The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set (33 page)

Read The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set Online

Authors: Brooke Cumberland,Rogena Mitchell-Jones,Sommer Stein

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Romantic Suspense, #Collections & Anthologies, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set
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Chapter Eight



CECI GIVES ME just what I need—clarification. I need to have her, be inside her deep, and fuck her hard. We weren’t making love this time, no—this was desperate and needy.

I lay her back gently on my table, scooting her legs to the edge so they hang down. I finger her panties and slide them down her legs where they pool to the floor. I pull my own briefs down, stroking my cock in my hand as I take in her gorgeous body in front of me.

Our eyes lock, no words need to be said. She knows why I need this.

I stand in between her legs, putting one of them on my shoulder. I stroke my cock up and down her slit, preparing her for what’s to come. She grips the outside of her thigh as I slam inside. Her body automatically arches as she gasps at the intrusion.

“Jesus Christ,” I spit out, my own body shuddering. I pull out and drive back into her, harder and deeper. She screams out, grabbing and clawing the skin on my arms. Her body accepts mine and takes everything I’m giving her.

“God…you’re so good…” she pants.

“If you’re able to talk while I’m fucking you, apparently, it’s not good enough,” I growl, bending lower, almost touching her chest as I thrust harder into her. She’s flat on her back with one leg over my shoulder, her body almost bent in half, but god, she’s stunning.

I crush my lips to her mouth as I drive into her harder, faster—barely giving her room to breathe. I just want to feel her—her to feel me. If this is the last time I have her, I want it to be all of her.

“Bentley and I were more than friends. He’d take me anywhere and everywhere he could. He was aggressive and needy, and I ached for it every time.”

Her words cut through me as I imagine the damage that’ll do to my career. I can’t react. I can’t give my own interview. Anything I say would be a ‘he said/she said’ scenario anyway. The press wouldn’t put me on a pedestal or take my side—they’d take the side that brought in the most drama, and unless they knew about the deception and lies Hannah told years ago—the ones that almost ruined my family’s company—my side won’t even make them blink. I have no power in this one-sided betrayal. I can’t even imagine what my parents are going to do to me now. Another Leighton scandal that I won’t be able to fix. This time, it’s too public to even try to fight it.

I pull back from her lips and look at Ceci as her eyes roll to the back of her head as my cock is buried deep inside her, filling her. We’re both panting and sweating as our bodies heat up, both close to release.

“Bentley...” she barely whimpers. I drive into her faster, feeling her pussy clench tight around my cock. “Ah, god...yes, yes...” She comes hard around me, her fingers drawing blood into my forearms.

I follow behind, jerking and releasing fiercely inside her. My cock is so deep inside her delicious body that I can’t control the hot liquid that fills her completely.

I wait for our breathing to slow and return to normal before pulling out of her and readjusting myself.

I slide my briefs up and grab her panties that landed on the floor. She sits up and grabs them, her eyes filled with questions. She doesn’t speak, and I don’t offer answers. I know it’s only a matter of time before everything is ruined.


*   *   *


She doesn’t deserve everything that’s about to come her way. The aftermath of my past haunting our future—our lives—could potentially be her breaking point. I know she loves me, and she thinks it’s unconditional. However, I know she’ll walk away when it becomes too much being with someone that’s in the spotlight.

“Bentley…” she whispers. I feel her eyes burning into me. I don’t look up, I can’t. I don’t want to see her look of pity. “We can talk,” she offers. “I don’t plan to read the interview if that’s what you’re worried about.”

I swallow hard. She’ll want to believe everything Hannah says is bogus, but the truth is that some of it’s real. My past. The way I chased after women, let them use me for my name
cock, was something I became accustomed to, and I welcomed it after a while. But it’s the way Hannah’s using my past to further her future…


“Bentley was a lost soul before I came around. He was still living the luxurious model’s life when he started working at his father’s company. He didn’t want to settle down. He didn’t tame his wild ways, but I had changed that. Or so I had thought. After a while, he became loyal only to me, even after the dozens of women that had a taste of him before me. He made me feel special—cherished. I was the only girl who was able to get Bentley for more than a weekend fling. He ditched the one-night stands and partying. That’s when I knew it wouldn’t last long. That’s when I knew he’d eventually run. Bentley doesn’t do serious.”


Her words echo in my mind over and over, as I imagine the fake frown on her pathetic face. She wants the world to feel sorry for her and envious for her all at the same time. She wants them to feel sorry for her and love her for being able to claim the infamous ‘Bentley Leighton.’ It’s all an act, but, unfortunately, some of her words are true. I wasn’t tame when I first met Hannah. I had more flings than I had suits. I woke up next to chicks I couldn’t remember the names. I partied harder than I ever did before...simply because I could. No one told me I couldn’t. In fact, it was accepted in the modeling industry. It was part of the job—networking, as I recall. I never did drugs or ended up on the cover of magazines as a drug addict, but I definitely had a rep as a playboy. Something I regret wholeheartedly as I think of what it’s going to do to my career and Ceci.

I shake my head as I try to rid the words from my mind, but it’s no use. I can hear her wretched voice in my head as I imagine her telling the reporter all about our sex life.

“Whatever she said, I don’t care. I knew your background beforehand, but I know who you are now. That’s all that matters,” Ceci says soothingly. Her words should calm me, but they only put me more in a panic.

“Ceci, there’s more than just that. She’s...detailed. She talks about things you should never know about. She talks about our sex life, places we had sex, and…well, other things. If it were you and some douchebag was talking about—god, I don’t even want to know what I’d do. But I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I know if some guy talked publicly about you like that, I’d be a mess.”

“I’m not you, Bentley,” she says calmly. “I have no doubt what she said would infuriate me, but it’s best if we ignore it. I know who you are now, and to me, that’s all the matters. Why can’t you accept that?”

“Because it’s not going to stay quiet forever. You’ll hear it whether you want to or not. People will start harassing you for comments, or you’ll start to hear quotes here and there on the news or on the radio. It’s inevitable.”

She silently walks toward me. My eyes find hers, her lips forming in the sweetest, sympathetic smile. She shrugs as she begins, “This is the life of being with a professional model. It’s not always perfect or even fair at times. I have to share you with dozens of people every time we travel. I get looks every time we go to the store or even the damn coffee house. I mean, we’re anything but normal. But I think, after two years of this, I’ve adjusted well, and you just need to trust me that we can get through this. I highly doubt this is the last time someone will try to mess with you. It’s all part of the job, right?”

I pull her toward me, wrapping my arms around her. I clench tightly, embedding the feeling of her warmth into my brain, molding it to memory. I don’t want the love we feel for each other right now to change...I want it to stay just the way it is. I don’t want the media, press, or public to get in the way of what we have. Still, I feel so helpless now that I know I can’t do a fucking thing to change what’s already happened.

The damage has been done.



Chapter Nine



Murphy’s Law

I KNOW BENTLEY well enough to see when he’s panicking. I try to give him the reassurance I know he needs, even if part of me is scared to death of what’s to come.

Bentley and I haven’t spoken much about anything else. He’s so worked up about what this is going to do to his career—booking shoots and jobs don’t come easy to those with bad raps. Most photographers don’t want to work with them—it gives them a bad name, as well.

A couple days pass and all Bentley’s been concerned about is clearing his name. I can understand his concern, but at the same time, he’s not the only celeb to get a story exposed about them. Even though he won’t listen, I keep trying to convince him it’ll be okay.

Traveling with Bentley over the past year has been an incredible experience. We’ve been able to do things I only could’ve dreamed of doing.

However, now it was my time to build a career—to make something of myself aside from the girl that’s on Bentley Leighton’s arm.

I told Bentley this morning that I wanted to start looking for a job. I need something to do besides sit around and ‘plan’ our wedding. Traveling with him was causing him to be late for his shoots and that was the last thing he needed to be known for doing. I enjoyed traveling with him, but I know he needs to remain focused. Competition in his industry was too fierce to be slacking off now.

Once I checked my phone, I noticed I have a voicemail from Jason—the last person I expected to hear from. He had seen the article online and was checking up on me to make sure I was all right.

My heart squeezes at the way he’s concerned about me. It reminds me I have to text Cora, Katelynn, Casey, and my mom to give them a heads-up. They're used to stories of Bentley being twisted in the media, but I know this one will shock them a lot more.

I decided to fly back to Omaha by myself, giving Bentley the time he needed to sort things out. I felt invisible anyway just waiting around for Bentley to let me be there for him. He wasn’t taking any of this too well.

The following day after I arrive back home, I head to The Grind Café and begin my job search. I order my caramel latté and find a corner booth to sit in. I pull out my iPad and start searching for jobs online—anything related to sports management or perhaps something in fitness. I knew it’d have to be something flexible with the wedding coming up and Bentley’s demanding schedule. I knew I still wanted to be around to support him and travel with him occasionally, but I also knew I had to start building my own career.


*   *   *


I’m half way through my latté, emailing my resume for the third time, when I’m interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Cecilia?” I look up and see Jason staring down at me. “I was hoping I’d run into you.”

“Jason? Hi!” My eyes light up at seeing a friendly face. “How are you?”

“I’m doing great, now.” He smiles wide. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”

I shift in my seat, move my iPad over, and wave my hand. “Oh, of course.”

“What are you doing here? I’m surprised you’ve even left your house.” His tone is sincere, but I hear the concern laced in his voice.

I frown, hating that everyone in this city probably knows my business by now, especially Jason.

“I’m not going to let the assholes keep me from living my life. Plus, as soon as a famous celeb goes into rehab, everyone will forget.” I shrug, trying to play it off. “Thank you for checking up on me before. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome.

He keeps his eyes on me as he brings his coffee up to his lips. He looks like he wants to say something else, but instead, shifts his eyes to the iPad in front of me.

“So what are you doing? Writing a rebuttal story?” He smirks.

“No...” I laugh lightly. “Job searching. Every college graduate’s—
with zero job experience

?” His brows rise. “You’re searching for a job?”

“I’m offended!” I jokingly put a hand to my chest. “I am very capable of working, thank you.”

“Well, I’m sure you are, but...”

“Just because my fiancé is a model, doesn’t mean I want to just sit at home and knit.”

His lips form into a devilish grin. “Um, I don’t think anyone does that anymore. Unless you’re living in a nursing home, which in that case...I’d be out looking for new friends.”

“You’re an ass,” I scowl playfully, punching him in the arm. “I’m probably your only friend.”

“My only
friend, yes. Otherwise, the rest are covered in tats with shaved heads.”

His confession hits me off guard, but I choose to ignore it anyway.

, I need to get back to job searching. Minimum wage isn’t gonna find itself.”

He laughs, but suddenly his face goes serious. “Wait. What kind of job are you looking for? I might have a few connections, depending on what you can do.”

“Well, I’d love to do something with sports and fitness. I did an internship at my college with the hockey team, but that’s basically my only experience. I’d probably even get denied being the water girl.” I frown.

“I don’t think that’s even a paid position.” He laughs.

I scowl at him, and then begin laughing. “Oh, my god. I’m never going to find a job. My experience is laughable.”

His face turns genuine. “I have an uncle who works at the university. He’s one of the men’s baseball coaches. I could...ask him if he has an opening available. I mean...if you’re interested.” He grins as he watches my expression.

“Seriously? You aren’t just messing with me?” My eyes light up as my heart speeds up at the thought of getting my dream job.

“Yes, for real. When I came back, I moved in with him, and he just mentioned an opening—”

“Oh, my god!” I squeal, jumping up and hugging him. “That’d be so amazing!”

He wraps his arms around my waist, making me highly aware that we’re touching. I didn’t mean to—it just sort of happened when I got so excited about the job opening.

I push back slightly, taking a step backward to avoid any awkwardness. I think he feels it too, his hand brushing roughly through his hair as we avoid eye contact.

“I’ll give him your number, I mean if that’s okay?” He smirks.

“Yeah, absolutely! I can email him my resume or whatever,” I stumble, too excited to slow down. “Let me know what he says.” I smile back.

“Will do. Well, I’m going to head out. I’ll let you know what he says.” He nods, and I thank him for his help. I can hardly believe it, but for a moment, it helps me forget the mass chaos that my life is in right now.

I sit back down and scroll through my iPad and groan over the hundreds of emails I have yet to go through. Most of it is spam, but the rest is Mrs. Leighton emailing me details of ‘my wedding’ and reminding me of appointments and fittings. I’m so over her taking charge that I decide to email her back—with a piece of my mind.


*   *   *


I drive back home with peace and happiness finally overwhelming me, instead of anxiety and stress. I’ve let Mrs. Leighton know exactly how I feel about her taking over my wedding and that from now on, I’ll be handling all the details. I expect a phone call or threatening email to come any time now.

I walk in with a ginormous smile on my face when my cell rings with Bentley’s name on it.

“Hey, I’m just getting in—”

“What the fuck did you do?” he growls, his voice deep and demanding.

I stop dead in my tracks when I hear his words.

“Wait, what?” I throw my purse on the table, standing in the middle of the dining room. “You told me to stand up to your mother, that’s—”

“This isn’t about my mother, Ceci.”

“What the hell are you talking about then? What’s wrong?” I ask hurriedly.

I hear something slam against a wall through the phone, an object sitting in the hotel, I assume.

“I just got a call from Angie. Apparently, you’ve been spotted hugging and
with a guy at the coffee house. Not only that, there are pictures to prove it, and not
that, they’re headlining them as ‘
Trouble in Paradise? Bentley Leighton’s fiancée moves on already.’”

I gasp as my heart sinks at his words. I have no clue what he’s talking about.

“H-How is that possible? I was literally
there.” I wave my hand in back of me although he can’t see me. I’d only been gone a few hours.

“The Internet, Ceci. Someone recognized you, took your picture, and tweeted it.”

“’s not true!” I shout, defending myself. I shouldn’t have to, though. Bentley knows me better than that. “It was Jason. It was not some random guy or a hookup. And we weren’t
I was there looking for jobs just like I told you I’d be.”

“Well, you left out the meeting up with Jason part. However, now everyone thinks my fiancée has moved on since Hannah’s story. It’s exactly what they wanted.”

“Exactly! They’re just spiraling the story out of control to make money. It’s not true.”

I hear him moving around as he speaks. “Well, even to me it looks true.” His voice is low, defeated.

I rush to his office and immediately get on his computer. I Google my name, the article popping up right away. I examine the pictures displayed online. There are a dozen of them. Me laughing. Jason laughing. Me gasping when he told me about his uncle’s job opening. Jason looking at me in pure lust. Us hugging. Shit, shit, shit. It was all innocent. But, of course, they could pull any story out of their asses without actually knowing what was really going on.

“You’re a moron,” I spit out, chucking the mouse across the room.

“Excuse me? I’m a moron?” His voice is higher now, obviously taken back by my response.

“Yes.” I throw my hand up in frustration. “I wasn’t even doing anything. You of all people should know how the tabloids twist shit around and form fake stories.”

“Ceci, I know that. It’s the fact that they have
. It’s hard to deny something that’s clearly obvious.”

My blood boils as I hear the accusation in his tone. “Obvious of what? That I was hanging out with a friend who happens to be a guy? That I was thanking him for helping me and for being there when I needed someone?” I question loudly, but I continue without letting him speak. “I stand by your side when your ex-whatever-she-is goes public with your sex lives and even your horrendous playboy ways. I stand by you in your career—putting
on hold—while we travel, and I sit by awkwardly watching as girls throw themselves at you. And the one time—
time—I go and actually do something for myself, I get it thrown back in my face. I wasn’t there to meet Jason. He was there grabbing coffee. And if you must know—because it’s not like you’ve asked—once I told him I was looking for a job, he offered to help me. His uncle is a coach for the baseball team at the university. There’s an opening, and he offered to give my information to his uncle. So, yes, I was overly excited and hugged him for helping me. Excuse me for showing
excitement that isn’t about you and your career.”

The words spew out of my mouth before I realize what I’m saying, and then, once I start, it continues to spill out of me. But part of me feels relief that I did.

The line stays silent on the other end. I’m practically panting, waiting for him to say something—
. Nothing between us has ever been easy. We’ve always had to fight to be together and this is no different.

“Sorry...I don’t mean to yell at you, it’s just...this is really unfair,” I speak up again. “You know I support you in your career. I just want something I can feel proud of for myself. I didn’t go through all the trouble of finding out about my dad and finishing college to just sit around and plan a wedding or following you around to watch you make your dreams come true. I have dreams and goals, too, and I want to do them with you. But I need your support, as well.” I finally hear him breathing on the other end.

“God, I’m sorry. I...didn’t mean to take it out on you.” His voice is weak, defeated. “I’m just so over this bullshit. It’s been days and still the press and media are all over this damn Hannah story, and now they’ll be all over it with you. I just…I don’t want to lose you over this, and you know that’s my biggest fear. The media is good at pulling people apart. And with Hannah’s interview and your pictures, they’ll really make up some bullshit story.”

I sniff back the tears. I love strong, determined Bentley, but I fall in love with him even more when he’s vulnerable Bentley. It reminds us that throughout everything—his career and how we met—that we’re still just two people who want to maintain a normal, healthy relationship.

“We’re going to get through this,” I tell him. “We can’t let the press get in between us. We need to stay strong and lean on one another. We can’t turn on each other.”

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