The Hot Floor (18 page)

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Authors: Josephine Myles

BOOK: The Hot Floor
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“Pizza first,” Evan said. “We’re allowed some time to reach a final decision.”

We ate the pizza straight out of the open box, washing it down with cold lager. It was a heavenly combination on a hot day.

“I always wanted Mouse Trap,” I said after finishing my third slice. “Dad said it was a stupid piece of plastic rubbish that didn’t teach you anything important.”

“Wow, your dad sounds like fun.” Rai wiped his fingers fastidiously on a napkin, despite only having eaten two slices. The man ate like a bird compared to me and Evan.

“He gave me a chess set for my tenth birthday. I’d asked for Mouse Trap. Or a Super Soaker water pistol.” I could still feel the crushing disappointment as I’d opened my gift and attempted to put on a brave smile.

“You never talk about your family,” Evan observed around a mouthful of food.

“Not much to say.” I took another bite of pizza, then relented after seeing them both exchange one of their mind-reading glances. “I’m an only child. Mum, well, she’s gone.” Evan’s expression oozed sympathy, so I figured Rai must have told him what I shared all those weeks ago. I took a quick look at Rai, and he nodded. “Me and Dad, we don’t really see eye to eye. On anything.”

“What did he do when you came out?” Rai asked.

I’m sure my silence must have spoken volumes.

“You haven’t told him?”

“I haven’t seen him since I left home to go to college. We’ve spoken on the phone once or twice, but that’s it.”

“Any other family?” Evan asked kindly. “Aunts, uncles, grandparents?”

I shook my head. “Not that I’ve met, anyway. My dad’s brother lives in Australia somewhere. He had to put half the world between him and Dad. That really says something, doesn’t it?”

I’d lost my appetite and put my half-finished slice down.

“You’ve got family now, though,” Rai said. “You’ve got us.”

If only that were true. But I suppose friends counted. “And Denise,” I said.

“True. And Evan’s got family to spare. You can share his if you ever feel the urge. What’s even better is they all live in Manchester, so you only need to see them every now and again. Keeps things from getting claustrophobic.”

“My folks aren’t claustrophobic,” Evan said around a mouthful of pizza. “They just look after their own. There’s a difference.”

“Uh-huh,” Rai replied, raising his eyebrows sceptically. “You know I love them, though. They’re just too adorable for words. Missy calls me her son-in-law, and Pete once took me out fishing. I told him I couldn’t possibly kill a creature, then slipped up in the mud and got soaked, and then he said he’d make it up to me by going somewhere of my choice. I took him to a drag bar, and he had a whale of a time. I had to peel the queens off him at the end of the night. He could have had any one of them, the handsome bastard. Ev gets his looks from him, you know.”

“I hope you’re not having dirty thoughts about my dad again, pet. I’ll start getting worried. I mean, I’m happy with the swinging and everything, but I draw the line at family.”

Rai closed the lid of the grease-stained box, now empty apart from a few crusts and that little plastic table thing they stick in the middle of the pizza. “Well, then, I guess you’d better make me forget all about him somehow. Hmmm, I wonder how you could do that?”

Evan shoved the last of his pizza into his mouth and began undoing his fly.

“Going for the obvious, then, are we?” Rai teased. “Just going to free the beast for us to worship, oh winner of the car-boot challenge?”

Evan grinned while still chomping on his food and proceeded to tug his half-hard cock and heavy balls out through the opening.

I’d never seen a coffee table moved out of the way so fast. Rai nearly knocked it over in his haste, then fell on Evan like a starving man on a roast dinner. I gave a tight smile at the sight. Yes, it was sexy. Yes, I felt like a spare part. Especially after all that talk of family togetherness the two of them had shared.

That was until Evan cocked his finger at me and beckoned.

Trying to give a blowjob with someone else’s help isn’t as easy as it sounds—especially when that someone is wearing glasses. Eventually, the two of us worked out a system of sorts, though. We’d nibble and lick our way up and down Evan’s dick, with the occasional pause to kiss, then one of us would concentrate on the head while the other went for some lower-shaft-and-ball-licking duties. I like to think that between us we were coving all the bases. Evan certainly seemed happy with the arrangement, if his groans and filthy endearments were anything to go by.

“I’ve had an idea,” Rai announced after releasing Evan’s cockhead with a particularly noisy slurp. “Ev, shift over. I want you lying down in the middle of the rug.”

Evan grumbled a little, but he complied, and both of us looked to Rai to see where he was headed with this. Rai just arched an eyebrow and started stripping.

“You too, sweetie,” he said, looking at me. “Not you, Ev. I want you dressed still.”

Evan lay back with his hands behind his head and watched us both undress. I wish I could say I was past feeling self-conscious about being naked around these two now, but I was painfully aware of the contrast between my sunburnt neck and pasty white chest. Still, my sweaty skin breathed a sigh of relief as I bared it to the humid air. Evan’s skin was also glistening with a sheen of perspiration. I noted the way it had turned the hair under his arms into dark tufts. So sexy.

Rai dropped to his knees next to Evan’s head and gave him a wet kiss. “Okay, babe, all you have to do is lie there and do as we say, okay?”

“Okay.” Evan sounded amused.

“Right. Arms down but away from your body. No, closer in than that. Josh, you copy me, but over here.” Rai tapped the floor on the left hand side of Evan’s head, and I knelt there, still puzzled.

Rai shuffled around so that he was facing Evan’s feet and smiled wickedly. He moved onto all fours. Well, all threes, really, as his left hand was just resting on Evan’s abs without exerting any visible pressure. It wasn’t until Rai began lowering his upper body while walking his knees back that I realised what he was up to.

What we were up to. Oh Christ!

I watched, entranced, as Rai’s dick slid into the narrow gap between Evan’s biceps and his side. Want shuddered through me, and I began copying Rai’s manoeuvres. Okay, so I nearly kicked Evan in the ear, and when I’d finished, my feet were pressed right up against the sofa, but my dick was enveloped in a hot, slippery embrace that felt so good. And as for my head? Well, that was just perfectly positioned for me and Rai to carry on giving Evan his prize blowjob. Rai, being shorter, concentrated on the head again while I resumed my worship of Evan’s shaft and sac.

“Aaand squeeze,” Rai said. I had no idea what that command was in aid of until Evan did something with his arms that pinged up my dick and shot straight to my balls. Hot and slippery transformed into tight as fuck. Damn, that felt good.

“Mmm, great view, boys,” Evan observed. “Wish I could touch those peachy arses. Wish I could give you both a good spanking. Yeah, I’d soon turn you both red…”

I suspected I was already flushed all over from Evan’s dirty talk, but I let it goad me on, flexing my buttocks to thrust into his sweaty pit.

We rutted in a hot and sticky heap on the floor until I felt my balls draw up tight. Exquisite pleasure raced through me, and I came with a groan, feeling like a dirty, naughty boy for shooting my jizz in Evan’s pits. Afterwards, I moved around to swallow Evan down properly, letting Rai concentrate on humping Evan’s arm. I felt Evan come first, filling my mouth while Rai whimpered his way to a drawn-out climax.

We lay there until Evan insisted he had to have a shower, and Rai went to help. I continued to stare up at the cracks in the ceiling, wondering how long I’d be able to hold on to my place here. It might be temporary, but I was determined to make every moment of my borrowed time count.

So what exactly was I doing lying on the floor, all by myself?

I dragged myself up and set off towards the sound of giggling and running water.

Chapter Fourteen

That first week with Rai and Evan was like a dream. Despite the sweltering heat, which usually killed my libido, we were at it like horny rabbits pretty much any chance we got. Rai finished work first and had taken to getting off his bus back from uni down on the Upper Bristol Road. He’d walk out to the studio, and then we’d stroll back home along the river path. Liam had given me a raised eyebrow when I’d introduced Rai as one of the neighbours I’d been staying with, but then again, he had just seen Rai give me a sloppy kiss on the lips. Still, maybe he figured that was normal for us gay boys when we got together. Come to think of it, it probably was normal for Rai.

Dear God, I hoped Dylan didn’t try and kiss me when he started work.

Those walks home together were everything I’d dreamed of having with Kenny. I enjoyed chatting with Rai about this and that. Unimportant stuff like which TV programmes and computer games we’d enjoyed as kids—turns out we’d both had a major Nintendo obsession—and more political stuff, like whether David Cameron and Nick Clegg were going to come to blows over the reform of the National Health Service.

“It’s great, having someone to talk about all this crap with,” Rai said one afternoon. “Evan’s a sweetheart, but he was already going out drinking and shagging when we were playing Super Mario Karts, and he can’t stand watching the news or talking about current affairs. He’d rather stick on one of those torture porn films you both like.”

“We don’t like torture porn! We like teen horror B-movies. There’s a difference.”

Rai just sniffed and changed the subject, but it left me worried. Was this the beginning of the end? I didn’t want to make a rift between them, but the longer I stayed around, the more inevitable it seemed. After all, how could you avoid taking sides when there were three of you?

Every day when we got home, we’d throw together some kind of dinner, which we’d all eat as soon as Evan walked through the door. Okay, sometimes the sex came before the food, which was no reflection on the quality of the cooking, but more on the number of dirty texts those two had been firing off during the day. I was always included as a recipient, although I never dared send any back.

The evenings were mostly spent chilling out together and talking bollocks with the occasional bout of Kerplunk—Mouse Trap having been deemed surprisingly dull by all of us—and/or sex. Nothing too depraved yet, unless you counted Strip Kerplunk. We were still busy exploring all the ways three bodies could fit together at the more vanilla end of the sexual spectrum.

I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or frustrated by that. If I closed my eyes, I could still see that magazine image of the bound twink with the face covered in spunk.

I really had to get that out of my head.

Work was progressing fast on the new Sulis Glass premises, and by the middle of the week, Shannon had confidently set the moving date for the following weekend. Back in my bathroom, things were still at a standstill, though. The builder had come, scratched his head, chewed his pencil and muttered dire warnings about poorly thought-out flat conversions and dry rot. Then he’d buggered off again, and I hadn’t heard anything since.

When I still hadn’t heard from my landlord by noon on Friday, I walked out to the small park by the river and gave him a call. Straight through to voice mail. No change there, then. It wasn’t like the guy had shown the slightest bit of interest when I’d complained about my sash window being jammed. He’d just told me the window was over two hundred years old, so what did I expect? In the end, I’d had to take the bloody thing apart myself and fix new cords, which was more of a hassle than it might sound as you have to prise apart the frame to get to the workings.

That had been within my skills level, though. Repairing joists and plumbing in a new bathroom was most definitely not.

I glared at my phone for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out what to do. Rai and Evan had offered me a place to stay, which was lovely of them, and the side benefits were unbelievably good. Unbe-fucking-lievably. I closed my eyes for a moment and lost myself in memories of the morning blowjob I’d had from the two of them. What a way to wake up. I’d shot down Rai’s throat with Evan’s tongue in my mouth.

But no. I was sitting on a bench in a public place, and my cut-offs didn’t leave a huge amount to the imagination. Better stop thinking sexy thoughts.

A text buzzed through from Evan.

Hey, chuck, been thinking about you. Is your arse up for a good seeing to later?

Yeah, that didn’t help matters. All this sex was distracting me from the real worry, which was that they’d soon get sick of me if I was there all the time. I mean, I wasn’t a serious partner in this relationship, after all. I was there for the fun times, but Rai and Evan had been there for each other through all the shit times too. I couldn’t compete with that. I didn’t even want to.

The best I had to offer was a willing—if rather scrawny—body and a listening ear. Plus an irritating tendency to blush at the drop of a hat.

When I’d stretched out my lunch break for as long as I dared, I left the cool of the river bank and stepped out from the shade onto the sunbaked tarmac. It was like walking into an oven. Sweat broke out from every pore, and my T-shirt was drenched in seconds. I took it off and balled it up in one hand, hoping to catch a stray breeze that way.

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