The Island Of Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance (14 page)

BOOK: The Island Of Alphas: A BBW Paranormal Romance
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Before long, Eric broke our kiss, and I felt someone, I didn't even know who, lift my sundress up and over my head, guiding my arms up to do so. Once I was standing in just my sheer bra and lacy underwear, I heard nearly simultaneous low growls, then felt my bra being unfastened while also feeling my underwear being pulled down at the same time.


The feeling of being stripped naked, my body admired, while they could see every inch of me but I couldn't see them, excited me to the point that I could feel myself becoming drenched in slickness. Someone, I had no idea who, soon discovered this, probing my feminine lips apart with a fingertip and locating my most sensitive spot, which was aching and throbbing with need.


I cried out, moving my hips forward, encouraging whoever was touching me to continue, which they did, stroking me with slow, gentle movements. At the same time, I felt a mouth close around one of my nipples, and a tongue began slowly flicking across it, making me moan, the sound cut short by someone putting their mouth to mine and kissing me hungrily.


Soon I was lifted by strong arms and carried into my bedroom, kissed by either Eric or Nate the whole way. Then, I was put on my bed, and I heard Eric's deep voice.


"Don't touch that blindfold, Liz. You're still our prisoner, and your blindfold only comes off when we say so."


That was fine with me. All thoughts of not letting myself be seduced now completely forgotten, I was enjoying this new experience tremendously. The sound of a match being struck told me that a couple of fuchsia pink candles on my dresser were being lit, and the soft rustling of fabric told me that clothes were being lost. Naked and aching with anticipation, I hoped it wasn't going to take the two of them long to get fully undressed.


It didn't.


Soon Eric removed my blindfold, asking me if I wanted him and Nate to leave. "You did basically say earlier that any attempts to seduce you were going to be in vain, so...we definitely understand if you want us to leave you be right now."


Eric stood on one side of my bed, and Nate stood on the other. I surveyed Eric's naked form, feasting my eyes on his muscular thighs and large, rock-hard erection, before turning my attention to Nate. He was also fully erect, and his manhood was equally as long as Eric's, and maybe even a bit thicker. Which was saying a lot.


I exhaled a fluttery breath. "No. No, the both of you can stay. I take back whatever I said earlier. I take back anything and everything I said. Everything I ever said in my life."


Chuckling, Eric got into bed beside me, rolled on top of me, and hiked my legs up on his shoulders before positioning the head of his beyond-stiffened member at my slick entrance. "Well, all right. If you say so. We'll stay then. And you and I can show Nate how it's done."


He slid into me with one fast, powerful thrust, making me gasp with pleasure at the sensation of being completely filled, and so quickly. With the candlelight revealing his green eyes as extremely glassy, Nate got into bed beside us, his gaze darting from my face to the action that was happening a little lower.


Wanting to increase my pleasure while Eric began thrusting into my depths with exquisite slowness, I moved a hand between my legs and began stroking my most sensitive spot with two fingertips, watching Nate's face to see his reaction, which was everything I'd hoped for and more.


With his eyes widening, he rolled onto his back and took his thick shaft in his hand, groaning. Watching him touch himself only intensified my own pleasure, and I moaned while Eric accelerated the pace of his thrusting, driving himself deeper and deeper inside of me.


It wasn't long before the feel of my own touch, combined with the sensation of Eric's deep, powerful thrusting, sent me over the edge. I cried out, grinding my head back into the pillows, while every muscle in my body seemed to tense and release, and stars appeared to streak across my eyes. At the same time, Eric reached his climax as well and filled me with the warmth of his masculine essence, groaning.


Once completely spent, he rested his body on mine for all of about two seconds before Nate practically pushed him off of me, growling, which I thought was a pretty bold move for a pack member to pull on an alpha. It was a move that instantly made me hungry again, eager for more.


With his breathing coming as a series of fast, ragged gasps, Nate rolled me onto my stomach, pulled me up onto all fours, and then penetrated me so quickly that I gasped even louder than I had when Eric had done the same. I was soon lost in a world of pure pleasure, moving my hips back to meet Nate's thrusts. I saw stars again when Eric rejoined us in bed again and began playing with my bouncing breasts, lightly squeezing them and rubbing his fingertips across my stiffened nipples.


I climaxed twice more that night, for a total of four releases, the most I'd ever experienced in one lovemaking session in my entire life. After the fourth one, I collapsed into Eric and Nate's strong arms, more than thoroughly satisfied.


Beginning to slowly stroke my long, light brown hair, Eric moved his mouth to my ear and spoke in a husky whisper. "Goodnight, gorgeous Liz. Believe it or not, I don't think you're a fragile, wilting flower. I just want to keep you safe. Sweet dreams."


Under the soothing touch of his hand running over my hair, I fell asleep almost instantly.


To my extreme disappointment, when I awoke the next morning, both Eric and Nate were gone. Deciding to doze a little longer, I rolled over, curling up with part of the blanket that held both their masculine, woodsy scents.


I didn't see either of them all that day, or the next. I realized I wasn't angry at Eric anymore; I just missed him. I missed Nate, too, equally.


However, although I wasn't lash-out-level angry at Eric anymore, I still wasn't happy with his decision, or about the fact that he hadn't really heard me out before making it. I understood why he didn't want me to take on Gabriel, the bear Form, by myself; I knew he just wanted to keep me safe. Some of the words he'd said during our recent night of passion had convinced me of that. I still thought he should at least consider what I'd proposed, though.


At the council meeting, apparently all the council members had different ideas about what plan of action would be best to take out Gabriel. Eric had spoken with the leader of the dragon shifters, who told him that the dragons might be able to offer help in the somewhat near future, once they had their own problems with enemies resolved; so Eric thought it best to wait for the dragons' help and play defense with Gabriel in the meantime.


Some of the council members had agreed with this, and some hadn't. Still others had different ideas entirely. In the end, since Eric had the final say, everyone had to be content to wait things out and see if the dragons would ultimately help.


While I realized Eric was in a tough spot and didn't want to lead his men into a battle where they might all be slaughtered after being paralyzed with Gabriel's eye spell, I didn't think waiting for the dragons was the answer. After all, they seemed to have plenty of their own troubles, and I figured it was entirely possible that their help might come too late.


I knew Eric realized this, too, which only increased my frustration about him not letting me try to take out Gabriel with my gun. I resolved to try to talk to Eric about the situation one last time. That is, if I ever saw him again. He and Nate were needed so often in the jungle that I felt like I might never see either of them again.


Early in the afternoon of the third day since our shared night of intimacy, I finally saw them both when they stopped by my bungalow upon returning from a surveillance mission near the lake. I led them inside by the hands, so thrilled to see them both that I was sure I was grinning ear-to-ear. They both seemed pretty pleased to see me, too, each of them giving me such long, lingering kisses I was left nearly breathless.


Guessing correctly that they hadn't slept much the night before, on account of running patrols, I offered to make them some coffee, which they gladly accepted. A short while later, the three of us sat on bar stools around the island in the kitchen with steaming mugs of freshly-brewed java. I asked them how things had gone that day, and if Gabriel had been trying to attack.


Eric frowned, setting his mug on the table. "No, not at all. And neither have any of the other Forms. The dragons have reported that the lake has been absolutely still."


Confused, I took a sip of my coffee, and then set the mug on the table. "You say that like it’s a bad thing."


"Well...I think it is. I think Gabriel and the other Forms are gearing up for something, though I don't know what."


Nate took a sip of his coffee and set his mug down with his expression unreadable. "Though like I said earlier, they might not be gearing up for anything. It could just be that all their recent attacks have depleted their supernatural energies and they need to rest for a while. Which is good for us, since it gives us time to get the help we need from the dragons."


Still frowning, Eric took a long drink of his coffee before responding. "No. That's not it. I just have a feeling. Their energies aren't depleted, and they aren't resting. I imagine the bullet wound to Gabriel's shoulder is also completely healed by now, so that's not it, either. They're planning something, or building up to something. Probably an attack on the village with all of them coming in at once.


“It would make perfect sense. Gabriel could render us all paralyzed while the rest of the Forms go in for the kills. It would make perfect sense that they're trying to lull us into a false sense of security before they do this."


Realizing that I'd become so frustrated I'd crumpled a paper napkin into a wad the size of a gumball, I heaved a sigh, my gaze on Eric. "What would make perfect sense is if you'd just let me help, for God's sake. I am the only one not affected by Gabriel's eye spell. I'm great with a gun. By my actions when I rescued Kaylee, I think I've proven that I'm not the type who faints with fear, even when in a situation where I could be killed.


“Just please agree to let me do this. I'm sick of having you and Nate gone all the time. I'm sick of missing you both. I just want you here. I want the threat of Gabriel eliminated so that all the people here in the village can live in peace and happiness. Just please agree to at least consider, really think it over and consider what I've asked you to let me do."


Eric's response was pretty to-the-point.


Exhaling in a rush of frustration, I threw my hands up and leaned back in my chair. "If I'm going to live here on the island for the rest of my life, I suppose I'd better get used to this...the fact that you call all the shots and your word is final. I'd better get used to having zero personal autonomy or control over my own actions. Because this is exactly what this feels like, Eric. It feels like you're controlling me.


“I realize that you just want to protect me and keep me safe. I realize that, so you don't even need to say it. But let
say this. It is not a great feeling. It is not the way I want to spend the rest of my life -- feeling like I'm being protected to the point where I can't breathe. I don't want to feel like my safety is coming at the expense of me being me, and me doing what I feel compelled to do to help people.


“Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Eric? I want you to keep me safe and protect me. I do. But at the same time, I need some freedom to be the strong, brave woman I feel like I was meant to be. The woman I need to be in order to be happy. So, isn't there some way we can compromise? Isn't there something we can work out so that things don't have to be so black and white?"


With his expression more serious than I'd ever seen it before, Eric looked deeply into my eyes, seeming to be deciding something.


Knitting his light brown brows together, Nate suddenly spoke, looking at Eric. "We could follow very closely behind her, as her backup. With more wolves behind
to be


"And what if Gabriel paralyzes us all with his eye spell, leaving Liz completely on her own?"


I leaned forward in the chair, my gaze on Eric. "Then you trust Liz to hold her own and defend herself, this time with a gun."


Just then, Eric's phone began going off, and after a long moment or two, he pulled it from his pocket and looked at the screen. "I'm sorry, but I have to take this. It's my dragon friend Lucas, who's been doing surveillance of the lake from the sky."

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