The Hunter (Orion the Hunter) (10 page)

BOOK: The Hunter (Orion the Hunter)
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Chapter 5


Good morning, Miss Prince,” called Clark as I emerged through the revolving door the next morning. 


I turned to reply and noticed that he was looking at me oddly.  I fleetingly wondered whether it was because I had left with Lucas Hunter through the main entrance the previous evening or whether it was because I had taken exceptional care with my appearance this morning in the hope that I might encounter a certain gentleman at some point.  I called out a cheery greeting and hurried off to wait for the elevator.


I was wearing my treasured silver Louboutin pumps, a tight grey skirt that was a good few inches shorter than I usually wore and I had unbuttoned the first three buttons of my soft pink silk sleeveless top.  I had left my long black hair down but I had brushed it until it shone like it was studded with black sapphires and then curled it so that it fell in waves to my breast.  I became aware that the eyes of several men, who were in the reception lobby, were firmly fixed on various parts of my body. 
Game on, Lucas Hunter!  I hope I run into you today - I will make sure that you want me as much as my body wants you!


Ten minutes later, I was uploading the photographs from Norman & Wilde off the memory card of Angel’s camera when my office phone rang. 


“Hello, Issy Prince speaking,”


“Hello, Ms Prince.  My name is Daniel; I’m Lucas Hunter’s assistant.  He has asked me to arrange a time for you to meet with him.  I understand that you are expecting my call?”


I sat up straighter in my seat.  “Um, yes.  That’s right.  I will just get my diary.  Please excuse me for a moment.”  I opened my diary, noting with dismay that I only had two appointments in the next two weeks. 
It shouldn’t be a problem finding a mutually convenient time then, should it?


“Okay, what is Mr Hunter’s availability?  I will try to fit him in,” I continued brightly.


“9:30, 11 o’clock or he could do a lunchtime meeting at 12:15,” said Daniel’s slightly bored voice.


“Sorry, what dates are you looking at?” I frowned.




“Oh, he has nothing else in the next few days?  I heard my voice say.  I fleetingly wondered why I was being difficult.  I was free all day today.


“He has only given his availability for today, Miss Prince.  In fact, he has completely rearranged his diary to free up those times.” 


I got the impression that Daniel did not appreciate him rearranging his diary.  I was about to claim that I had no availability today but I remembered his excitement when he talked about renovating the mini Dakota.
Why play silly games?  I wanted to run into him today, didn’t I?
“I can make 12.15,” I capitulated.  Daniel informed me that the meeting would take place in Mr Hunter’s office on the 20


I spent the rest of the morning selecting which photographs I would use for my portfolio and then contacting local printing companies to arrange for quotes and samples.  At 12.10, I retouched my make up in the bathroom and then made my way to the elevator.  As I ascended, I felt a thrill to be going up to the top floor of the building - I couldn’t wait to see the view over Manhattan.


The elevator doors opened and I stepped out into a huge reception area, tiled entirely in crystal white quartz.  I couldn’t help but smile - no wonder Lucas liked my work at Norman & Wilde!  I noticed that the name of the company had been etched into the wall next to the huge granite reception desk.  Hunter Enterprises Limited. 
Oh, I could think of a few enterprises that I would be willing to undertake with Lucas Hunter!


I walked towards the reception desk, noticing that there were two men, both dressed entirely in grey, holding a quiet yet earnest conversation behind the desk.  As I neared, one of them nudged the other in the ribs with his elbow and then nodded his head subtly in my direction.  By the time I had reached the desk, they were both standing with completely impassive expressions on their faces.  “Issy Prince to see Lucas Hunter,” I announced with what I hoped was a charming smile. 


For a second, there was silence before one of them remembered their professionalism.  “Yes, of course Miss Prince.  Please take a seat.  Mr Hunter will be with you in just a moment.”


I smiled and walked over to a soft grey suede sofa and, as I sat down, I became aware that I was being watched.  I looked back at the reception desk.  The pair of them were once again huddled together, conversing quietly but now they were both casting frequent furtive glances in my direction.  I was well used to receiving attention from the opposite sex but I didn’t think that what I was receiving were admiring glances - I felt that they were judgmental. 
What was their problem?


I suddenly felt very uncomfortable and made a spur of the moment decision to attempt to change the type way that they were looking at me.  I slowly crossed my legs, allowing my short skirt to expose more skin than I usually would.  Then, looking through my lashes at them, I licked my lips with the tip of my tongue.  Then I tipped up my chin, closed my eyes and ran my fingertips, oh so slowly, down my throat and onto my collarbone.  I flicked open my eyes and had to suppress a smile when I found that they were both standing there with their mouths open, practically drooling.


The sound of a throat being cleared loudly drew all eyes to it.  Lucas Hunter was standing, wearing another severe black suit, in front of the far wall, hands on hips, jaw clenched, dark eyes fixed firmly on me.  I jumped up, feeling my cheeks burn.  I walked over to him, eyes downcast, unable to meet his gaze. 


“I do apologize for keeping you waiting,” he said coolly.  “I trust that my staff entertained you during your short wait.” He glowered at the pair of them before holding an oak paneled door open and indicating for me to pass through. 


I walked through the doorway and stopped in my tracks.  Lucas cannoned into my back and knocked me off balance. I yelped as I began to fall but quick as a flash, he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him to stop me from sprawling headlong onto the floor.  My head flopped back on to his chest and I my shoulders relaxed.  I heard the door close quietly behind us before
voice murmured, “Now they will be wondering what I am doing to you in here.”


As the words registered in my mind, I realized that my heart was racing. 
Is that because I almost fell or because he is holding me? 
I felt his arm begin to loosen its grip around my waist and I had to resist the urge to clasp it and keep it there.  I reluctantly lifted my head from his chest and turned to thank him for rescuing me.  He was smiling, his eyes crinkling in the corners slightly.  “That’s twice that you have thrown yourself at me, Miss Prince,” his mouth still smiling as he spoke.


“Technically, this time I threw myself away from you Mr Hunter, and you pulled me back to you.”


To my surprise, he threw back his head and laughed heartily and I found myself joining in. 


“What made you stop?” he asked suddenly.


“Stop?” I shrugged, confused.


“Stop moving … as you came through the door,”


“Ah, I was taken aback by your office,” I said meekly.  “You could fit 20 of my office in here.”


It was true; you could.  It was sleek, minimalist and cavernous.  I looked around the room.  A large oak desk stood in front of the large window.  A matching table that made Norman & Wilde’s conference room table look like a coffee table, dominated one side of the room but I was drawn to something on a smaller table in the centre of the room. 


When I reached it, I quickly realized that it was a scale model of Manhattan.  I peered down and found the Orion Building quickly - so good was the detailing that even I, newcomer to the area, could find my way around it.  I scanned the model, looking for other landmarks that I knew.  I even found my own apartment block.  I gasped when I found Bryant Park; it was perfect.  I could see all the monuments that I had admired during my visits to the park. I grinned when I spotted the miniature ping pong tables and the ‘wichcraft kiosks.  When I saw Le Carrousel, I clapped my hands together like a child.


A deep, soft chuckle reminded me where I was before Lucas appeared at my side.  “You like it?” he said, his head tilting to one side, cobalt blue eyes sparkling.


“I love it!” I cried.  “It is wonderful.”  My eyes roamed around the model until they alighted on the reason for our meeting.  The mini Dakota that Lucas had purchased was another stunning reproduction.  I tapped the top of it with my fingertip and turned to him.  “I guess we should get down to business before I get totally distracted.”


He chuckled again.  “I was the same when I first had it made.  I don’t think I got much work done for a few days.  I told myself that it was my duty to check it for accuracy, quality control if you will, but really, I just wanted to play.  It‘s like Lego for grownups! I am glad you like it but you’re right, we should remember why we are here. ”


Oh yes, don’t forget my other objective for today.  Argh! He is really going to be seduced by you squealing like a child and playing with his Lego!  Come on girl, get your act together and show him what he is missing!


Lucas strolled over to a pale fawn leather L-shaped sofa that could seat ten people comfortably and indicated for me to sit down.  “Drink?” he asked, moving to the far side of the office.


“I would love a coffee,” I answered as I sat down.


“Oh, I was about to open a bottle of wine,” he said, then grinned mischievously.  “It is Friday, after all.” 


I smiled, finding that grin hard to resist.  I raised an eyebrow suggestively and looked him straight in the eye, pouting slightly.  “Mr Hunter, are you trying to lead me astray?”


His grin disappeared in an instant and he looked distinctly uncomfortable.


“Lead on,” I trilled quickly, sounding more confident than I felt.  “It is Friday, after all.  A glass of wine would be lovely.” 


Get the message, Issy.  He only looks uncomfortable when you drool or attempt to flirt with him - he really isn’t interested!


The problem was that although my brain was shouting that message loud and clear, I wasn’t used to men being immune to my charms.  I was intrigued that he didn’t just ignore my behavior - his body had reacted to me yesterday at Norman & Wilde’s in the way that I was used to.  But mostly, he just looked incredibly disconcerted or even angry. 
Perhaps he isn’t used to women coming on to him.  Perhaps he prefers to be in control - maybe he likes to make the first move … then why hasn’t he? 


I remembered the beautiful bouquet of flowers that he had sent. 
Perhaps he is an old romantic and he likes to court and woo his women.
Ew, instant turn off!!! But then again, what a challenge it would be to make him want me - to feel that he simply must have me.  To make him beg for one night of no holds barred sex in that incredibly deep sexy voice. To feel that amazing, muscular body pounding into mine …


I closed my eyes and squirmed in my seat. 
God, the things that I could do to that body.  The things that that body could do to me. 
The knowledge that his lack of interest in me was only making me want him more was infuriating.  I knew then that I would stop at nothing to have sex with this man.  It was now a mission. 
Okay, so throwing yourself at him doesn’t work.  Perhaps a more subtle approach is in order.  Can I do subtle?  There’s only one way to find out …


I sighed deeply and opened my eyes.  Lucas was standing directly in front of me, holding out a wine glass.  He looked wary so I smiled to try to put him at ease.  It seemed to do the trick.  For the next ten minutes, he shared the discussions that he had had with his architect earlier in the day as we gradually drank our wine.  He continued to relax and became very animated and confident around me.  I asked lots of pertinent questions that made him think from different perspectives.  I saw him staring at me a few times - and I got the distinct impression that I was earning his respect.  The architect was in favor of having smaller apartments than Lucas had envisioned.


“I hear what he is saying, and it does make good financial sense to divide the building up into a larger number of smaller apartments,” he said.  “But my gut instinct is to go with fewer, larger apartments.  What do you think?” 

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