The Kiss Of The Don 1 (Romantic Suspense) (The Famiglia Serials) (3 page)

BOOK: The Kiss Of The Don 1 (Romantic Suspense) (The Famiglia Serials)
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Chapter 3


Enzo was outside the club, wearing his black Carrera sunglasses, waiting for the valet driver to bring him his car - a black Bentley
Continental GT.


He wasn’t too happy about the way they had kicked him out of the club - even though he was leaving anyway. Enzo liked to be the center of attention but not THAT kind of attention. He would have preferred a more discreet exit, instead of being seen as the bad guy of the night.


Enzo wasn’t a troublemaker. He wasn’t always popular due to his extreme confidence and cockiness, but he would never look for trouble. Despite his flashy lifestyle, Enzo knew how to keep a low profile.


It was a matter of survival.


He’d learned a while back - ten years ago to be exact - that his name could be his passport to the grave. Not everybody knew who he really was; actually, very few people did. But enough of them were aware of his background and were more than willing to get rid of him.


Over time, Enzo had learned to distinguish what kind of people were most likely to be a threat. It was pretty simple actually; it was just a matter of hanging out with the right people. And that also meant, going out to the right places.


However, it wasn’t an absolute guarantee and occasionally, he would  meet someone who knew who he was. Therefore, Enzo had to learn how to fight - not professionally, but he knew enough to save his life in case of an emergency.


He’d been trained by an employee of his dad, Hubert Morray. That guy was the cook in his father’s business, a French restaurant. But he was also a veteran street fighter and had moved from France to fight underground in Québec, before settling down in the United-States. 


But fighting wasn’t Enzo’s thing. He wasn’t a coward but he didn’t need to use his fists to prove he was a man. For him, money and social status were more powerful ways to convey his manhood. It also attracted more interesting people in his life, so it was definitely a better option.


The loud roar of the V12 engine made the ground shake and indicated his car was approaching. People waiting in line to get in the club immediately turned their heads to look at the beast and its impressive 22 inches wheels.


By the looks on their face, Enzo could tell they were impressed and admiring - and he liked it. Those people were not part of the beautiful people community. They were regular men and women trying to get a piece of the action. They’d probably received invitations from friends of friends to taste how it felt like to be rich and now, they knew - it felt amazing and it was out of reach for them.


See you, losers…


The driver quickly opened the door and got out of the car - the service had to be fast and effective. But he acted a bit too hastily and he inadvertently scratched the door with the buttons of his sleeves.


“Jesus! Can’t you pay attention?! Come on, look at what you did! Who’s going to pay for that now, uh?” Enzo yelled at him.


He was very attached to his car and took great care of it. The Bentley was always clean and perfectly shiny. He would never eat or drink inside, too worried about the smell or the stains on the leather.


The valet driver looked terribly confused and desperately rubbed the scratch with his fingers, hoping it would go away. “I’m sorry Mr. Fancelli! I’m really sorry!”


“So what are you going to do about it?” Enzo said with a strong voice, removing his sunglasses.


“I have to call the head of security, sir… I’m really sorry.”


Enzo threw his hands in the air. “You mean Sean?? Fuck it, man… Come on, out of my way, forget it. I’m out of here…”


Enzo pushed the driver to the side and put his sunglasses back on. He got in the car, slammed the door shut and lowered his windows. Then, he turned on the music, playing one of his favorite songs, ‘All I Do Is Win’ by DJ Khaled, and slammed the gas pedal, making the wheels squeal loudly and leaving a thick wall of smoke behind him.


He took sugar free bubble gum in the glove compartment and started chewing loudly, bobbing his head up and down to the music and singing along.


All I do is win win win no matter what!

Got money on my mind, I can never get enough!


The streets were pretty much empty and Enzo was driving fast, cl
early over the speed limit. He had no idea where he was going. At first, he’d intended to go home but now, he felt like he needed to end up the night on a more positive note.


He stopped at a red light and sent a text message to Nikki, an air hostess who was more or less his friend - a friend with benefits, actually.


At the moment, she was the only regular girl he saw but their relationship was very clear - no feelings, no strings attached. Nikki was always busy traveling and had no intentions of having a serious partner. Enzo was her back up plan and she was his booty call when he felt lonely. It was a win-win situation for both of them.


The light turned green when she called him back, and Enzo lowered the volume of the music.


“Hey Nikki, what’s up? Where are you now?”


“Hey… I’m not in New York, I’m in Los Angeles. You wanted to see me?”


Enzo felt slightly disappointed. “Yeah, kind of…”


She giggled. “Come on… I know you miss me… Why don’t you just say it - repeat after me;! It’s not that hard…”


Enzo wasn’t in the mood. “Don’t do that… You know the rules, don’t start playing with me. I’m not your boyfriend.”


“I know the rules… I just want you to be honest! Just tell me you want to see me instead of acting like you don’t care. It’s not going to kill you, come on…”


“I don’t need to say it! You know why we see each other, that’s pretty obvious…”


“Yeah, but I’m still a woman you know… I need to be treated well and sometimes, you make me feel like you don’t respect me… ”


Enzo exhaled loudly. “There we go again!”


“But come on, Enzo! You seriously think I’m going to sleep with you that often without feeling at LEAST a little bit of something for you?”


“Why not?”


“You think I’m a slut?”


Enzo frowned. “What the hell, no!”


“So if I’m not a slut, you have to expect me to start feeling something for you… It always happens, Enzo.”


“I’m not in the mood to talk about female psychology…”


“What are you talking about! This is how we think, Enzo… This is how we feel. This is how women work, you’ve got to accept it. You think you can spend the rest of your life running away?”


“I’m not running away…”


“Yes, you are. You don’t allow yourself to have feelings for anyone…”


Enzo kept silent, but his fingers clenched and gripped the steering wheel. 


Nikki continued. “When I first met you, I thought you were a total jerk and yes, I was fine with it because I didn’t think we would meet again. But the more we see each other, the more I realize how lonely you are deep inside… You’re a sweet guy… But you’re messed up. Sorry.”


Enzo accelerated - he needed to release his anger. “What the fuck, Nikki! Okay, just stop. I don’t want to talk anymore… I shouldn’t have called you.” Enzo said before hanging up.


He removed his sunglasses and threw them on the passenger’s seat. Nikki started to act like a pseudo girlfriend and it was time to move on. She would soon become a liability and in that case, he wasn’t willing to deal with her anymore.


Enzo had another back up plan, but it wasn’t his favorite. Actually, he had a lot of girls to call but he wasn’t interested. He didn’t want to seduce them again and play games - he felt lazy and tonight, he just wanted to go straight to the point.


In his heart, there was only one woman who deserved his full attention and his effort - but he’d let her go years ago when he’d realized how dangerous his name really was.


Enzo made a U-turn and completely changed his plans. It was late, he was tired and his balls were hurting; after all, he hadn’t cummed in Brandi and he needed to be released.

Nikki wasn
’t available to accomplish that mission but there was one place he knew wouldn’t disappoint - Frankie’s gentlemen club.


Enzo arrived there in twenty five minutes, and parked behind the building. The parking was full but he knew his way around.


He knocked at the heavy metal door and the bouncer’s face appeared in a little opening. “What do you want?” He asked with a low voice.


“I want to see Frankie.” Enzo said.


“He’s busy.”


“Come on man, let me in…”


“I told you. He’s busy.”


Enzo paused and took his face in his palm. He wasn’t sure it was worth it but he hadn’t come this far for nothing.


“How much?” He insisted.


“Five hundreds…”


Enzo sighed. He didn’t have enough cash. He took his wallet and showed it to the bouncer. “Look man, that’s all I’ve got - three hundred bucks.”


Actually, he had a lot more in his car but he didn’t want to make it too easy for the bouncer.

Without a word, the security man closed the little opening and Enzo heard him unlock the door. 


He’s upstairs…” He said, taking the money from Enzo’s hands and closing the door behind him.


Enzo climbed up the stairs and met a couple of strippers on the way. He didn’t recognize them - they were probably new. He quickly checked them out but kept walking - he already knew what he wanted.


Frankie was in a jacuzzi with a girl massaging his shoulders. He was only 20 years old, but the business didn’t belong to him - he was running it for his father. Frankie was a high-school dropout and had been arrested multiple times for drug possession. The only reason he was still a free man was because the sheriff was a VIP client and a close friend of his dad.


“Yo Enzo!” Frankie said, raising his skinny arms covered with tattoos in the air.


“Hi Frankie. How’s business?”


“Doing good, doing good! We have new girls and clients seem to like them.”


“Yeah I met them on the way up - cute little asses indeed.”


“So what can I do for you?”


“Where’s Caramel?”


Frankie seemed embarrassed and stood up. He was naked but that didn’t shock Enzo - Frankie was a pretty special specimen and he liked to hang out naked in his strip club. He said he hated wearing clothes because he didn’t feel free.


The girl behind him gave him a towel and he finally replied. “Dude… She’s the sheriff’s favorite. I can’t let you get her anymore.”


“Just for tonight.”


“You already said that last time!”


“Yeah but tonight it’s for real!”


“Enzo, every time you bring her to your place, we have to beg you to bring her back! She never comes back to work on time, she always disappear. Last time she didn’t come to work for an entire week! She’s our money maker, you can’t distract her like that.”


“So stop giving her to the sheriff then - he’s a perv and she hates him.”


“Man… The sheriff’s got me by the balls and you know it. I have to make sure he’s happy when he comes here, or I’ll end up behind bars!”


“I already told you to see my dad about that…”


Frankie nodded in silence. “Yeah, yeah, I know Enzo… I appreciate but I’d rather stay away and do things on my own.”

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