The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3) (89 page)

BOOK: The Icarian Legacy Collected Edition: Brave Souls - First Strike (Volume 3)
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He noticed Flint calling one of the Illian females and handing her the small child. He then pulled a knife and entered the house.

What he saw shocked him.

There were six bodies. Two were dead dacarians. The others were Illians, two children and their parents. They were cut to pieces. And from the horror in their faces it was obvious that they were still alive when the dacarians did that.

The legionaries were shot to pieces by the humans.

As he saw the third one he noticed that he was shot in the leg and in the arms. It was obvious that Flint wanted him alive. He saw the fury in his face and in the face of the other human soldier that guarded the prisoner.

Kelley entered and Flint turned and spoke.

“Sir I ask permission to extract information from the prisoner.”

His voice was cold. Arnes didn’t understand the words they were spoken in a language he didn’t know. But he felt a shiver pass as he felt the coldness in it. Deep down he knew what Flint was asking. And part of him hoped that he would get that permeation even as he hoped that will not happen.

Kelley met Flint’s eyes. He knew what Flint wanted.


“Sir asking permission to extract information from the prisoner…”

Kelley started to answer but Flint met his gaze and stopped him cold. This was not a battle he was going to win. He could see it in his eyes. Flint was the first on the scene here. He knew that he saw what happened to the civilians, he heard the screams. And as he saw the look of contempt in the legionary’s eyes he knew that he can’t say no.

He looked at Flint and just nodded.

Flint didn’t’ say a word he just turned and started tying the legionary.

“Arnes we better go outside.”

Arnes looked confused but he followed his order. A moment later Smith came out as well.

From the inside moments later they all heard the dacarian scream. The screaming continued for half an hour.

At each scream he could see the two captured legionaries wince. Their courage was gone. There was no fear but it was obvious that they knew what their fate will be.

And they were not happy about it.

Then Flint came out.

He pointed to one of the legionaries that were tied down.

“He is their commander sir. But I don’t think he knows something his XO didn’t.”

Kelley nodded and went to the legionaries.

“The others of your kind we killed, we showed them honor. But you…you don’t deserve that.”

“You will pay for what you did alteran. When the others come they will make you pay.”

Kelley smiled.

“No what they will do is find you burned, see Agar’s mangled body and then they will get angry. And they will die.”

He looked at Kim and Sanders. The two soldiers just nodded and picked up the dacarians.

They tied their hands and legs. Before they picked them up Kelley looked at the snarling commander.

“You called me Alteran. Before you die bastard you should know that we are back. We are back and you will all burn for what you did, all your worlds.”

The Dacarian looked at him with shock. Before he could answer he was picked up and both he and the other prisoner were thrown in to the fire.

They started screaming almost at once as the fire caught their bodies but the humans just turned. No one reacted, no one spoke a word.

Kelley saw Flint clean him self and then go the Illian female that was holding the small girl. He picked her up and walked away.

He noticed the shock in the faces of the Sicarians and the Macassi. It was obvious that they were not used to seeing something like this. He was not proud of himself for allowing it but he didn’t feel shame. In fact it felt good.

He looked at Dunir.

“Don’t be shocked. They deserved what they got.”

The Sicarian didn’t answer. Kelley just walked away.

It took them almost two hours to treat the wounded and make stretchers for those that couldn’t walk. They rigged several of the bodies of the legionaries with explosives and they mined the houses as well as the attack ship.

He wanted to use it but during the fighting it was damaged and there was no time to repair it.

After this they left the village and continued towards their objective.

Four hours later a scout party came in the village and so did another shuttle. They expected to be welcomed by the legionaries that were already here but instead they saw the burned remains of their bodies.

If anyone saw their faces he could see real anger. Especially once they found the torn body of Agar.

But as they tried to move the bodies of the few left legionaries that the rebels had no time to burn they activated the C-4 explosives that were placed around them. In just moments explosions killed twenty and wounded thirty legionaries. 

But the real damage came as a group of four legionaries the commander among them tried to activate the shuttle that was left behind and check its damage.

When Garret and Johnson set the explosives they didn’t really knew the shuttles layout. By accident they placed explosives next to the reactor. So when the reactor was activated and the explosive was triggered it made the small fusion reactor overload and turned it in to a small fusion bomb.

The bomb didn’t have much power but it was still powerful enough to wipe out the village and everything in a ten mile radius. It killed the three hundred legionaries in the village it destroyed the other shuttle and it also killed almost a thousand legionaries that were following the trail that another group that passed close to the village left when it was attacked.

They also picked up the trail that Kelley and the others left but before they could report it they were killed.

Kelley and the others noticed the fireball rising in the sky just moments after it exploded.

They all went to the ground instantly knowing that a shock wave will follow.

“Garret what the fuck did you do to that shuttle?”

Garret scratched his head and looked at his partner in crime. They both smiled.

“Just fire and crackers boss…fire and crackers.”

Atkins looked at them and then to Kelley.

They both smiled as well.

“What is done is done we better move fast because that ball of fire will attract attention from all sides.”

Kelley knew that Ellis was right.

They all rose several minutes later and started walking without looking back.

By the time the first dacarian shuttles arrived to investigate they were far gone…



























                                          CHAPTER FOURTEEN






Rivers took a last look at the city as they separated from the group of Illians that was following them. It was a marvelous sight that still captivated him, more so since he knew that it probably is the last time he will see it. The outer city would be demolished in the fighting he was sure of it. The shield would cover the city that was built inside the mountain and he hoped that it would protect them long enough so that they survive.

He touched his backpack that contained the three data pads. They contained all the information that the fleet and the command back on Earth would need. They already had all they needed from the information the rebels shared with him on the pad that Egert gave him. It contained all the information’s the Illians had on the current forces on this planet, their positions and the cities and military bases.  It was something that his teams would have needed much more time to gather. He already planned to make contact when they reached their next base camp in several days to inform them.

The data pads would stay there hidden and well protected.

If there was an option they would try to establish a contact on the usual way with the Excelsior and transmit the data.

They were already late for it thanks to the events in the past few weeks. The contact was a simple data burst so far containing nothing except the proof that they are still alive.

This would be the first time they would try to send information. It was a big risk but he knew that it was a risk they had to take.

“Sir we are ready to go.”

He turned and saw Luis behind him. He nodded and went after him. The rest was over, it was time for work.

And god knew they had a lot before them…Especially now.

It took them almost a week before they finally felt safe and distant enough from danger. The last four days there were no signs of any movement from the dacarian scouting parties and no shuttles flew overhead.

Anderson watched as Jenkins and Doc returned and talked with Rivers. He could see the relaxation on their faces and on Rivers as they delivered their report.

As Jenkins and Doc sat down Luis and Gordon went on a second watch.

Rivers called him.

“We are clear of any enemy movement. There are no signs of anything but wildlife, not even rebel parties.”

“We know that there are few around here sir.”

As he said that Anderson took out a map. It was a sketch that they made before meeting the rebels and they update it since than with the information the rebels shared. It showed half a dozen villages in the area and at least one forward base. He knew that they passed the last line of defense five days ago.

“Do you think that they might have retreated behind the line?”

Rivers thought for a second.

“It is possible. We know that Egert agreed to our plan and he said that he would give the order. If he did it is possible that they started retreating days ago.”

Anderson looked at the map. It was a large area so he couldn’t be sure in anything but it was a lot of people to move unnoticed. But they lived in this jungle their whole lives so it would be no surprise.

Rivers looked at the map and then he scanned the area thinking for a moment.

“We are four days from our next base camp. We will see if the other teams left any information, contact them and send the data burst to Excelsior. Once we do that and evaluate our situation we will check. We still follow the mission parameters at least until the situation clears.”

Anderson nodded.

“What do we do if we encounter any dacarian troops in the area?”

“We avoid them if we can. If not we eliminate them. Once this is done and we are far enough of the base camp we start what we promised them. We will try to link up with the other teams and share information and try and find any rebel troops caught behind the lines.”

Anderson nodded. It was the right thing to do. And a good plan.

They both joined the rest of the team.

“We rest for four hours then we move once again.”

“Well I guess it’s time for Doc to take a nap. Come on baby time for your beauty sleep.”

“Only if you join me Jen…You know I hate to sleep alone”

The small exchange brought a small laugh.

“Maybe we should give you two a little privacy.”

“I think he wanted some privacy back in the base boss. I think our Jen has a weakness for a young roman nurse.”

Jenkins looked at Flint.

“Hah is that jealousy I hear in your voice F.”

Flint smiled.

“Well she does have a nice piece of ass, so yeah you could say that. Although I think I would love something with more experience.”

“Well F if I see her mother next time I will ask if she has any free friends. Since we are palls you know.”

The jokes continued for some time everyone sharing something. Half an hour later they were already resting. Half the team was taking a nap the others keeping watch.

Four hours later they were already moving.

It took them a little more than four days to reach the camp. They lost half a day by making a slight detour to avoid a small scouting party Jenkins noticed.

As they entered the small cave behind the waterfall they noticed that the camp was still well hidden. They found a note that indicated that in the past month Atkins and his team passed here and that they are heading to the randevy point.

Jenkins took watch outside while the others entered inside.

They moved deeper in the cave and came to the place where their equipment was hidden.

“Well it’s all here. It seems that Delta didn’t have much need for ammunition. They took some ration bars but that’s it.”

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