The Iron Princess

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Authors: Sandra Lake

BOOK: The Iron Princess
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Also by Sandra Lake

The Warlord’s Wife

The Iron Princess

A Sons of the North Romance

Sandra Lake

InterMix Books, New York

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An InterMix Book / published by arrangement with the author

Copyright © 2015 by Sandra Lake.

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eBook ISBN: 978-0-698-18719-1


InterMix eBook edition / June

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Penguin Random House is committed to publishing works of quality and integrity. In that spirit, we are proud to offer this book to our readers; however, the story, the experiences, and the words are the author’s alone.



Also by Sandra Lake

Title Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

About the Author

Chapter 1

Tronscar Fortress

Norrland, Sweden—Summer 1165

“Cynisca of Sparta didn’t win the Olympic Games by sitting around watching her arse grow,” Katia said. “She had to have gotten her hands dirty at one point.”

Katia looked down and, much to her vexation, realized her bosom had grown yet again. “Pull it tighter, Tosh, or I’ll never fit.”

With nimble fingers, her handmaiden yanked the ends of the binding, flattening Katia’s chest.

“Useless, bothersome appendages,” Katia muttered.

“It’s because you don’t know how to use them correctly.” Demonstrating, Tosha leaned forward and squeezed her shoulders together, creating a valley of cleavage that a small child could fall into. “My appendages got me three offers for my hand last night alone,” she said, giggling with pride. Tosha had fluffy, dark brown curls that framed her pretty face perfectly, with full cheeks that were in a near perpetual state of blushing. She was eager to be swept away to become the wife to some flea-bitten brute, and was entering womanhood enthusiastically, as were all of Katia’s sixteen-year-old friends.

“Did you lose all your good sense when your chest swelled up? We swore to never become like those blockheaded cows moaning for a husband.” Katia wiggled into her final piece of body armor.

Tosha yanked the leather strap at the back of Katia’s breastplate. “Nay, it was you who swore that oath. I still think being a wife and mother is purpose well enough for me. Whoever filled your head with useless drivel about the pitfalls of wifehood did you no favors.”

Lately, Katia was beginning to think that her dearest friend was lost to her and would never understand. “
Tosh, my—”

Cutting the disagreement short, her friend placed her hand lightly on Katia’s shoulder and locked eyes with her in the looking glass, her face sober, her big brown eyes suddenly filling with fear. “A cloud hangs heavy over you, Kat. I feel it in my bones,” Tosha said, begrudgingly fastening the final engraved silver buckle to Katia’s armored girdle. “I beg you to reconsider this match.”

Drawing in a deep breath, Katia found calm within the scent of the freshly oiled leather and steel that surrounded her. Searching for the right words to convince her friend, Katia’s eyes roamed around her bedchamber. By her own design, her chamber could be mistaken for that of a son in battle training instead of a princess. Next to her bed, which was engraved and painted with fire-breathing dragons, was her cypress trunk filled with weaponry and armor. She treasured the contents of the trunk far more than the cedar chest that sat next to it, which was filled with rare fabrics and exotic gowns.

Tosha continued to shake her head disapprovingly. “Your father will lock you in your chamber until after summer solstice. You’ll miss the entire festival—’tis not worth the risk.”

“My far will never know, Tosh.” Katia tucked the last of her hair under her helmet. She hadn’t a clue why people insisted on referring to her hair as a crown of glory. Crown of nuisance was more like it. “He is overwrought negotiating with the duke. King Karl has really made a mess of things apparently. All his commanders are attending the meeting. This is the perfect opportunity for me to slip into the ring for a few rounds and test my skill for once.”

“Kat!” Tosha scrunched up her face, clearly frustrated with the repetitive debate.

“If we were boys, we would have been sent to sea for training long ago,” Katia interjected. “If sitting around embroidering and ordering about servants is to be my destiny, well, I wholly reject it.” Katia’s anger was rising—perfect motivation with which to enter the sparring ring. Perhaps arguing with her friend before every match had its benefits.

Katia placed her gloved hands on her friend’s shoulders. “Fate will just have to think up a new destiny for me. I shall not be my father’s pampered pony any longer.” She released a deep breath, cooling her temper back down. “How will I ever truly test my skill if all my sparring partners are afraid to take an honest swing at me? Tero said that the duke has brought with him his top warriors to spar with Tronscar’s. They are renowned for their speed and accuracy.”

Katia was bored with her role as a shiny ornament in her father’s great hall and determined to prove that she had genuine skill in battle tactics, as well as a desire to learn more. After her shield maiden lessons, her second favorite pursuit was to hold her ear to the door of her father’s war council chamber. Perhaps if she distinguished herself in the ring, he would invite her inside for once.

“What if you get hurt?” Tosha whined. “Your father will be furious, and think of your mother’s condition. She is so near her time—”

“She is always with child.” Katia rolled her eyes to the heavens. “Really, if I used that as my line of reasoning, I would never step foot outside of the bloody fortress gate.”

Perhaps Tosha didn’t understand because she hadn’t been present for Katia’s long interrogation of her father’s top military advisor. Tero was of Far Eastern descent and had studied ancient history from all the known empires, past and present. Tosha found him dull, while Katia found his vast knowledgeable endlessly interesting.

Boiling over with excitement, Katia continued, “I cannot pass up the opportunity to learn from the best trainers in the Baltic shores. Do you not understand? I must seize the day.” She winked, lowered her visor, and promptly headed for the secret escape staircase that led from her chamber into the hidden tunnels to the stables.


Sunshine blanketed the ring in a hazy white glow. The breeze carried the scent of sweaty men and warm ale. With good sport and good drink readily on hand, it was a glorious day to be in Tronscar. All eyes were engrossed in watching the pair of young recruits parading their skills in the sparring ring.

A lean, sandy-haired Saxony boy who was not wearing a helmet—overconfident, Katia thought—was wiping the ring with Søren, her usual sparring partner. Circling the high rails, she studied them, waiting her turn. Søren’s feet tended to tire quickly, causing him to stumble and flop about. Sure enough, Søren tripped and landed facedown in the soft gravel while dodging a swing. Dissatisfied cries from the Tronscar supporters rose up from the crowd. The round had ended before it had even really begun.

Swinging his blade with grace and agility, the young Saxon clearly had a well-practiced arm. Søren’s blade, which was much thicker and heavier, had slowed him down, giving the Saxon swordsman little challenge.

Katia’s blade had been forged specially for her, made with the strongest Norrland steel and counterbalanced to accommodate her smaller grip. In many ways, she thought of her sword as a fifth limb.

The Saxon offered a hand to Søren, pulling him up from the soft gravel and slapping his opponent’s back.

This was Katia’s chance. Her heart raced as wild as a young colt, and she barely felt the weight of her armor. She was ready. She knew the odds of winning were not in her favor. He was easily a full head taller than her. She just hoped to exceed Søren’s round and make the Saxon work a little for his victory. She would be no match for his strength, speed, or reach, but perhaps she could tire him out enough to land an honest blow or two.

She glanced over to Rikard and nodded. He shook his head no. She ignored her sword master and ducked under the rail to take her position in the ring.

The crowd of Saxon onlookers burst out laughing, yelling to their young champion that he was being warmed up with children.

Tosha had positioned herself next to the crowd of foreigners. She said loudly, “I wager my little brother can go three rounds against your thin-wristed swordsman.” Tosha smacked Katia’s coin on the rail with a loud clang. It worked. The crowd shut their mouths and focused on the shiny coin balancing on top of the fence. Every Saxon present began shouting for their warrior to teach the lad a lesson.

From ten paces away, the swordsman stared her down. “Boy, your sister does you no favors.”

It was the first time Katia got a good look at the man. He had a long, straight nose that drew the eye down to a set of full lips. His features were bold and almost tauntingly refined, as if begging to be marred and scratched. He was younger than she thought, only a few winters older than her—ten and seven, ten and eight perhaps. Although his manner was prickly toward her, his bright green eyes were kind and she could sense the concern he felt for his much smaller challenger. Concealed behind her visor, she smiled all the more. Holding out for the three rounds and besting the arrogant, handsome smile off his face would be good fun.

Katia raised her sword, challenging her opponent, and took her position. She nodded at Søren to hammer the bell and took the first step and swing. Their swords met over her head with a glorious clang. Steel on steel was the greatest sound in the world.

Her feet skidded on the dirt from the fast-paced movements of returning blows, blocking and slashing. In minutes, sweat from her brow began to sting her eyes. To her annoyance, her opponent didn’t appear to have broken a sweat at all. Like all the rest, he was going soft on her. As the last few moments of the first round were slipping away, Katia dropped down and swung at his shine plate, coming up fast with another slash to his shoulder guard—two clean hits.

Near-feral cheers from the people of Tronscar inundated the training yards. They knew the sight of Katia in her practice armor. Witnessing her get even one decent hit on this peacock was a reason to celebrate. Katia strutted over to the corner, bowing and waving to entertain her audience.

Rikard grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. “You mangy little goat. The jarl shall be incensed when he hears of this.” Rikard jerked her to the corner to drag her from the ring. “Be gone with you.”

“My dear fellow.” With her back to the Saxon crowd, Katia raised her visor. “You are worried for naught. My far will understand that I am simply endeavoring to improve my skill. He will not mind in the least.” She bent down to the bucket, picked up the ladle, and took a small sip of water to rinse her parched throat. She felt slightly bad lying to her old friend, yet not bad enough to heed his council and cut her fun short.

“Have you thought what will happen to the lad if he injures you?” Rikard grabbed her by the edge of her breastplate, jerking her up and forward. “If this goes too far and he takes a cheap shot, half of the men in this courtyard will slit his throat where he stands.”

“Truly, Rikard, the men think this is hilarious. If I win, it will provide the greatest of taunts, the poor Saxon being bested by a woman.”

“You are no woman. You’re a weaseling squirrel full of trouble. When your far—”

The bell hammered. Katia winked and smiled at Rikard. “Wish me luck.”

Katia found the second round much more fun. The tempo was faster and most definitely more challenging, though she still sensed the Saxon holding back.

Their blades met over her head and she twisted her wrist and spun on her heels, dislodging her sword from her opponent’s lock and thwarting his attack. It did not register as a point, but the defense maneuver had been executed perfectly. Rikard would have to be proud of her for that at least.

Her lungs burned from exertion, but still she felt weightless. She hummed her favorite tune in her head, timing out the length of the round. In the final few moments, he raised his arm high. Her reaction was too slow, and his blade came down hard on the thick steel plate of her shoulder.

Hammered like a nail into the ground, Katia crumbled to one knee. Granting her no quarter, the Saxon came in fast for a second swing. She rolled, hearing the whoosh of his blade cut through the air above her ear. Rising to her feet, she stayed low, preparing to roll again. The bell for the second break hammered.

Marching back to her friends with her head high, she squared her shoulders as best she could. She told herself simply to ignore the fire that burned below her dented armor
Showing pain would surely get her yanked out of the match.

Tosha rushed to her side. “Kat, are you all right?”

“Of course. That will teach me for being slow in my counter.”

“Don’t be daft!” Tosh shrieked. “This is enough. Thank the man for his time and be done with this.” Her friend sounded more winded than her.

“It was one clean hit. I hardly felt it.” Katia drank more water than she should have, praying in vain that the cool drink would soothe the burning pain of her shoulder. “I need to keep out of his reach. One more round and we win. I can do this.”

Long shadows began to grow all around her. Tronscar’s highest-ranked guards and officers crowded around, blocking out the sun.

“You are finished now, Lady Katia.” Arne, a baby-faced guard, growled down at her. His beard was soft yellow, almost white, and reminded her of a spring lamb.

“Aye, Arne, practically done, just five more minutes. Is that a new leather brigandine? The riveting is splendid.” She would simply distract them by flattery and changing the subject.

“The jarl will have our heads, my lady,” Samson said with a measure of sympathy in his tone.

“Gratitude, friends,” Katia said, deciding she would need to pour on the charm. “I am learning so very much. I thank you all for your support and patience.” They stood with arms crossed, mouths gaping open a little, lost as to how to convince her. At times, Katia thought, getting what she wanted out of men was so easy. A few soft, complimentary words and a smile were a readily available currency.

The bell sounded, and with one last wink to reassure the concerned faces, she lowered her visor and returned to the center of the ring for her moment of glory.

Her handsome opponent greeted her with a smirk. His teeth were straight and white, blinding her for a moment. “Who are you, the village pet? I haven’t seen this much coddling since I left my mother’s breast.”

Suddenly he appeared less attractive. Katia shrugged and used the sting from her shoulder to fuel her inner fire to win. She answered his taunt by raising her blade.
Slash. Spin. Duck. Block. Duck. Spin. Slash.
The clash and scrap of steel on steel was her favorite tune.

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