The Land: Catacombs (Chaos Seeds Book 4) (19 page)

BOOK: The Land: Catacombs (Chaos Seeds Book 4)
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The four men moved over to sit at the table.  Before they started to eat, however, all four moved their hands in a circle over their food and said a short phrase in a language Richter hadn’t heard before.  His Gift of Tongues ability translated it to “For the bounty our success has brought, we thank you, dear Lady.”

Speaking in the common tongue, Richter couldn’t resist asking, “Was that a prayer?  I was under the impression that all gods had been banished from The Land.”

Abbas nodded in understanding. “You are, of course, correct, Lord Richter.  That does not mean the teachings of our Lady Nadjah are any less valuable.  The wisdom of the Lady of Good Fortune has guided the actions of our family since long before The Great Binding.  We offer a prayer to her in thanks and remembrance.”

Richter gazed back at the man, pondering what he had just heard.  Blind faith was a challenge in and of itself, but he had to reason that it must be even harder to
that your god is real and that she had been forcibly taken from you.  For a family to remain devout for centuries and millennia after that… what did that say about them?  Richter wasn’t sure, but he was fairly certain it meant he should take them seriously.  As he opened his mouth to continue the conversation, another thought occurred to him.  Were there any other pockets of faithful followers out there?  What would they be like if, instead of luck, their god had been one of death or pain?

Richter blinked such cheery thoughts away.  “Well I would love to hear more about your Lady Nadjah at some point, but not right now.  I insist that you eat.  Can I offer you refreshment?  Some ale or water perhaps?”

They all made small talk for about twenty minutes as Abbas and his brothers ate their fill.  He introduced his brothers as “Falih, Mahir and Kadar.”  Luckily, none of them were Professed Traders, though Falih and Mahir were both above level ten so he assumed their trading skill just hadn’t reached journeyman rank yet.  Once they had committed enough time to the niceties, they got down to business.

“In addition to greetings, my father has sent a gift in appreciation of our profitable relationship.”  At Abbas’s gesture, Kadar, the youngest brother, placed the small chest on the table, angling the front towards Richter.  He opened the lid and revealed that the inside was lined with crushed purple velvet.  Sitting on a cushion of the same color was a bracelet.  Two clear red gems sat on a braided band of gold.  Futen glowed white, identifying the object without asking.

You have been presented:
Bracelet of Home’s Heart
.  Durability 43/43.  Item class: Scarce.  Quality: Superb.  Weight: 0.2 kg.  Traits: The gems on this bracelet are actually two halves of a whole.  Expertly cut, the jewel is a rare drop from a silver wyvern.  The last drop of its blood crystalized to embody the speed and grace of this aerial predator.  That magic has been preserved.  Now the wearer of this bracelet may leave one of the gems in any location they choose.  If the magic of the bracelet is then activated, the wearer will gain the ability of flight and be pulled at the maximum flying speed of a silver wyvern to the location where the other jewel was left.  This is a one-use item which will be destroyed afterwards. 

Richter’s eyes widened as he read the item’s description.  This was the first example of fast travel he had actually seen.  The calculations for portals were rattling around somewhere in the back of his head, but the cost of making one, let alone two of the expensive things just wasn’t feasible yet.  Hafiz truly had given him an amazing gift.  This meant that he could escape a horrible situation or come rushing back to defend his village if need be.  He would have to think very carefully about where to place the gem he would be coming back to. 

Richter stood and bowed slightly. “This truly is an amazing gift.  I do not know what to say.  I, and my people, thank you.”

The four brothers stood and bowed deeply in return.  They sat back down, but Richter remained standing.  “In my travels and adventures, I have come across many wonders.  One of the most beautiful, however, was this.”  He reached into his Bag of Holding and pulled out a gem-encrusted bracelet.  Small diamonds formed the spine of the red-gold bracelet and the two ends shined green.  One end was a dragon’s head, with emeralds set as eyes.  The other was a tail made of creamy jade.  The quality of craftsmanship was such that the piece looked like it could come to life at any moment.  When Richter had examined the item, it had registered as “masterwork.”

Richter held it hidden in his hands, until he spread them apart like a book opening, leaving the jewelry balancing on his palms.  The reaction he received was more than he expected.  Falih and Mahir immediately began speaking to each other quietly in their native tongue.  Richter could understand them, though they didn’t know that, and heard them exclaiming over the value of the piece.  Kadar actually breathed the word “Tefonim,” which earned him a cuff from one of his older brothers.  Richter noticed all of this peripherally, as most of his attention was on Abbas. 

The lead brother showed no reaction.  At least not one that Richter could detect.  The man raised his eyes from the gold dragon and looked Richter in the eye. “Do you know what this is, my lord?”

“It is a gift for your father.  It is also a piece of jewelry from the Tefonim people.”

Abbas licked his lips and considered his next words carefully. “It is quite rare to find pieces from the master builders.  Even more rare to find a piece as exquisite and well preserved as what you have here, my lord.  I mean no disrespect, but may I examine it?”

Richter didn’t really get what the big deal was, but assumed that the jewelry must be more valuable and therefore more expensive than he had thought.  “It is yours.  You can do as you wish.”  With that, he handed over the bracelet. 

Abbas didn’t bring it close up to his eyes and inspect it like Richter had assumed.  Instead he just held it in his hand and closed his eyes.  A slight hum could suddenly be heard at the edge of Richter’s hearing, like a generator coming on down the street.  When Abbas opened his eyes again, a broad smile crested his face.  His large white teeth were stark contrasted to his sun darkened skin.  “My lord, this truly is a wonderful gift.  I apologize for any doubt or hesitation on my part.  Please do not believe that I thought you would cheat us or my father, but there are many, many forgeries of the work of the Tefonim.  So much so that the chances of a piece being authentic are less than a thousand to one.  I am honored to receive this princely gift.  My father spoke of your fairness and strength, but left to me the choice of how closely we would ally ourselves in business.  Your gift shows your caliber though, my lord, and I am happy to say that the Company of the White Pearl considers you a Friend in Commerce.”

A series of prompts immediately filled Richter’s vision.

Know This!  The saying is that there are more customs in the land than drops of water in the ocean.  It is impossible to know them all.  Your innate respect and generosity, however, have steered you well.  The exchange of gifts is a time honored tradition amongst the traders of the River Peninsula and will set the tone for all future dealings.  You have given a gift well beyond what was expected and have been named a Friend in Commerce to the Company of the White Pearl.

Your relationship with Abbas, Falih, Mahir, and Kadar has increased from

The relationship of the Mist Village and the Company of the White Pearl has increased from

Know This!  As a Friend in Commerce, future trade dealings with the Company of the White Pearl will be 10% more lucrative.  New trade opportunities may now become available. 

Richter didn’t let the momentum of the moment pass. “It pleases me that my gift is so well received.  I hope that it is the start of many future successful dealings.”  He was about to refer them over to Randolphus when he experienced the strangest of sensations.  His nose tingled, and the most tantalizing scent reached his nostrils.  It came and went quick as a flash, but despite not seeing a source, Richter was sure he had smelled something wonderful.  It was like an olfactory potpourri that reminded him of the scent of a woman’s hair, spiced apple pie, and crisp mountain air all at once. 

He looked around trying to pinpoint where the wonderful smell had come from, but while he was distracted, the brothers had taken the time to open the larger chest. “Our father sent along some items of interest.”  Abbas smiled faintly. “As I said, it was left to me whether these would be offered or not.  Now that we are all friends, though, I absolutely believe that a man like yourself, someone of discerning taste, deserves to own such wonderful objects.”

Basil objected. “I was under the impression that we had already negotiated for everything you had to sell.”

Abbas shook his head. “The opportunities for trade are limitless, so sayeth our Lady.  Specifically, though, we were instructed by our father to only reveal these to Lord Richter directly.  A man of your wisdom and foresight will understand, I am sure.”

Richter chuckled at the obvious wind-up that Abbas had given him, but as Abbas started laying items on the wooden table, his laughter changed to frank appreciation. 

You have found:
Bottle of Royal Jelly from Aswani Queen
.  Durability 9/9.  Item class: Rare.  Quality: Superb.  Weight: 0.2 kg.  Traits: The Aswani are insect humanoids that form a hive culture.  The royal jelly of the queen is fed to her personal guard to make them stronger.  Permanent boost of +2 to Strength.

Know This!  Your skill in Herb Lore also gives you the strong feeling that covering yourself in this would improve how Aswani regard you.  It could also be a component of a levitation ring.

You have found:
Book of Slow
.  Durability: 6/6.  Item Class: Common.  Quality: Above Average. Weight: 0.3 kg.  Slows the target by 10%.  This is a spell of Water, level 3.

You have found:
Book of Fireball
.  Durability 8/8.  Item Class: Common.  Quality: Exceptional.  Weight: 0.4 kg.  Fires a ball of flame that detonates upon impact.  This is a spell of Fire. 
Requirements: Fire Magic skill level 12

You have found:
Bottled Elder Banshee Scream
.  Durability 10/10.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Above Average.  Weight: 0.2 kg.  Traits: This bottle contains the scream of an elder banshee.  Opening the bottle will create a sonic attack in a funnel pattern in the direction of the bottle opening.  Range: 50 feet.  Those affected may also suffer Stun, Silence, Deafen, Madness, Bleeding.

Richter became especially excited when Abbas pulled out the next item.  It had the same dimensions as a cigar box, but was twice as big.  Richter had seen a similar case in Hafiz’s shop.  It was a dark wood, lacquered so that it was shiny and smooth.  When the trader opened the lid, Richter smiled.

You have found:
Arrowhead of Multishot
.  Durability 10/10.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Above Average.  Weight: 0.2 kg.  Traits: Will split into five arrows upon firing. 

You have found:
Arrowhead of Tracking
.  Durability 11/11.  Item Class: Common.  Quality: Above Average.  Weight: 0.1 kg.  Traits: Will leave an easily followable trail upon impact for one hour. 

You have found:
Arrowhead of Analysis
.  Durability 9/9.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Above Average.  Weight: 0.1 kg.  Traits: Provides detailed information of the creature upon impact.

You have found:
Arrowhead of Negation
.  Durability 12/12.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Above Average.  Weight: 0.1 kg.  Traits: 5% chance to ignore magical defenses.

You have found:
Arrowhead of Quenching
.  Durability 14/14.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Above Average.  Weight: 0.1 kg.  Will create an explosion of water on impact.  Increased damage against creatures of the Fire element.

You have found:
Arrowhead of Sleep Spores
.  Durability 13/13.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Above Average.  Weight: 0.1 kg.  Upon impact releases a series of spores that, if inhaled, may place targets into a light sleep. 

You have found:
Arrowhead of Freeze
. Durability 12/12.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Above Average.  Weight: 0.1 kg.  Will do additional 2-4 damage on impact. Chance to cause Freeze.

You have found:
Arrowhead of Dark Energy
. Durability 18/18.  Item Class: Uncommon.  Quality: Well Crafted.  Weight: 0.1 kg.  Will do additional 5-8 damage on impact.  Entropic effects cause increased damage against whichever armor is struck.

Richter was so taken with poring over the arrowheads, that at first he didn’t notice the next item that the brothers placed on the table.  When he looked over, though, he immediately forgot about the weapons.

You have found:
Initiate Mapping Ring
.  Durability 60/60.  Item Class: Scarce.  Quality: Well Crafted.  Weight: 0.1 kg.  Traits: Can be bound to a Traveler’s Map.  Whoever wears the ring will transmit their information to the owner of the Map.  Range: 200 miles. 

“How does this work?” Richter asked, picking up the ring.  It didn’t look like anything special.  It was just a gold loop with a stylized “T” on top.  It matched the “T” Richter had seen in the corner of his Map.

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