The Hot Line (7 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Fox

Tags: #Erotica, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: The Hot Line
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Gorgeous blue eyes met hers. A deep, contented sigh curved his handsome face. He reached out and cupped her chin, stroking her with the utmost care. His hand slid lower to grip her elbow. “Come here, babe.” His voice was so tender and soft it filled her with longing and stirred all her emotions.

Sara slid up his body until her mouth hovered near his. When he drew her close and cradled her in his arms, her heart twisted.

“That was amazing, Sara.”

She grinned. “My pleasure.” He held her tighter, their slick bodies melding together. After a long moment of just holding each other, Sara inched back. “Mitch?”


“I still owe you a secret.”

“What?” he asked, his voice deep, drowsy.

“Last night I promised you a secret. I’m ready to tell you now.”

His eyes perked up. “I’m listening.”

When Sara stood, water dripped from her body, gaining Mitch’s attention. She reached a hand out to him. “Why don’t you come with me, and I’ll show you instead?”

He nodded and was on his feet in seconds. He grabbed their pile of clothes and came up beside her. When the cool night air brushed against her skin, Mitch scooped up their towels, wrapping one tight around her body. Shielding her from the cold, he pulled her in closer, using his body to warm hers. That small gesture had her feeling all warm and wonderful inside.

Relinquishing his hand, Sara unlocked the pool house door and entered. Mitch followed her. Once inside she turned to him. Strong arms snaked around her waist, gripping her hips, positioning her pelvis next to his. “Tell me your secret,” he commanded in a soft voice, his fingers going to the knot in her towel.

She met his gaze, her mind racing with wild and wicked ideas. Her body trembled with the urgent need to answer the incessant ache between her legs. “It’s more of a confession than a secret.”

His brow arched. “Go on,” he urged.

She shivered as the towel slid down her body and fell to the floor. The shiver had more to do with the man standing in front of her than it did with being cold.

Mitch pulled her tighter; she melted against him as her flesh absorbed the heat radiating off his body. She gestured with a nod toward the sexy toys she’d purchased at a boutique earlier that day. “Well, I’ve never been tied up and spanked. And I’d really like to try it.” She touched his chest with her index finger. “With you.”

His eyes darkened; his throat worked as he swallowed. His whole body broke into a sweat. “That’s some confession, Sara.”

She trailed her fingers over his chest. His skin burned beneath her fingertips. “Last night you fulfilled my fantasy. Tonight I’d like to fulfill yours.”

He drew in air, then slipped his hand down her back to cradle her ass. “And you think my fantasy is to tie you up and spank you?”

She nodded eagerly. “You mentioned something about that last night.”

His chest heaved. He inclined his head, his expression tender and perplexed. “And you’d do that for me, Sara?” He pulled her impossibly closer. As his cock brushed against her inner thighs, her pussy flooded with heat.

She bit down on her lower lip and could feel her body grow hot beneath his touch. “Yes, but I have to admit, I’d probably really like it, too.”

Something in his face softened. Sara saw warmth fill his eyes. His hands went to her cheeks, where he caressed her with the backs of his fingers. She became pliable in his arms.

Mitch cleared his throat before speaking. “Sara, maybe we’ll fulfill that fantasy later. Right now this is what I want.” His hands circled her waist and splayed over the small of her back. His mouth closed over hers for a deep, soul-stirring kiss. So deep and soul-stirring in fact, it nearly brought her to her knees.

Their bodies pressed together, his hands began moving, tracing the pattern of her curves gently, lovingly. His mouth went to her neck.

“I want you, babe.” Urgent need colored his voice.

“I want you, too, Mitch.” She coiled her arms around his shoulders and held on, never wanting to let him go.

One long finger slipped between her thighs. She widened her legs in invitation. His finger rubbed her inflamed clit, then parted her damp pink lips. She began panting, her hips rocking forward. Mitch pressed his finger inside her cunt, priming her for his thickness.

His breath rushed over her face, and she sensed he was hovering near the edge right along with her. “I don’t have any condoms on me, Sara, and I need to be inside you.” She felt a tremor race through his body. He hastily raked his fingers through his hair. “I really, really need to be inside you.” His strangled voice shook as he spoke.

She gyrated against him, needing to assuage the deep ache in her core. She put her mouth close to his and framed his face with her hands. “I stashed some in here earlier today.”

Perspiration dotting his forehead, Mitch scooped her body in his arms and deposited her on the fully inflated pool lounger.

“Where are they?”

The intensity in his eyes was almost frightening to her. Sara reached behind the chair and pulled one out. Mitch took it, ripped the package open, and quickly sheathed himself. Once complete, he climbed over her, his cock centered between her closed legs.

Unbridled desire burned in his eyes. “Open for me, Sara.” His voice was rough with emotion.

She widened her legs as he requested, granting him better access. Her skin came alive. Their breath mingling, his mouth came down on hers. Soft lips played over hers, and tongues joined in a mating dance.

Sara whimpered and moved restlessly beneath him, aching and hungering for him in ways that shocked her. Without his lips ever leaving hers, Mitch’s hand dipped between their bodies, circled her clit and prepared her for his entrance.

He inched back, blue eyes smoldering with need when they met hers. Heat flamed through her and boiled her blood. Gentle fingers brushed her hair from her forehead. She loved the way he touched her in such a familiar way. Her heart slammed in her chest; she was amazed at how easily she’d lost herself in his touch.

His breath was coming in ragged bursts, and his voice thinned to a whisper. “I love how wet you get for me.” The tip of his cock breached her opening. She moaned and wrapped her legs around his back, forcing him in deeper. His earthy scent closed over her and she thought she’d go mad with desire.

“Please, Mitch,” she begged, threading her fingers through his hair.

There was such tenderness in his gaze when his eyes locked on hers. “Please what?”

Desperation to feel him inside her fueled her on. She touched his cheek. “I need you to fuck me.”

With that, he offered her his entire length. She let out a little gasp as his girth pushed open the tight walls of her pussy. Her heart increased its tempo and a shudder raced through her.

They were joined as one, and Mitch began moving, rocking his hips slowly. The sweet friction took her places she’d never been before, filling her with need, with longing.

Together they established a rhythm, meeting and welcoming every push, each giving and taking at the same time.

She pressed her breasts against his chest and moved beneath him. Heat poured from his body to hers, back to his again. Moaning deep in his throat, Mitch cradled her in his arms, his cock stroking the spot that needed it most, bringing her to the edge in record time. The man certainly had a talent for knowing just how she liked it, just what she needed.

Even though their lovemaking was softer, slower, deeper, and far more tender than last time, it didn’t mean it was any less powerful. In fact, it was so raw, so powerful, and so intimate it sent a riot of emotions coursing through her.

Eyes full of want, he shot her a tender look of intimacy. Her throat clogged, her insides turned to mush.

“You feel so good,” he whispered.

Her thoughts scattered. All she knew was she never wanted this to end. She wanted to keep him inside her forever, but the pressure building in her body became too much to bear. Her tongue found the warmth of his mouth again. He kissed her with such passion, it left her gulping for her very next breath.

Her pussy muscles quaked and gripped him hard. A growl crawled out of his throat as her tension mounted. Concentrating on the tiny points of pleasure, she gripped his backside, following his motion with her hands, urging him on.

The world around her went fuzzy; her entire body burned from the inside out. “Harder, Mitch,” she cried out as a powerful orgasm rolled through her.

Mitch began panting, picking up the tempo, driving her to the moon and back over and over, giving her body what it needed to bring her to the peak and keep her there. As her muscles quaked and quivered in erotic delight, she felt his cock clench and throb, and knew his orgasm was fast approaching.

He tangled his fingers through her hair. Moisture sealed their bodies together.
He called out her name and stilled as his own orgasm tore through him. Balancing his weight on his arms, Mitch lay on top of her with his chest rising and falling in an erratic pattern. His lips closed over hers for a soft, tender kiss. Everything in her reached out to him. He stayed inside her for a long time, until his cock grew flaccid and slipped out.

Mitch inched back and discarded his condom. He rolled to his side and tugged her along with him. When their eyes met, it triggered a craving she couldn’t sate.

He angled his head, his gaze going to the sexy toys she’d purchased. “So I take it you had this seduction planned all along.” She could hear the pleasure in his voice.

“I think we already established that I’m a wild,
woman, Mitch.”

“Who wants to be tied up and spanked,” he added, humor edging his voice.

Chuckling softly, she asked, “Are you making fun of me?”

“Hell, no. I just never met a woman as open and uninhibited as you. And it’s not every day a woman asks me to tie her up and spank her.” He dropped a kiss onto her mouth.

“Not every day?” she asked.

A slow lazy grin tugged at his lips. “Nope. More like every second day.”

Sara laughed and swatted him, loving the easy, playful intimacy between them.

“There you go again, hitting me. Keep it up and I’ll just have to punish you,” he said, humor in his voice.

She batted her lashes, playing along. “That’s what I’m counting on.” When he chuckled, Sara snuggled tighter into his arms. Mitch laced his fingers through hers. It felt so good to be held by him.

Eyes heavy, and feeling drained, she was overtaken by fatigue. She rested her head against his chest and listened to his heart beat. They remained quiet for a long time, both lost in their thoughts.

Mitch broke the silence. “When do you go back?”

“A week and a half.”

“Back to writing cow-tipping stories.”

She shrugged. “I guess.”

“Have you ever thought about staying in Chicago and finding a job here?”

“About a million times an hour.” She tipped her head to look at him.

His eyes were wide, filled with intrigue and delight. “Really?” he asked.

“Yeah. It’s my dream to write for

He tossed her his trademark panty-soaking smile. “Hmmm.”


He crushed her body to his, his fingers marching over her arm. “If you move here, it will give us a chance to explore all our fantasies.”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, teasing him. “Like that’s an incentive.”

“You didn’t happen to pick up a little French maid outfit to go with that paddle and satin rope, did you?”

“You are so bad.” She whacked him. Hard.

He grasped her hands and pinned them to her sides. “Now you’re really asking to be tied and spanked,” he said, his lips hovering over hers.

Sara freed one hand, slid it down his body, and sheathed his cock. “I think we’ll have to postpone that until you recharge.” When she chuckled, Mitch smothered the sound with his mouth. After they shared a long, lingering kiss, Mitch packaged her against his body, her head resting on his chest. Silence reigned once again as they both went back to their own thoughts. Sara stifled a yawn, exhaustion easing itself into her bones.

Mitch grabbed their beach towels and covered them. A short while later, she listened to his breathing level out and deepen. She glanced up at his handsome face and smiled, waiting patiently while he slept and recharged. Soon enough she’d wake him, because, as far as she was concerned, this night was far from over. There were many more fantasies to fulfill, a few toys to be used, and one spankable ass in need of a firm firefighter palm.



He inched open his eyes, still half asleep. “Hmmm?”

“It’s time.”

“Time for what, babe?” he murmured, automatically reaching out beside him. Disappointment settled in his stomach when his hand came up empty.

“Time for you to get up.”

He rolled toward her voice, and his cock brushed against the pool lounger. He glanced down at his erection. “I already am up.”

“Precisely.” Her sultry tone snapped him to attention.

His head shot up. “Sweet fuck,” he whispered, his body rocketing to life. Mouth gaping open, he took in the erotic vision before him. Dressed only in a pair of firefighter pants, with the suspenders covering her nipples, Sara held a rope out to him. He spotted a paddle and a few other sex toys on the shelf beside her. Holy hell. She really did have a night of fantasy sex planned for him. And dammit, who was he to disappoint her? When he looked at the toys again, his mind raced with delicious ideas, and he knew he had every intention of playing his fantasies out to the fullest.

Mitch blinked and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Either I’m dreaming or you just tapped into my fantasies.”

Sara offered him a sultry smile, her glance roaming over his naked body. “You’re still dreaming, Mitch. It’s your erotic dream, and it’s yours to play out any way you like.”

He could barely formulate a response. Climbing to his feet, he approached her slowly. “So this is all just a dream?”

She nodded and licked her lips.

“Which means I can do whatever I want to you?” He touched her flesh and felt her quiver. Keeping close, he circled her body, his cock brushing against her pants. He positioned his mouth close to her ear. “I like your costume.”

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