The Icarus Agenda (99 page)

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Authors: Robert Ludlum

BOOK: The Icarus Agenda
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“The assumption was that if genuinely summoned, he would
respond to the call,” said Winters flatly. “But is it an accurate assumption?”

“I think it is,” replied Margaret Lowell.

“I do, too.” Logan nodded his large head and moved forward into the reflected pool of light from the table. “Still, Jacob has a point. We can’t be
, and if we’re wrong, it’s Bollinger and business as usual, and the wolves take over next January.”

“Suppose Kendrick was confronted with the alternative of your wolves, with proof of their venality, their entrenched behind-the-scenes power that’s permeated the entire Washington structure?” asked Winters, his voice no longer a monotone but very much alive. “Under those circumstances, do you think he
answer the call?”

The huge black entrepreneur leaned back into the shadows, his large eyes squinting. “From everything we know … Yes, yes, I do.”

“And you, Margaret?”

“I agree with Gid. He
a remarkable man—with a political conscience, I believe.”


“Of course, Samuel, but how is it to be done? We have no documentation, no official records—good heavens, we burn our own notes. So beyond the fact that he’d have no reason to believe us, we can’t reveal ourselves and Varak’s

“I have another to take his place. A man who, if necessary, can make certain Evan Kendrick is given the truth. The whole truth if he doesn’t know it already.”

Stunned, all eyes were on the spokesman for Inver Brass. “What the hell are you
, Sam?” cried Margaret Lowell.

“Varak left instructions in the event of his death, and I gave him my word not to open them unless he was killed. I kept my word because in all honesty I didn’t care to know the things he might tell me.… I opened them last night after Mitchell Payton’s call.”

“How will you handle Payton?” asked Lowell suddenly, anxiously.

“We’re meeting tomorrow. None of you have anything to fear; he knows nothing about you. We’ll either reach an accommodation or we won’t. If we don’t, I’ve lived a long and productive life—it will be no sacrifice.”

“Forgive me, Samuel,” said Gideon Logan impatiently, “but we all face those decisions—we wouldn’t be at this table if we didn’t. What were Varak’s instructions?”

“To reach the one man who can keep us—or conceivably the collective
—completely and officially informed. The man who was Varak’s informer from the beginning, the one without whom Milos could never have done what he did. When our Czech uncovered the discrepancy in the State Department’s logs sixteen months ago, the omission that had Kendrick listed as entering State but with no record of his departure, Varak knew where to look. What he found was not only a willing informer but a dedicated one.… Milos is, of course, irreplaceable, but in this day of high technology our new coordinator is among the most rapidly rising young officials in government. There isn’t a major department or agency in Washington that’s not vying for his services, and the private sector has offered him contracts reserved for former presidents and secretaries of state at least twice his age.”

“He must be a hell of a lawyer or the youngest foreign service expert on record,” interjected Margaret Lowell.

“He’s neither,” countered the white-haired spokesman of Inver Brass. “He’s considered the foremost technologist of computer science in the country, perhaps in the West. Fortunately for us, he comes from considerable wealth and isn’t tempted by private industry. In his way he’s as committed as Milos Varak in pursuit of the nation’s excellence.… In essence, he was one of us when he understood his gifts.” Winters leaned forward over the table and pressed an ivory button. “Will you come in, please?”

The heavy door of the extraordinary library opened and in the frame stood a young man still in his twenties. What set him apart from most others of his age were his striking looks; it was as though he had walked out of a glossy advertisement for men’s fashions in an expensive magazine. Yet his clothes were subdued, neither tailored nor cheap—just ordinarily neat. It was the chiseled, nearly ideal Grecian face that was startling.

“He should forget computers,” said Jacob Mandel quietly. “I have friends at the William Morris Agency. They’ll get him a television series.”

“Do come in, please,” interrupted Winters, placing his hand over Mandel’s arm. “And, if you will, introduce yourself.”

The young man walked confidently but without arrogance to the west end of the table below the black cylinder that when lowered was a screen. He stood for a moment looking down at the pools of light on the table.

“It’s a particular honor for me to be here,” he said pleasantly.
“My name is Gerald Bryce, and I am currently director of GCO, Department of State.”

“GCO?” asked Mandel. “Another alphabet?”

“Global Computer Operations, sir.”

The California sun streamed through the windows of the hospital room as Khalehla, her arms around Evan, gradually released him. She sat back on the bed above him and smiled wanly, her eyes glistening from the residue of tears, her light olive skin so pale. “Welcome to the land of the living,” she said, gripping his hand.

“Glad to be here,” whispered Kendrick weakly, staring at her. “When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t sure it was you or whether I was … whether they were playing more tricks on me.”


“They took my clothes … I was in some old blue jeans and a corduroy—then I was back in my suit—my blue—”

“Your ‘congressional threads,’ I believe you called them,” interrupted Khalehla gently. “You’ll have to get another suit, my darling. What was left of your trousers after they cut them away was beyond a tailor.”

“Extravagant girl.…
, do you know how good it is to
you? I never thought I’d see you again—it made me so goddamned angry.”

“I know how good it is to see
. That hotel carpet has been worn through.… Rest now; we’ll talk later. You just woke up and the doctors said—”

.… To hell with the doctors, I want to know what’s happened. How’s Emilio?”

“He’ll make it, but one lung is gone and his hip is shattered. He’ll never walk properly again, but he’s alive.”

“He doesn’t have to walk, just sit in a captain’s chair.”


“Forget it.… The
. It’s called Passage to China—”

“We know,” broke in Khalehla firmly. “Since you’re so rotten stubborn, let
do the talking.… What you and Carallo did was incredible—”

“Carallo?… Emilio?”

“Yes. I’ve seen the photographs—my God, what a mess! The fire spread everywhere, especially over the east side of the island. The house, the grounds, even the dock where the other boats exploded—it’s gone; it’s all gone. By the time the navy choppers arrived with marine assault troops, everyone on the place was
frightened to death and waiting on the west beaches. They greeted our people as if we were liberators.”

“Then they got

Khalehla looked down at Evan; she paused, then shook her head. “No. I’m sorry, darling.”

 …?” Kendrick started to rise, wincing at the pain in his bandaged sutured shoulder. Again gently, Rashad held him, lowering him down on the pillow. “He
have gotten away! They didn’t

“They didn’t have to. The Mexicans told them.”


“A seaplane flew out and picked up the

“I don’t understand. All communications were out!”

“Not all. What you didn’t know—couldn’t know—was that Grinell had small auxiliary generators in the cellar of the main house with enough power to reach his people at an airfield in San Felipe—we’ve learned that much from the Mexican transmission authorities; not who but where. He can run and even disappear, but he can’t hide forever; we’ve got the tail of a trail.”

“Very alliterative, as my executioner might say.”


“Forget it—”

“I wish you’d stop saying that.”

“Sorry, I mean it. What about Ardis’s lawyer and the ledger I told you about?”

“Again, we’re closing in but we’re not there yet. He’s taken a hike somewhere, but where no one knows. All his phones are monitored and sooner or later he’ll have to reach one of them. When he does, we’ll have him.”

“Could he have any idea that you’re after him?”

“It’s the big question. Grinell was able to reach the mainland, and through San Felipe he could have sent word to Ardis’s lawyer. We simply don’t know.”

“Manny?” asked Evan hesitantly. “Then again you didn’t have time—”

“Wrong, I had nothing
time, desperation time, to be exact. I called the hospital in Denver last night, but all the floor nurse could tell me was that he was stable … and, I gather, something of a nuisance.”

“The understatement of the week.” Kendrick closed his eyes, shaking his head slowly. “He’s dying, Khalehla. He’s dying and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.”

“We’re all dying, Evan. Every day is one day less of life.
That’s not much help, but Manny’s over eighty and the verdict’s not in until it’s in.”

“I know,” said Kendrick, looking at their entwined hands, then up at her face. “You’re a beautiful lady, aren’t you?”

“It’s not something I dwell on, but I suppose I’ll pass for okay-plus. You’re not exactly Quasimodo yourself.”

“No, I just walk like him.… It’s not very modest, but our kids have a fair chance of being decent-looking little bastards.”

“I’m all for the first part but somewhat dubious about the second.”

“You understand that you just agreed to marry me, don’t you?”

“Try getting away from me and you’ll find out how really good I am with a gun.”

“That’s nice. ‘… Oh, Mrs. Jones, have you met my wife, the gunslinger? If anyone’s crashed your party, she’ll nail him right between the eyes.’ ”

“I’m also black belt, first class, in case a weapon makes too much noise.”

“Hey, terrific. Nobody’s going to push me around anymore. Pick a fight with me, I’ll let her off the leash.”

,” growled Khalehla, baring her bright lovely teeth, then composing her face, looking down as if studying him, her dark eyes soft, floating. “I
love you. God knows what we two misfits think we’re doing, but I guess we’re going to give it a try.”

“No, not a try,” said Evan, reaching for her with his right hand. “A lifetime,” he added. She bent down and they kissed, holding each other like two people who had nearly lost each other. And the telephone rang.

” cried Khalehla, springing up.

“Am I that irresistible?”

“Hell, no, not
. It’s not supposed to ring in here, those were my instructions!” She picked up the phone and spoke harshly. “
, and whoever you are I’d like an explanation. How did you get through to this room?”

“The explanation, Officer Rashad,” said Mitchell Payton in Langley, Virginia, “is comparatively simple. I countermanded a subordinate’s order.”

“MJ, you haven’t
this man! He looks like a nuked Godzilla!”

“For a grown-up woman, Adrienne, one who has admitted in my presence that she’s over thirty, you have an untidy habit of frequently talking like an adolescent.…
I’ve also spoken
to the doctors. Evan needs some rest and must keep his ankle strapped and his leg quiet for a day or so and his shoulder wound periodically checked, but beyond these minor inconveniences, he could go right back into the field.”

“You are one frozen
, Uncle Mitch! He can barely talk.”

“Then why have you been talking to him?”

“How did you know …?”

“I didn’t. You just told me.… May we please deal with realities, my dear?”

“What’s Evan?

“Give me that phone,” said Kendrick, awkwardly taking the instrument from Khalehla’s hand. “It’s me, Mitch. What’s happening?”

“How are you, Evan?… I suppose that’s a foolish question.”

“Very. Answer mine.”

“Ardis Vanvlanderen’s lawyer is at his summer house in the San Jacinto Mountains. He called his office for messages and we got an area fix. A unit is on its way there now to evaluate. They should be there in a matter of minutes.”

“Evaluate? What the hell is there to evaluate? He’s got the book! Go in and get it! It obviously spells out their whole global structure, every rotten arms merchant they’ve used in the world! Grinell can run to any of them and be hidden.

“You’re forgetting about Grinell’s own sense of survival. I assume Adrienne … Khalehla told you.”

“Yes, a seaplane picked him up. So what?”

“He wants that ledger as much as we do, and he’s no doubt reached Mrs. Vanvlanderen’s man by now. Grinell won’t risk coming up himself, but he’ll send someone he can trust to retrieve it. If he knows we’re closing in, and all it would take is another pair of eyes on the lawyer’s house, what do you suppose the instructions will be to his trusted courier, who must, after all, get that book into Mexico?”

“Where he could be stopped at the border or in an airport—”

“With us in attendance. What do you think he’ll tell that person?”

“To burn the damn thing,” said Kendrick quietly.


“I hope your men are good at what they do.”

“Two men, and one is just about the best we have. His name is Gingerbread; ask your friend about him.”

“Gingerbread? What kind of dumb name is that?”

“Later, Evan,” interrupted Payton. “I’ve got something to tell
you. I’m flying out to San Diego this afternoon and we have to talk. I hope you’ll be up to it because it’s urgent.”

“I’ll be up to it, but why can’t we talk now?”

“Because I wouldn’t know what to say … I’m not sure I will later, but at least I’ll have learned more. You see, I’m meeting with a man in an hour from now, an influential man who’s intensely interested in you—has been for the past year.”

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