The Hot Line (22 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Fox

Tags: #Erotica, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: The Hot Line
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“Who?” she asked, teasing him.

He chuckled. Guess he really did fuck her so hard and so thorough she forgot her own name.

“You’re full of surprises, Megan. Tonight I was going to take it slow with you and drive you mad with lust, but you turned the tables on me.” When she gave a contented sigh, he said, “I do love the way you dance.”

“Hey, you still owe me a private dance.”

“Soon, babe, soon. Right now let’s grab a soda. I’m parched.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

After they cleaned up and dressed, he guided her into the kitchen and grabbed two sodas from the fridge. He handed one to Megan and twisted the cap off his. He heard her grunt and whisper something under her breath.

“What are you doing, sweetheart?”

“I’m trying to get this damn cap off my bottle of soda.” She handed it to him. “Damn thing’s too tight.”

“What’s with you and screw caps anyway?” He twisted it off and handed it back.

She took a drink and said, “They are not my friends.”

“Why?” he asked, amused.

She waved a dismissive hand. “It’s silly. You don’t want to hear it.”

“Sure, I do.”

“Fine then.” She let out a low breath and got right to the point, the way she normally did. “When I was a teen, I had a dog named Banjo.”

His brow knitted together and he couldn’t keep the amusement from his voice. “Banjo?”

“Yeah, Banjo.” She crinkled that cute little nose of hers. “Listen, do you want to hear this story or not?”

“Okay, okay.” He smiled and shook his head. “I’m sorry. Continue.”

“Well, Banjo wasn’t the cutest dog on the block, and one day, while we were out for a walk, we ran into the neighborhood bully.” She drew in air, and under her breath, she murmured, “I hated that guy.”


“And the jerk kicked Banjo.”

Brady winced. “I’m sorry.”

“So was he. I slugged him right in the face and broke his nose.” She slammed her fist into her palm, mimicking the action.

“You did?”

“Damn right, I did.”

He laughed and dropped a kiss on her mouth. “Like I said before Megan, I love how you don’t hold back.”

“Oh trust me, I didn’t hold anything back, but I broke my hand doing it.” She held her hand out to examine it.


Her laugh was silky when she resumed her story. “I know. I was an active teen, and later in the week, I had a track meet that I didn’t want to miss. So with the help of my buddy Cody, we cut the cast off. Then I went around pretending my hand was okay. Not my smartest move because it never healed right and now I have no strength in it. My left hand isn’t much better.”

He took a moment to visualize his feisty Megan slugging some guy. “Remind me never to piss you off.”

She shot Jag a glance. He was sound asleep on his blanket. “I don’t think you’re about to kick any dogs, Brady.”

“You’re right about that. And if anyone ever hurt Jag, they’d be lucky to walk away with only a broken nose.”

“I’d help you, too,” she added. Then her voice hitched and she said, “Speaking of help, I want to let you know I’ve arranged for a van to help us transfer the food from the firehouse to the banquet hall.”

He slipped his hands around her waist and cradled her ass in his palms. “Good. I meant to ask you about that. But I had other more important matters on my mind.”

“And in your hands,” she said, grinning. She glanced at the clock. “I really should be getting back.”

He hated that she had to go. He’d like nothing more than to talk with her until the wee hours of the morning. “I guess I’ll see you here bright and early Saturday morning, then.”

“Yeah, I’ll be here at the crack of dawn. We have a lot to do.”

“Maybe you should sleep here with me so you’re already here bright and early.”

She chuckled softly. “Sleep? Brady, I suspect sleep is the last thing we’d be doing. Besides, it will be my last night with Cassie before she gets married and we’re all going to have a quiet girls’ night in, so I need to be there.”

“I understand.” He did understand but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He walked her to her car and saw her in safely. “I’ll see you soon, sweetheart.”

“Brady.” He heard the turmoil in her voice and knew he was getting to her. In whispered words full of emotion, she said, “I’ll see you soon.”


xcept “soon” couldn’t come fast enough for Megan because everything in her mourned Brady’s absence. The soft tenor of his voice had filled her with a bone-deep warmth like she’d never before experienced. She ached to feel his arms around her again, to have him hold her, to feel the connection. Oh God, what had she gone and gotten herself into? Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she made her way back to Cassie’s.

A short while later, after the party had died down, Megan gratefully crawled into bed. Although she was exhausted, her mind raced to the sexy, fantasy-worthy firefighter who made her feel things she’d sworn she’d never feel again. When she finally fell asleep, her dreams were filled with images of Brady: talking to him, cooking with him, sharing meals with him, walking Jag with him, and making sweet, passionate, meaningful love with him.

Hours later she awoke to a rush of activities. Friday passed by in a flurry of last-minute wedding preparations, and before she knew it, Saturday, the day of the big wedding, was upon her.

She soon found herself standing in the firehouse with Brady at her side as they put the finishing touches on the chocolate mousse. Completely covered in icing, sugar, and chocolate, Megan brushed her hands together and turned to face Brady.

She said in excitement, “It looks like we did it!”

Brady grabbed her and spun her around. “We sure did.”

She glanced at the food. “Everything looks fantastic.”

Brady licked his finger and grinned. “It tastes fantastic, too. Cassie and Nick are going to be so pleased, and Lucien is going to love you.” Brady glanced at the clock and slapped her on the ass. “Go. You’ve got two hours to get ready.” He gestured toward the door. “You can take off while I get this stuff loaded into the van.”

She crinkled her nose. “Don’t you want me to help?”

“I can handle it. Besides it’s going to take you twice as long to get ready.”

She furrowed her brow playfully and planted her hands on her hips. “Meaning?”

He chuckled. “I’ve been around women long enough to know it takes you all twice as long to get ready.”

Megan smiled, but deep inside, her stomach churned. The mental image of Brady
other women brought a lump to her throat.

She uncoiled her apron and worked to sound casual. “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” Before she had a chance to turn, Brady grabbed her and pulled her in close. She melted against him.

He looked deep into her eyes and brushed his chocolate-flavored thumb over her mouth. In his deepest, sexiest voice he said, “That will be up to you, Megan.” Then he turned her around and ushered her out the door.

Up to her? Why would it be up to her? She took a moment to analyze his cryptic words and came to the only logical conclusion. After the wedding, if she wanted to see him again, she’d have to call the Hot Line for his services. Because she had, after all, assured him this was a sex-only affair. Obviously Brady was expecting no more, no less.

Ignoring the sinking feeling in her stomach, Megan made her way out to the car and hustled to Cassie’s place to get ready. Less than two hours later, dressed in a sexy, body-molding lavender dress, Megan stood at the back of the church with Cassie, Jenna, and Sara. As her gaze panned over her three best friends, her heart swelled. Everyone looked so beautiful and radiant. She wondered if their glow had come from their makeup or if it was because they’d all recently fallen in love.

For a brief moment she wondered if she too had that glow.

She angled her body and stole a glance at the front of the church. Looking utterly handsome in their tuxedos, Brady, Nick, Mitch, and Dean had already taken their positions.

As soon as the music began, a hush fell over the crowd and the three girls all made their way down the aisle. Heart fluttering in her chest, Megan took her position across from Brady. He stood there looking like sex personified with his hair combed and his face freshly shaven. Gone was the mussed, tumbled-out-of-bed look. But that certainly hadn’t detracted from his sexy surfer-boy looks at all. When her glance met his, he mouthed the words,
You look beautiful

Megan felt her body flush with desire and heat flooded her cheeks. Her body caught fire, and flames lapped at her thighs just from one of his sexy glances her way.

She worked to reminisce about all the wonderful, everyday things they’d done together over the last few days. From shopping and making love in his quaint little home in suburbia, to pole dancing and cooking, she loved the give and take between them and the normalcy in their relationship.

When she realized she was staring at him, she pulled her gaze away.

The wedding march started and drew her complete attention. She turned her focus to Cassie, who looked absolutely exquisite in her bridal gown. Warmth seeped into her soul as she watched Cassie saunter down the aisle and take her place beside Nick. God, she’d never seen a more beautiful couple. They were so perfect for each other. It was like a fairy tale come true.

After the nuptial exchange, they all headed off to the banquet to celebrate with fine champagne and even finer cuisine, according to Megan. Sitting at the head table, centered between Cassie and Jenna, she could barely eat. Just knowing Lucien was dining on her cuisine had her stomach in an uproar and her pulse racing.

Once the meal had been served and the dishes cleared, the stage was set for dancing. Megan soon found herself alone, standing at the edge of the dance floor watching Nick and Cassie make their way to the center. She spotted Jenna and Dean and Sara and Mitch move in beside them.

Her glance flittered around the room in search of Brady. When she felt him step up behind her, a shiver traveled all the way through her.

His voice was low, sounding deeply seductive. He pressed his strong chest against her back and whispered into her ear, “Megan, I’m taking off.”

She angled her head to see him, aware of the disappointment settling in the pit of her stomach. “Really? Already?”

“Yeah, there is something I need to do.” The warmth and intimacy in his hazel eyes made her breath catch.

“Oh, okay. See you soon,” she managed around the lump forming in her throat.

He winked at her. “Like I said earlier, that will be up to you.” A moment later he disappeared into the crowd.

Feeling like something was constricting her heart, she turned her attention back to her friends as they danced to a love song. The way all three couples looked at one another played havoc on her emotions. Loneliness enveloped her. She wanted fairy tale love like that. She deserved fairy tale love like that.

The lights dimmed as all three couples swayed on the dance floor looking too good to be true.

But they

Megan could see it with her own eyes. Could feel it deep in her soul. This was the real deal.

Her thoughts raced to Brady. She’d never met a man like him. So honest, so caring, so giving, and so damn noble. She knew all of that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Brady Wade was the real deal, too.

As she watched her friends a moment longer, Cassie’s words rushed through her mind:
Brady is one of the good guys.
Deep in her gut Megan knew it was true. She also knew it was time to push back old fears and tell him exactly how she felt.

Honestly, she saw things in Brady that she’d never seen in her ex. Before her own wedding she’d always considered her ex to be attentive and giving, but never to this degree. She mulled that over a bit longer. Maybe there were signs that her ex was going to turn into a house hippo and she’d missed them or chosen to ignore them.

Deep in her soul she knew Brady was the kind of guy who’d never stop giving. Too bad she’d told him this was about sex only. And too bad he’d readily agreed to her terms.

Oh shit, she needed to find him.

As she weaved her way through the crowd, hoping to find Brady before he left, Master Chef Lucien Beaufort stopped her.

He touched her shoulder. “Megan Wagner?”

She nodded and wrung her fingers together. “Yes,” she answered, only half focusing as she scanned the dance floor.

“I understand you are responsible for this lovely meal.”

She swallowed. “Yes, with the help of Brady Wade.” Oh God, just saying his name filled her with love.

“I’m always on the lookout for new talent, Megan, and Cassie told me with a little persuasion I might be able to convince you to come and work for me.”

A little persuasion? She almost laughed out loud at her friend’s antics. “Are you serious?”

He returned her smile, his blue eyes glistening. “Of course. Now what would it take for me to persuade you to come work for me?”

“It would be my honor to work for you, Lucien.” Megan grabbed his hand and shook it. “All I’ll need is two weeks to tie up other matters.” And maybe even another two weeks to tie up Brady and keep him captive until she convinced him to give up the Hot Line. Because she, and only she, was the girl for him.

Lucien grinned. “That was easy. Very well then. I’ll see you in two weeks, Megan.”

She nodded. “Two weeks it is.”

Needing to find Brady, she turned and bumped into Sara and Jenna as they made their way to the ladies’ room.

“Whoa. Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Jenna asked her.

Megan’s gaze brushed over the crowd. “I need to find Brady.”


“Lucien just offered me a job at Chez Frontenac.”

Both girls squealed in delight. “And you were going to tell Brady before you told your best friends,” Sara admonished.

Planting her hands on her curvaceous hips, Jenna arched a knowing brow and took a moment to study Megan. “I wonder if the girl who swore she’d never fall for a firefighter has gone and done just that.”

Megan threw her arms up in the air. “How could I not?” she said. “But I told him this was a sexual affair only. And he agreed.”

Jenna gripped her shoulders and turned her toward the crowd. “Go find him, Megan, and do what you always do: Tell it like it is and don’t hold back.”

Megan rushed through the crowd and made her way into the kitchen, but Brady was nowhere to be found. He must have already left. Distraught, she made her way back into the banquet hall. She bumped into Cassie and Nick.

“I just talked to Lucien,” Cassie said. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” Megan rushed out, but she had more important matters on her mind. “Have you seen Brady?”

“I was talking to him a few minutes ago,” Nick said. “He mentioned that he had to run out for a bit.” Nick nodded toward the side doors.

“Is he at the firehouse?” Megan asked.

Nick shook his head. “No, he’s not on the schedule today. I think he had to run home.”

Megan was barely able to comprehend Nick’s words; her gaze flew to the side doors. “Nick, I need your keys.”

Without question, Nick fished them from his coat pocket and handed them to her.

Twenty minutes later she pulled into Brady’s driveway and took note of his truck. A light flickered inside the bay window and caught her attention. Megan climbed from the car, hiked her dress up, and rushed up the walkway to knock on his door. She pulled her hand back when she noticed the door was ajar.

He’d better not be in there with a date from the Hot Line. Jealousy surged inside her. She didn’t care that she had no claim on him after making it perfectly clear that this relationship was just about sex. She clenched her hands into fists. Brady was hers alone, and so help him if he was entertaining some chick who’d called for his services.

She moved deeper into his house while calling out his name.

As she passed the living room, she noticed candles burning and fresh scents coming from the kitchen. The room was warm and alluring and set for seduction.

Brady stepped into the hallway looking…adorable. He’d changed out of his tux and into a pair of low-slung jeans and a T-shirt. His expression was unreadable. “Hi, Megan.”

She looked past his shoulders, the green-eyed monster getting the better of her. “What are you doing?” she blurted out without censor.

Warmth and desire registered in his eyes. “I’m making dessert.”

She planted her hands on her hips. “For who?”

He grinned. “Is that jealousy I detect, Megan?”

Maybe it was but she wasn’t about to admit that to him. “Yes.” Dammit.

His lazy gaze moved over her in appreciation. He walked toward her. His advance was slow, predatory.

“Why are you here?”

She drew a breath, ready to lay it on the line. No holds barred, she announced, “Because I’m crazy about you, Brady. I know I told you this was all about sex, but I recently realized how perfect we are for each other.”

After they exchanged a long, lingering look, she held her ground and challenged him with an unwavering stare. “I’m here to prove I’m the woman for you and to convince you to give up the Hot Line.”

He flashed a grin and pitched his voice low. “Done.”

She stared at him in fascinated excitement. Her heart skipped a beat. Her knees wobbled slightly. Quickly regaining her composure, she gave a defiant tilt of her chin and toyed with the ribbon in her hair. Trying for casual, she said, “Good, that saves me from having to tie you up and use extreme measures.”

He stepped closer and tugged her to him. His hazel eyes darkened and locked on hers. His chuckle was low and sexy. “Extreme measures, huh? Hmmm…I never knew you were so kinky.”

Heart filled with joy, she twisted her lips and said, “I still have a few tricks you don’t know about.”

Brady laughed out loud and brushed her cheeks with his thumb. His hand felt warm and smooth on her flesh. “Just so you know, I haven’t participated in the Hot Line for a very long time. I leave that to the rookies.”

“You answered last night,” she said.

“Megan, sweetheart, I answered the phone last night because caller ID told me it was you.”

She took a moment to process the words. Tightness settled in her chest. “Yeah?”

Brady chuckled, his eyes soft with desire. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You see, Megan, I’ve just been biding my time waiting for the right girl to come along.”

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