The Inception: The Augmented Human Rebellion - Book 1 (12 page)

BOOK: The Inception: The Augmented Human Rebellion - Book 1
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Admiral Nemo has expressed the appreciation of the AH Navy personnel, and
is currently searching among the ‘spoils of war’ for assets, which the AH Navy
can use. He has picked two warship and as many munitions as can be
loaded, aboard those vessels. The Zarnx warships are not as fast, or as
good as the Verm made vessels, of the AH Navy, but they will still be a welcome
addition. The AH Navy has no need for speed, at the moment.


Captain Sandra Guilles baby picks a perfect time to make her first
appearance. She is a whopping 5kg (13 lbs), but no one knows if that is
unusually large for an augmented human baby, because there is no record of any
other augmented human babies being born. Her name is ‘Kiersten’, and she
quickly grabs a hold of her daddy’s heart.

The new parents are greatly relieved that the baby is perfectly formed
and normal in every way. The Darinx Empire had always told everyone that
they were doing the augmented humans a favor, by aborting their babies.
They said that any augmented human babies would be horribly deformed - another
convenient lie. All of the pregnant augmented human females in the Fleet

Sandra Guilles is relieved and happy. Cade Nemo is a basket
case. “At least, the worries are over now, and I can just relax,” he
(Obviously, he doesn’t know anything, about parenting.)

They have both studied videos about taking care of babies, but videos
don’t really prepare you for your first experience, with holding a baby – or
changing a diaper. Without a doubt this is going to be the most exciting
and most challenging endeavor that they have ever undertaken.


Chapter 6

Deep Space

With their first protection job successfully behind them, the Augmented
Human Navy has moved on, looking for greener pastures.

The AH Navy has two more warships, courtesy of the Zarnx Navy.
These vessels are ‘spoils of war’ from the Rison System job. The
‘Stalwart’ is being crewed primarily by members of the verm species - who
formerly served in the Verm Navy. The Stalwart is under the command of Captain
Vinxt, a former Verm Navy captain.

The ‘Westerling’ – named after Admiral Nemo’s brain donor – is
crewed by a mixture of augmented humans, extrucians and Rison sailors.
The Westerling is commanded by Captain Susan Bartons, an augmented human.
She has recently been promoted, based on her exemplary performance and for the
good judgment displayed during the assassination of the Zarnx Emperor.


Runx Sector

Admiral Nemo was careful to pack his two new ‘spoils of war’ vessels full
of munitions – there is barely room to walk. But he knows that his verm
warships are running low on munitions. He has in mind, buying replacement
munitions on the black market – every society has one. The munitions are
more likely to be available in systems that are close to, but not inside, the
Verm Empire.

The AH Navy sets sail for the Runx Sector, which is wedged between the
Verm and Darinx Empires, in the outer band of the Orion Nebula. Admiral
Nemo is hoping to develop a good working relationship with a weapons smuggler,
so that the AH Navy can have a dependable source, for armaments.
(What a

The Admiral’s method for searching for black market sources is to send a
few verm sailors, to sit in bars and listen to conversations – hoping to
overhear a conversation about smuggling weapons. The starships stay
outside of the system, and the Nemesis carries the sailors back and
forth. This technique had no success at all.

Admiral Nemo calls for a brainstorming session and asks for ideas.
There are lots of ideas but none seems viable. They are on a par with the
Admiral’s effort. Then someone suggests attacking, a weapons depot.
Another suggests attacking a ship ‘repair, and maintenance facility’. And
another suggests hijacking a resupply ship, which services Verm Navy vessels.

Admiral Nemo likes the idea of hijacking a resupply ship best, because
it’s smaller in scope and can be done in deep space, away from Verm Navy
vessels. Unfortunately, they have no information about supply centers or
resupply ships.

But they are living on former Verm Navy warships. Admiral Nemo
directs Darius, the Integrity AI, to search all data bases, for information on
Verm repair, and supply facilities.

Darius returns a treasure trove of information, along with space
charts. It turns out that there is a Verm Navy repair facility only 9
light-years away, and a supply center about 12 light-years away.

Admiral Nemo selects the supply center. The problem with a repair
center or munitions depot is that it would take more than a day to load the
munitions, aboard the ships. The AH Navy may not be able to ‘hold’ a
facility for that long. Any operation has to be ‘in and out’ within
hours. The resupply ship seems like the only feasible option at this

The AH Navy Fleet of 6 ships sets sail for the Verm Navy supply depot
that is 12 light years away. It is still in the Runx Sector but closer to
Verm Empire territory. The journey is made in two FTL jumps. The
first jump is for 10 light-years and the second for 2 light-years. The
longer jumps result in scattered ships, due to differences in FTL drives, so
the Admiral gets close on the first jump and then the ships regroup. The
fleet emerges in close proximity from the shorter jump.

And they are becoming more accurate. The Artificial Intelligences,
aboard the AH Navy vessels, are learning to compensate for individual FTL drive
characteristics. The 6 ships emerge in a ‘tight bunch’, near the supply

The AH Navy Fleet emerges outside of the star system, so that Verm
defense forces do not detect them. Then they take a 2 day real-space
journey, to the edge of the system. There they settle down for a
wait. It will take time to reconnoiter the supply depot in order to
determine the routine for resupply ship launches. And probes need to be
inserted close to the depot, in order to pick up the FTL ‘destination
coordinates’, when the resupply ships engage their FTL drives.

They have one pleasant surprise as they reconnoiter the depot.
There is only a light security presence. The Admiral begins to consider
the feasibility of a raid on the supply depot, at some later date.

Right now, the goal is to find a routine resupply route – one which is
resupplying a sizable fleet – so that the AH Navy can be waiting at the
destination coordinates, when the resupply ship emerges. Hopefully, the
resupply ship will need at least 2 jumps to reach the fleet, so that the AH
Navy doesn’t risk emerging near a Verm Navy fleet. And hopefully, they will get
a shipment of munitions and not toilet paper.

The observation probes are returning important information. The
Admiral will be able to know that the resupply ship is carrying munitions by
observing the section of the supply depot, at which it docks. The
munitions section is, understandably, some distance from the rest of the depot
– so that collateral damage is limited, in case of accidental explosions.

The last 3 resupply ships all launched for the same coordinates – at a
distance of 15 light-years. That probably infers that the next resupply
ship will go to those same coordinates, and the ‘15 light-year distance’
implies that it is a stop-over spot, and not the Fleet’s location.

The next ship to launch should be a resupply of munitions, because the
probes show 2 ships docked at the munitions depot.

The Admiral orders that the ‘spy probes’ be ‘put to sleep’, so that they
will be more difficult to locate by Verm security. Those same probes can
be reactivated for subsequent missions.


Deep Space Ambush

The Augmented Human Navy engages FTL drives for the resupply ship’s
expected destination coordinates. They emerge from FTL space in a tight
bunch, at the desired coordinates. The ships are in Battle Stations alert
when they emerge, just in case they emerge in a hostile environment.
Fortunately, the coordinates are in empty space. The 6 warships prepare
for an ambush.

The resupply ship’s communications center will be the primary
target. The Nemesis is deployed in order to shoot down any information
probes, which might be launched by the resupply ship when it realizes that it
is in a trap.

The Admiral is hoping that they can convince the resupply ship crew to
surrender without a fight. He is certain that the Captain has been
ordered to self-destruct the vessel, in case of a hijack. Admiral Nemo
hopes that the resupply ship’s crew will love life too much to self-destruct.
He intends to immediately reassure the Captain and crew that they will not be
harmed, and that they will be dropped off at a planet, which they consider

Admiral Nemo intends to identify himself and his vessels, as augmented
humans who have deserted from the Darinx Navy. Hopefully, their existence
has become common knowledge by now. And hopefully, they will have a good
reputation concerning truthfulness.


The wait is less than 17 standard hours. The resupply ship emerges
and is promptly ‘set upon’ by the AH Navy ships, who quickly disable the comm
center. As expected, the ship launches information probes to announce the
hijack and to call for help. Danion, aboard the Nemesis, eliminates those
probes before they can enter FTL space.

Then the AH Navy fleet surrounds the resupply ship and Admiral Nemo
identifies himself, to the resupply ship captain and crew. “This is
Admiral Nemo, of the Augmented Human Navy. We are deserters from the
Darinx Navy, and four of these vessels were captured from the Verm Navy.”

“We mean you no harm. We will deliver you to a planet, which you
consider safe, after we seize your cargo and ship. You have 10 standard
minutes to discuss your decision. After that time, if you have not
decided to surrender, we will attack and board your vessel by force.”

The 10 minute wait seems to take forever. The resupply ship’s
Captain and Bridge Officers will be the ones making the decision to
self-destruct, or not. Typically, it requires the Captain and one other
Bridge Officer to enter secret codes into the ship’s computer. The
computer then self-destructs the ship.

Shortly before the 10 minutes are up, an officer responds to the
Admiral’s demands. “Admiral Nemo, the Captain ordered us to self-destruct
the vessel. We have refused and have relieved the Captain of his
command. We surrender and depend on your promise of good treatment.
The cargo bay doors are opening for the peaceful boarding and capture of our

“That is good news for everyone,” responds Admiral Nemo. “A boarding
party is leaving, as we speak, and will assume control of your vessel.
Order the crew ‘to quarters’, except for essential personnel, and prepare for
the boarding. Congratulations on a good decision. Nemo out.”

And it is done. The boarding party lands and assumes control, with
no problems. The crewmembers are happy to be alive, and are grateful that
they have fallen into the augmented human hands, and not into the hands of
pirates or the Darinx Navy. Apparently, the augmented human rebels have a
good reputation.

The vessel contains munitions and weaponry. It is just what the AH
Navy needs. The boarding party disables the self-destruct circuitry, and
a skeleton crew is dispatched to fly the ship.

The Admiral speaks with the Senior Officers, from the captured vessel,
and inquires about the destination of the next ship that is scheduled to depart
the supply depot. The captured officers respectfully refuse to answer the
question, but Admiral Nemo reads their body language, and decides that this is
probably the destination for that ships. They set their trap for another
ship and wait.


And the second vessel also surrenders. This time that decision was
made by the Verm Captain. In short order, the second ship is boarded and
is prepared for travel.

The fleet of 8 vessels disappears into FTL space and is headed away from
Verm and Darinx space. Admiral Nemo would like to find a safe place to
establish a base, so that they can have a place to call ‘home’.

Along the way, they drop off the hijacked crew members who wish to return
to Verm space. They are dropped off on a space station, and are given
enough platinum so that they can pay for transportation home. Or
alternatively, they can keep the money and settle down in the frontier – it is
their choice.

About half of the captured verm crew opts to stay with the Augmented
Human Navy, because the former Verm Navy personnel speak so well of the
organization. Admiral Nemo welcomes them as ‘provisional’ crew members,
who will become permanent crewmembers following a trial period.

Admiral Nemo welcomes new people, of any species. From his study of
revolutions, Admiral Nemo has observed that the successful ones have been


The new ships are renamed ‘Galaxy’ and ‘Starfire’. Captain Whu, formerly
a Darinx intelligence officer, commands the Galaxy. The Starfire is
commanded by Captain Yeagl, a former Verm Navy officer. The AI for the
Galaxy is named Gia, and the AI for the Starfire is named George. Danion
is kept busy birthing and parenting new AIs for the Fleet – he loves his work.


Well, it happened again. Sandra Guilles is ‘with child’.
Their daughter, Kiersten, is only a few months old. Sandra and the
Admiral are ‘old pros’ at the baby production process now, so there is not as much
disturbance as there was with Kiersten.

And Kiersten has made their lives so much richer that both parents are
glad to be getting another one.


Chapter 7

Traveling Through Space

The AH Navy travels for five weeks, making stops every 25 light-years to,
insure that no ship gets lost. 15 light-year jumps is the standard jump
length, but the AI’s have developed a method of correcting for each ship’s
variance, thus enabling the AH Navy fleet to travel farther and faster.

After 5 weeks and approximately 200 light-years of distance the Admiral
decides to look around. The Fleet emerges near some star systems, which
look promising for life. The first 3 systems are lifeless, with planets
which are outside of the ‘comfort zones’, for the sentients in the Fleet.
The 4
system shows more promise, with 2 planets within the
habitable range, both of which show signs of life.

As is the Admiral’s custom, the Nemesis is dispatched to have a
look-see. A fleet of 8 starships will appear threatening to most cultures,
while one smaller vessel is more likely to be welcomed. Two distinct
sentient species inhabit the two planets, with the 4
dominating the 3
planet, militarily. The 4
planet has intersystem space travel, but no FTL travel.

The Nemesis approaches the 4
planet, first. The
militant society responds militarily, as might be expected. The Nemesis
is quickly surrounded by warships, of such a primitive technology that they
pose no threat to the Nemesis. Captain Wentr, an extrucian who captains
the Freedom, has been selected to do the ‘alien introduction protocol’.

Captain Wentr contacts the 4
planet species - called the
grenu - and Danion translates. The system is named Crishon and the 4
planet is named Parma. The species on the 3
planet are
called larten and the 3
planet is named Tubor.

The grenu military commander, who interfaces with Captain Wentr, is named
General Woorn. The General begins by asking the purpose of the
visit. Captain Wentr responds that they are looking for business for
their protection services, and for a planet on which they might establish a

After some consultation via a voice communication device, General Woorn
orders the Nemesis to leave the system and to never return. Captain Wentr
instructs Danion to leave the 4
planet and to head for the 3

After observing that the Nemesis is headed toward the 3
planet, General Woom shouts threats of violent retaliation, through the comm link,
and then orders the Parma warships to attack the Nemesis. The Nemesis
speeds away from the planet Parma, leaving the Parma warships and missiles far

As the Nemesis approaches the 3
planet – Tubor – she is met,
in space, by several Parma warships. The Nemesis evades the warships and
heads for the planet’s surface. There is still no weapon in the system
that poses a threat to the Nemesis.

Captain Wentr wants to establish a relationship with the larten species,
and selects the largest city as the first destination. Needless to say,
the initial reactions from the citizens of the larten city are shock and
fear. Danion translates and Captain Wentr assures the city leaders that
their intentions are peaceful, and that they are looking for a mutually
beneficial relationship.

About that time, Parma’s military shows up with ground and air
units. The larten people run and hide.

The Parma ground forces surround the Nemesis and demand that the ship’s
crew “surrender or die”. Captain Wentr communicates, to the grenu
commander, that the Nemesis comes in peace, and that he intends to speak with
the sentient beings who inhabit this planet.

The grenu commander retorts that “it will not be permitted” and the
commander gives the Nemesis “one last chance” to leave. The ship does not
leave, so the Parma ground and air forces open fire on the Nemesis, with
projectile and explosive weapons.

Captain Wentr orders Danion to destroy the attackers - and Danion
does. In short order, the ground troops are dead and their tank-like
transportation units are smoldering hulls. Every air craft in the area is
destroyed, within seconds.

The Nemesis just sits quietly, and waits for the indigenous natives to
return. And they do return – slowly. They are amazed at how easily their
subjugators were destroyed.

Captain Wentr once again assures the larten leaders that the Nemesis and
its people come in peace. He explains that it is the business of the
Nemesis, and her people, to provide ‘protection services’ for a fee. And
he asks if they would be interested in that kind of service.

The larten leaders say that they have no way to pay for those services,
but Captain Wentr assures them that they do have a way to pay. He
explains that the organization, which owns the Nemesis, is interested in having
a base on a planet such as Tubor, and is willing to trade protection services
in exchange for permission to establish a base, on the planet.

The larten leaders agree in principal to such an agreement, but a
planet-wide meeting would need to take place for approval. And a
planet-wide meeting cannot take place because of the Parma military, which is
in total control of the planet.

Captain Wentr assures the larten leaders that the Parma military is not a
problem. He asks for permission to bring the rest of the Fleet to the
planet, for talks about the trade agreement. The city leaders agree, and
Captain Wentr communicates the agreement to the Admiral.

Within two days, the 8 vessels are orbiting the planet, and the Parma
forces have been ordered to leave, or die. They choose to leave.

It will take years for the larten people to recover from the grenu
occupation, and months to form representative governments. But there is a
general worldwide consensus, that Tubor should accept the agreement, to trade
‘protection services’ for the right to establish a base.

A Provisional World Government is established, by having each hovel
(community) send a voting representative. That provisional Government
quickly approves the trade agreement, and the AH Navy has a home.

The first action for the AH Navy is to visit the ‘nasty neighbors’ on the
planet. In a show of force, all eight AH Navy vessels
travel to Parma and deliver an ultimatum. “Leave Tubor alone – or
else.” Admiral Nemo promises the grenu species, on Parma, that if the AH
Navy returns from a mission and finds that Parma has molested Tubor, the AH
Navy will come to Parma and reduce its military might to dust.”

Enough said.


Tubor is similar in climate, to ancient Earth – the birthplace of the
human species. All of the species in the AH Navy are comfortable, in the
planet’s climate and with the atmosphere. The Island, which Tubor
provides for a base, is a lush tropical land, with mountains coming right to
the edge of the sea, on one side, and flatlands on the other.

There are homes and communities on the island, which were vacated by the
Tubor natives. These natives are trading their island for the freedom, of
planet Tubor. In return, the Tubor government is giving them choice land
on other islands.

With homes
and buildings in place, there is nothing for the AH Navy to do but move
in. They leave 1/3
of the crew to guard the ships in orbit,
while the rest of the crew vacations on the island. The crews are rotated
each month so that there is one month on duty, and two months on the island.

It has become clear to Admiral Nemo that it won’t take much island living
for the crew to get spoiled. After everyone has 2 cycles of rotation, the
Admiral orders a return to duty and everyone goes back to ‘work’.

One of the captured resupply ships and a few shuttles will be staying
home. They are armed well enough to repel the Parma, if they should
decide to attack.

Admiral Nemo promises the crew of the ship staying behind – the Starfire
– that they will be accompanying the Fleet on the next trip. He instructs
them to spend their ‘quiet time’ improving their skills and expanding their


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