The Hunt Club

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Authors: John Lescroart

BOOK: The Hunt Club
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The author of the
New York Times
bestselling novels featuring Dismas Hardy and Abe Glitsky brings a new hero into the fold….

At first, The Hunt Club had a membership of one: private investigator Wyatt Hunt. Since then, others have joined, both on and off the official payroll. Their common interest is obtaining justice—one way or another. But they don't mind having a little fun along the way, and that's exactly what they're doing one late-spring night at a San Francisco bar….

One of them is missing the festivities, though. Homicide inspector Devin Juhle has just caught a major case: the shooting death of a sixty-three-year-old federal judge and his twentysomething mistress. While Juhle works, Hunt plays, hooking up with TV star and legal analyst Andrea Parisi—once he escorts her safely home and sobers her up, that is.

But before Hunt knows it, Juhle's case will be of great interest to the members of The Hunt Club. Especially to Hunt himself. Not just because Andrea's card was found in the wallet of one of the victims, but because just hours after their first romantic encounter, she disappears….


Chicago Sun-Times

“Lescroart guides the reader skillfully through the maze of clues and suspects, providing a satisfactory conclusion for all.”

Orlando Sentinel

“[Hunt's] child-services background gives him the ability to read motives in surprisingly insightful ways.”


“A carefully crafted police procedural…an explosive conclusion.”

Lansing State Journal

“Longtime Lescroart fans can relax: These pals are at least as interesting and enterprising as Hardy/Glitsky…. Most readers will agree that it's a great combination, both on the job and on the page.”

Publishers Weekly

“Grisham and Turow remain the two best-known writers in the genre. There is, however, a third novelist at work today who deserves to be considered alongside Turow and Grisham. His name is John Lescroart.”

Chicago Sun-Times

“What separates Lescroart from the usual courtroom novelist is his characters…. They tend to come alive as people and not just action figures.”

Winston-Salem Journal

Praise for John Lescroart's Previous Novels

The Motive

“Surpasses anything Grisham ever wrote and bears comparison with Turow.”

The Washington Post

“Unfolds like a classic
Law & Order.

Entertainment Weekly

The Second Chair

“Lescroart gives his ever-growing readership another spellbinder to savor.”

Library Journal

The First Law

“With his latest, Lescroart again lands in the top tier of crime fiction.”

Publishers Weekly

The Oath



“Hardy and Glitsky are like good wine, improving with time.”

The Orlando Sentinel

The Hearing


—Larry King,
USA Today

Nothing But the Truth


Chicago Tribune

The Mercy Rule


—Nelson DeMille


OVER A WEEKEND…. If you start during the workweek, you will be up very, very late, and your pleasure will be tainted with, well, guilt.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer

A Certain Justice

“A West Coast take on
The Bonfire of the Vanities
…richly satisfying.”

Kirkus Reviews

“A gifted writer…. I read him with great pleasure.”

—Richard North Patterson

The 13th Juror

“FAST-PACED…sustains interest to the very end.”

The Wall Street Journal

Hard Evidence

“ENGROSSING…compulsively readable, a dense and involving saga of big-city crime and punishment.”

San Francisco Chronicle

Dead Irish

“Full of all the things I like. Lescroart's a pro.”

—Jonathan Kellerman


The Suspect

The Motive

The Second Chair

The First Law

The Oath

The Hearing

Nothing but the Truth

The Mercy Rule


A Certain Justice

The 13th Juror

Hard Evidence

The Vig

Dead Irish

Rasputin's Revenge

Son of Holmes




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Published by Signet, an imprint of New American Library, a division of
Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Previously published in a Dutton edition.

ISBN: 978-1-1011-9158-3

Copyright © The Lescroart Corporation, 2006
Excerpt from
The Suspect
copyright © The Lescroart Corporation, 2007 All rights reserved


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To Justine Rose Lescroart,
daughter of my heart

“You think you know yourself until things start happening, until you lose the insulation of normality.”

—Robert Wilson,
A Small Death in Lisbon

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