Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (132 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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A knock on the door saves me from having to respond. Rafe hesitantly walks in looking somewhat violated. Griffin bends over laughing. He points towards the door gasping and guffawing.

Rafe crosses his arms over his chest visibly irritated. "Did they really have to poke my ass and dick?" He wiggles his hips eyeing the chair but refusing to sit down.

"You mean like a prostate exam" I scoff.

"That too" Nicholas smirks. "If Rafe intends to be employed by the estate his exam required a little more thorough examination than yours."

"That was a violation" Rafe shrills indignantly.

"Wait till the girls get their hands on you" Griffin snickers.

Nicholas stares at his screen for a few minutes. He claps his hands together apparently pleased with whatever he sees on the computer screen. "So you have a PA?"

Rafe smirks while Griffin and I scrunch our noses in confusion. "You got some kind of public announcement or something?" Griffin asks.

"Maybe a personal assistant" I throw in for good measure.

"He has a Prince Albert and I refuse to explain to you what that is" Nicholas retorts.

"Your dick is pierced" I can't help staring at my friend a little more closely. I've seen his pierced nipples but figured that was the extent.

"Carina and Desirae are going to have a fucking field day" Griffin crows, "Maybe you should tie him up and let them explore. Showcase it in the main room."

Rafe gapes at Griffin but little does he realize that my best friend is serious. "And you'd have front row seats" I shake my head.

"Damn right" Griffin puffs up his chest. "Last night's number was a cake walk compared to what they can do."

Nicholas' smile lights up the whole room. He doesn't even have to say anything. I'm already groaning in protest. "Dude should I even be here tonight? I do not want to see my sister naked."

"Don't worry I'll protect your innocence" Griffin proclaims. Rafe laughs but he looks unsure about what all is going on. He has no idea that his piercing just gave Nicholas 100 different ideas and opportunities to showcase him and the girls.

"Is there something else you want me to do right now?" Rafe fidgets. I want to feel bad for him but I suspect he'll enjoy this entire ordeal as much as Jaxon does.

"You have permission to engage fully with the girls over the next few weeks. I want to see how they interact with you and what kind of chemistry there is between you and them."

"Oh that is so not fair" Griffin barks. "I wasn't even given an opportunity like that!"

"Halloween at Yvette's shop" I don't need to elaborate. Nicholas and Rafe weren't there so they won't get what I'm saying. Carina and Desirae almost caused my best friend to spontaneously combust with strategic strokes to his body and a few whispered words.

Griffin scowls making the others chuckle. "That was a memorable costume Griffin" Nicholas teases. He stands up motioning us towards the door. "Let's get going. The girls should be touring the estate right now. The guys are performing first tonight since we have a promotion for the ladies until 10. Your choice on what you want to do. Rafe I suggest you watch the guys and see if working at
would be of interest to you."

We don't need any more encouragement. We're out the door before Nicholas can say what's going on under his roof.


It may be ladies night or whatever Nicholas said but there are plenty of guys in the nightclub. It's early by club standards but the place is already busy with people eating, dancing, and having a good time. Barely dressed servers flock around offering body shots and recommendations.

"The majority of the staff are males right now" Rafe observes. He's looking around at the all-male bartenders, predominantly male servers, and male security. They're all good looking with nice bodies; not all muscles heads though. Nicholas and Leticia have managed to hire men of all shapes, sizes, and flavors. If a girl has a type he's employed in some capacity.

"Are you thinking more about performing or just being regular staff?" Griffin inquires. It's a valid question. I don't know what Rafe's been up to the last few years but for all I know he could be just like Jaxon and want to be center stage or he could be like Devon and Brody and prefer to fulfill a more functional role.

"Can't say either way yet" He shrugs while looking around, "I saw that blonde guy do one number last night.... It wasn't anything too outrageous. I just don't know if I'd want to spend my weekends here."

"Just you wait" Griffin snickers, "The girls said the same thing too and now they practically live here."

The DJ interrupts our conversation. Girls scurry to their seats ready to watch the first show of the night. The men have an interesting concept here. Somehow they've blended the atmosphere of a nightclub with scattered erotic numbers throughout the night. Patrons actually get off the dance floor to sit down and enjoy the shows. They don't ignore the performers like so many other places. The people onstage aren't meant to be background music; they're pieces of art that scream for your attention immediately entrancing you.

"I really hope they don't take it all off" I mutter as Justin Timberlake's
I'm Bringing Sexy Back
blasts through the speakers. Jaxon and four other guys come onto the stage dressed in unbuttoned dress shirts, slacks, and loosened ties. Girls scream at the sight making the entertainers smile and wink at the audience.

"Hey he actually has a shirt on this time" Griffin laughs. I point to the stage. The guys gyrate their hips making obscene gestures with their body. The horny girls throughout the club eat it up. They throw money onto the stage like the guys are a bunch of strippers. Sure enough shirts, ties, and pants start falling off.

"Not for long huh" Rafe shakes his head at a set of screaming banshees in the corner. I swear they're about to have an orgasm just at the sight of five guys in boxer briefs.

"Would you do something like that" I motion to the stage curious to know if Rafe has any hang-ups or limitations.

"I can handle that" Rafe smirks. His eyes dance at the sight of the audience. Sexual tension pulsates throughout the room. Flushed faces and bright eyes greet us wherever we look. The guys onstage are doing it right. If there were more guys within the club they could easily get some action. We have plenty of women eyeing our table wondering if we're "together" or just not interested in engaging with them.

Marco, Nicholas, and Valentino join us. Marco's smiling like he's got a big secret which doesn't bode well for me. "Fuck" I groan, "Are the girls performing next?"

Nicholas rolls his shoulders looking around the club. "They sure are and trust me this group will enjoy the next number."

"Can you at least tell me the song so I can mentally prepare myself?" I know I'm whining but I really don't know if I can handle Carina and Jaxon right now.

" Valentino politely informs us. My body tightens instantly recognizing the song with Nelly Furtado and Timbaland. I take a few deep breaths knowing I'm about to watch Desirae in all her glory. This is precisely the kind of number that turns me to jelly. The little vixen always locks eyes with me and dances like I'm the only one in the room. I know she's fucking with me but I eat it up every time. Even when we weren't talking she still performed for me and me only.

"And here they come" Marco sounds like a damn horny teenager about to get his first peek at a pair of titties.

"Really?" I challenge. "You see her naked all the time."

"Hell, you've seen almost all of them naked at some point" Griffin taunts Marco.

"I love watching her and Jaxon. It's the best kind of foreplay. She's horny as hell and soaking wet by the time we get our hands on her."

"Dude TMI" I mutter. He always says shit like this; like I actually want to know the details.

Carina and Jaxon stand in the center of the stage. She's dressed in tiny shorts, a tight tank top, and stiletto heels. Jaxon has on a pair of tight-ass jeans and one-size-too-small shirt. The other girls strategically stand throughout the club facing a male dancer. Everyone's dressed similarly with their own colorful flare. My hands ball into fists realizing Desirae's about to have her curvy body all up on somebody else. Fucking hell.

Jaxon and Carina lip sync the words but don't actually sing/rap this number. Every couple does their own thing but it complements what the couple onstage is doing. Carina dances around Jaxon rubbing her body all over him. Jaxon doesn't stay passive for long. He grabs her ass pressing his hips into hers.

"I could definitely do that" Rafe beams. His eyes widen as he realizes what he's said in front of me. I sigh knowing that I can't forbid him from performing with my sister. If they've already had sex on plenty of occasions how the hell can I deny him this opportunity?

The couples dance to each suggestive lyric managing to increase the temperature in the club by several degrees. "Tell me they're done for the night" My eyes are wild. I own the crazy expression on my face. I want to spank and fuck Desirae for that number. She shamelessly pawed the dude all the while looking right at me. I know it's a part of her performance but she didn't need to cup his dick the way she did. That was for me. The next time I eat her pussy I'm going to ensure she's tied up and awake for the entire thing. Then I plan to pull away right before she comes. She needs to experience what I do on a daily basis; having blue balls fucking blows.

"Sorry" Nicholas replies completely unapologetic. "Their big number is after 10 and I can pretty much guarantee every dude will look for someone to get him off or do it themselves."

"More lap dances?" I want to slap my best friend. The jackass is drooling; he's fucking drooling at the thought.

"You'll see" Marco chants. He's eating this shit up.


In no time the girls' major number for the night is up. I watch fascinated as furniture is rearranged throughout the club. Groups of four or five chairs rest in a small circle as if the girls are singing in little clusters. I admit I'm just as eager as everyone else is. The girls practice long and hard but they do everything possible to keep each performance a secret until they're on that stage. They have yet to get predictable and have had no need to repeat previous performances. It really is spectacularly brilliant.

Snoop Dogg's voice raps about the Pussycat Dolls; making people cheer throughout the club. The song is all about buttons and taking clothes off. The girls separate. Some wear button up shirts while others wear mini dresses with zippers and buttons in suggestive places. My throat dries as I watch my favorite brunette climb our table personally dancing for me.

Sati climbs the platform against the column but I can't really notice her. I know Carina's somewhere just as crazy but I can't focus on anyone but the miles of creamy skin and buttery freckles standing inches from me. Desirae rubs her hands all over her body as she mouths the words to the song.

She takes off half of her outfit making the guys at the table roar their approval. But I can't move, can't make a sound. I'm fucking trapped in her snare bewitched by her emerald eyes and plump lips. She smiles wickedly before grabbing a fistful of my hair yanking me toward her. I grunt; she's got a tight grip and the pain makes me shiver and wince. My little firecracker knows how to light you up and send you off. I don't know whether I want her to touch me or keep her distance for the moment. I'm so fucking ready to unzip my pants and just get lost in her depths.

Desirae kneels in front of me opening her thighs so that my face makes contact with her chest. Either I'm going to die or I'm going to kill her. I really don't know which. The guys watch completely enraptured with her. No one stops her or even tries to warn her off. Nope; they're fucking eating this up. She leans into me whispering the actual words of the song. I know she's sending me a message. My brain's trying to play catch-up but all the bloods rushed to my dick and every nerve in my body is lit.

"You say you're a man" she improvises with the lyrics, "But I don't agree.... I wonder if I'm just too much for you."

I narrow my eyes pissed that she has the gall to even say shit like that. I grab the rest of her outfit ripping it off her body. She gasps in surprise but continues with the performance like the professional she is. Before she manages to crawl off the table I grab her by the neck kissing her with everything I've got. I don't care that the song isn't over. Our tongues and teeth clash but I don't give a fuck. She just threw the gauntlet down and it's no-holds bar now.

Nicholas pulls her away scowling at me for even trying something like that. I just don't give a shit anymore but I know why he's upset... Can't let anyone get any bright ideas that they can try something like that with the girls. It's a hands-off policy and I just violated it big time.

Desirae tumbles off the table visibly affected by the sensual assault. Good to know Freckles. You aren't as immune as you pretend to be. The girls pull her away; I ignore the wide eyes and Cheshire grins. I don't need to hear their shit.

"Talk about making a fucking statement" Griffin slaps me on the back like a proud papa. He's so damn melodramatic sometimes. I refuse to make eye contact with anyone. My gaze is locked on Desirae. Her stiff posture lets me know that she can feel my gaze. Good. It's a new year and I damn sure intend to make all kinds of progress. Desirae Philippe will be mine. Only mine. The sooner she gets it through her stubborn head the easier it'll be for all of us.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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