The Imposter (23 page)

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Authors: Jenna Stone

BOOK: The Imposter
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A heavy pang of
guilt tugged at my conscious,and my lips were silenced before I had a chance to
get my confession out.  His lips were on mine, demanding, possessing.  I opened
my mouth in response to his kiss, knowing that entrance to my mouth was what he
desired.  His tongue drove into my mouth, tasting me and staking claim to what
was his.

“Tae the bed,” he
ordered huskily, breaking away from me and undoing the tie on my dressing gown.

My heart soared. 
He has changed his mind!  A sudden terror overtook me when I thought about what
was going to take place between us.  I wanted him badly, I knew that it was
only his touch that could quell this unknown burning within me, but at the same
time, I was scared.  I had never known a man’s touch, and the stories of pain
flew to the forefront of my mind.

Boldly, I walked
towards the massive bed, willing my knees to hold out as they quivered with
anticipation and a tinge of fear. 

Will he be
gentle with me?

 I was both
terrified and exhilarated by the thought of making love to Devon.

I stood at the
edge of the bed, and looked over my shoulder at Devon, who stood still as a
statue in front of the fire.  His eyes were clouded with desire, and the
muscles of his chest were tense.  Daily drills and training with his men had
sculpted his body into that of an Adonis.  I still couldn’t believe that this
beautiful man was really mine.  Mine to touch, mine to admire.

Feeling bold, I
held his gaze as I slid my fingers under the hem of his billowing white shirt
and began to inch it up ever so slowly over my thighs.

“Nay, leave that
on,” he ordered.  “I want tae touch ye with it on,” he said, closing the
distance between us and sliding his hand up underneath the shirt to palm my
bottom.  “Mmm, ye feel sae good, Kate,” he groaned, cupping my cheek and then
grazing his fingers lightly over my sex as he moved his hand to cup the other
side of my bottom.

My breathing was
heavy from his intimate touch.  The faint touch of his fingers as they had
passed over the junction of my thighs had sent shivers up my spine and I now
realized that my knees had in fact given out.  Devon was supporting me with one
arm, crushing me to his chest as he nuzzled my neck and continued to toy with
my bottom.  His touch felt so good, so right. 

I wanted more from
him.  The dull burning between my thighs was now a raging fire that he
continued to stoke with each expert pass of his fingers.

He lifted me now
and settled me in the middle of the enormous bed.  I needed his touch.  Beneath
his fingers I felt uninhibited, I was unafraid.  I bit my lip now as I looked
up at him, I wanted him badly.

“Ye canna do that,
Kate,” he whispered through clenched teeth.  “I’ve told ye that it drives me
mad and I’m still trying tae be a gentleman.”

“I don’t think a
gentleman touches ladies the way you just touched me,” I taunted him, seeking
to spur him on.

“Nay, a gentleman doesna
the way that I just touched ye, but he does touch his wife
that way,” he said, eyes mischievous and burning with lust.

“I liked the way
that you were touching me, Devon,” I said, biting my lip again, this time

“Aye, I ken that
ye did and that pleases me greatly,” he said huskily, joining me on the bed
now.  “I never want ye tae be afraid of me, Kate,” he said, lowering his lips to
mine, kissing me gently, softly as he trailed his fingers slowly from my ankle
up to the top of my thigh.

His fingers toyed
with the hem of his shirt that I was wearing, stroking my skin and dancing
closer to the junction of my thighs as he deepened our kiss.  I wanted him to
touch me, to touch me
  His hand slid away from my heat and palmed
my bottom, squeezing slightly.  I writhed against him, unabashed by my desire
for him as he trailed kisses down my neck and I raked my fingernails down the
skin of his back.

“Do ye want me tae
touch ye, Kate?” he asked, releasing my bottom and skimming his fingertips over
my flushed skin, towards the heat of my desire.

“Yes,” I
whispered, breathlessly, head spinning from the new feelings that his touch had

“Say it then. 
Tell me what ye want,” he said, eyes locked with mine.

“I want you to
touch me,” I whispered unashamed of my desire as I looked into his eyes.

Devon watched me
as his fingers danced ever so lightly over the curls that were shielding my womanhood. 
He moved his hand away and I gasped, not wanting him to stop the sweet
torment.  He smiled devilishly at my response, knowing that I longed for him to
touch me again.  His hand slid up my bent leg to rest on my knee, which he
tilted out, opening me further to his touch.

His fingers were
on me again, flitting lightly over the curls at the junction of my thighs.  I moaned
in response to his touch and raised my hips toward his hand.  He pulled his
hand away again, tormenting me.

“Open yer legs for
me, Kate,” he whispered hungrily.  Without hesitation, I did as he asked.

Fire shot through
my body as his fingers parted my folds and caressed my most sensitive skin for
the first time.

“Yer sae wet for
me baby.  I’m pleased,” he said, struggling to remain in control as he touched
me.  “That feels sae good doesn’t it?” he asked.

My only response
was a whimper.  His expert fingers massaged the bead of my desire, stroking and
toying with the wetness that was between my thighs.  My body began to quiver
uncontrollably and I wasn’t sure what was happening.  Suddenly, he pulled his
hand away and I gasped in response.  I only knew that I needed more of his
touch.  I needed more of him.

My hands were
frantic, and I caught him behind his neck, pulling him down towards me,
claiming his lips with demanding kisses.  His shortly cropped hair felt foreign
beneath my fingers and I grabbed at it desperately as we kissed.

“Not yet, he
whispered.  I’m not done with ye,” he chuckled, pulling away again.  “Open for
me,” he ordered.

I gasped when his
finger slid inside of me, never having felt such intense all consuming
pleasure.  I kissed his lips and clawed the skin of his back, now mad with
desire.  Slowly, he withdrew his finger and then slid it back inside of me.  A
groan of pleasure escaped from my lips, and again, I felt my body begin to
tremble around his finger.

“Not yet,” he
whispered, teasing now as he again withdrew his finger.

“I need, I need…”
I tried to find the words to tell him that I wanted more.

“What do ye need, Kate?”

“I need you inside
of me,” I whispered, opening my eyes and looking up at him.  For good measure,
I bit my lower lip, knowing that it would drive him wild.

All at once, he
growled with satisfaction and again, his finger was inside of me.  He slid deliciously
in and out of my sheath, stroking my bead of desire with his thumb as he worked
his expert fingers to pleasure me.  My hips met his thrusts and in reward, he
slid another finger inside of me, stretching me, filling me more fully.

I was wild beneath
him, and when my body began to tremble around his fingers, he responded by
driving into me harder and faster, spurring me forward.

 “Devon!” I called
out his name as I felt myself shatter into a thousand peaces, the fire within
me exploding from his touch.

He smiled above
me, and slowly withdrew his fingers as he kissed me gently on the lips, then
trailed kisses up so that he could nip my earlobe with his teeth.

He whispered in my
ear, “Nay, a gentleman certainly doesna do that, but who am I trying tae fool. 
I should have never claimed tae be a gentleman.”













I awoke in the
early light of morning, smothered deliciously in the arms of my husband.  His
leg was flung over my waist and pinned my legs to the bed, and his arm was
thrust protectively around my torso.  He was beautiful and peaceful as he slept,
there was a faint dusting of stubble covering his jaw line.  His mouth curled
in the faintest glimmer of a smile as he slept.  He was happy.  I leaned over
and kissed him softly on the forehead, causing his eyes to flutter open and a
genuine smile to play across his rugged face.

“Mmm…good morning,
love,” he whispered, pulling me closer against his chest.

“Good morning,” I
said, smiling.

“Oh my God!” he
exclaimed in a panic, springing from the bed as he raked his hand through his
newly cropped hair.  “I’m late, it’s light out already!  Shit!” he cursed as he
pulled his linen shirt over his head and retrieved his boots from under the

I giggled from my
cocoon of blankets as I watched him scurry madly about our chamber, trying to
collect his clothing.

“Ye’ve bewitched
me, woman!  I’m never late, and here it is light outside already and I’m

I giggled again
and raised the covers up to my mouth in an effort to stifle my enjoyment. 
Devon McClain was never flustered and here he was, completely discombobulated
all because of me. 

“And ye think this
is funny?” he exclaimed as he laced his right boot.  “Ye have nae idea, Kate. 
I’m never late because I
sleep.  I don’t ken what it is about ye,
but when I’m holding ye against me, I sleep like the dead…I never thought that
I would…”

“You’ll be well
rested, husband,” I said, chuckling.

“Are ye laughing
at me?” he asked, eyes now alight with jest.

“Of course not,
love,” I whispered, raising the covers again to stifle my smile.

“If I had the
luxury of time, I’d teach ye a lesson, mayhap spank yer behind tae teach ye no
tae laugh at me.  This is most certainly not funny,” he goaded, eyes twinkling.

“It most certainly
funny,” I teased.  “You appear to be most unnerved and I like that it
is because of me,” I confessed.

“Ye’ll pay for
this when I get home,” he warned his tone still light.  He walked over to the
bed and bent to kiss me, slowly, passionately.  “I’ve got tae hurry now, lass,
but mark my word, ye’ll pay for this when I get home,” he said through a smile,
eyes heavy with passion.

I felt a twinge
between my thighs at his words.  He was so damn sexy and I couldn’t wait for
him to return and teach me a lesson.  I would count the minutes.

“Trust no one
while I’m gone,” he said, tone turning serious.  “Save for Leti and Brennan.”

“Alright, I’ll be
careful.  I promise,” I said, looking up at him and feeling the tears begin to
well in my eyes. 

He’s leaving

“Ye have no idea
of how much I need ye, Kate.  Be careful,” he said before claiming my lips in a
demanding, passionate kiss.  He lowered his forehead and rested it on mine for
a split second, and then stood and strode from the room without looking back.




The battle raged
around Devon, the horrible sights, sounds and smells of killing no longer
bothered him.  He’d been desensitized to the horrors of battle long ago, and
was conditioned now to only one thing: Victory.  Killing was no longer
something that fazed him.  It was simply a messy aspect of his job.  He slashed
his way through the mass of Cameron warriors, sword strong in his hand as he
fought and stabbed his enemy.  Most of these men were no match for Devon.  They
were young or inexperienced and he dispatched them quickly. 

His eyes darted
from face to face, scanning the battle field for the Cameron Laird.  He
intended to settle his score with the laird here and now, refusing to live his
life constantly watching over his shoulder for the Cameron’s vengeful attack. 

His eyes caught on
a swordfight at the East side of the field, instant recognition of what was
happening caused his heart to thunder and the foul taste of fear to settle in
his throat.  “Brennan!” he bellowed as he ran slashing through the field,
recklessly wielding his sword to clear the path in front of him as he made his
way through the bloody crowd.     
What in the hell is he doing here?

 Rage fueled his
body as he fought his way through the field towards Brennan.  He had
specifically ordered Brennan to stay home and Brennan’s neglect to obey his
orders enraged him.  There was no way that he was fit enough to be here after
an injury so grave.  Plus, Brennan’s presence meant that Kate was vulnerable,
unprotected back at the castle.

  Genuine terror
coursed through his veins as he feared he would not make it to Brennan’s side
quickly enough. Brennan had no business being on the battle field and was
poised to get himself killed.  His injuries had been severe and he was not yet
half recovered, and remained weak.  “Leti will kill me,” he muttered under his
breath before he reached his friend and took in the gravity of the situation.

He reached Brennan
just as the Cameron Laird raised his sword and sliced through the air,
intending to finish off the weakened warrior.

 “No!” Devon
yelled sword drawn as he raced to throw his body in front of his friend, diving
at the last moment, sword blocking a bone rattling blow.  Devon knew that the
blow would have been a fatal one.

“I thought that if
I tarried with this one for long enough, that ye might come tae his rescue. 
He’s a pet of yer sister’s is he no?”  Laird Cameron said tauntingly.  The
older Laird stood poised for attack, silver hair curling beneath his battle

“Let’s settle
this, Cameron.  Fight me like a man.” Devon challenged poised and ready,
muscles on the fringe of attack.

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