The Inconvenient Bride (7 page)

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Authors: J. A. Fraser

BOOK: The Inconvenient Bride
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Carrie giggled in delight, then placed her hand underneath the reception table to see just how badly he wanted her. "Let me be the judge of that," she uttered, then quickly unzipped his pants. Reaching inside, she grabbed his throbbing cock, then stroked him long and hard, fast and slow, quick and rough. He moaned in agony, then dropped his head against her shoulder and buried his face against her neck as he enjoyed the rhythmic delights of his wife's masterful massage.

Carrie leaned over and kissed him passionately as he shivered and squirmed next to her.

"It’s time to go. I can't wait anymore. Please, I need to make love to my wife,” Dylan said as she continued to play with his hard and firm cock.

"Say that, again."

"I want to make
to my wife." He moaned as his sister Katie approached them with purpose. Carrie immediately slipped her hand out of her husband’s pants, zipped his fly and patted his massive cock down.

"What's going Dylan and Carrie? Why all of the affection? You don't have to pretend in front of me," a concerned Katie stated with a puzzled look on her face. She hadn't meant for her words to sting but what other choice did she have? She couldn't risk her brother hurting Carrie over some legal arrangement. She loved them both too much for that and as much as she enjoyed the look of joy on their faces, she knew it wouldn’t last. Her brother was incapable of devoting his heart to any woman, even Carrie.

“Katie, it’s not what you think,” Dylan firmly announced, but Katie’s verbal damage was already done. He immediately saw a tidal wave of insecurities wash over Carrie, forcing her to turn ice cold to the touch.

Lost in a mental fog, a million thoughts invaded Carrie’s mind at once.
Did he really mean everything he told me earlier in the car? Is he really ready for our marriage to become a legitimate relationship? Can I really enjoy his sexual favors for a year without it destroying our friendship?
Carrie felt sick to the core. Katie was right, their marriage was a sham and it would only end one way…with her heartbroken.

A nervous Dylan sensed the chilly reception from his bride and tried to reach over to comfort her, but to no avail. This was all his fault; he allowed the pain of his mother's infidelity to cripple him, so much so, that he had almost missed out on the one woman who had love him for nearly twenty years. He’d already made several big mistakes. He wouldn't risk hurting Carrie, again.

"I think it’s time that I delivered the groom's speech.” Dylan protested and moved swiftly across his wedding reception floor towards the microphone stand. The moment his deep baritone voice came piping through the speakers all eyes were on him. "Good afternoon, everyone. On behalf of the bride, my father and my beautiful twin sister, Katie, I want to thank you all for attending my last minute wedding. I am sure it came as a shock to many of you that I was getting married today. Of course, no one was more shocked than me." The entire crowd roared in laughter, but Dylan continued. "Seriously, I am a very happy man today because I found love in the most unexpected place. I found love in the heart and soul of my best friend." Dylan's eyes immediately turned to the main wedding table where Katie and Carrie sat. Both of their eyes were already filled with tears. His heart began to beat rapidly as he prepared himself for the ultimate confession. "When I was a kid, just ten, I met the most unusual girl. She was funny. She was awkward. She was bossy and extremely talented, but mostly she was my rock…my best friend. No matter where I went or what I did, you wouldn't see one without the other. My twin sister used to say, Carrie and I were conjoined twins, completely inseparable, and it was the truth. I never felt complete if Carrie wasn’t around." Dylan pivoted his body and swiftly moved towards the table where his wife sat. He continued, "During the most challenging moments of my life,
were always there for me to lean on. When I wanted to laugh and be myself, there was no one else in the world who could comfort and make me smile like
I can't remember a time in my life that
weren’t there.
were always there." Dylan’s voice unexpectedly began to quiver, forcing several raw and pure emotions to escape from this tall, brilliant and fearless man. “Today, I married the most beautiful, selfless woman in the world.” His eyes shot over to his sister, “Katie, my only true regret is that grandfather was the one who made me open my eyes to the love of my life. You don’t ever have to worry about me not making this woman happy, because she is the root of my happiness.” Then his eyes trailed back to his wife. He needed her to know that every word he was uttering was the truth. “Carrie McCray, my beautiful best friend and now my wife, I will never forget to love
the way
are supposed to be loved."

A pregnant Katie cried uncontrollably at the confession and finally sat down. Carrie was overwhelmed with happiness. How could she have ever doubted his confession in the limo? She darted from behind the table and ran into Dylan's embrace without hesitation. With tears in his eyes, he swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately in front of the entire crowd. Their inquisitive guests applauded loudly, but neither Carrie of Dylan heard a single sound. They were lost in their own deep emotions.


An hour later, Dylan and Carrie finally retired to their massive honeymoon suite. An exhausted Carrie immediately slipped into the southern themed bathroom and took a hot shower, preparing herself for a night she would never forget. Reflecting on the last few days, Carrie realized she had lived the ultimate fairytale. Finally, her Prince Charming was just in the other room waiting for his princess. Her heart began to beat loudly as she slipped on a see-through, all-white wedding gown. It was short, seductive and told her groom exactly what she wanted him to know. She was ready, willing and absolutely fucking ready for his touch.

The moment she opened the bathroom door she was greeted by twenty small lavender candles. The aromatic scent immediately relaxed her aching muscles and tired mind. Her dark and seductive eyes immediately scanned their wedding suite searching for her husband, but he was nowhere to be found. A half-naked Carrie cautiously opened the door, to the main living room area of their honeymoon suite, and stepped inside. That’s where she found her six-foot, two-inch male stallion; standing tall and practically naked near the bar. The only thing that covered his chiseled flesh was a pair of form fitting Italian briefs, and soon, very soon, Carrie would graciously help him take them off. The mere thought instantly turned Carrie on and sent a wave of ecstasy coursing through her veins. Years of pent up sexual desires and deep, orgasmic urges overwhelmed the new bride at once… it was time for her to take control. "I want you. I want my best friend. I want my husband." The words fell effortlessly from her lips the moment she scanned his tantalizing flesh up and down. Dylan’s eyes darted over to her at once. Christ, he hadn't heard her enter the room, but he did clearly hear her lustful, desperate plea.
That, he hadn't missed at all.

"Come here. Come to me," he pleaded. She didn't flinch or move a muscle, because her body was sick with desire.

"Dylan, make love to me. I need you so badly." Her words were direct and to the point and they sent chills up his spine. He watched lovingly as her eyes immediately zoned in on his manhood, that was now standing tall, hard and primed for her touch. Her sex-hazed eyes forced him to move with lightning speed into her arms, pressing his aching lips to hers instantly.

He needed her.

She needed him.

They needed to fuck. They needed to make love. They needed each other.

With great urgency, he ripped off her paper thin gown and hurled it to the floor, revealing her beautiful, exposed virgin flesh. His lips immediately came crashing down again against her mouth. This time, he released his tongue quickly, helplessly drinking in all the passion and desire that existed between the two. They moaned freely and loudly, as his hands cupped her tight and firm hips. Dylan swept her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom to feast on each inch of her skin.

"Please, make love to me. I can’t wait," she managed to moan, but Dylan had other plans.

"I will baby, but open for me first." His hands reached below to touch her wetness. She moaned and purred as he caressed her inner and outer folds with his powerful fingers. “I need to stretch you a little before I enter you fully. I want you to enjoy your first time." He dropped his head down to her aching core and nibbled and sucked on her until her eyes rolled back. Dylan grew harder and weaker with each taste and every purr that was released from his wife’s lips. She was sweet. She was delicious. And, she was all his.

"Dylan, let me taste you now," Carrie moaned as she crawled to the foot of the bed and grabbed his large, thick and hard cock with her trembling hands. Falling to her knees, she laced her fingers around his shaft, then stroked him up, then down, fast, then slow, until an overwhelming sensation rose to the tip of his manhood. She placed his erect cock in her mouth and repeated the action until he screamed her name, stopping short of climaxing. "Dylan, I can't take it anymore. It’s time." She moaned as he quickly swept her in his arms and laid her back down on the bed. She ran her hands across his wide, ten inch cock and visually imagined him deep within her needy, virgin walls. She pulled him to her and kissed him passionately.

Dylan was a goner. The tenderness of Carrie’s touch made him weak and vulnerable. At that moment, he knew she would be his forever. "Carrie, I hope you understand this marriage will not end in a year. Our love is forever." It was all she needed to hear. She cried and held him tight. Dylan would be her husband and best friend for a lifetime. She kissed him sweet and long, then he quickly moved on top of her, inhaled her beauty, then strapped on his stamina as he moved inside her warm moist opening.

"More, more, give me more." She shouted as she arched her stuff back and grabbed his firm hips.

“Are you okay?” he questioned the moment his cock slid into her wet, tight pussy. She moaned in delight so Dylan slid in a few more inches. Then, several more until he could feel her G spot tremble. “Oh yes, Carrie. Cum for me. Cum for your husband.” He screamed between uneven breaths, then slowly, yet masterfully, plunged his pulsating member into her, steady and hard until she shouted his name in delight.

"Yes, I will come for you my love." The words sent a wave of emotions coursing through him, causing him to plunge his wide cock deeper into her pussy.

"Ahh." They shouted in satisfaction; then they exploded with pleasure.

One orgasm, then two, then three. Carrie bucked wildly as Dylan released his warm and creamy, white wet seeds into her core. She shivered against his chest, but he held her tightly as they climaxed, releasing themselves of years of pent up regret, tension and unspoken love. Once they collapsed on the bed, an exhausted Carrie quickly rolled over on top of Dylan and she kissed him passionately. He returned the sweetness by pulling her close to his side. Minutes later, she felt him rise again. She knew what time it was. Time to please her best friend and husband, forever.


Need more sizzling hot passion?

Read an expert from J.A. Fraser’s
The Promise Pact

For true love he waited nearly fifteen years…but he won’t wait a second longer.
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Fifteen years earlier…


“May I have this dance?”

Kaya ripped her hands away from Max King’s warm sensual touch. She quickly jerked her head around to see how many people were laughing and involved in this cruel joke. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach the moment she realized not a soul stood behind her. Could Max King, the most popular guy in their high school, actually be asking her to dance? The answer was simple, no way! A tinge of anger immediately shot through Kaya’s body followed by a steady stream of regret. Why in the hell had she agreed to attend Lakewood High’s Senior Dance with her favorite teacher Ms. Roy? She had managed to stay away from these social disasters her entire four years and now here she was standing in the middle of hell! Sure, Ms. Roy had supported her both emotionally and sometimes financially since her freshman year but this favor was too much, even for Ms. Roy to ask. Without a second thought, Kaya brushed off the question and headed towards the punch table, hoping Max’s eyes would adjust to the dimly lit room. Soon he would realize he asked the wrong girl and he and his friends would be off to some corner gawking over one of the many well-endowed girls in the room.

“Aren’t you a little old to be ignoring people?” he questioned. Kaya’s smoky midnight eyes widened when she realized that Max was actually speaking to her. Had he followed her to the other side of the room?

Max King had never spoken or acknowledged her in public so why was he speaking to her now? Earlier that year, they had been assigned Chemistry study partners, but that wasn’t information he readily shared with anyone. Even during those sessions, they rarely spoke to one another, except when they were drilling each other prior to an exam. So why was he standing so incredibly close to her now? Why was his simple request to dance driving her mad and at the same time making her palms sweaty and her legs weak? Kaya wasn’t going to allow him to hypnotize her with sweet nothings like he did with every girl in their senior class. She was much smarter than that. Plus, by all accounts she was a socially awkward nerd, way out of Max’s league, and she planned to remain that way until graduation.

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