Read The Hunt for Pierre Jnr Online

Authors: David M. Henley

Tags: #Science Fiction

The Hunt for Pierre Jnr (23 page)

BOOK: The Hunt for Pierre Jnr
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It was only a month ago that he had been in that life. There didn’t seem to be that many scenes from before that he could recollect. He remembered a lot of empty hotel rooms, sitting on the edge of a bed watching viewscreens. He was over thirty years old, surely he should remember more than that? He couldn’t even recall the faces of his parents. He did have one vision in which he sat in a Francophile restaurant eating an expensive meal, with his father he thought, but then he was eating alone. It was more dream to him than memory.


What had those eyes done to him? Was his mind this empty before?


Anchali tried to console him, and to help him put the pieces together from what she could see in his mind and what she could learn from the outside world.


From what I can gather from the two men who visited you, you were part of a team that was in Paris during the manifestation.


What happened?


You were in an operation to find Pierre Jnr, but when you did you couldn’t control him.


Those eyes I see? Is that the boy?


That is him.


Why didn’t he kill me?


That is something everyone would like to know. I must go, this sponge bath is taking longer than normal.


‘I’ll be back with your afternoon snack in a little while. Alright, Mister Lazarus?’


‘And some ice?’ he croaked.


‘I should be able to manage some ice, but not too much. It’s not good for your throat.’


Anchali? You didn’t know me before, did you?


No, Peter. We’ve never met. How much of your memory do you think you have lost?


I don’t know. Most of it. I can’t remember anything. I remember the last week and then
Only scattered images that aren’t making sense to me.


We’ll work on it, Peter. Every day, one bit at a time. I’ll help you. Don’t be frightened.


I’m not. I’m angry. I’ve never felt such hate
well, that I know of. My mind feels like my body does.
 He pushed to her a sense of the pain he was in.


I’ll get you more painkillers.


just, visit more often.


often as I can, Peter.


He let her go at ninety paces. In truth, he was growing stronger, psionically. He found that if he followed his awareness of Anchali as she left, he could stretch far beyond his previous limits. He wasn’t going to tell her though. He’d trusted Tamsin; he couldn’t bring himself to trust another psi again, not one that had been introduced to him by Services.


One hundred and ten, one hundred and eleven, one hundred and twelve ... He found someone else as Anchali left the hospital corridor, a guard sitting at a desk in a prefab capsule. He was scanning data surveillance of activity surrounding the enclosure; Pete watched it somewhat distantly, as he’d never stretched so far before. He could see that the compound they were keeping him in was set in a desert of ruddy-orange sand, surrounded for miles by sharp clumpy grass; he saw his quarantine area isolated from the nest of tents and capsules that huddled on the far side of the fenced-in portion of the desert; an annex held an airstrip with three large transports and a half-dozen squibs.


The man Pete had made contact with turned in his chair and spoke to a woman sitting at a similar desk across the room. The man fantasised about the woman but betrayed no sign of it in his manner. ‘Private, monitor the dust front from the north while I step out, will you?’


‘Yes, Sergeant.’


The man stood and exited the room. Pete’s connection followed, one hundred twenty-seven, one hundred twenty-eight. Just as the man pushed open the door that would lead to the outside, Pete’s bond with him slipped away.


Nearly one hundred and thirty paces. Was this a gift from Pierre? What else could it be?


~ * ~


He felt her dabbing him with cold water. His body was in pain. It shrieked at him.


I’m alive then.


You must be more careful.


Must I? What’s the point?


Peter, calm yourself. Every time you black out like that you ruin your healing. They will sedate you completely, if you don’t settle down.


He opened his eyes.


Where are my team

Why haven’t I seen them?


Please don’t be angry with me. I don’t know where they are.


I’m sorry. I don’t know what it is. I don’t mean to be so frustrated ...


For no reason he bounced between emotions, all just reactions. Anger fear anger fear.


I’m going to sedate you, Peter. Your pulse is rising again.


~ * ~


Each moment of consciousness was like a day to him, and he would wake and pass out perhaps ten times a cycle. Each time he opened his eyes he was in a new mood — he couldn’t seem to control it.


Nurse Anchali tried to explain it to him, but he was suspicious.


You’ve been through a traumatic event. This is natural and the only cure is time. You must be patient.


How do I know he didn’t do this to me?


Because you are still you. Trust me, I’m a nurse.


How can I trust you? You could be like her.


Tamsin Grey

How dare you say a thing like that? People like her are monsters.


I can’t trust anyone. Not Geof, not her, not you. I shouldn’t even trust myself. I’ve been tampered with like a computer.


Perhaps you have, but there’s no point letting it eat you up. Look, I have to go. I’ll be back in an hour, try to stay positive.


She gathered the remains of the meal back onto the tray and dabbed around his mouth.


You’re right not to trust though. It hurts me that you don’t trust me, but it is better than you trusting anyone from Services.


Without thinking about it she wiped the tears away from his face, letting her hand rest on his cheek for comfort.


‘Why are you crying, Mister Lazarus? Are you in pain?’


They’ll never let me go. I’m stuck here, in this bed, in a room like this


 she demanded before his paranoia managed to creep into her own mind.


Anchali stood up. ‘I’ll consult the physician and see if he can help you rest. I’ll bring you something to drink in an hour. Until then, just relax as much as you can.’


She walked away, trying not to appear hurried. They watched everything. It was probably already too late for her and Pete might soon have her life on his conscience too.


~ * ~


There is always the kind of person who will do anything for money and Gock was one such person. His full name was Gock Meyon Cshirasu from the Yantz region. He was onto his third life partner and had two children. None of them liked him. Pete knew the man inside and out before he entered his room and already he felt discomforted by his presence.


Gock was a proxy. A person who lived out the actions of the highest bidder. Those who could afford proxies saw through their eyes and heard through their ears. Controllers often used proxies for anonymity or, as in this case, to protect themselves in dangerous situations. Gock spoke what he was told to speak and did what they bid him. He was Gock and he was at somebody’s service.


It was this second person that Pete was most interested in. Pete knew all he needed to know about Gock without having to lay eyes on him, but the person who commanded him was an unknown.


The man did not know where he was or why, only that his next instruction would be received at the end of the canvas tunnel. He was surprised to see only a man in a healing pallet.


For a moment Peter thought that if he never opened his eyes he could avoid meeting the man, but Gock shuffled as he sat in the chair, thinking of his family back in Yantz. He was irritated by how happy they were that he had been indefinitely repositioned and would be out of contact with them for the foreseeable future. He was also jet-lagged and ready to sleep as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Pete pondered a moment the term ‘foreseeable future’. He could foresee very little of his own future at this point, or his past. He’d given up his freedom and was now at the mercy of Services.


When he did eventually open his eyes, the squat little man stood up. ‘You may call me Gock. I speak for the honourable Ryu Shima, Prime of the World Union.’


Until he spoke the words, Gock himself didn’t know who had hired him. Ryu Shima, the young man of Yantz who had risen nearly overnight to the position of Prime. This made Gock smile. This was a powerful man. This was a man with pull. This man could change Gock’s life.


For Peter Lazarus it was as though the Prime himself had walked into his room. The most influential individual in the world, and he had sent a proxy so he was safe from the telepath.


He didn’t know how long it took him to raise a reply. ‘I am not sure how to address you.’


Ryu was quick to respond, then Gock repeated the words in his own slippery voice. ‘You will address me as Prime. I can tell it is painful for you to talk right now, so please keep your answers short. You can nod to indicate you understand.’ Peter nodded. ‘Are you aware that you are under suspicion of treason and sabotage?’


‘I knew I was under suspicion for something.’


‘Your trial is taking place now and everything you say or do will contribute to the determination. Do you understand?’ Pete nodded. ‘If at any time you wish to confess and spare Services the time and resources burden, your crime will be looked upon more favourably. Do you wish to confess?’


Pete remained silent and did not nod.


‘As you wish. I have appointed Gock to shadow you for the length of your reorientation. You may contact me through him, but I will not always be available to you. I will work on your case as I can.’


It was difficult to keep up. Pete had to remind himself that it was Ryu Shima who was speaking, not the sweating proxy who was just a relay. It was extremely disorienting to hold a conversation with someone who was thinking things contrary to what they were saying. ‘What’s reorientation?’ he asked.


‘Reorientation, Mister Lazarus, is when a Citizen is found unable to perform or has become confused about their civic duties and requires correction.’


‘What does that mean?’


‘It means you will continue your investigation. For now.’


‘But what about the others? Geof and Colonel Pinter?’


‘Mister Lazarus, Gock and I have put strain on you enough. If time wasn’t of the essence, we would have waited for your full recovery. Please accept my apologies.’


‘Okay ...’


‘A ten squad will collect you at dawn. Do you understand?’ Pete nodded. ‘Good. It will be hard for you at first. I have found that few have the discipline I demand, but most eventually learn to try. I also understand that this way of life is not what you intended and it is outside of your belief system, but you must prepare for reorientation. The only advice I can give you is not to resist. Allow us to help you and you will learn faster.’


Gock bowed, reluctantly, but he was under duress. Pete did not know what to think about his new situation.


~ * ~


Pete awoke with Anchali gently shaking him. ‘Mister Lazarus? Mister Lazarus? We must dress you.’ 
Wake up, Peter. Some men are here to take you away.


Is it time already


Where are you going?


I haven’t been told.


‘Do you think you can stand? That’s good. Gently now. That’s good.’ Slowly they managed to get him out of bed and dressed. He swayed on his own two feet; the ground under him felt like a raft at sea.


Will you be okay?
 Anchali asked.


I think so. It has just been a long time since I was last vertical. What will you do now?


I’ll be reassigned. Back to a more normal hospital.


Will you contact your people

Tell them what happened?


I will.
soon as they find me. Good luck, Peter Lazarus. I hope we meet again.


Thank you for nursing me.


Be strong.


Don’t look sad, Anchali. They are watching.


 She sniffed back her emotions. 
They are always watching.


She helped him all the way to the landing area, acting as a crutch until he found his balance. She left orders with Gock that he should eat as soon as possible and then she left.


Pete held onto their connection as she walked back to the hospital tent. They said nothing, only sharing the emotions that were going through them both.


Thirty-one, thirty-two ...


Pete had seen marauders before. On parade. Even out of their armour the team were of impressive size. Biceps as big as a regular man’s head, with shoulders that could pull a plough across a field.


‘This is the marauder team,’ Gock introduced them. ‘They’ll be your ten squad.’


Pete didn’t need clearance to know the ranking of the small team. There were ten men, numbered for clear hierarchy. He reached into their minds as they saluted the air in front of them with metal-bound fists.

BOOK: The Hunt for Pierre Jnr
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