man was so enraged spittle flew from his lips.

“Nay! Magnus, nay!” Lorna screeched.

But Magnus took Lorna by the arms, tossed her over his shoulder and marched toward the door. “Stay out.” He set her down through the opened door and then shut it in her crying face, and that was the last straw for Jamie.

He rushed toward Magnus, intent on punishing the man for his cruel treatment of his
woman, sister or nay. But Magnus heard him coming and whipped around punching him square in the gut. Jamie doubled over, glad the man hadn’t aimed a few inches lower, else he’d be on the ground crying for certain.

“How dare ye come here and take my sister’s honor!” Magnus raged.

He pummeled Jamie, coming at him like a man with murder as his only goal. He shouted insults, threats, and vicious names. Jamie blocked many of the hits, but in the end, he knew he deserved to have his arse handed to him by Lorna’s brother. He should never have taken her innocence without being certain her contract with MacKinnon was broken and his own contract with her approved. Hell, with a punch to the jaw that he was sure left it dislocated, he conceded that he never should have looked at her at all. But the fact remained that he did, and he loved her fiercely.

Jamie did manage to get in a few good hits, but he just didn’t feel right about it.

In the end, Magnus left him bloodied on the barn floor. With a final kick in his arse, the laird spat, “Put your bloody plaid back on and get your arse off my land.”

“Not without Lorna,”
Jamie croaked, refusing to give in.

Magnus swung back and kicked him again. “Whether ye choose to or nay, ye’ll be off my land within the quarter hour and
my sister.”

Outside the barn, Jamie could hear Lorna’s hysterical cries and they tugged at his heart. Hi
s own eyes filled with stinging angry, sad tears.

“Get dressed.” Magnus didn’t bother with any other parting words before he left the barn, kicking an apple—part of their picnic—toward Jamie.

Seeing that piece of fruit only broke his heart all the more. A few brisk words were said to Lorna by Magnus outside and her sobs ceased.

Jamie rushed to dress, wiping the blood from the cuts on his brow and lips. Already one eye was swollen shut. His ribs ached. His arse ached. Everything felt like it had been pummeled by a giant wielding a boulder. He shook his head, disappointed mostly with himself. There was no one else to blame, he’d brought this upon himself and Lorna.

When he exited the barn, Ronan stood—murder in his eyes—beside Toby and Donald.

“Best get moving afore I decide to take up where Magnus left off.”

Jamie opened his mouth to protest, but Donald quickly stepped forward. “We’ll be seeing him off ourselves.”

searched the courtyard for Lorna with his one good eye as both of his men held onto his arms and tugged him toward the stables where his horse was already saddled. There was no sight of her. Not even a hint of her golden hair. He struggled with mounting his warhorse, but refused the help of his men, preferring the pain over appearing so weak in his already defeated position.

The courtyard was eerily empty when they reemerged from the stables, save for Magnus by the open gate.

“Tell Wallace I will still back his army, but I will never allow ye to lead my men.” Sweet parting words.

“I will send for you
r sister,” Jamie wheezed.

Magnus growled, but before he could pummel him some more, Toby grabbed hold of Jamie’s reins and tugged him through the gate.

“Pardon my bluntness friend, but the lass is better off with ye alive than dead,” Toby said out of earshot of Laird Sutherland. “Get back to Glasgow, complete this mission and then send for her. Donald and I will talk to MacKinnon, force him to give his blessing if we have to.”

But Jamie didn’t want them to force MacKinnon to do anything such as that. He wanted Lorna, but not in such a cowardly way. As soon as they reached Glasgow, he’d write a missive to Magnus apologizing for compromising his sister, but offering for her hand, postulating at his love for her. There need be no dowry if that made Magnus understand how deep Jamie’s love went for Lorna. He’d take her with nothing, because he wanted to provide her with everything. He couldn’t live without her.

Pain radiated deep in his chest, and it wasn’t just the bruises he was sure already covered him, but his broken heart. Where had things gone so wrong? How could they have let their affair get so carried away? How could they have been so careless?

The only answer he had to that was that he’d been blinded by love. Blinded by his need for her. There’d never been any question over his intentions toward her. The moment he’d seen her riding her horse across the moors he’d decided she would be his. Hell, the moment he’d caught her fifteen years ago, he’d decided.

There was no world for Jamie without Lorna. No life worth living.

Whatever it took, he would have her as his wife. Even if he had to beg for her hand year after year until they both
were grayed and shriveled. He’d never stop.

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