The Hostage Bargain (17 page)

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Authors: Annika Martin

BOOK: The Hostage Bargain
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“What if I crash us?”


“What would Odin and Zeus say about this?” I asked.

“Odin and Zeus aren’t in the car with us, are they?” He removed his fingers from my vagina, stroking on the way out, then pushed them back in. “Oz,” he said.


“Oz. Odin and Zeus.”

I exhaled sharply as he rubbed in a new way, curling those fingers inside me, creating the most intoxicating sensation. “I don’t think Oz would approve,” I said, fighting to concentrate on the road.

“Agreed. They would not,” he said.

, I thought dimly,
are more outrageous than other people

“Look, look, look—” He pointed ahead. “There’s a cop up there.”

“Crap!” My libido receded.

His fingers didn’t. He said, “Be cool. Go the speed limit.” And he kept touching me wantonly.

I slowed, heart pounding. “Maybe
should be cool.” I pushed away his hand.

“Uh-uh-uh. Don’t do that.” He put it back. “And if you got arrested right now,” Thor said, rubbing my clit, “driving this with me, they’d think it was an inside job. The job at your bank. You’d be thrown in jail.”

I looked at him wildly. He was playing a very reckless game.

“Concentrate. Handle it.”

“Oh my God.”

“Is that a Mississippi?” he asked.

“Hell, no,” I kept my attention on the road.

Thor grinned.

It came to me then that Thor was like the overdue-for-an-inspection wooden rollercoaster at a small county fair—thrilling and quite possibly dangerous in a very real way. Odin was more like the sleek and twisting metal rollercoaster at the mammoth theme park, scientifically designed for maximum thrills. Zeus was the cave of mystery, and you don’t know what’s in there, but you suspect it’s dangerous, what with the bleached bones strewn around the entrance.

Odin and Zeus would definitely not think this joyride of ours was cool. But like hell I’d say

“Go the speed limit, even if you have to pass him.” He put in two fingers. It was all so freaky hot, but I was starting to handle it—my mind on driving, on the cop, while Thor stroked my sex, my body hovering on the verge of total ecstasy.

I concentrated on the road, panting. “What would you be doing if I hadn’t shown up? Setting fires in the hotel room?”

He snickered. Usually I was the one playing his part, the one people had to stop.

“Cut in front of him now.”

“Let me get some distance.”

“Now,” Thor said.

“Are you shitting me?”

“You’ll do it if you want to be our driver. I need to see you’ll listen.”

“This isn’t a sex game.”

“It’s more important,” he snapped. “Fuck, you’re tight. Have I told you that?” And then he withdrew his fingers from me, rubbing me lazily with the back of his thumb.

I maneuvered in front of the cop. “Jesus,” I said, watching the rearview mirror.

Thor, I noticed, was watching it a lot, too.

I was starting to relax. I could do this. “If that cop was going to do something, he would’ve done it by now.”

“Maybe,” Thor said, pushing a finger back down, but he bypassed my vagina—he was pushing his way between my butt cheeks, which were compressed on the seat.

“You wouldn’t,” I gulped.

“Shut up and drive,” he commanded, pressing a wet finger over the pucker of my anus. I gasped as he pressed a little way into me, filling me with a pleasurable sensation that spread clear up to my head.

“You might have to take the wheel,” I whispered deliriously.

“You’re doing great, baby. Keep your hands at the ten o’clock and two o’clock position.”

His finger was probably only buried in my ass as far as a knuckle, but it felt huge, and he moved it around. His thumb sped up on my clit. It was amazing what he could do with one hand. I watched the cop in the rearview mirror as the pleasure built. It was all I could do not to pass out from pure adrenaline.

Finally a red light. I stopped tipped my head back on the headrest, and looked over at him.

“Look at you,” he said. “I love looking at you when you’re a little gone like this.”

I loved looking at him, too, into his gorgeous blue eyes. I wanted to kiss him.

He stroked my cleft, with a knuckle now, up and down, up and down, with that finger stuck in my ass. It was heaven and hell all mixed together, having to stay gripping the wheel for this. I closed my eyes in the face of the mounting pleasure.


“What?” I said.

“Green! Go!”

I pulled my mind back together and released the clutch, shifted. “You are so evil.”

“And you aren’t?”

As I drove on, he moved his finger, which was still gripped by my asshole—he wasn’t putting it in any farther, but the way he was moving it was making me crazy.

“Aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I said, not remembering or caring what the question was.

He pushed in a little now, probing at me, and at the same time, stroked my clit harder with his slicked thumb. Then he leaned, put his mouth near my ear. “Come for me,” he said.

“You’re crazy.”

“Come for me,” he commanded in his rumbly way. Then he tweaked my asshole and I was gone, rocked with a mind-bending climax. I kept my eyes on the road and my mind on driving as the waves of pleasure surged through me.

“Oh,” I breathed, lost.

He grabbed the wheel at one point. Had that been his backup all along? To grab the wheel? “Keep it together,” he said, laughing.

“Aah!” I cried.

Slowly he pulled his hand from me, just about when we hit another red light.

I looked over at him, unsure whether I wanted to kiss him or punch him in the face.

He leaned back and set his head against the headrest. “That was fun.”

More than fun. It was a complete rush. I felt…exhilarated.

“We need to get some lube though,” he continued. “I cannot wait to bury my cock in that insanely tight ass of yours. Turn right at the next light. Has anybody ever fucked that awesome little asshole of yours?”

“Huh?” I said.


“Shit.” I started back up and took the next right. Getting away from the cop was such a relief. “I can’t believe we just did that.”

Thor laughed. “Are you avoiding my question?”

“No,” I said. “No, never.”

“You’ll like it. We’ll make it good, Isis. Though it is best to work up to it. In fact, it really is best to work up to it over a few days’ time. For somebody who’s never done it. So tight like you.”

There was this silence in the car after that. Because we didn’t have
to work up to it.

I sighed. “I’m a sad panda that we don’t have time to work up to buttfucking.”

He shifted his eyes my way. He was a sad panda, too. More of a sad puma. A slightly dangerous and crazy sad puma.

“I wish you could’ve seen our hideout. Especially our California one. Some of the shit we have there…let’s just say we have a dedicated room.”

“Dedicated to what?”

“To fucking. And punishing naughty goddesses who don’t do as they’re told.”

My belly went floaty. The room sounded exciting and dangerous and horrible and wonderful. And I would never get to see it.

“On the bright side, you seem perfectly capable of driving the car under intense pressure and distraction.”

I hit his shoulder. He caught my wrist, kissed my hand.

“You are crazy,” I said.

He kissed a finger.

It was then I thought about what he’d said about Venus subconsciously wanting to get caught. “Are you going to tell Oz about this afternoon drive of ours?”

“Maybe. If I feel like it,” he said.

I took my hand from him. “It was kind of risky. Convince me why it was different than Venus subconsciously wanting to get caught.”

“How it was
” He sounded offended, and when I looked over, his eyes had lost their friendly twinkle. “Do
want us to get caught?” he demanded.

“Of course not,” I said.

“Funny, you’re the one who wouldn’t say
. You had a chance to say Mississippi and put a stop to it, and you chose not to. Why was that?”

I was sort of stunned by this. He had a point. Two had been playing that game. “I didn’t want to lose my goddess name.”


He was right. It wasn’t that. “I wanted to keep going. I wanted to keep pushing it.”


“It was fun and exciting.”

He put his feet up on the dashboard. “One of the perks of being an outlaw is that you get to
like a motherfucking outlaw. I’ll forgive you for being new and not quite getting that.”

Right. I was new. “You think Zeus could ever change him mind?”

“His thing with Venus, it runs deep,” Thor said. “I don’t see him changing his mind too easily.”

“You need a driver. Or at least a car sitter, whatever. You didn’t have one for that last one, and what if somebody had parked you in? Seriously, isn’t it weird to not have that?”

“Damn straight. We had one lined up, but Odin spooked on him at the last minute, and Odin has a certain intuition, as you’ve no doubt noticed. Anyway, we’d been watching your bank long enough to feel confident about our timing.”

“That’s one bank.”

“I know, I know. Sorry, sister, whether you drive tomorrow or not, we’re releasing you blindfolded at a truck stop in Nevada, and you’ll wander into the restaurant and have your fifteen minutes of fame.”

“That sounds so delightful.”

Dolefully he said, “I know.”

“What about my cut of the money?” I couldn’t believe how bank robberish I sounded.

“We’ll buy up a bunch of Paris Hilton quilts you won’t have to deliver on. Zeus has it all worked out.”

All worked out. My heart sank.

“Look, do you understand that if you stayed with us after the First City job that you couldn’t go home? You stay any longer, there’d be a line you’d cross where you couldn’t. And Zeus won’t have it anyway.”

“I want to stay with you guys,” I said. “I want to stay Isis.”

Thor frowned and pointed right. “Wanting doesn’t make things happen.”

I turned right. I had a feeling the test was over.


Thor and I ran a few actual errands. We got new sexy underwear for me that involved a corset and garter belt, plus straps, stockings, and even new shoes. And underwear for him. A boxer guy. We also picked up new disposable phones, a wig, and finally, the sandwiches. Then we brought the car back to the hotel and parked it in the spot where it had been, and we took the elevator up to our floor.

It was after lunch. Odin and Zeus would be casing the bank for hours yet. So Thor and I watched a movie—
My Cousin Vinny
. After that, Thor took a dip in the hot tub with one of his mystery paperbacks while I read the paper.

After I got bored of that, I asked Thor if he thought it might be a good time for me to try on my new underwear. See if it all fit.

He gave me a heated look over the top of the pages. I took that as a

I grabbed the shopping bags and bee-lined to the nearest bedroom to change. My new black corset squished my breasts upward and together quite radically, my stockings were held up with clips that went to a belt under my corset, and my new high-heeled shoes matched the ensemble perfectly. Needless to say, it was not something I would’ve ever worn in my life as Melinda. Poor sheep farmer Melinda, Isis’s wardrobe was already so far superior. And so much hotter. I loved how these new garments looked, and how they felt, too—so very complicated in their own way, yet they left my pussy totally exposed. I felt aroused just wearing the get-up, and you could easily have sex in it. I loved the idea of that, and I felt confident that I could get my naughty swain to indulge me.

I strolled out and stood over the hot tub. “Whatdya think?”

Thor stared at me for a spell. “Come here,” he said in a husky way that told me he thought well of it.

I strolled over to the side. “I’m not getting in. I’m not getting this silk wet.”

“It’ll dry,” Thor grated.

“You can’t get this fabric wet. It gets misshapen.”


I smiled. My badass Peter Pans, not understanding about laundry. They needed somebody like me. I so wished I could stay. “Do you guys ruin a lot of your clothes when you try to do washes?”

“Usually we get stuff washed for us, or buy new.”

“Possibly because you ruined your old stuff?” I asked.

“Was that a
?” he asked. “Are you changing the subject? Was that a no, that you’re not getting in here?”

I swallowed. “That was a
,” I said.

His expression darkened, and he let his gaze rove over me, slowly and lewdly; the sensation of his eyes heated me; excitement pooled in my belly, in my bared crotch. Oh, he knew. We played well together, Thor and I. He made an exciting partner, because he was so personable and talkative, but also off his chain.

“I like my new underwear,” I said haughtily. “I’m not getting it wet.”

He frowned.

My heart raced.

He stood up in the tub, all leisurely and powerful, water running off his leanly muscled chest. He really did look like a god just then, body wet and shining and so dishy, but what really got me was the raw lust in his face. He loved that I’d said I wouldn’t get in. It was a ticket for him to be outrageous. What would he do? My heart fluttered in my throat as I stood there waiting.

He pointed to the table still strewn with breakfast stuff, and in his rough-smooth dirty talk voice, he said. “Go get the butter and bring it over here.”

My belly warmed—at the request as much as the tone. “The butter?”

“Do it.”

Was this leading up to a punishment? My loins clenched and I went over to get the butter. It got me hot just to walk a few yards to the table, knowing I was being watched—such was the erotic effect of that outfit. And a simple command from Thor in that tone. And the fact that you never really knew what the mad doctor would do.

I brought the butter back and stood at the side of the pool, conscious of the cool air on my moist pussy, trying not to tremble with excitement.
Fuck me, punish me, use me
, I wanted to say.

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