Authors: Judy Christenberry
Rodney had been involved in an argument about baseball. “Do you want to go see him? Boy, you two don't waste any time,” he said with a grin. “Kitty will call you tomorrow and give it to you.”
Ginger sighed in exasperation. “Rodney, Kitty is going to have the baby tonight, hopefully in the hos
pital if you call her doctor right now. Her pains are coming about two minutes apart.”
“But, Ginger, you don't have any experience with babies,” Rodney pointed out. About then, Kitty let out a cry.
Rodney yelped in surprise and ran to his wife's side. “Are you all right, dear?”
“No! It hurts. Call the doctor!” she gasped.
Rodney shook his head. “But the doctor warned about false labor. We shouldn't disturb him before the baby really starts coming.”
“Rodney, the baby
coming,” Ginger declared. “Trust me.”
Rodney stared at her. “But you're so young.”
“Call him, Rodney!” Kitty screamed.
Amy escorted Rodney to the phone. “Just tell the doctor and let him decide. He knows what to do.”
Bill told Joe to get his car ready. “You've got the biggest back seat.” Joe turned a little pale, but Bill told him Ginger would have to go with Kitty. “She hasn't turned Ginger's hands loose since the first contraction.”
Joe nodded and went outside. Besides, they'd been the last to arrive. In a couple of minutes, Ginger and Kitty came out of the house and he hurried over to help them get to his car. As he turned back to his car, he saw Rodney, white-faced, come out of the house. “Is Rodney going with us?” he asked Ginger.
“No. Mom and Dad are taking him. He keeps passing out.”
Joe swallowed and hoped he did better when his turn came.
He drove quickly to the hospital, grateful he didn't run into any cops. Ginger stayed in the back, coaching Kitty on her breathing and making her feel much better, he could tell. His respect for Ginger grew.
They stayed at the hospital all night. About four in the morning, Rodney and Kitty became the parents of a sweet little girl, weighing four pounds and thirteen ounces.
“I hope she's big enough to make it,” Ginger said in a shaky voice when Vivian gave her and Joe the details.
“The doctors say her chances are excellent,” Vivian explained. “They're giving her oxygen but she'll be fine.” Vivian looked at Ginger. “And thanks to you, so will Kitty. I'm not sure about your brother, though, Joe. He didn't last long in delivery.”
Joe came to his brother's defense. “He tried, Mom, he really did. Kitty will forgive him, I'm sure. She didn't know he passes out at the sight of blood.”
Ginger looked at her husband, his arms around her. “Do you?”
“No, I promise I don't.”
“Good. I want you to see our child come into the world.”
“You're pregnant?” Vivian asked, shocked.
“Not yet, but we're ready. I don't have any qualms about Ginger being too young after seeing her in action tonight.”
Vivian smiled brightly. “You're right, son. You picked a good one.”
He offered Ginger a quick kiss. “I certainly did, for a lot of reasons.”
Coming through the neonatal unit, Rodney staggered over to Ginger. “Thank you for being there for Kitty tonight, Ginger,” he said. “I wasn't much help.”
Ginger hugged him. “You tried, Rodney, and that's what counts.”
“I hope Kitty thinks that way.”
“I'm sure she will.”
“Well, I'm glad you're part of our family.” He kissed Ginger on the cheek, then went back to his wife and baby.
“I'm glad you're part of this family, too,” Joe murmured, pulling Ginger against his chest.
“I feel lucky to be part of this family. They're wonderful.”
Vivian rallied everyone. “Come on. Amy made cinnamon buns like Ginger taught us, and she's got a big pot of coffee on. Let's go home.”
Joe hung back. “Mom, I think Ginger and I will head for home. We'll call you guys later.”
“Of course, dear. I'll give you an update on our newest Turner.”
Once they got back in bed, Ginger fell asleep at once, her head on Joe's chest, her arm wrapped around him. He stayed awake a few minutes, thinking about the events of last night and how his wife had managed. She wasn't too young, as he'd worried.
She was absolutely perfect. As his eyelids shut, he reminded himself to tell her that tomorrow.
Joe smiled to himself. He may have been the last Turner bachelor, but he was one lucky man now. He'd waited for the best woman of all to marry.
Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Judy Christenberry for her contribution to the LONE STAR COUNTRY CLUB series.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-7208-2
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