The Himmler's SS (59 page)

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Authors: Robert Ferguson

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Archiv der Reichsführer-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei
. Presently stored within the National Archives, Washington D.C.

Das Schwarze Korps: Zeitung der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP, Organ der Reichsführung-SS
. (Zentral Verlag der NSDAP, Munich, 1935–45.) The official newspaper of the SS.

Der Dietrich
. (Various issues.) The bulletin of the Leibstandarte-SS ‘Adolf Hitler'.

Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP
. (SS Personalhauptamt, Berlin, various editions.) The SS Officers List.

FM-Zeitschrift: Monatschrift der Reichsführung-SS für Fördernde Mitglieder
. (Zentral Verlag der NSDAP, Munich, 1935–45.) The journal of the SS Patron Members Organisation.

Organisationsbuch der NSDAP
. (Zentral Verlag der NSDAP, Munich, various editions 1934–45.) Includes the development of SS uniforms and insignia.

Schutzstaffel der NSDAP: Kleiderkasse Preisliste
. (SS Verwaltungsamt, Berlin, various dates.) The official SS uniform and equipment price list.

SS Personnel Files and Records
. Several million of these are preserved by the Bundesarchiv, Berlin.

The General SS
. (SHAEF Counter-Intelligence Sub-Division, 1944.) Comprehensive Allied intelligence report on the Allgemeine-SS.


d'Alquen, G.,
Die SS
. Berlin, 1939. Official pamphlet produced by the Reichsführung-SS, detailing the origins and functions of the SS organisation. German text.

Angolia, J.R.,
Cloth Insignia of the SS
. Bender, San Jose, 1983. Lavish illustrative history of the development of SS badges.

Barker, A.J.,
Waffen-SS at War
. Ian Allan, Shepperton, 1982. Good coverage of Waffen-SS battles during the Second World War.

Beaver, M.D. and Borsarello, J.,
Camouflage Uniforms of the Waffen-SS
. Schiffer, Pennsylvania, 1995. Detailed photographic study of SS camouflage patterns.

Bender, R.J. and Taylor, H.P.,
Uniforms, Organisation and History of the Waffen-SS, Vols 1–5
. Bender, San Jose, 1969–83. A good reference on unit histories and insignia, for the first twenty Waffen-SS divisions.

Borsarello, J. and Lassus, D.,
Camouflaged Uniforms of the Waffen-SS, Vols 1 & 2
. ISO, London, 1986–8. Photographic study of SS camouflage.

Buss, P.H. and Mollo, A.,
Hitler's Germanic Legions
. McDonald & Jane's, London, 1978. An illustrated history of the western European legions of the Waffen-SS, 1941–3.

Cooper, D.J.,
Using the Runes
. Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, 1987. A comprehensive introduction to the ancient art of runecraft.

Davis, B.L.,
. Blandford, Poole, 1985. A basic photographic history.

Eelking, Freiherr von,
Die Uniformen der Braunhemden: SA, SS, Politische Leiter, Hitlerjugend & BDM
. Zentral Verlag der NSDAP, Munich, 1933. Illustrates early SS uniforms. German text.

Frutiger, A.,
Der Mensch und seine Zeichen
. Weiss Verlag, Dreieich, 1978. The designs and meanings of signs and symbols. German text.

Gilbert, A.,
. Bison, London, 1989. An excellent illustrated history.

Hamilton, C.,
Leaders and Personalities of the Third Reich
. Bender, San Jose, 1984. Mini-biographies of all the main Nazi leaders.

Harms, N. and Volstad, R.,
Waffen-SS in Action
. Squadron/Signal, Texas, 1973. A general pictorial account.

Hayes, A. (ed.),
SS Uniforms, Insignia and Accoutrements
. Schiffer, Pennsylvania, 1996. A photographic study of SS regalia.

Höhne, H.,
Der Orden unter dem Totenkopf
. Verlag der Spiegel, Hamburg, 1966. The standard history of the SS. German text.

Holzmann, W.K.,
Manual of the Waffen-SS
. Bellona, Watford, 1976. Basic reference on Waffen-SS uniforms and equipment.

Hunt, R.,
Death's Head
. Hunt, Madison, 1979. A combat record of the SSTotenkopf-Division in France, 1940.

Jurado, C. and Hannon, P.,
Resistance Warfare, 1940–45
. Osprey, London, 1985. Includes coverage of the Germanic-SS and associated units in the west.

Krausnick, H. and Broszat, M.,
Anatomy of the SS State
. Paladin, London, 1970. A scholarly account of the concentration camp system and the persecution of the Jews.

Kumm, O.,
Vorwärts Prinz Eugen!
Munin-Verlag, Osnabrück, 1978. An illustrated history of the SS division ‘Prinz Eugen'. German text.

Lehmann, R.,
Die Leibstandarte
. Munin-Verlag, Osnabrück, 1977. An illustrated history of the Leibstandarte-SS ‘Adolf Hitler'. German text.

Littlejohn, D.,
Foreign Legions of the Third Reich, Vols 1–4
. Bender, San Jose, 1979–87. Includes sections on the non-German units of the Waffen-SS.

Littlejohn, D.,
The Hitler Youth
. R.L. Bryan, Columbia, 1988. Good coverage of the relationship between the SS and the Hitler Youth.

Lucas, J. and Cooper, M.,
Hitler's Elite
. McDonald & Jane's, London, 1975. The story of the Leibstandarte-SS ‘Adolf Hitler'.

Lumsden, R.,
Third Reich Militaria
. Ian Allan, Shepperton, 1987. A collector's guide.

Lumsden, R.,
Detecting the Fakes
. Ian Allan, Shepperton, 1989. How to spot reproduction Nazi regalia.

Lumsden, R.,
The Black Corps
. Ian Allan, Shepperton, 1992. A collector's guide to the history of the SS.

Lumsden, R.,
The Allgemeine-SS
. Osprey, London, 1993. A general history of the Allgemeine-SS and its uniforms.

Lumsden, R.,
The Waffen-SS
. Ian Allan, Shepperton, 1994. A collector's guide.

Lumsden, R.,
SS Regalia
. Bison, London, 1995. Photographic record of the uniforms and insignia of the SS.

Mollo, A.,
A Pictorial History of the SS, 1923–45
. McDonald & Jane's, London, 1976. Excellent photographic record of the SS.

Mollo, A.,
Uniforms of the SS, Vols 1–7
. Historical Research Unit, London, 1969–76. The standard books on SS uniform.

Mund, R.,
Der Rasputin Himmlers
. Vienna, 1982. The story of SS-Brigadeführer Karl-Maria Wiligut-Weisthor. German text.

Munoz, A.,
Forgotten Legions
. Paladin, Colorado, 1991. The tale of the obscure combat formations of the Waffen-SS.

Padfield, P.,
Himmler: Reichsführer-SS
. Macmillan, London, 1990. The ultimate biography of Heinrich Himmler.

Page, R.I.,
. British Museum Press, London, 1987. The story of runic writing in Dark Age Europe.

Pallud, J.P.,
Ardennes 1944: Peiper and Skorzeny
. Osprey, London, 1987. The Waffen-SS involvement in the Battle of the Bulge.

Passmore, M.,
SS Porcelain Allach
. TLO, Oxford, 1972. A history of the SS porcelain and ceramics industry.

Peterson, D.,
Waffen-SS Camouflage Uniforms and Postwar Derivatives
. Windrow & Greene, London, 1995. A reconstruction of Waffen-SS camouflage uniforms in wear.

Pia, J.,
SS Regalia
. Ballantine, New York, 1974. Includes good colour illustrations of SS collectables.

Quarrie, B.,
Waffen-SS in Russia
. PSL, Cambridge, 1978. A photographic account of the Waffen-SS on the eastern front.

Quarrie, B.,
Hitler's Samurai
. PSL, Cambridge, 1983. A history of the Waffen-SS.

Quarrie, B.,
Hitler's Teutonic Knights
. PSL, Cambridge, 1987. A history of the Waffen-SS panzer divisions.

Quarrie, B.,
Weapons of the Waffen-SS
. PSL, Cambridge, 1988. Covers all types of small arms and heavy artillery.

Quarrie, B.,
Waffen-SS Soldier, 1940–45
. Osprey, London, 1993. A history of the tactics, actions and uniforms of the SS infantryman.

Reider, F.,
L'Ordre SS
. Editions de la Pensée Moderne, Paris, 1980. A good general account of the SS. French text.

Reitlinger, G.,
The SS: Alibi of a Nation
. Heinemann, London, 1956. The first detailed history of the SS.

Russel, S. and Schneider, J.,
Heinrich Himmlers Burg
. Heitz & Höffkes, Essen, 1989. A chronicle of Wewelsburg Castle, 1934–45. German text.

Schneider, J.,
Their Honour Was Loyalty
. Bender, San Jose, 1977. An illustrated and documentary history of the Knight's Cross holders of the Waffen-SS and police.

Simpson, K.,
. Bison, London, 1990. Photographic history of the Waffen-SS.

Smith, J.H. and Saris, W.,
Headgear of Hitler's Germany, Vol 2
. Bender, San Jose, 1992. Covers Waffen-SS headdress.

Stein, G.,
The Waffen-SS: Hitler's Elite Guard at War
. Cornell, New York, 1966. A scholarly account of the Waffen-SS.

Stephen, A. and Amodio, P.,
Waffen-SS Uniforms in Colour Photographs
. Windrow & Greene, London, 1990. Imaginative reconstructions of Waffen-SS uniforms in wear.

Stöber, H.,
Die Sturmflut und das Ende
. Munin-Verlag, Osnabrück, 1976. Illustrated history of the SS division ‘Götz von Berlichingen'. German text.

Sydnor, C.,
Soldiers of Destruction
. Princetown University Press, Princeton, 1977. The story of the SS-Totenkopf units, 1933–45.

Thomas, N. and Abbott, P.,
Partisan Warfare, 1941–45
. Osprey, London, 1983. Includes coverage of SS anti-partisan engagements on the eastern front.

Time-Life Books (various authors),
The SS
. Time-Life, Alexandria, 1988. An illustrated history of the SS.

Weidinger, O.,
Division ‘Das Reich'
. Munin-Verlag, Osnabrück, 1979. An illustrated history of the SS division ‘Das Reich'. German text.

Williamson, G.,
The SS: Hitler's Instrument of Terror
. Brown, London, 1994. A history of the SS.

Williamson, G.,
Loyalty is My Honour
. Brown, London, 1995. Recollections of former members of the Waffen-SS.

Wilson, K.,
SS Headgear: A Collector's Guide
. Reddick, Texas, 1990. Colour photographs of Waffen-SS headdress.

Windrow, M.,
The Waffen-SS
. Osprey, London, 1982. A general history of Waffen-SS units, uniforms and campaigns.


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