The Irresistible Bundle (104 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Should we start getting jealous" V teases as he wiggles his way into our embrace. Desirae wipes away a few errant tears before uncharacteristically hugging everyone in the room.

"Not at all" I beam. I love it whenever V steps in. Now that we're exclusive; he tends to show his possessive side more often. Sometimes I flirt just to get a kick out of his reaction.

We spend the rest of the evening hanging out and talking about the plans for the week. We skirt around the topic of meeting the parents and there's no sex that evening. It's always a nice reminder to see that we can interact with each other without having to involve sex. We're very sexual people but it doesn't define our relationship and it doesn't rule us.


"Fuck we're over-thinking this" I grumble at the reflection in the mirror. V and I opted out of wearing our favorite Armani suits to appear a little more casual and approachable. Suits are our armor and I feel defenseless in my charcoal double-breasted cardigan. It's still stylish and refined while remaining casual. My trusty light blue dress shirt adds a touch of color to the more subdued dress pants. There's no way in hell I'm wearing sneakers to dinner. Nope; my dress shoes make me feel well equipped to meet Yolanda and Ignacio.

"It'll be fine" V massages my tense shoulders. His thumbs press into my tightly wound muscles. His touch and scent are enough to soothe my taut nerves. Carina said it didn't matter if her parents approved or not but they're a tight-knit family. She may deny it but this could forever impact everyone's relationship. I want Ignacio and Yolanda to like us. It's no secret that they'll be eyeballing us. We're perfectly in the middle - between their ages and their children's.

V playfully pushes me aside as he adjusts his navy blue vest. Once upon a time I thought doing something like this was cheesy as fuck but now I know better. It's hot as hell. V always finds a way to complement whatever I'm wearing but in a subtle way. We're both wearing blue and grey but in different shades. Our dress shirts and pants are similar while our additional pieces differ. There are enough similarities and differences that people take a second look at us and smile. We opt out of wearing ties although my hands itch to put one on. If I can't wear a suit jacket couldn't the tie be permissible?

"Showtime" Griffin announces as he bursts through the door.

"Doesn't anyone fucking knock?" I mutter. We're guests and all but I swear it gives everyone leeway to enter and exit as they please.

"Everything's ready" V's tense jaw and rigid posture lets me know he isn't as relaxed as he's playing it off to be. It's my turn to rub his shoulders and whisper words of encouragement.

"Lasagna is cooling while the side dishes are being finalized. Ignacio called and said they're on the way. They should be here shortly."

Griffin's family and the Lobos family live a few scant miles from each other. They'll be here in no time.

"Are the girls already here?" Carina hadn't mentioned if they were coming with her parents or would be here waiting for them.

"They're all riding together," Griffin replies. He's known the Lobos family longer than we have so he knows how important this all is. I'm immensely grateful that he offered his place.

"Let's get this show on the road" I clap V's shoulders and usher him out of the pool house. Every step we take away from the safety of the guest house feels like a journey of a thousand miles. This is it. We're officially meeting her parents and only one of two outcomes can really happen. Either we're accepted and welcomed into the close-knit family of the Lobos clan or we're grudgingly accepted and tolerated during family functions. Knowing Diego and Carina we suspect we won't be outright shunned by their parents but it doesn't mean they'll welcome us with open arms whenever we show ours faces around them.

Griffin's place isn't really a house. It's more like a mansion. We'd only gotten a brief tour of the first floor and the place was already impressive. V and I have seen plenty of ostentatious homes and we've become somewhat desensitized to grand estates but Griffin's family home is the right blend of wealth and luxury tied in with humility and graciousness. The sunken family room and oversized game room make the place a
while the gourmet kitchen reminds visitors that everything within its walls are of the finest materials with top-of-the-line everything.

The moment we step into the home our senses are assaulted. The rich smells of delicious foods and fragrant flowers greet us. Griffin's made an extra effort to make each room we'd potentially be in as welcoming and comfortable as possible. The ambiance is perfectly set, now it's up to us.

"Honey we're home" Diego hollers from the foyer at the entrance of the house. I breathe in slowly through my nose and exhale loudly through my mouth. V follows suit. We squeeze hands before parting and walking towards the individuals entering the house. Although V and I are very happy and proud of our relationship we aren't going to rub it into their faces until we've broken the ice.

V grabs a breathtaking bouquet of flowers and confidently strides toward the Lobos family. He extends his arm and shakes hands with Ignacio while kissing Yolanda on the cheek. He greets them with a warm but still professional tone. Yolanda beams at the sight of the flowers, glowing at his confident yet humble greeting. I quickly follow in his footsteps not wanting them to regain their footing while I'm still floundering. I shake Ignacio's hand noticing his firm grip. He isn't trying to overpower mine but it's a solid and firm gesture from his behalf. I'd been too enraptured with V's confidence to notice if the handshake had been the same with him.

Papa Lobos really is the older more refined but still spitting image of Diego. I imagine there are bits and pieces of his mother there too but it's slightly unnerving to be standing in front of the older version of Diego. Instinct wants me to laugh and bust his chops while common sense screams that I heed respect and grovel if necessary to gain the blessings for his daughter. We lock eyes; something V got out of since he quickly hopped over to Carina's mother. Ignacio stares at me for what feels like an eternity. I stand there, head held high with all the confidence and genuineness that I can portray without words. He needs to see the man who's standing before him truly loves his daughter and the man beside me. I have no intention of mincing words or downplaying my relationship with either person.

"Daddy" Carina's voice breaks our silent stand-off. It isn't like we're having a pissing contest or something but I refuse to bow down to anyone but V. "This is Marco Soriano. And this is Valentino DeLuca."

Carina's father shifts his focus to V. I let out a silent sigh of relief but it doesn't last long. The man switches gears just as quickly appraising and eyeing V from head to toe. The stare down doesn't last nearly as long with everyone watching with bated breath.

"Interesting arrangement you gentlemen chose" Ignacio's voice echoes through the tiled foyer. "Visually appealing"

"Isn't it?" Carina beams. Ignacio's eyes focus on the selection of flowers. The man is sharp. Diego might've missed the significance of every flower in the bouquet but Ignacio hasn't. My throat tightens as he steps forward and touches the arrangement with quiet reverence. I told Valentino to keep things simple but the man is anything but. He says what he means and does what he says. This aesthetically pleasing arrangement is anything but. There's a message being sent with each item within the spectacular crystal vase.

"Diego, Griffin" Ignacio calls out. Everyone huddles around Yolanda who's holding the bouquet and Ignacio who's about to educate us. "First impressions can make or break any type of interaction or relationship."

I swallow the thorny stem lodging down my throat. Have we already given a poor first impression? The flowers are a bit much but they're better than a withering selection from the nearby grocery store.

"I imagine these men here carefully thought over every aspect of this initial meeting." He muses. He looks over our outfits and the bouquet. No one misses his slow inhalation of the fragrant arrangement and the delicious-smelling food floating from the kitchen. "Good meal. Well dressed. Formal greeting. And a bouquet that speaks all and of itself."

"I know red tulips are some kind of declaration of love" Diego adds. Ignacio smiles proudly at his son and nods his head affirming Diego's observation.

"This arrangement speaks of a lot of love" Ignacio continues. He glances from Yolanda to Carina, but never back to us. It kind of makes me nervous; I want him to see that the flowers we'd chosen have meaning behind them. "The tulips make their declaration while the blue heliotrope proclaims eternal love. Violets stand for loyalty, devotion, and faithfulness." Ignacio taps the white jasmines, "Why add these?"

"Because Carina always smells like jasmines" I confess. The flowers aren't necessary but we couldn't help ourselves.

"And they signify sweet love" V adds.

"Are the ferns just fillers?" Griffin inquires. Have to give it to him; he's a fast learner. V and I don't do anything halfway. Why add baby's breath when you can add something visually appealing with significance.

"Yes and no" Ignacio muses. "You want some greenery in your arrangement... but I'd bet anything they specifically choose it as well."

"We did" V affirms. "For sincerity"

"Well they're gorgeous" Yolanda smiles brightly. "Thank you!"

I take Yolanda's acknowledgement as my cue to step forward and kiss her on the cheek in greeting. Not being able to help myself I wink at Des and chastely kiss Carina on the lips. Diego growls but I don't give a shit. Troublemaker introduced us but deprived me of some loving. V can be the gentlemen and shake hands with her or some stupid shit like that.

"You did good" Carina whispers softly. My lips curl without instruction, immensely pleased with her statement. We hadn't been shot on sight and they'd accepted the flowers.

"Hello love" V stands on her other side and kisses her temple. This is all I need to be reassured that everything will be okay. Baby girl didn't push either of us away allowing me to breathe again.

"Well" Griffin claps his hands making us aware of the heavy silence blanketing us. Five sets of wide eyes stares at the three of us. Guess they hadn't expected me and V to greet Carina in any kind of usual way. Sorry to disappoint them but there's no way on Earth that I intend to step away from this foyer without giving her some sugar.

"Dinner is being served" a voice calls from down the hall. Griffin nods his head and motions for us to head to the enormous formal dining room.

Yolanda places the bouquet on the table making it one of the centerpieces. I prefer sitting in a more casual room but I suspect it wouldn't accommodate our large party. Desirae and Griffin chat endlessly, trying to make up for the fact that neither of Carina's parents have spoken since our chaste greeting. The awkwardness grows as the soup and salad are replaced with lasagna.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lobos" V confidently speaks over the idle chatter. "I believe Carina has mentioned us in some aspect..."

"She has" Ignacio quickly replies. V doesn't let his interjection faze him. He continues on as if he'd practiced this and didn't want to forget anything.

"Carina and I began dating late last year" He briefly glances at me before locking eyes on the Lobos parents again. "I love your daughter very much. She's an amazing woman."

"Wait! Are we going to do the whole declaration of love thing while I'm trying to enjoy my lasagna?" Griffin pouts.

I want to simultaneously kiss and slap the idiot. I don't think it's the time or place to have such an intimate conversation but apparently V feels the overwhelming need to proclaim his love.

"This is why you don't have a girlfriend you freaking schmuk!" Desirae throws a piece of her roll at Griffin making it bounce off his forehead. Yolanda's mouth drops while Ignacio's shoulders shake.

"I told you she wasn't so innocent!" Diego triumphantly crows. He crosses his arms over his chest and smugly smiles at Desirae and Carina.

explain this to me again" Ignacio pleads. Carina must've tried explaining our complicated relationship more than once and probably on much simpler terms.

"Sir, I'd like to offer that explanation" V confidently states. Carina's wide eyes let us know we're treading deep waters. Surely she doesn't think we'd talk about the depths of our relationship outside of the three of us. I squeeze his knee in silent support ignoring the quiet glares from the others. This is me. This is about us.

Ignacio nods his head giving V his undivided attention. "The relationship began with just me and Carina. Marco's always been there though... He's my business partner and best friend. With respect to the privacy of how things began and everything that unfolded at the inception of our unique relationship, I'd like to omit that for the time being. What is relevant is that Marco and I both love your daughter. We're in a committed relationship and we unequivocally know that Carina is it for us."

"So you two are just best friends sharing the same woman" Yolanda motions between us. This is the test. It's easier to swallow the fact that a girl is dating two guys who are willingly sharing her but it's like swallowing a fucking a cactus plant when people learn otherwise.

"No ma'am" I jump in. I know V can be eloquent about this and articulate the beauty and uniqueness of our triangular relationship but I'm not in the mood for it. If they're going to accept Carina being with us.... r
eally being
with us... Then it's going to be the whole song and dance. Diego buries his face in his hands while Desirae throws her head back in frustration. Oh fucking well if they don't believe I can communicate this.

"Valentino and I are not only best friends but lovers. We love Carina and we love each other. This relationship is a three-way street; circular in formation but continuous and ever-giving. Imagine a regular relationship and add a person to it that loves with the same fierceness, passion, and devotion. Can it become complex at times? Sure, what relationship isn't? But it doesn't mean we aren't committed to one another. The path to my future is alongside Carina and Valentino. There are no forks on this road dividing us although we may have to step over or around some fissures and cracks along the way."

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