The Hot Floor (8 page)

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Authors: Josephine Myles

BOOK: The Hot Floor
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That was more like it. I felt that one, although I still wouldn’t have described it as painful. I hadn’t managed to land it on my arse cheek, more on the side of my hip. I peered down at my milky-white skin and saw a faint hint of pink. Interesting. My dick went from ambivalent to curious, poking its head up in encouragement.

“Okay, then, you want more?”

Was I talking to myself or my dick? Heat spread across my chest and up my neck. Jesus Christ, if anyone could see me now I’d just die of embarrassment. And why was it that thought sent another wave of blood rushing south?

This time I imagined it was Evan’s hand coming down on me, and I grunted as I put my full strength behind it.


“Arrgh! Bloody hell!” That was more like it. I gazed down at the pink handprint on my flank. Shit, I did that. And I’d enjoyed it. There was a bead of precome glistening at the tip of my dick. I thought about Evan making a handprint on Rai’s backside, and the drop fell, another welling up to take its place.

Oh Christ, was I ever going to be able to look Rai and Evan in their faces again? Jerking off imagining myself sandwiched between them was one thing, but I’d definitely crossed a line here.

I’d joined the ranks of the perverts.

I swung around to look in the mirror, but my face was pretty much the same as ever. Same nondescript features. Same unruly hair. My eyes looked a little wild, but more like I was worried than anything more specific. I figured that unless I went around blurting out my secret self-spanking fetish to others, I was probably safe from detection.

The bath was nearly full, so I hopped in, leaving the taps running. The water was just cool enough to soothe my heated skin but warm enough so I’d be able to lie there for a while. I reclined, allowing my legs to fall open. The tip of my erection just cleared the glassy surface like an island. My foreskin was an atoll around the volcanic peak of my glans. I gave my shaft a good squeeze, flooding the landscape before thrusting it up again. At this rate, it wouldn’t be long before Mount Cock erupted, drowning any islanders in a blast of molten-hot spunk.

I toed the hot tap, trying to turn it off so the bath didn’t overflow while I wanked myself stupid. That’d be fun to explain to the guys downstairs when they wanted to know why their bathroom ceiling had flooded.

Bloody tap wouldn’t turn, although it rattled alarmingly. This place had some serious plumbing issues. I wondered if Evan would be willing to have a look at it for me. Not right now, though, although the thought had a certain porny charm to it—especially if he brought his great big tool to do it with.

But no. Tap off first, wank second. I sat up and shifted forward so I could show that tap who was boss.


Whoa! I’d never heard the floor do that before. I really needed to get on to my landlord about that. Not that the useless tosser would do anything about it. I wrestled with the hot tap until it budged, then moved to slump back down again.


The whole bath shifted in a way that bathtubs never, ever should. An inch of raw plaster had appeared between the bottom of the tiles and the top of the tub. Metal pipes groaned. Wood creaked.

I grabbed the handlebars and braced myself to stand.

That was when the bottom fell out of my world.

Chapter Six


Water splashed up around me as the bathtub hit something hard. Dust filled my lungs. Chunks of plaster rained down around me, turning the water cloudy. The angle of the bath was all wrong, tilting up towards the taps and pooling the water around me as I slid back to the other end.

My arse was really stinging now.

I blinked, trying to clean the grit out of my eyes. A mix of hot and cold water rained down on me from overhead, hampering my efforts. Where was a plumber when you needed one? Eventually, I managed to shield my eyes and look around.

I was in a bathroom, but it wasn’t mine.

The door burst open, revealing Evan dressed in his blue overalls. He looked just like he did when he got back from a day’s work—all except for the way his massive erection stuck out of the open buttons at the crotch. I couldn’t stop staring. That’s shock for you.

“Bugger me!” Evan looked as flummoxed as I felt, and didn’t make any effort to cover himself up.

“I think I need a plumber,” I said as another piece of plaster landed on their toilet cistern with a thud. I sniggered, coughed, then sniggered again. “What are your call-out charges like?”

Yep, like I said, I was in shock.

“Ev-annn!” Rai whined. “What’s going on in there? Come and untie me!”

“Trust me, you don’t want come in here right now.” Evan stepped forward and took my hand, helping me out of the tub. It had landed directly on top of theirs, and fortunately, most of the water spurting out of the wrecked pipes above was splashing down into the twin bathtubs. I didn’t think that was likely to console Rai about the state of his bathroom, though, what with the rafters hanging down, the plaster dust and the massive hole where the ceiling used to be…

“You okay, chuck?”

I nodded, or tried to, anyway. To be honest, I was pretty confused and disorientated. The three thoughts circling round my head were
How was I going to get to my toilet now?
Oh my God, I can see Evan’s cock!
Did Rai just say he wanted untying?

Then Evan pulled me to him and hugged me. I couldn’t see his dick anymore, but I could certainly feel it, butting up against my own, still semi-hard piece of meat. I heard a strange gurgling sound, then realised it was me.
Oh God, please don’t let me start frotting against him.

“Right, that’s it,” Rai shouted, “I’m coming in!” I heard more crashing noises and a series of thuds.

Evan turned. “Don’t!”

But it was too late. Rai appeared in the doorway, his hair mussed up, his glasses askew and his mouth an O of surprise. He was wearing an outfit I’d never seen him in before: an open white shirt, a black blazer, a pair of grey trousers knotted around his ankles, and nothing else. His hands were out of sight behind him, giving him nothing to cover up his angry red erection. I couldn’t stop myself staring any more than I’d been able to with Evan a moment before. Rai had a length of black-and-yellow-striped cloth wrapped around the base of his cock and behind his balls, making them jut forward obscenely. It took me a moment to realise it must have been the tie from around his neck. Then it all fell into place.

“Is that your school uniform?” I blurted out.

“Yes, what of it?” Rai snapped. “It still fits.” He glared, and I became very aware that I was naked in his boyfriend’s arms. Was he angry, jealous or simply embarrassed? I was torn between the urge to cover myself up with the nearest plaster-encrusted bath towel, and the awful desire to laugh. It welled up inside me.

I snorted.

Then the hammering started up on the front door.

“Oi, you two need to be a bit more bloody considerate!” Denise really was scary when she was angry. “I can put up with the constant shagging and the musical bedsprings, but that was WAY. TOO. LOUD!”



Half an hour later, I sat on Rai and Evan’s sofa, wrapped in a huge, Evan-scented dressing gown and cradling a mug of hot chocolate in my hands. Rai stared at me from the armchair, his dark eyes giving nothing away. He was dressed in a T-shirt and trackie bottoms, which was another unfamiliar outfit and only served to keep jogging my mind back to the memory of him in his old school clothes.

“So, you’ve got a thing for my boyfriend, have you?” Rai’s tone gave nothing away. He could have been discussing the weather for all the emotion he displayed. In fact, I’d heard Rai discuss the weather in far more animated tones. His restraint made my spine prickle.

I coughed and tried to think of an honest answer that wasn’t going to piss Rai off. The boyfriend in question was currently clattering about in the bathroom. Evan had already been and located the stopcock for my plumbing, so there were no more leaking water pipes to contend with, but that still left him with a bathroom containing most of my bathroom. At least it had been broken up into small pieces. Except for the bath.

I’d offered to help, but Evan had insisted I sit down while I got over the shock. Rai would look after me, he’d said.

Rai was currently looking at me like I was some kind of equation he had to solve.

“Evan’s a good friend.” Yeah, it sounded pretty lame to me too.

“You were clinging on to him, and you were hard.” From this distance, I couldn’t make out any facial twitches that would have given his real emotion away.

“I’d been having a wank. In the bath,” I added helpfully, in case Rai had somehow missed the extra bathtub in the room.

“Fantasising about Evan, I’ll bet.”

“And you! I was fantasising about the two of you. I think you’re both really hot.” Oh-shit-oh-shit-oh-shit! Had I really just said that? The temperature in the room shot up by several degrees.

Rai blinked slowly. “You think I’m hot?” Now there was a bit of emotion coming through. Incredulity, it seemed.

“Of course you’re hot. You’ve got the whole sexy-nerd thing going on.” I ducked my head and mumbled in the direction of my knees. “Evan’s really lucky to have you.”

“Oh!” Rai appeared to think that one through for a few minutes while I attempted to get my capillaries under control. “So you fancy both of us, do you?”

“Yep. Sorry.”

“Sorry? Why on earth are you sorry?” Now there was some of Rai’s humour creeping back into his voice. Shame I was too mortified to enjoy it.

“Because it’s going to ruin our friendship?”

“Why would it do that?” Rai gave me a puzzled frown.

“Because…it’s going to make things awkward between us?” I would have given my right leg for the floor to give way again and save me from this excruciating conversation. Well, excruciating to me, anyway. Rai was starting to smile.

“Only if we let it. I dunno… I think it’s pretty cool. I mean, if you were crushing on Evan and not me, then I’d probably kick you out of here right now, but if it’s both of us, that’s different.”

“It is?”

“Oh yes.” Rai’s lips curved in a Mona Lisa smile. What the hell was he getting at?

The door through to the hallway swung open. Evan peered through. “Those rafters were rotten as a fish down the back of a radiator, but I reckon we’re safe from anything else coming down tonight. Just going to drop these sacks of rubble off in the van. Either of you want owt from the corner shop?”

I glanced at my naked wrist, then up at the wall clock. It was only ten o’clock. Christ. Had I really only left Denise’s flat an hour ago? I’d aged in this last hour, and I wasn’t just talking about the plaster dust making my hair look white.

“Anything you want, Josh?” Rai asked. “We’ve got brandy already if you’d like a snifter.”

I shook my head. “I’m fine, really.”

Evan nodded. “Okay, then, I’m nearly done.”

“Honey?” Rai called, just as Evan was turning the front door latch. “Josh is going to stay here tonight, so maybe you ought to get him an extra toothbrush. I don’t think he’ll be able to get to his right now.”

No shit. Not unless I wanted to use a ladder from downstairs.

“Okay.” Evan’s eyes asked Rai some kind of question, but I couldn’t see Rai’s response with his back turned to me. “Okay,” Evan repeated, his voice warm with…something. Humour? Lust? I don’t know. I didn’t really want to make a judgment call right then. I felt like all my common sense had deserted me, like rats from a sinking bathtub.

Evan winked, and then he was gone.

“I’m staying, am I?”

“You got any better ideas? Your place is a mess. You can’t even get to your toilet.”

My bedroom and kitchen were still fine, and I could always piss in the kitchen sink if I had to. But I didn’t say that, because Rai’s gaze was boring into me in a way that made my whole body tingle. It occurred to me that he’d seen me totally naked. Was he remembering that now?

Personally, I couldn’t shake that picture of him trussed up like a naughty schoolboy. It had been all kinds of wrong and for some reason that just made me even hornier. Yep, I was officially joining the realms of the sex perverts. I wondered if there was some kind of membership card or secret handshake. I’d have to ask.

“Right, that’s settled, then.” Rai seemed to take my lack of an answer for assent. “Anything you need to fetch from your place?”

“Um, spare bedding for the sofa?”

Rai just shook his head slowly, a smile playing around the corners of his mouth.

“No?” My voice squeaked a little, but the subsequent coughing fit did something to cover it up. Did he mean they had spare bedding for me? Or was that an invitation to share? I didn’t know if I’d dare ask one way or the other. Maybe I’d just go with the flow. As soon as I’d finished coughing, that was.

By the time I had my lungs back under some semblance of control, Rai was making noise in the kitchen. He came back in with a pint glass full of water and a brandy in one of his lead-crystal tumblers.

“Here you go.” He set them both down on the coffee table, then sat on the sofa next to me. I looked from the hot chocolate in my hands to the water, to the brandy. “Yes, they’re all for you. Don’t say I never give you anything.”

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