The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (34 page)

BOOK: The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Shut up!” Dr. Cull shouted, pressing the gun harder against her temple.

There was a loud roar right before a huge polar tore through the bushes beside them. Dr. Cull shoved her in front of him, yelling in terror as he repeatedly pulled the trigger. Rianne fell to the ground in front of the polar, who didn’t even pay her a lick of attention as he jumped on Dr. Cull. The man went down with a pained screech, the gun spinning out of his hands and disappearing into the brush. Before Rianne could move to grab it and help Nikolas, a pair of hands grabbed her, pulling her up and away from the fight.

. I’ve got you,” Dorin murmured when she began fighting him.

“Dorin,” Rianne sighed, falling against his chest.

“I’ve got you,” Dorin repeated, running his fingers through her hair.

“Nikolas is—” Rianne started, turning toward where Dr. Cull’s screams had finally faded.

“He’s fine,
. You’re safe,” Dorin promised, tightening his hold on her to keep her from turning.

“He was going to kill me,” Rianne whispered shakily.

“I know,” Dorin breathed, burying his face in her hair.

A second pair of hands was suddenly petting her, and she turned to find a blood-covered Nikolas kneeling behind her. With a strangled cry, she threw herself into his arms, huge sobs shaking her body as she held him as tight as possible.

. You did well,” Nikolas comforted her, gently tucking her head beneath his chin.

Rianne cuddled close, taking comfort in their arms as Dorin pressed against her back. There was commotion going on all around, but none of them moved as the guards began seeing to Dr. Cull’s body.

“He killed Fawsny,” Rianne said, her voice cracking.

“We know. We went to the hut first and then followed your scent,” Dorin told her.

“He did it right in front of me. He shot…Nikolas! Did he hit you?” Rianne asked, pulling away to search his body for injuries.

“It’s just a scratch,
. His aim was off,” Nikolas assured her.

“We need to get you back to the castle. Oh, my God, he shot you,” Rianne gasped, already trying to pull herself up.

Her limbs didn’t really want to cooperate, and Dorin ended up having to help her stand. As soon as she was on her feet, Nikolas followed them up and shifted, his big body dominating the small clearing they were in.

“Come on,
. Up you go,” Dorin insisted, helping her onto Nikolas’s back.

“But he’s hurt,” Rianne tried to argue.

“He’ll be fine until we get back to the castle. Just be careful with his left side,” Dorin assured her, climbing up behind her.

With a low roar, Nikolas took off through the trees, his lumbering body surprisingly graceful as he carried them home.

It took him no time at all to reach the castle gates. As soon as the portcullis shut behind them, Dorin helped Rianne slide off Nikolas’s back, and the polar bear was replaced by her mate. He swayed slightly and gave a rough groan, a hand going to his side.

“We need to get him inside,” Rianne urged, slipping under his arm.

“Come on, Nik. Let’s see what the Healer has for you, huh?” Dorin murmured, bearing most of Nikolas’s weight.

“Just a scratch,” Nikolas slurred, allowing them to lead him inside.

Carme was waiting for them just inside the doors, and she gave a loud cry as soon as she saw them.

“Oh, thank the gods, you’re all right!” Carme sobbed, hurrying forward.

“Carme. Later. Send someone for the Healer,” Dorin ordered, steering Nikolas toward the stairs.

A group of guards came and took Nikolas from her and Dorin, lifting him more easily than they had been able to. Dorin wrapped an arm around Rianne’s shoulders, and they followed the group carrying Nikolas up to their bedroom.

“He’s going to be okay, right?” Rianne asked as they watched the guards lower Nikolas’s big body onto the bed.

“He’ll be back to normal in no time. It’s you I’m worried about,” Dorin admitted, leading her toward the fire.

Ignoring the other men in the room, Dorin stripped her from her dress. Her shift kept her covered for the most part, but it didn’t matter as Dorin quickly returned with her robe in hand. Once she was wrapped up, he urged her toward the nearest chair, making her sit down as he began wrapping her body in blankets until she felt like a huge marshmallow. Only when she was covered completely did Dorin lift her and take her place in the chair, settling her on his lap. He held her tightly, moving her head to his shoulder. They didn’t talk, Dorin didn’t push for information, and Rianne didn’t offer any. He simply sat there and held her as the Healer came in and saw to Nikolas. She felt infinitely precious when Dorin ignored the enraged polar roaring on the bed, ignored the frantic people wanting to know what had happened. He focused everything on her, on gently rocking her in his arms, until finally the shock wore off and the tears came.

“That’s it,
. Let it out,” Dorin soothed, nuzzling her temple.

She clutched him desperately, clawing at his chest as the sobs escaped in great heaving gasps. He didn’t make empty promises that everything would be all right, he didn’t try to tell her it would be okay. He let her get it all out, let her soak his shirt in her tears, and just kept on rocking her.

“I love you. I love you so, so much,” Rianne whispered when the tears finally calmed.

“I love you, too. Gods, I was so worried we wouldn’t make it in time,” Dorin gasped, nosing her cheek.

“Damn it, what the hell are you trying to do? Pull my bones out one at a time?” Nikolas snarled from the bed.

“I’m getting a bullet out of your side, you giant Neanderthal,” the Healer shouted back.

It broke something in Rianne, and she ended up giggling like mad. He joined her, chuckling at his friend’s obvious discomfort. Nikolas was not amused, though there was no heat to his words when he growled at them.

“Just wait until you get shot.”

“No. Nobody else is allowed to get shot,” Rianne insisted, unable to keep from smiling.

“I think she’s right, Nik. We should definitely avoid getting shot at from now on,” Dorin added.

Nikolas glowered at them, but the Healer soon had his attention again as he pulled out the final bullet fragment.

“There we go. Now, go easy for the next few days. Keep the wound clean and you should be back to your charming self in no time,” the Healer said, spreading the purple mud across his wound.

“I’ll do that, Rirwor. You come look at Rianne,” Dorin insisted, lifting Rianne off his lap and depositing her into the chair.

“Of course,” the Healer agreed, coming to kneel before Rianne. He gave her a small smile as he began checking the bump on her head. “Quite a lump, but I don’t think he broke skin. You’re lucky there,” the Healer said as he pushed up the sleeves of her gown.

Rianne winced as she saw the bruises on her forearm and bicep. The Healer tittered as he pressed the tender area, watching her reaction and testing the bones beneath.

“Well, these will probably last for a week or so, but I don’t feel any bones moving around, so nothing’s broken. This could have been much worse, my lady,” the Healer commented.

“Thank you,” Rianne whispered, pulling on her sleeve.

“I should ask you, did either of your abductors take certain liberties?” the Healer asked softly, so the men near the bed wouldn’t hear.

“No. Nothing happened,” Rianne assured him.

“Then my work here is done. Everything checks out fine. You may feel a little stiff for a day or two, but a hot bath with help with that,” the Healer instructed.

“Thanks so much, Rirwor,” Dorin said, bowing his head slightly to the mouse as he prepared to leave.

“Good luck with that one, Your Highness,” the Healer smirked, nodding toward Nikolas before closing the door behind him as he left.

“He acts like I’m some great rampaging beast who’s going to start eating children at any moment,” Nikolas complained, moving to sit up.

“No! No, no, no. You, mister, are staying in bed,” Rianne exclaimed, hurrying to stop him.

“Fine. Then you’re staying with me,” Nikolas countered, grabbing her wrist and pull her onto the bed with him.

“I think we could all do with a day or two in bed,” Dorin yawned.

“I feel like I could sleep forever,” Rianne mumbled, snuggling closer to Nikolas.

While she had been cuddling with Dorin, the guards had clearly helped Nikolas rinse the blood off his body. He smelled clean and fresh, just a little bit woodsy. Her hand trailed lightly across the bandage Dorin had placed over his wound, knowing she had come close to losing him. Her thoughts began to race over what she would have done if Dr. Cull had killed him, and her panic from before began to come back.

. We’re all okay,” Dorin soothed her, pressing against her back as he lay down beside her.

“I love you both so much,” Rianne whispered, reaching back to tangle her fingers with his.

“We love you, too,” Nikolas sighed, nuzzling the top of her head.

“Always,” Dorin added, squeezing her fingers.

Pressed tightly between their bodies, Rianne finally calmed enough to slip off to sleep.


* * * *


“Thank you, Ambassador. We will see to sending some of our regiments down to assist your king in his fight against the revolutionaries,” Dorin agreed, shaking the man’s hand.

“It is I who should be thanking you, Prince Dorin.” The ambassador bowed before leaving the study.

“You’ve done well these past few days, Dorin. I’m impressed,” Silal commented from his place in the corner.

It had only been a week since Rianne had been kidnapped and Nikolas had been shot, but Dorin had spent most of the last few days handling his father’s business, preparing for the coming ceremony that would make Dorin king. His father and mother were eager to pass on the throne, both wanting to spend more time together and less with politicians. Dorin could understand as he was already missing his mate and he’d only been away from her for a few hours.

“Go on. I know that look. You won’t get anything done until you’ve seen them again.” Silal grinned, shooing his son from the room.

“Thank you, Father,” Dorin said, already hurrying out the door.

He knew exactly where to find his two soul mates. The large doors to the library stood open so Dorin was able to sneak inside undetected. Sure enough, Rianne was stretched out on one of the couches while Nikolas rubbed her feet. She was reading from Voltaire’s
, her voice low and smooth. From the sound of things, she was coming to the end of the book, and Dorin, content to wait, listened in as she finished.

“Are you going to stand there all day, or are you going to come join us?” Nikolas asked, not even bothering to look over his shoulder.

“I didn’t want to interrupt the story,” Dorin insisted, moving to take a seat across from them.

“Are you done with all your stuffy business for the day?” Rianne asked, giving him an eager smile.

“I am,” Dorin answered slowly.

“Perfect! Let’s go riding.” Rianne cheered, snapping the book closed.

“She’s been waiting all afternoon,” Nikolas told him as Rianne hopped off the couch.

“Mr. Grumpy-pants said he didn’t want to go without you, but you were taking forever.” Rianne pouted prettily at him.

“I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting,” Dorin teased, laughing when she moved around the back of the couch to push at Nikolas’s shoulders.

“Get up, get up. I haven’t seen Alyla in weeks, and I want to go flying,” Rianne urged, shaking Nikolas’s shoulders when he didn’t move.

“All right, all right. Gods above, where did you get this energy?” Nikolas asked, standing slowly.

His side still hurt him on occasion, but he did well to hide it from Rianne. Their little mate tended to get a little teary-eyed whenever she was reminded about the shooting. They had talked the day after about everything that had happened, and Rianne had woken up almost every night with nightmares, but they didn’t let it affect their lives any more than they had to.

Rianne quickly came around to stand in front of him, grabbing his hand and attempting to pull him from his chair.

“Come on,” Rianne groaned, tugging impatiently.

“I’m sure Alyla will be there,
,” Dorin told her with a grin.

“I don’t want to be rude and keep her waiting,” Rianne huffed, leading him and Nikolas from the library.

In less than ten minutes, they were mounted and racing away from the tree line. As soon as they broke through the last of the trees, Alyla took to the skies with Rysad and Byntwor right behind her. Rianne’s laughter filled the air as she and Alyla raced ahead only to circle back and find their way between Nikolas and Dorin, right where she belonged.

“Race you to that hilltop,” Rianne challenged.

“Oh, you are on,
.” Nikolas smirked, shooting forward.

Dorin followed behind as Rianne screamed at Nikolas for cheating. The polar didn’t let up and beat them both to the hilltop, allowing Byntwor to land while they waited for Rianne and Dorin.

“You are such a cheater,” Rianne accused as she and Dorin landed beside him.

. I’m a winner. Now, where’s my prize?” Nikolas smiled, reaching for her.

“Cheaters don’t get prizes,” Rianne insisted, though she allowed herself to be taken off Alyla’s back and placed across Nikolas’s lap.

“Nonsense. Come, now. I want my prize,” Nikolas persisted.

“Oh, all right,” Rianne agreed with a heavy sigh, but she couldn’t quite hide her smile.

Dorin watched as Nikolas took possession of their mate’s mouth, completely dominating her until she whimpered for him, her fingers curling in his white-blond hair. Only then did he come up for air, grinning victoriously. Rianne looked completely tousled, her face flushed and her eyes dark. Dorin knew Nikolas had succeeded in his goal of distracting their mate enough that she would want to return to the castle early.

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