The Impatient Lord (9 page)

Read The Impatient Lord Online

Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

Tags: #Romance, #Love Story, #Shifters, #Paranormal Romance, #Shapeshifter, #Shapeshifters, #Science Fiction Romance, #Paranormal Science Fiction Romance, #Dragon Shifter

BOOK: The Impatient Lord
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I am Mirek. Your husband. Do you recognize me? You were struck on the head. How is your mind? Do you remember me?”

Right, Mirek.” Riona was captured by the clear color of green in his eyes. They were striking and the intensity in them left her a little breathless—just like that first moment at the festival had. It was easy to see how he’d managed to seduce her into walking on stage with him. The details were still fuzzy, but she remembered going up there willingly to be presented before the crowd.

You know me.” He nodded, satisfied by this.

She pushed up so she wouldn
’t have to look directly at him. His nearness made her nervous. “Do your people greet everyone with rocks or am I just lucky?”

They thought you were an alien.”

I am an alien,” she answered wryly. “Do your people greet all
with rocks or am I just lucky?”

At that
, he gave a small laugh. “I should have said an alien threat. We’ve had some issue with the Tyoe invading our mines. The boys are from Mining Village where the mines are located so they’ve heard the stories firsthand of what has happened.”

Riona gasped in affront. “
I look nothing like a Tyoe. They’re giant balls of gelatinous goo.”

The boys have not seen them, only heard tales,” Mirek defended. “And I don’t know if you realize it, but you’re not dressed according to your new home. In fact, those clothes are male and don’t even belong to the same alien race.”

Hey, they fit me and I don’t like dresses. The skirts tangle in my legs and make running hard.” Riona glanced over her attire. Seeing dirt on her arm, she absently brushed at it. The spot held her attention longer than it should have, but she found it easier than looking directly at dragon man’s face.

I will have breeches sewn for you.”

You don’t have to do that.” She glanced up through her lashes to look at him. “I don’t have the space credit to pay for it right now.”

I will take care of it.”

Did he have to be so accommodating? “
That won’t be necessary.”

I will not have my wife without clothes.” A small smile formed on his mouth and his tone dropped. “At least, not outside of our home.”

Riona shivered, not sure what to do with the sexual promise in
his voice. She didn’t have the necessary transmitters to exchange pleasure essences with him.

Oh, how she really wished she had the necessary transmitters to exchange pleasure essences with him. Riona tried to
suppress the tingling of attraction in her stomach.

I know you did not come to this planet with much. Galaxy Brides did not have belongings delivered for you as they did with some of the others. Whatever it is you have been through, you are safe here. I hope that you will tell me about it, about this Range you are afraid of, but I trust the gods knew what they were doing. We belong together, my lady. The details will work themselves out. I am just happy to see you awake after so many months.”

Months?” She looked at her arms. They still looked bad. “What do you mean months? What happened to me?”

gazed at her as if she was the prettiest woman in the universe. She felt a little self-conscious. Actually, how could he think that? She looked disease-ridden.

Yes, months, but your readings look very good. I found you in the forest after the ceremony in a patch of the yellow. I had some of the best Medical Alliance doctors here to check on you. They believe it was a severe allergic reaction. In fact, they wish to do a medical study on you now that you are awake.”

No,” she inserted quickly, holding up her hand. The last thing she needed was her name out on the waves. Range would be scanning for it and medical articles and newspaper chips were easy enough to pick up if you knew the frequencies to watch. “I don’t want them to write about me. It’s a, uh, religious thing. Besides, I don’t want the entire universe knowing my personal business.”

As you wish, my lady, but I have called them back to examine you. I must insist they follow up your medical care. You were very ill. And as I said, Princess Nadja has sent natural medicines for you to try if you have pain. I’m told she comes from a family of doctors.” Before she could deny him, he added, “So you enjoy running? Is that what you were doing in the forest?”

Only when someone is chasing me,” Riona mumbled before she could stop herself. She took a deep breath, trying to act confident. She’d seen her appearance. It was hard to act flippant and flirty when her skin was all marred up.

’s mouth opened as if he’d question her.

So, dragon man named Mirek,” she put forth, walking out of the isolation chamber. The room was too small and this man too big in it.

Yes, my lady?”

Married, huh?” She made a great show of glancing around the room. As far as hideouts went, this one was pretty nice, and the bed beat snuggling into a hard shipping crate at night.

Yes, my lady, we are married. The elders gave us their blessing. It is done.” He followed her, trying to get close.

Riona kept moving,
putting distance between them while trying to act nonchalant. “I don’t remember there being much of a ceremony.”

It is true, we did not have the night in the tent together. I regret that our ceremony was not as it should be. You deserve better, my lady, but I will spend my life making it up to you.”

Yeah, I’m not really one for ceremonies,” she dismissed.

That is too bad. I thought perhaps once you were well, we could reenact the night in the tent.” He looked hopeful.

Riona gave a small laugh. “
I bet you would, dragon man.” Then, lying, she said, “Unfortunately, nights in a tent are against my religion too.”

Then you were not raised like your sister after the Jagranst were destroyed? You were separated and put into a strict nunnery order?”

Riona froze. Her back was to him and she was glad for it.
Tears instantly stung her eyes and she felt as if he’d kicked her. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. The way he said her people’s name, so lightly, as if watching an entire planet explode through a viewing portal on a space craft was just some story to be referenced. How could Aeron tell them? No one knew Riona was Jagranst. It was bad enough hearing the horror stories being told like some kind of myth to scare and entertain people. It was bad enough tolerating the jokes people made while having the memories locked away in her brain. “No. I am not like my sister.”

She refused to say more about it. The pain choked her.
She changed the course of the conversation. Hardening herself, she turned to face him. He sat on a bench seat near a small dining table.

You know Aeron?” Riona inquired. This was the best piece of news she could have gotten. If he knew where Aeron was, it would save an aimless search over alien terrain.

Of course, she married my brother Lord Bron, High Duke of the Draig.”

And you have spoken to her? Aeron has told you of the Tyoe attack?”

Yes. The gods blessed us greatly. All three of my brothers found wives this year, as did my four prince cousins. Aeron told us of the attack and is helping us set up new communication networks. Clara, my brother Vlad’s wife, has enlisted the help of her family to negotiate with the aliens and basically force them to leave us alone. She is Redde and their biological makeup hurts the Tyoe. The aliens ran for fear the Redde will destroy them. My brother Alek married Lady Kendall. She is helping us to clean up chemicals the Tyoe put in our mines before we knew of their presence.”

Then there was no reason for her to remain here. She could get Aeron and go.

“The gods had their reasons for sending each bride to us,” he continued. “I am not as familiar with the princesses, but I understand they are lovely ladies. Princess Nadja has worked on your medical problem. Princess Pia—”

Pia?” Riona repeated, remembering the beast of the man who’d hauled her across the festival grounds on his shoulder. “That man she was with is a prince?”

Prince Zoran. He is Captain of the Guards near the palace. A very fine warrior.” Mirek continued conversationally. “You might remember Princess Morrigan, they call her Rigan, from the ship as well. And Princess Olena has often asked about you.”

I like Olena. We spent a lot of time together on the ship,” Riona said absently. Then, holding his gaze with her intense one, she asked seriously. “Is my sister is safe?”

Yes, my lady, very. She visits you every day. She came to see you when I told her you’d awoken, but you were passed out on the floor. She will be back later when you are up for visitors.”

Aeron was safe.
The tension rolled out of her body by small degrees. She took a deep breath, feeling that the pain in her chest had lessened. “I want to see her.”

I’ll let her know.” The conversation lagged into a slightly awkward silence.

It sounds like all the brides have been beneficial to your people,” Riona said to fill the quiet, “but the gods had no use for me and made me sleep.” She meant it to be a joke, but she couldn’t quite manage the playful, carefree smile. Riona was instantly sorry.

His expression
fell. “That is my fault. I should not have pushed for a wedding so quickly. I should have waited a year. But it is done now, and I hope you can forgive me.”

Mirek stared at her expectantly. Riona slowly nodded, unsure how to respond. She was still trying to get u
sed to the fact she had somehow gotten married—not that she considered this a real marriage. She couldn’t help his customs and what he believed, but she hadn’t agreed to be a wife.

Marriage meant family and roots and love. Those were all things
she did not want. If she thought she was in love, she’d run. She’d get on the fastest ship she could find and she’d disappear. Love meant pain. Families died. Roots withered. Nothing stayed as it should be. The only option was to live fluid, cascading over the rocks in her path, never stopping. She was a stream, crashing through the universe. Mirek was a rock, rooted here on one planet. It didn’t matter that he had kind eyes and a handsome face. Soon, like everyone else, he’d be a memory. All she had was Aeron—the last remnant of a sad past—and Riona needed it to remain that way.

Do you forgive me?” he asked again, as if determining the weak gesture wasn’t enough.

Riona nodded again. “
Of course. You were only doing what you thought you had to.”

And I will do what I mu
st to protect my sister and myself
, she thought.




Chapter Six


Ri? Wake up.”

blinked open her eyes at the beckoning of the familiar voice. “Aer?”

Yes, it’s Aeron.”

A hand touched Riona
’s face. Her sister’s face came into view as Aeron leaned over her.

I found you.” Riona pushed up from the bed and wrapped her arms around her sister. Mirek had left her alone to sleep and, though the light in the bedroom was dim, she could make out her sister’s face. “Are you hurt? I saw that man carrying you off.” She pulled back to study Aeron. “Did he…?” Riona looked down, instantly seeing her sister’s large belly. Aeron was pregnant. “No. What did he do to you?”

He is a wonderful man.” Aeron grabbed her hands and squeezed them. “I’m so happy.”

I’ll kill him!” A tear slipped over Riona’s cheek and landed on the green material of Aeron’s dress, darkening it. “You’re dying. He’s killed you.”

It’s life,” Aeron corrected. “You should feel when the baby moves. I don’t feel like I’m dying. I feel alive.”

Riona withdrew from her sister. The look of pure happiness on Aeron
’s face was all wrong. Her sister wasn’t happy, not like this. Then, looking at the stomach, she frowned. “How far along are you?”

It’s almost time. I was so worried you wouldn’t be awake for it.” Aeron rubbed her stomach.

All right, we can figure this out.” Riona stood and began to pace. “I’ll take care of you. We’ll find a way off this planet and I’ll help you. I’ll raise the baby. And when you…when you…oh, blessed stars, when you’re no longer with us, I will be there for the child.”

I’m not on death’s door.”

You know what having sex does to our kind. We’re Jagranst, Aeron. We’re the last of our people.” Riona stared at her sister, feeling time slip away. “At best you can hope to have, what? Forty, fifty more years?”

I don’t think it’s true. I think we were always going to die. The elders probably told us that to keep us out of the beds of boys since we were so young. The boys didn’t want to be accused of murder, so they didn’t try to seduce us. My husband has contacted a lot of doctors about it. They’ve looked at our genetics. The Jagranst are an offset of human. As far as I am able to piece together, our ancestors went to the planet to escape the corruption of Old Earth human society. There was nothing spectacular—genetically speaking—about our people. It was but a story to keep kids in line.”

You called him your husband?” Riona tried to take in everything that was happening. Nothing made sense. “You’ve accepted it?”

I love him, Ri.” Aeron smiled, looking so hopeful. “These are really good people. I know you’re going to like them as I do. Mirek has been so worried about you. I never thought you’d get married too, but you have chosen very well. Your husband is a good man.”

Riona didn
’t know how to respond. She stood in the middle of the room, feeling like her life had become a strange play. If she didn’t move it would be over and she could resume normality.

I know we haven’t always been close in the past, but that’s about to change.” Aeron got up from the bed and came to her. “We have a second chance here.”

Riona looked at the pregnant belly. Aeron was right. They hadn
’t been close as adults. However, that did not change the fact that Riona knew her sister. This was not Aeron. This excited, bubbly, pregnant, unconcerned creature was not her sister. Riona was positive she could sleep for fifty years and Aeron would not be this changed.

What about the aliens?” Riona asked. “The Tyoe might come back.”

The threat has been averted. We did it. The planet is safe. All know of your part in it. You got me here to protect them. Already they look at you as family. The locals are kind and so giving. I can’t wait for you to meet them.”

iona rubbed her head. The bump from the rock was gone. “Oh, I met the welcoming party.”

Aeron ignored her ill humor. “
Our sister Clara has visited you every day. Kendall checks on you often.”

Kendall doesn’t like me. I know that much from the ship,” Riona disputed.

Aeron was
supposed to be somber and moody and judgmental. She didn’t embrace motherhood and wifehood. She liked her little room on her little Federation ship, living in her little lonely air pocket of a life.

Why are you looking at me like that?” Aeron tilted her head in question and placed a hand protectively over her stomach.

I don’t feel like myself,” Riona lied.

’s smile fell some but she nodded. “I understand. You look better. We are all very happy you’re awake. Mirek has been taking very good care of you, even going to the temple to pray to his gods every chance he gets. Who knows, maybe it worked. You’re awake.”

How did I fall asleep?”

The best anyone could tell is that you had a severe allergic reaction to something they call the yellow. It’s a plant found in the forest by the palace. The pollen can render someone unconscious if they breathe it in.”

Allergies?” Riona looked at her arm. Splotches still marred her flesh but they had faded to a light pink. The explanation sounded questionable to her.

I couldn’t believe it either. With everything we know about illnesses and plagues, the Medical Alliance couldn’t pull you out of an allergy coma.” Aeron lifted her hand to touch Riona’s cheek.

Riona automatically s
tiffened at the gesture. “What have you done with my sister?”

What? Ri, what are you saying?” Aeron frowned.

Riona pointed at Aeron before ticking points off on her fingers. “
My sister never acts like you do. My sister doesn’t marry people. My sister doesn’t live on an alien world. My sister is not pregnant. My sister can’t stand to be in the same room with me for longer than a minute. She always lectures me. She’s so by-the-book Federation it’s disgusting. So either you’re an imposter, or you’re under the influence of that crazy Killing Maiden wine we drank at the festival.”

Maiden’s Last Breath,” Aeron calmly corrected. “And I don’t drink liquor. I’m pregnant.”

Correcting me is the first Aeron thing you’ve done. My sister always has to be right.” Riona placed her hands on her hips and glared at the woman. She wanted to feel normal. Arguing with Aeron was just that—normal. “Two days ago, you were lecturing me about being irresponsible. You threatened to have me arrested for forging your name on a bridal procurement contract.”

That was months—”

It was two days for me, Federation.” Riona expected a fight from her baiting. She was disappointed.

Aeron slowly
nodded and took a step back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you thought I was so horrible.” Turning, she made her way to the stairs.

Riona watched her sister walk away. Actually, it was more a strange shuffling motion. Sighing, she made a move to follow. “
Aeron, wait.”

Aeron lifted her hand and shook her head, not bothering to turn around.

Riona let her go. To herself, she mumbled sarcastically, “Well played, Ri. You attacked a pregnant woman.”

The long shirt she wore to bed
went to her thighs. Not really thinking about what she was doing, she went to the wardrobe to change her clothes. To her surprise, she found pants in her size had been placed next to the gowns. They hung loose around the legs and pulled together with a drawstring. Matching tunic shirts hung on hooks. They were simple in design but very well made.

When she walked down the stairs, she hoped to see her sister waiting for her. Instead, Mirek
glanced up from a handheld unit. He sat on the couch, one ankle crossed over a knee. His pants looked like hers, but he wore a Fajerkin tight shirt and long-brimmed hat with sweeping feather that framed his face. Riona arched a brow but said nothing as she made her way to a tray of food left on a table. Whatever she had been tube eating the last several months was wearing off and she felt the first pangs of hunger in her stomach.

Lord Mirek?” the handheld inquired.

Mirek turned his attention back. “
My apologies, Jerk. I am communicating from home today. My wife was ill but is better now.”

Riona stiffened and snapped her head to look at him.

“My lady, please,” Mirek looked at her and gestured that she should come toward him.

Riona looked behind her, though she knew very well there was no one else in the home with them. She ran her fingers through what had to be a mess of hair and hesitated before moving forward. Mirek
turned the handheld viewing screen toward her. A Fajerkin nobleman waited expectantly. Riona stiffened, waiting for the man to recognize her. His hat was like Mirek’s only with two feathers signifying his great rank amongst his people.

Mirek started to sp
eak, but Riona interrupted him. “A pleasure, Jerk.” She rolled her hand in the air and touched her chin to her chest. The noble returned the greeting.

Mirek smiled and moved the handheld camera around to again pick up his conversation. Riona listened for h
er name, but they didn’t mention her. Instead, they negotiated ore trade. The Fajerkin people owned a few fueling docks. When Mirek ended the transmission, he pulled the hat from his head.

You just made a deal for a hundred-thousand space credits with one communication,” Riona said, unable to hide her surprise. “From your couch.”

She didn
’t care much for the hat, but the tight shirt did have some appeal. Her breathing deepened and she forced herself to look away from the dragon man’s chest to the food. Suddenly, she wasn’t as hungry. Her heart quickened and a small tremor worked its way up her legs. She wasn’t an idiot. She knew what attraction was. Of course, she’d never felt it so deeply before, but that could be because anytime she was attracted to a man she ran the other way—not giving herself time to feel it.

I did. They’re a smaller account, but they like to negotiate large orders at one time and spread the delivery out over the year.” He lifted the hat, shook it lightly so the feather danced and then tossed it next to him on the seat while adding, “It almost makes wearing this thing worth it.”

They why do you? I know for a fact the Fajerkin noblemen wouldn’t put on Draig clothing. You should wear yours, as he wears his.”

I find it puts others at ease during negations. Plus, I make them fly here to pick up their ore since we don’t deliver out of our airspace. So it is a gesture of goodwill and respect.”

Well, you won’t find me wearing Fajerkin attire anytime soon.” Riona sat on the bench seat next to the table. A hundred thousand in one deal? So much money. Mirek acted like the sum was an afterthought, barely worth working for. She thought of Range. Riona desperately needed to find a way to pay him off. Surely these people wouldn’t miss fifty-thousand, not when they made deals like this every day.

Too bad I
’m not that kind of thief
, she thought. Naturally, she wanted to take the money and run, but she wouldn’t. She had standards.

tilted his head thoughtfully. “I don’t believe I’ve ever met a Fajerkin woman before.”

You wouldn’t have.” Riona looked at the food but didn’t touch it. “They keep them locked up with chains and little to no clothing.”

I try not to judge how others do things, but that is startling news.” Mirek made his way toward the table and sat across from her. She wished he hadn’t. When he was close she found it hard to concentrate. He continued, “The food is for you. Lady Aeron brought it. She thought they were flavors you might like. You sister has become quite the cook.”

An assortment of
cooked meat slices, cut blue bread, crusted pastries and tiny round fruits were arranged prettily on a tray. Riona merely stared at it.

You should probably refrain from introducing me to your trade contacts in the future,” she said.

You say you forgive me, but you have not.” He slowly nodded as if he understood. “What is it you would have me do? Find a cave in the mountains? We can leave today if that is what you wish. Will the mines do, or would you rather it be a natural cave?”

Riona frowned and rubbed behind her ear. Cave in the mountains? Was her universal translator broken? She
’d won it in a game of chance, but still, it had never failed her. Then, realizing he spoke the old star language, which didn’t need translating, she answered, “I told you I forgive you. I see no reason to go underground unless I’m on the run from the authorities.”

pleasant expression wavered. That comment affected him, though he tried hard to hide his worry. “Do you often find yourself on the run from the authorities?”

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