The Kissing Stars (7 page)

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Authors: Geralyn Dawson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: The Kissing Stars
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He sighed. “Honey, I’m sorry, but an eyewitness claims he saw Doc at the scene of the crime.”

Gabe frowned.

“Who?” she snapped, bracing her hands on her hips.

He glanced at Gabe and said, “Perhaps we should discuss this in private?”

Gabe settled back in his chair and stretched out his legs, crossing them at the ankles. He wasn’t going anywhere. Tess either knew it or didn’t care because she glossed right over the objection and asked, “Who is the eyewitness?”

Shrugging, the Ranger captain gave in. “Lizard Johnson.”

Tess scoffed. “Lionel, be serious. Who says he saw Doc at the railroad spur?”

“I told you. Lizard Johnson.” The Ranger set down his fork and pushed away his plate. “I interviewed him myself after the sheriff questioned him. You know I’m always trying to look out for you, Tess. Lizard says he saw Doc at the supply yard just minutes before the fire broke out. The man even carried a torch.” Sympathy dimmed his eyes as he added, “I knew how much this would upset you.”

Tess started shaking her head and didn’t stop. “He didn’t do it. This charge is ridiculous and you know it. Poor Lizard hasn’t had a sober day in the past six months, perhaps even the past six years.”

Robards said, “I know, honey. And I’ll admit I have my doubts about his claims. That’s why I came right away to warn you. I’d expect the sheriff later this afternoon.”

Tess grimaced, sighed, and sank onto the bench that ran along one side of the table. She rubbed her forehead. “He really intends to make an arrest?”

“Yes, he does.” The Ranger rose from his chair and walked around the table. He met Gabe’s gaze, threw a pointed look from Gabe to the door—a look Gabe ignored—then he took Tess’s hand in his and lowered his voice. Gabe pointed his ear their direction.

“Please, Tess. Don’t you think the time has come? Let me protect you. Even if you’re not ready for marriage, let me and a couple of my men move out to Aurora Springs. I’ll be able to prove you and your friends’ innocence if and when more trouble happens. And, if I’m headquartered here, I know I can convince the sheriff to hold off on moving against Doc. I can keep him out of jail, Tess. Let me.”

The comers of her mouth lifted in a brief smile. “He’s not here. He’s safe.”

“What?” The Ranger froze.

“Doc is making another trip down to the Big Bend area, down near the Dead Horse Range. Will went with him.”

“The Big Bend?” Now the captain reared back. In an incredulous tone he asked, “Why did he go there? That place isn’t fit for living.”

As Tess launched into a story about cave paintings and the mystery lights, Gabe watched Robards closely. Tess’s news had disturbed him more than just a little.

Gabe snagged a biscuit off a serving plate in the middle of the table and took a healthy bite. Curious reaction, he thought. Robards wasn’t telling all. He’d bet another biscuit on it.

“I need to get a message to them,” Tess finished. She reached out and rested her hand on the Ranger’s forearm. The warrior goddess turned manipulator, both her eyes and voice pleading as she asked, “Could you do that for me? That’s how I could use your help.”

Robards winced and cut a quick glance toward Gabe. “Uh, I’m scheduled to patrol the northwest for the next few weeks.”

“I know it is asking a lot, Lionel, but it would mean so very much to me if you could see a way to juggle your schedule. If your offer to help is sincere…?”

“I do want to help you. I just don’t know if I can get away to the Big Bend.”

Her voice was soft and haunting as she said, “But I must warn Doc.”

“And just who is he, Tess?” Gabe interrupted. She glanced in his direction briefly, exasperation and a flash of guilt obvious in the look. The guilt made him uneasy. “I thought you said Aurora Springs doesn’t have a doctor?”

“He’s not a medical doctor. He’s a scientist like me. Doc is a nickname, a joke that stuck.” She refocused her attention on the Ranger. “Perhaps some of your men could go?”

While Tess tried to convince the other man to do her bidding, Gabe pondered the facts he had picked up. That led to more questions. He’d gathered that Will was a boy, but who was this Doc? Why the guilt? Could he be Tess’s lover?

He rolled the idea around his brain. Tess and another man. His wife and a lover. Gabe grimaced as the sour taint of jealousy coated his mouth and a burning sensation stabbed his gut. His gaze focused on Tess, then shifted to the Ranger, then returned to Tess again. Was that why she high-tailed it away from him at the state fair? Did she have a guilty conscience?

Gabe hadn’t been celibate during the past dozen years, but then he’d had every reason to believe himself divorced. Tess didn’t have that excuse. Tess knew she was a married woman.

Tess knew she was a married woman

Gabe dragged a hand along his stubbled jaw and considered the willful beauty engaged in hammering out a concession from the enamored Texas Ranger. He’d known her inside and out twelve years ago, and he simply couldn’t picture her character undergoing that enormous a change. Nope, Gabe would bet his favorite pair of boots that ol’ Doc wasn’t his wife’s lover. Tess wouldn’t commit adultery.

However, twelve years was a long time to do without.

Nagged by doubts, he raked her with his gaze. Tess and another man. The idea made him want to puke.

Then she glanced in his direction and the doubts faded away. Nah, Tess was true blue. He’d still put his money on her faithfulness.

Honesty was something else. It hadn’t escaped his notice that she wouldn’t look him good in the eyes. He tuned into the conversation. “… pay you for your effort. The pictographs are in the caves up in the mountains.”

The captain nodded reluctantly. Tess flashed a beautiful smile and leaned over to kiss his cheek. Gabe’s grip tightened on his coffee cup.

His wife stood and crossed to a shelf in one comer of the room. She took down a jar and removed a wad of cash. Slipping a sealed envelope from her pocket, she handed both the note and the money to the Ranger. Robards slid them into his pocket.

Gabe was disgusted. The man took money for doing his job? What a pig. Just another example of the depths to which some outfits in the Ranger corps had sunk.

“I’ll ride back to Eagle Gulch and outfit myself and a few of my men for the trip. I’ll deliver your note, honey. And when I get back…well…we’ll talk.” He reached out and touched her cheek. “You know my feelings for you. You know how much I care. Say yes this time. Let me take care of you, watch over you. You know you need a man.”

Gabe had had enough. “Isn’t it handy that she already has one, then?”

Tess fired a warning glare. “Yes, I have Andrew and the colonel and Jack to watch over matters here.”

“And me,” he shot back not quite ready to give up.

“Temporarily,” Tess assured Lionel Robards. “Mr. Montana is just passing through.”

Gabe just about chewed a hole in his tongue trying to keep quiet. Then when his wife stood on her tiptoes and kissed the Ranger full on the mouth, his hand automatically went for the whip he often carried coiled on his hip. It wasn’t there, of course, because he’d quit carrying it after that last tangle with Bodine. Rage had gotten the better of Gabe then, and afterwards he’d decided a clean gunshot to the head would have been better for everyone all around.
The Ranger doesn’t know how lucky he is
, Gabe thought. He wouldn’t kill a man for kissing his wife, but a whipping wasn’t out of the question.

Then, not a second too soon, Captain Robards took his leave. Tess heaved a sigh, turned, and made a beeline for the coffee pot. Gabe slowly shook his head. “I must say you’ve surprised me,
. He’s not the type I’d have figured you’d want courting you.”

“I don’t invite him here, Gabe.”

“Good,” he replied, satisfaction washing through him. “I’m glad to know you have better sense than that. The man is a Texas Ranger. I can’t believe he took money from you to play pony express. And what message was so all-fired important anyway that you felt you had to pay the man to deliver it, anyway? Who is this Doc person, Tess? What is he to you?” And then, because he wanted to hear her denial, he couldn’t help but add, “Are the two of you more than friends?”

She slammed the coffee pot down onto the stove, then whirled to face him. “Don’t you try to make this something dirty. Doc is…”

She broke off abruptly. The flames of anger burning in her eyes died, replaced by something that made Gabe’s stomach take another sinking dip. Guilt again.

. He should have stopped while he was ahead. He didn’t like this one little bit.

Distrust nagged at him. Resentment coiled in his gut. Dammit, she’d run him off once, ran off from him once, but this time they would have it out. They had unfinished business and she owed him answers. Gabe set down his coffee. “Tess, you’re not putting me off any longer. We’ve gotta talk.”

TESS HEARD the steel in his voice and knew her moment of truth was upon her. On the train home from Dallas, she’d spent some time debating how to face this man and his questions if and when this moment ever arrived, so she was prepared. More or less.

At least she’d had a good night’s sleep. She was in control of herself. She could face the questions he would throw at her, and hopefully toss a few back at him herself. First, however, she needed to determine just how much of the truth to reveal.

Whip Montana wasn’t Gabe Cameron. The years had changed him. The tragedy of Billy’s death had changed him. How would he respond to the tales she had to tell? Despite the grief he’d caused her, Tess didn’t want to cause Gabe needless pain. He had been hurt enough.

True, but your world had been rocked, also
. Tess had been forced to deal with matters no woman should endure.

Recalling those months that followed her brother’s death still made her shudder. Looking back, she recognized the trials had made her stronger, but while she lived it—during that awful, horrible time—she’d sometimes wanted to lie down and die.

Tess didn’t want to put Gabe through that, not if she didn’t have to. So she’d decided to pace her revelations. She’d start at the beginning, but rather than throw everything at him at once, she’d dribble out the story and use his reaction to judge just how far to go.

She cleared her throat. “Yes, Gabe, you’re right. I’ll be happy to address your questions, but first I need to check on Andrew and make some arrangements with the others.”

He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t think so. The last time you put off talking to me I had to travel to the end of nowhere to find you again.”

“You have my word I won’t run this time,” she promised. “Look, I’m hungry. Let me speak with my friends, then I’ll pack up a cold breakfast and we can hike up Paintbrush Mountain. The view is peaceful up there, and we won’t be interrupted.”

Gabe studied her for a moment, then abruptly nodded. “That sounds good. The biscuits took the edge off my appetite, but I could stand something more substantial. How about a sandwich? Ham and cheese sure sounds good.”

Tess chided him with a look. “We don’t eat pork here in Aurora Springs.”

“No pork?”

“No pork.”

He glanced around the kitchen, his brows arched. “No ham or bacon or chops?”

“Not even any drippings to flavor the beans or fry the eggs.”

He reared back, appalled. “Why?”

Tess rolled her eyes. “In a word, Rosie. It wouldn’t do to offend her sensibilities.” When her husband’s chin dropped in shock, she hastened to add, “I can’t give you ham, but I can offer something else I think you might like better. I made cardamom rolls day before yesterday.”

Gabe’s dark eyes sparked with interest. “Two-day-old cardamom rolls? That means today they’re at their prime.”

Tess nodded. He’d always loved the bread she baked, and the cardamom rolls had been his particular favorite.

He strode toward the door. “The day’s a-wastin’. Let’s gig this horse to a trot, shall we?”

Twenty minutes later they were headed up out of the canyon. Gabe carried a basket filled with bread and cheese and a jug of fresh milk. Tess toted along a quilt and a good dose of nervousness.

Halfway up the hill Gabe paused and gazed out over the flats. “That has to be the most desolate, lifeless place on earth.”

Tess lived just beyond the northern edge of the Chihuahuan Desert. The majority of the land was rocky and sparsely vegetated, with little water and almost no trees out on the flats. Her canyon was fertile, however, fed as it was by the springs, and in the higher elevations, piñon and ponderosa pines covered the mountains.

She followed the path of Gabe’s stare out across the desert where visibility stretched for miles on end. Where he saw desolation, she spied a wild, rugged beauty.

“Actually if you look closely you’ll see this part of Texas is teeming with life. I can’t count all the varieties of cactus and succulents, and we have plenty of animals Jackrabbits and coyotes. Antelope. And don’t forget the scorpions, snakes, and horned toads.”

“Desert critters,” he replied, dismissing her argument with a shake of his head. “You grew up on the edge of the Big Thicket. Don’t you miss the trees?”

“Some. But the sky makes up for it. Day and night there’s not a prettier sky anywhere in the world.” She glanced at him, and spoke in a voice animated by the topic under discussion. “You must have noticed. Have you ever seen the stars appear so close? Some nights it feels like you could reach out and touch them.”

For just a moment, she forgot his purpose for being here, recalling only the shared passion of their past. “Wait till you get a peek through my new telescope. Thank goodness Rosie didn’t hurt it. I’m so anxious to get it all set up. You’ll be amazed, Gabe. The view I get of Saturn even with the smaller mirror is superb. Dr. Pierce said the clarity is due to the quality of air here.”

Gabe jerked as if something had poked him, and a peculiar, almost bitter look seeped across his face. “Don’t, Tess. I don’t want to hear it.” He resumed the climb up the hill.

Taken aback, she scrambled after him, wincing when she slipped on a pile of pebbles and twisted her ankle. “Ouch. That hurt.”

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