The Invention of Murder (90 page)

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Authors: Judith Flanders

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literacy, 115–17

Liverpool Courier,

Liverpool Mercury,
70, 212–13, 408

Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of, 323

Lives of the Most Notorious Highwaymen, Footpads, &c
(penny-blood), 59

Lloyd’s Weekly:
on Mannings, 162; on acquittal of Adelaide Bartlett, 315; on Müller, 333; on Wainwright, 339; on Richard Prince, 354; on Abraham

Lincoln’s assassination, 372; crime reporting, 391; on Monson, 397; on Eleanor Pearcey, 408, 409–11, 464; on
Pall Mall Gazette
and Lipski, 420; circulation, 426; on Jack the Ripper, 427, 430, 440, 451, 461

London: street lighting, 2 & n; early policing, 13–14, 16–17, 333; Metropolitan Police created, 15, 77; theatres, 31; working classes, 31; streets renamed, 107; Metropolitan Police divisions, 142–3

London Magazine,

London Medical Journal,
234, 254

London Police Bill (1785), 15n

London Review,

Longrigg, Dr, 344

Lord Chamberlain: role as theatre censor, 31n, 35, 44, 115

Louis-Philippe, King of the French, 231n

Lowndes, Marie Belloc:
The Lodger,

Lushington, Godfrey, 420–21, 441

Lusk, George, 448

Lyceum Theatre, London, 138, 445

Lytton, Edward Bulwer-
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, Baron

McDougal, Helen, 62, 65–6, 72

McGovan, James
Honeyman, William Crawford

McIntyre, A.J., 418

Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell, 122

Mackenzie, (Sir) Compton, 442

McLeod’s Wax-Works, Aberdeen, 399

McLevy, James, 463;
Curiosities of Crime,
The Sliding Scale of Life,

(magazine), 281

MacNaghten, Melville, 404n, 408, 458

Macready, William, 252

‘Madeline Smith’s Dream in Prison’ (poem), 287–8

Maginn, William:
The Red Barn, A Tale Founded on Fact
(with Robert Huish?), 53

magistrates: conduct investigations, 20

Maidstone and Kentish Journal,

Mainwaring, William, 16

Manchester: police in, 148

Manchester Examiner,

Manchester Guardian,
84, 85–6, 87–8, 211

Manchester Times,
104, 137, 263, 372

Manley, Edith, 462

Manning, Frederick George and Maria
Roux): Huish writes on, 53, 176; and ballad-singers, 157; background, 10 9; and murder of O’Connor, 11 60, 162; pursuit and arrests, 12 161–2, 176, 179; trial, 162–5, 214; 13 execution, 166–7, 169–72, 205; 14 popular accounts and posthumous 15 representations of, 167–9, 174–82, 16 288; photographed, 170n; in 17 Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors, 173, 18 174; Dickens on, 176–7

Mansell, Henry, 371

Mansfield, Richard, 445–6

Marie de Roux, or, The Progress of Crime (play), 182

Marot, Gaston and Louis Péricaud:
Jack l’Éventreur
(play), 442, 460–61

Marr, Timothy (and family), 1–6, 8–9, 11, 16, 18

Marshall, John: and Fenning case, 184–90, 198

‘Martel, Charles’ (Thomas Delf):
The Detective’s Notebook,
The Diary of an Ex-Detective,

Marten, Maria: murdered in Red Barn, 45–9, 51–3, 56, 58; stepmother’s premonition, 46–7, 368; popular literature and melodramas on, 60–61, 114, 393; greyhound named for, 217n; sermon on, 225

Martin, Jack, 23

Martineau, Harriet, 232

Marylebone Theatre, London, 44

Matthews, Henry, 419–20 & n

Matthews (murder witness), 18 5 & n 18 Maurice-Méjan, Count:
Receuil des causes célèbres,
199–200, 290

May, Mary, 242–3

Maybrick, Florence, 401, 418n

Maybrick, James, 418n

Mayhew, Augustus, 262 & n

Mayhew, Henry, 56–60, 157, 167, 168n, 201, 231n, 330;
London Labour and the London Poor,

Maynard (Brighton confectioner), 307–9

Mayne, Richard: burnt in effigy, 83; suggested for street-name, 107; and police illiteracy, 116; route-papers for police information, 142; develops detective department, 144–5, 147–8; and Mannings, 160; and Müller, 18 5; death, 429 18

Mays, Superintendent, 79

Mead, Jonas, 235–6

Mead, Simeon, 235–6

medical evidence: in murder cases, 145, 267, 316–17, 326–7, 347, 360;
see also
Taylor, Alfred Swaine

Medical Registration Act (1858), 267

Medical Times,

Medicine Man, The
(play), 257

Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount, 79

Melville, Herman, 169

Methodist Times,

middle classes: condemn penny-bloods, 115; attitudes to crime and criminals, 182–3, 190; and servants, 183, 192; propriety, 212; poisoners, 247; crime by, 248, 254–5, 257, 280–83, 316, 365; on public hangings, 268; interest in

murders, 280–81; in detective fiction, 18 6; and detectives’ practices, 18 7; newspaper protection, 366 18 Middlesex Justice Bill (1792), 13 18 Middleton, Charles, 58

Mill, John Stuart, 246

Millward, Jessie, 355

Milner, Mary Ann, 230–31, 238–9

Minnoch, William, 282

Miss Jane, the Bishop’s Daughter
(novel), 44

Mizotti (Cambridge artist), 55

Moir, David Macbeth:
Life of Mansie Wauch, Tailor,

Monck, Dr (medium), 350

Moncrieff, W.T.: dramatization of Aram case, 107; writes melodramas, 125;
The Red Farm,

Monro, Professor Alexander, 68

Monson, Alfred: and Hambrough

murder, 394–403; shows and

waxworks, 399–402;
The Ardlamont Mystery,

Monson, Mrs Alfred, 395–7, 400

Monthly Review,

Monti the Poisoner
(play), 273

Moore, Mrs, 357

Moral Review of the Conduct and Case of

Mary Ashford,
A, 322 Morning Chronicle:
describes John Turner, 7; on Thurtell, 22, 29, 35–6; price, 27; on Eugene Aram, 106; and controversy over Ainsworth’s
Jack Sheppard,
108n; on treatment for cholera, 158; on Mannings, 162; on Eliza Fenning, 187; on Sir John Silvester, 189n; on nobility’s interest in murder scene, 204; on Mary Ann

Milner, 231, 239; condemns Mary

May, 243; on miscarriage of justice in Palmer case, 266; on execution of Palmer, 268; on Smethurst’s bigamy, 279; on execution of Mrs Brown, 361; ignores Lipski case, 519

Morning Herald,
27, 47

Morning Post,
16, 187, 262, 430, 436n, 440

Morrison, Arthur:
Martin Hewitt, Investigator,

Morritt (theatrical producer), 399

Moseley (Camberwell corn chandler), 91

Moseley, Joseph and William, 85

Moss, Julia, 225

Most Extraordinary Trial of William
Palmer, The,

Mowbray, William, 387–9

Moxey, Inspector (Edinburgh police officer), 179 & n

Müller, Franz, 258n, 333–6

Mullins, George (or James), 366–7

Mulready, William, 38, 170n

Municipal Corporations Act (1835), 148

murder: rates, 1; popular fascination
with, 280–81, 466

Murder’d Guest, The
(play), 124

Murdered Maid, The,

Murderers of the Close, The
(fictional account of Burke and Hare), 68–9

Murderers of the Round Tower Inn, The
(melodrama), 124–5, 325–6

Myra’s Journal of Dress and Fashion,

Mysteries of Audley Court, The
(play), 301

Mysterious Murder, The; or, What’s the Clock?
(play), 323

Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French, 192

National Political Union, 79, 80

Nattrass, Joseph, 388–9, 392

Nesselrode, Count, 205

New Gaiety Theatre of Varieties, West Hartlepool, 394

New Globe Theatre, London, 44n

New Monthly Magazine,
70, 108

New Standard Theatre, London, 253

Newgate Calendar,
102, 112

Newgate novels, 112–13

Newport, Thomas, 239–40, 242

newspapers: crime reporting, 27–9, 372, 426; taxed, 27; circulation and readership, 162, 426, 441; question legal evidence and expert witnesses, 276–8, 316, 326; and Jack the Ripper, 339, 427–8, 430–32, 435–7, 440–52; on marital violence, 361; criticize police, 427–8, 432; reticence over sex, 18

Newton, H. Chance, 71, 257

Nicholas, J.W.:
The House of Mystery,

Nicholls, Charles, 20

Nichols, Mary Ann (Polly), 425–7, 429, 18

Nichols, T.L., 313–15;
313, 317 Noble, Matthew:
Eugene Aram’s Dream (bas-relief), 119

North Wales Chronicle,

Norwich: Public Record Office, 34n; and Rush, 154

Noyes, Caroline, 29

Noyes, Thomas, 26

Nunneley, Thomas, 265–6

(newspaper): price, 27, 38; on
The Gamblers
(play), 34; on Thurtell, 36, 38; on Maria Marten, 46–7; condemns Eliza Fenning, 187–8, 190–91, 193; on Sarah Thomas, 212; crime reporting, 322; prints portrait of Thornton, 322; on Harriet Parker, 359; on press reports of Jack the Ripper, 437; lists suspects in Jack the Ripper case, 451; on Jack the Ripper songs, 458

O’Connell, Daniel, 134

O’Connor, Patrick, 157–60, 162–4, 167, 169, 173, 174, 214

Offences Against the Person Act (1803), 224

Old Vic (theatre)
Coburg Theatre

Old Wild’s booth theatre, 156, 180

Olding, William, 163

Oliphant, Margaret:
Salem Chapel,
304, 369

Oliver, Tom, 22

Olympic Theatre, London, 197

Once a Week
(magazine), 232, 281

Opie, Amelia: ‘Henry Woodville’, 124–5

Orwell, George: ‘A Hanging’, 268n

Osbaldiston, David, 125–6

Oxford, Edward, 165, 204

Pabst, G.W., 462n

Pae, David:
Mary Paterson, or, The Fatal

Paine, Thomas, 17

Painter, Ned (‘Flatnose’), 22–3

Paley, William, Archdeacon of Carlisle, 105

Pall Mall Gazette:
on Mme Tussaud’s portrait of Williams, 11; publishes Stevenson’s story of Burke and Hare, 74; on cover-up of Scanlan murder, 134; on jury view of infanticide, 224; on Tussaud’s exhibition of Palmer’s poison bottles, 272; on Jack the Ripper, 360, 443, 445, 451; on Baker, 383; on Lipski, 419–22; criticizes
Jekyll and Hyde
play, 424, 435; on Bloody Sunday, 432; on soporific candles, 441

Palmer, Anne, 260–61

Palmer, George, 269n

Palmer, Revd Thomas, 269

Palmer, Walter, 258–61, 263

Palmer, Dr William (the Rugeley poisoner): dog named for, 38n; background, 258; crimes, 258–60; trial, 261–8, 289, 390; publicity and newspaper coverage, 262–4, 339; execution, 268–9; writings on and mementoes, 269–73, 294; Dickens on, 280

Pandora’s Box
(Pabst film), 462n

Park, Mungo, 124

Parker, Harriet, 357–9

Parsons, Mary Anne, 213–15, 222

Paterson, Mary, 63, 65, 72, 74

patterers, 95 & n, 156–7, 167, 168n, 231n,330

Pavilion Theatre, London, 31, 197, 339

Pear Tree Tavern, Ratcliffe Highway, 9

Pearce, Inspector, 145

Pearcey, Eleanor
Wheeler): convicted of murder of Mrs Hogg, 403–11; newspaper reporting and publicity, 408–13

Pearcey, John Charles, 405

Peel, Sir Robert: creates Metropolitan

Police, 15, 76–8, 80, 140–41; on Thornton, 324

Peer, Sarah, 185–6, 189, 191

Pegler, Police Constable, 91

Pegsworth (murderer), 95

penny-dreadfuls (or penny-bloods), 58–9, 109, 115, 128, 375, 377–8

Penny Magazine,

(newspaper), 440

Perceval, Spencer, 12 & n, 76

Petersen, John, 8

Pettie, John, 120

Philips, F.C. and C.J. Wills:
The Fatal Phryne,

Phillips, Charles, 203

Phillips, Dr, 432–3

‘Phiz’ (Hablot Knight Browne), 252

photographs: of criminals, 349

Pilkington, Revd J., 53

Piolaine, Madame (hotel keeper), 202–3

Pirkis, Catherine Louise: ‘The Murder at Troyte’s Hill’, 123, 402

Pitman, Richard, 417

Pitt, Cecil:
Carlo Ferrari, or, The Murder
of the Italian Boy,
71 Pitt, George Dibdin, 125;
Charlotte Hayden, the Victim of Circumstance
(melodrama), 198 Pixérécourt, René-Charles Guilbert de:
Alice, ou, Les Fossoyeurs écossais,

Platt, Sir Thomas Joshua (Baron of the Exchequer), 221, 222

Poe, Edgar Allan: ‘The Murders in the Rue Morgue’, 294–5, 423

poisoning: popular fear of, 182–3, 232–3, 235–6, 245, 247, 415; as murder method, 183, 233–4, 238–40; by working-class women, 234–47, 253–4; by middle classes, 248; by medical men, 258–60, 273–6, 278–80; disputes over in murder trials, 264–7

police: origins and development, 13–17, 76–8; public attitudes to, 76, 140, 144, 148–9, 299, 367; uniforms and dress, 77, 147; ideals and role, 77–9, 140; accused of brutality, 79–83; early ineptness, 79–84; and detection (Criminal Investigation Department), 91–2, 145, 147, 176, 178–9, 201, 429; literacy levels, 116; crowd and riot control, 140, 429; and Daniel Good, 140–43; legislation, 148; Huish praises, 176; in literature, 176–8; criticized over Courvoisier, 203–4; privately hired, 304; pay, 363n; criticized over Jack the Ripper, 426–7, 437–8, 443–5, 448–50; newspapers criticize, 427–8, 432; numbers and organization, 428

Police Act (1839), 149

Pollock’s toy theatre, 197

Poor Boys of London, The
(penny- dreadful), 295n, 378

Poor Joe
(marionette play), 179

Poor Laws, 218–20

Popay, William, 80, 83

Prest, Thomas Peckett, 128

Preston Guardian,

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