The Kissing Stars (26 page)

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Authors: Geralyn Dawson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: The Kissing Stars
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“Come on, Mama. I wasn’t gone that long. Besides, it was your idea I go with Doc.”

Speaking the name seemed to dull the stars starting to pop out against the gathering darkness. After a few moments of silence, Will asked, “What do you think about all this, Mama? You don’t think Doc did what they say he did do you?”

Tess didn’t want to lie to her child. Keeping the secret about his father was twisting her in two as it was. She wanted to deal with that particular situation as soon as possible. For that reason, among others, she chose her words with care as she responded to his questions. “Your grandfather has done so much for you and me over the years, honey. I can’t see his being involved in a plot that frightened you, much less put you in physical danger. He loves you desperately. That much I do know.”

“Mama, why do I think the next word you’re gonna say is

She reached over and ruffled his hair. “How did you get to be so smart?”

“I take after you.”

“No, you take after your father.”

Will gave her a curious, sidelong look. Although Tess always answered the questions her son asked about his father, she rarely brought up Gabe’s name to him on her own. “He’s the one who originally sparked my interest in the stars, have I told you that before?”


Tess spent the next ten minutes sharing stories about Gabe and his interest in astronomy. “He’s the one who first pointed out the celestial necklace to me.”

Will hung on her every word. “Doc told me a lot about my pa, but he never said he studied astronomy.”

“Doc talked to you about your father?” Tess was surprised. The only time Doc ever mentioned his son to her was when she brought up his name.

“All the time,” Will answered, nodding. “He talked about all the traveling they did when my father was young like me. He talked a lot about how honorable my pa was, and how he believed in law and order and Texas. Said he thinks my pa might have grown up to be a lawman of one sort or another.”

“He did, did he?”

“Yeah.” He scooped a doodlebug into his hand and watched it crawl across his palm. “That’s why I went off with Captain Robards, Mama. I wanted to get to know him better because I can tell he’s sweet on you. I needed to see what kind of man he is, figure out whether he’s good enough for you.” After a moment’s hesitation he added, “I figured if you liked my father and he was the lawman type, then you might like the captain. It’s not right for you to be alone, Mama. I’m growing up fast, and you’ll need somebody to take care of you.”

“So, in essence, you were interviewing Captain Robards as a potential father.”

“And husband for you.”

Her heart broke. “Will, you can’t forget I’m already married.”

“To who? A ghost? He might as well be. We would be better off if he was dead.”

“Will Cameron! You watch your mouth.”

“Well, it’s true, Mama. Fact is I’d rather be a bastard than Gabe Cameron’s son. At least that way you wouldn’t be tied to the man who threw us away, and you could marry somebody good like Captain Robards.”

“Your father didn’t throw us away, Will. I’ve told you about the explosion, and how I sent him away. It’s my fault he left, not his.”

“Why didn’t he ever come back? If he’d cared about us one little bit, he’d have come back.”

“He cared, Will. He cared so very much. And you don’t know that he didn’t try to come back. Maybe he did and my father wouldn’t let him see me. Maybe he did, only it was too late and by then I’d left home. Maybe all these years he’s looked for us but he didn’t know to look in Ireland or here in southwest Texas. You must admit we’ve been living in out-of-the-way places.”

“That’s no excuse,” Will said angrily. “If he really loved us he wouldn’t have left you in the first place, no matter what you said. If he really loved us, he’d have found us no matter where we lived. A real father wouldn’t have rested until he did. He wouldn’t have just abandoned his son.”

“But honey, Gabe didn’t know he was a father, remember? I didn’t even know I was expecting when I sent him away. I’ll tell you this. If Gabe Cameron had known I carried his children, he would have stuck to me like glue whether I wanted him there or not. You can believe that. That’s the kind of man your father is.”

The boy shrugged. “Or
. It would be nice to know. I like Captain Robards, Mama. Look.” He pointed toward the horizon. “I never figured we’d see the Kissing Stars this far south. I didn’t see them before, either on the way down to the Big Bend or on the way back. But there they are. Maybe they are following us.”

“I’m not about to put any limits on what the lights can and cannot do,” she replied, watching the balls of light dance across the darkening sky.

“I missed seeing them. Wish I had a telescope. That’s what I missed most about being away from home. Saturn just isn’t the same if you can’t see her rings.”

“Don’t let Rosie hear you say that. She’ll eat my telescope.”

Will cracked a grin that was a replica of Gabe’s. “Oh, I didn’t mean Rosie or any of the rest of the family. You know that.”

“True, but I also know how much you enjoy our work in Aurora Springs. I know you love the sky. So being away from the Kissing Stars, and away from our astronomical studies made you unhappy, did it?”

Will picked up a stick and started drawing lines in the dirt. “Not really. I knew I’d be coming home and it wasn’t like the stars were going anywhere or anything. The regular stars, I mean. Not the Kissing Stars. Who knows what they’ll do. I liked getting out and seeing something different. As long as I know I can come back home, well, I think that sounds perfect.” He glanced at her and said, “Maybe after we rescue Doc the three of us can take a trip. I’d like to go someplace that has a real honest to goodness forest. Think we could do that, Mama?”


He allowed a full minute to pass before he said, “Mama, you never answered my question.”

“What question?”

“You never said for sure if you think Doc helped Jimmy Wayne Bodine break out of jail. If you think he’s faked his own kidnapping.”

“Oh, Will.” She sighed heavily and wished the Kissing Stars would provide the answer. “You would have to force the issue, wouldn’t you?”

Accusation colored his voice. “You think he’s guilty?”

“No, I don’t. But the truth is, I don’t think he’s entirely innocent, either. I’ve learned something that causes me to question Doc in ways I’ve never questioned him before. There is something you don’t know, honey. Something I need to tell you.”

“What about?”

“Well, your grandfather. And your father. You see, sweetheart—”

“There you are,” Gabe’s voice boomed from the shadows. He strolled up before them saying, “I’ve been wondering where you were. Will, Rosie is making these pining sort of noises and the look on her face is downright lonely. I think she might be afraid you’ve left again.”

“Oh, dear,” the boy said, pushing to his feet. He dusted off his behind with his hands, adding, “Guess I’ll have to drag out my guitar and calm her down. I never expected her to be so sensitive. She’s been awful clingy since I got home. I’m hoping she gets over it soon. As much as I love her, she isn’t all that pleasant to sleep with.”

Gabe nodded sagely. “It’s the perfume. Pigs tend to over apply the stuff.”

Tess watched father and son share a mirrored grin, then the boy headed down the hill. When Gabe took Will’s seat beside Tess, she asked, “Why did you stop me? I was going to tell him. Isn’t that what you want?”

“Yeah. No. Not like that.” He sighed heavily. “I eavesdropped on the two of you. It was some damned hard listening.”

“You know the old saying about eavesdroppers never hearing good of themselves.”

“Now that wasn’t all true. You said some mighty fine things about me. Made it easier to hear that my son wished me dead.”

“Gabe,” she said reproachfully.

He reached out and took her hand, threading his fingers through hers. “You were right about me getting to know him before we tell him.”

“No, I was wrong. I feel like we’re lying to him, and I don’t like it. I never have before, and I don’t intend to start now.”

“I don’t think it’s lying. I think it’s doing what’s best for the boy. After today—especially after what I heard tonight—I can see how he’d take the truth better knowing I’m more than just the fellow who ran out on you.”

“Gabe, I didn’t mean for him…he didn’t know the circumstances. Please, don’t let what he said—”

“Hush, darlin’.” As the soothing strum of a guitar floated up from below, he brought her hand up to his lips for a kiss. “I can’t change how he felt in the past, but I’ll do my all to see that our future is square.” Gabe paused and Tess could hear the frown in his voice as he added, “It would help a lot more if Ranger Robards wasn’t homing in and trying to out-do my every overture toward the boy. What’s his problem, anyway? You told me he knows what I am to you and Will. Does he think he still has a chance with you? Is that what this is all about?”

“I think Lionel is a lot like you. He’s a strong man, a competitor.”

“He’s a pain in the butt.”

“Never mind Lionel. What shall we do about Will? How and when do we tell him you are his father?”

Gabe rolled to his feet, then pulled her up beside him. “Let’s give it one more day. Just see how it goes between us. Maybe I’ll get lucky and ol’ Lionel’s horse will throw a shoe and he’ll have to walk.”

“I could try and keep Lionel occupied,” she said innocently.

He answered by taking her mouth in a fierce, breath-stealing kiss. “Over my dead body, woman.
Over my dead body

THE ACCIDENT happened mid-afternoon on the third day out of Eagle Gulch. Captain Robards had led his pair of Rangers ahead to scout out the route through the line of craggy, fractured mountains that rose before them like the gateway to hell, brown and barren and forbidding. Tess and Twinkle traveled inside the stagecoach being driven for the afternoon shift by the colonel. Rosie continued her ride in Castor’s basket.

Glad for a respite from the Rangers, Gabe rode alongside Will who regaled him with tales of his porcine friend. One hour stretched to two during which Gabe discovered a pleasant fact. His son was fun to be around.

The boy was witty, intelligent, and could spit a watermelon seed with dead-eye aim. Will seemed to like him, too. He was quick with a grin and the questions he asked showed honest interest in the answers. Gabe’s work impressed him, and with every “wow” and “who-eee, mister” Gabe sat a little straighter in the saddle. A time or two he tested the waters about the fatherhood question and took encouragement from the answers his son offered.

All in all Gabe’s day looked pretty bright as the stagecoach led the way down a moderately steep incline. A flash of sunlight on water grabbed his attention, and he had just lifted his hand to point out the spring off to their left when he heard the ominous wrench of tearing metal and saw the stagecoach pitch wildly to one side.

The next few moments passed in a panicky blur. Even as Colonel Wilhoit struggled for control, the stage slammed into a boulder, then tumbled on its side and started to roll. Above Twinkle’s scream and Rosie’s squeals, Gabe heard Tess shout his name.

Fear gripped him. He spurred his horse forward as the colonel went flying off the driver’s seat, landing hard at the base of an ocotillo cactus. The stagecoach rolled side over side. Supplies sailed and crashed; wood and metal twisted and snapped. The horses tumbled, too, screaming and pawing. Then one got loose, got back on his feet and ran, trailing broken harnesses. The other went abruptly silent.

Seconds later, the stagecoach did too, crashing to a halt in the shallow water at the bottom of the gully.

“Mommy?” Will said in a little voice.

He hung back as Gabe slid off his mount and sidestepped double-time down the hill toward the coach. Gabe glanced back over his shoulder. “Will, check on Colonel Wilhoit. If he’s bleeding, staunch the flow, but otherwise don’t try to move him.” When the boy didn’t move, he called again. “Will! Shake a leg, son. We need your help.”

The battered coach lay on its left side, the right front wheel missing, the back wheel slowly spinning. Gabe’s stomach sat somewhere around his ankles, his heart smack dab in the middle of his throat as he climbed up on the coach, wrenched open the door, and peered inside.

At first all he saw was the blood.

Horrible streaks of red stained Twinkle’s bright yellow dress. She lay atop Tess and neither woman moved. At first glance, Gabe couldn’t determine the source of the terrifying stain. “Tess? Sweetheart?” He sucked in a breath. “Twinkle?”


Gabe started praying.

Water was starting to seep into the coach and Gabe’s sense of urgency accelerated. A person could drown in those two inches of water if their head rested just so.

Please, God, let them be alive for drowning to be a concern

He eased himself down into the coach, grimacing when the conveyance shifted. Twinkle’s pain-filled moan was music to his ears.

Finding footholds, he considered how best to act. He hated to move her without first determining the state of her injuries, but he had to risk it. The blood had come from somewhere and Tess…

As gently as possible, he slid his arms beneath Twinkle’s unmoving form and shifted her enough to get his first look at Tess. Everything in him froze. Blood streaked her face and she lay crumpled like a doll in the bottom of the coach. Her head rested in the rising water; her opened mouth half-filled.

He licked his dry lips, then slipped a hand beneath Tess’s oh-so-still head and lifted it out of the water. Her head rolled, dead weight. His heart raced. With trembling fingers, he felt for a pulse. Faint but steady. “
Thank God

Then his boot slipped and he almost dropped her. Damnation, there wasn’t room to move in here.

Where were the damned Rangers when he needed them? Gabe couldn’t get them out of the coach by himself. “Will! Jasper! Can you hear me? I need help!”

“Mr. Montana?” his son called. “I’m here. The colonel is just starting to wake up. I think he’ll be all right, but he isn’t gonna be much help. Not for awhile, anyway.” The boy paused a moment, then asked in a trembling voice, “Mr. Montana, how’s my mama?”

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