The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament (344 page)

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Authors: Scott Hahn

Tags: #Spiritual & Religion

BOOK: The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament
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Rev 13:7:
 Dan 7:21.
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Rev 13:9:
Mk 4:23
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Rev 13:10:
 Jer 15:2.
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Rev 13:14:
 Deut 13:1-5.
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Rev 13:15:
 Dan 3:5.
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Rev 14:1:
 Ezek 9:4.
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Rev 14:8:
 Is 21:9.
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Rev 14:10:
 Jer 51:7; Gen 19:24.
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Rev 14:11:
 Is 34:10.
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Rev 14:14:
 Dan 7:13.
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Rev 14:15:
 Joel 3:13;
Mt 13:30
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Rev 14:20:
 Joel 3:13.
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Rev 15:1:
 Lev 26:21.
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Rev 15:3:
 Ex 15:1; Ps 145:17.
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Rev 15:4:
 Jer 10:7; Ps 86:9-10.
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Rev 15:5:
 Ex 40:34.
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Rev 15:8:
 1 Kings 8:10; Is 6:4; Ezek 44:4.
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Rev 16:1:
 Is 66:6; Ps 69:24.
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Rev 16:2:
 Ex 9:10-11; Deut 28:35.
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Rev 16:3-4:
 Ex 7:17-21.
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Rev 16:6:
 Ps 79:3.
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Rev 16:7:
 Ps 119:137.
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Rev 16:10:
 Ex 10:21.
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Rev 16:12:
 Is 11:15-16.
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Rev 16:13:
 1 Kings 22:21-23; Ex 8:3.
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Rev 16:15:
 1 Thess 5:2.
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Rev 16:16:
 2 Kings 9:27.
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Rev 16:17:
 Is 66:6.
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Rev 16:18:
 Ex 19:16; Dan 12:1.
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Rev 16:21:
 Ex 9:23.
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Rev 17:1:
 Jer 51:13.
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Rev 17:2:
 Is 23:17; Jer 25:15-16.
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Rev 17:4:
 Jer 51:7.
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Rev 17:8:
 Dan 7:3;
Rev 3:5
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Rev 17:12:
 Dan 7:20-24.
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Rev 17:14:
 Dan 2:47.
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Rev 18:2:
 Is 21:9; Jer 50:39.
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Rev 18:3:
 Jer 25:15, 27.
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Rev 18:4:
 Is 48:20; Jer 50:8.
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Rev 18:5:
 Jer 51:9.
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Rev 18:6:
 Ps 137:8.
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Rev 18:7:
 Is 47:8-9.
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Rev 18:9:
 Ezek 26:16-17.
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Rev 18:11:
 Ezek 27:36.
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Rev 18:12:
 Ezek 27:12-13, 22.
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Rev 18:15:
 Ezek 27:36, 31.
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Rev 18:17:
 Is 23:14; Ezek 27:26-30.
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Rev 18:19:
 Ezek 27:30-34.
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Rev 18:20:
 Is 44:23; Jer 51:48.
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Rev 18:21:
 Jer 51:63; Ezek 26:21.
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Rev 18:22:
 Is 24:8; Ezek 26:13.
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Rev 18:23:
 Jer 25:10.
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Rev 18:24:
 Jer 51:49.
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Rev 19:2:
 Deut 32:43.
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Rev 19:3:
 Is 34:10.
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Rev 19:5:
 Ps 115:13.
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Rev 19:7:
 Ps 118:24.
Back to text.

Rev 19:11:
 Ezek 1:1.
Back to text.

Rev 19:12:
 Dan 10:6.
Back to text.

Rev 19:15:
 Ps 2:9.
Back to text.

Rev 19:16:
 Deut 10:17; Dan 2:47.
Back to text.

Rev 19:17:
 Ezek 39:4, 17-20.
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Rev 20:4:
 Dan 7:9, 22, 27.
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Rev 20:8:
 Ezek 38:2, 9, 15.
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Rev 20:9:
 2 Kings 1:10-12.
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Rev 20:11-12:
 Dan 7:9-10.
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Rev 20:15:
Rev 3:5
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Rev 21:1:
 Is 66:22.
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Rev 21:2:
Rev 3:12
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Rev 21:3:
 Ezek 37:27.
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Rev 21:4:
 Is 25:8; 35:10.
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Rev 21:5:
 Is 43:19.
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Rev 21:6:
 Is 55:1.
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Rev 21:7:
 Ps 89:27-28.
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Rev 21:8:
 Is 30:33.
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Rev 21:10:
 Ezek 40:2.
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Rev 21:12:
 Ezek 48:30-35; Ex 28:21.
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Rev 21:15:
 Ezek 40:5.
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Rev 21:19:
 Is 54:11-12.
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Rev 21:23:
 Is 24:23; 60:1, 19.
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Rev 21:25:
 Is 60:11.
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Rev 21:27:
 Is 52:1;
Rev 3:5
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Rev 22:2:
 Gen 2:9.
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Rev 22:3:
 Zech 14:11.
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Rev 22:4:
 Ps 17:15.
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Rev 22:11:
 Dan 12:10.
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Rev 22:12:
 Is 40:10; Jer 17:10.
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Rev 22:13:
 Is 44:6; 48:12.
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Rev 22:14:
 Gen 2:9; 3:22.
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Rev 22:16:
 Is 11:1, 10.
Back to text.

Rev 22:17:
 Is 55:1.
Back to text.

Rev 22:21:
2 Thess 3:18
Back to text.



Mt 1:1
: The genealogy is given to show that Jesus had the descent required for Messiahship, i.e., from Abraham and, in particular, from David the King.

Mt 1:16
: Joseph's, not Mary's, descent is given here, as the Jews did not usually reckon descent through the mother. Joseph was the legal and presumed father, and it was this fact that conferred rights of inheritance, in this case, the fulfilment of the Messianic promises.

Mt 1:25
: This means only that Joseph had nothing to do with the conception of Jesus. It implies nothing as to what happened afterward.

Mt 3:2

implies an internal change of heart.

Mt 3:6
: Not a Christian baptism but a preparation for it.

Mt 3:15
: Though without sin, Jesus wished to be baptized by John, as this was the final preparation for his mission as Messiah.

Mt 5:17
: Jesus came to bring the old law to its natural fulfilment in the new, while discarding what had become obsolete; cf.
Jn 4:21

Mt 5:29
: An exaggeration to emphasize the need to avoid occasions of sin.

Mt 5:32
: The Greek word used here appears to refer to marriages that were not legally marriages because they were either within the forbidden degrees of consanguinity (Lev 18:6-16) or contracted with a Gentile. The phrase
except on the ground of unchastity
does not occur in the parallel passage in
Lk 16:18
. See also
Mt 19:9
Mk 10:11-12
), and especially
1 Cor 7:10-11
, which shows that the prohibition is unconditional.

Mt 6:6
: This does not, of course, exclude public worship but ostentatious prayer.

Mt 6:24
: i.e., riches.

Mt 8:3
: The miracles of Jesus were never performed to amaze people and shock them into belief. They were worked with a view to a real strengthening of faith in the recipient or beholder, from whom the proper dispositions were required.

Mt 8:29
before the time
: Before the day of judgment the demons are permitted by God to tempt men and even to possess them.

Mt 10:5
: The gospel, the Messianic salvation, had first to be preached and offered to the chosen people, Israel. Later it would be offered to the Gentiles.

Mt 11:3
: The Baptist expected more obvious signs of the Messiah. By quoting the prophet Isaiah, Jesus showed that he was indeed inaugurating the Messianic kingdom—but by doing good rather than by glorious manifestations or sudden punishments.

Mt 11:27
: This shows a profound relationship between the Son and the Father, far superior to adoptive sonship.

Mt 12:14
: The Pharisees regarded healing as work and so forbade it on the sabbath.

Mt 12:24
: Name of a Canaanite god meaning "the Prince-god." The Jews interpreted this name as "Prince of demons," because for them all false gods were demons. The form "Beel-zebub" is a contemptuous adaptation meaning "Lord of the flies."

Mt 12:31
: To attribute to the devil the works of the Holy Spirit seems to imply a hardness of heart that precludes repentance.

Mt 12:46
: The Greek word or its Semitic equivalent was used for varying degrees of blood relationship; cf. Gen 14:14; 29:12; Lev 10:4.

Mt 12:48
: Jesus puts the work of salvation before family relationships. It is not said, however, that he refused to see them.

Mt 13:12
: To those well-disposed Jews who have made good use of the old covenant will now be given the perfection of the new. On the other hand, from those who have rejected God's advances will now be taken away even that which they have, because the old covenant is passing away.

Mt 13:52
: This is Matthew's ideal: that the learned Jew should become the disciple of Jesus and so add the riches of the new covenant to those of the old, which he already possesses; cf.
verse 12

Mt 13:55
: See note on
Mt 12:46

Mt 14:33
: Their realization of his Godhead was the prelude to Peter's confession of faith at Caesarea Philippi (
Mt 16:16

Mt 15:5
: By dedicating his property to God, i.e., to the temple, a man could avoid having to help his parents, without actually giving up what he had. The scribes held such a vow to be valid without necessarily approving it.

Mt 15:24
: See note on
Mt 10:5

Mt 16:14
: The title of prophet had a Messianic significance because the gift of prophecy, which had been extinct since Malachi, was expected to return at the beginning of the Messianic era, especially by an outpouring of the Spirit as foretold by the prophet Joel and as realized in
Acts 2:16

Mt 16:16
: The context shows that Peter recognizes the sonship of Jesus as divine and not adoptive like ours. Mark and Luke in the parallel passages mention only the confession of the Messiahship.

Mt 16:18
: The name "Peter" comes from the Greek word for "rock." Jesus makes him the foundation on which the church is to be built. The word "church" means "assembly" or "society" of believers. The Hebrew equivalent is used in the Old Testament to indicate the chosen people. In applying it to the church, Jesus shows it to be the Messianic community foretold by the prophets.

Mt 16:19
the kingdom of heaven
: Peter has the key to the gates of the city of God. This power is exercised through the church. "Binding" and "loosing" are rabbinic terms referring to excommunication, then later to forbidding or allowing something. Not only can Peter admit to the kingdom; he also has power to make authoritative decisions in matters of faith or morals.

Mt 16:26
(both times): A play on the word "life"—natural and supernatural; cf.
Mk 8:35-36

Mt 17:4
: Peter thought the glorious Messianic kingdom had come. In fact, Jesus allowed this glimpse of his glory to strengthen them for the coming passion.

Mt 18:9
: Gehenna (see footnote
) was the name of a valley south of Jerusalem where human sacrifice had once been practiced; cf. 2 Chron 33:6. Later it became a cursed place and a refuse dump, and the name came to symbolize the Christian place of punishment.

Mt 18:18
: To the other apostles is given a share in the authority given to Peter.

Mt 19:9
: This appears to refer to the case in
Mt 5:32
, though the Greek word for "except" is different.

Mt 19:11-12
: Jesus means that a life of continence is to be chosen only by those who are called to it for the sake of the kingdom of God.

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