The Last Betrayal (8 page)

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Authors: L. Grubb

BOOK: The Last Betrayal
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Shit. What have I done? I was so focused on the shit that just happened that I didn’t even see Lauren leave the clubhouse. She never said goodbye, not that I blame her after the way I spoke to her, but that’s beside the point. I didn’t even notice her walking through the main room to exit through the front doors. I wouldn’t have realized if Cobra hadn’t have come over and told me she’d left with Alexis.

“What have you done now, brother?” Cobra asks me, swigging from his bottle of water.

“May have spoke to her like shit, drove her away.” I hang my head in shame.

“Why the hell would you do that for?” he asks me incredulously.

“I don’t know. My head was still stuck in the basement, I wasn’t paying attention to what I was saying, I just said it.” I run a hand over the back of my neck, dread pooling like lead in my stomach at the thought of her upset at me.

“You’re a dick, do you know that? She’s a nice girl. She looked pretty down when she left, on the verge of tears even. Whatever you said really hit her, you know.” He shakes his head at me, a scowl on his face.

“I can imagine.” Sarcasm will get me nowhere, but at the moment all I give a shit about is thinking of a way to apologize to Lauren. I should never have spoken to her like that. She was just making sure I was okay, and I threw it back in her face.

“Don’t get snarky with me, Champ. You’re the fuck-up here, not me.” He points a finger in my face before standing and leaving me to my own devices.

I sit there, lost in my own thoughts for well over an hour. Will she forgive me? She has to, I won’t take no for an answer, I’m not letting her run again. Never again. She’s mine.

I’ve tried calling her a few times, but it goes straight to voicemail. Avoiding me? Probably. This just irritates the shit out of me and makes me more agitated.

“Hey, baby. What you doing sitting here all by yourself?”

I look up when I hear the scratchy, whiney sound of Titter, one of the club whores. “Nothing that concerns you, Titter. Go away.” I throw a glare at her, narrowing my eyes in warning.

“Don’t be like that. We could go have some fun.” She trails a nail down my forearm, making me shiver with disgust.

“Get away from me.” I stand abruptly, knocking my chair over in the process. I’m not having some jumped up girl making the moves on me, trying to get me in deeper shit with Lauren than I already am.

I turn and walk away, heading straight for the bar. “Whiskey shot, Marcus,” I call to him when I approach.

When I have the shot glass in hand, I tilt my head back and pour it in. I relish in the burn in creates down my throat, through my chest, ‘til it’s a heated pool in my stomach which eases my nerves. “One more.”

I do the same again, shaking my head as my mouth becomes aflame.

“Dude, alcohol isn’t going to make your shit go away. Go to her apartment if you have to,” Cobra says, slapping me on the back as he walks passed.

Ugh, he’s right. I need to sort this mess out before it gets too far and I lose her for good. That shit is never going to happen.

I find a prospect. “Lomax? Drive me somewhere. I’ve had booze I can’t drive or ride.” I walk toward the main door, showing him no isn’t an option.

“What car?” he asks when we reach the courtyard.

“Any. I don’t give a fuck.” We choose the red Chevrolet closest to the gates and hop in.

I’ve been standing outside her apartment building, alone, for well over an hour. I’m completely tongue-tied. I’ve not had to say sorry to anyone in a long time, and it’s frustrating that I find it so difficult to say. It’s just a word for fuck sake.

I blow out a breath of air and swallow the copious amounts of saliva that’s building in my mouth from nerves. I have a horrid feeling she’s going to slam the door in my face. This won’t be pretty.

Sighing, I step to the building’s front door, and as luck has it, someone walks out as I finally go to buzz Lauren’s number.

“Thanks,” I mumble to the couple that let me in. I take the stairs two at a time, heart pounding in my chest as I get closer to her door.

Standing there in front of her front door, a nervous energy courses through me, curdling my stomach and making my chest tight. Fuck, I don’t do nervous, never. Not when we’re on a run, in sticky situations and never with women.

Fuck it. I rap on the door twice and lean against the door jam, crossing my arms over my chest.

The door flies open and I nearly fall over from the force.

“What do you want, Champ? I’m busy,” Lauren says, standing in the doorway making it clear that I’m not allowed in.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to talk to you the way I did, it was wrong of me.” I chew my bottom lip as I wait anxiously for her to talk. She just stares at me while an uncomfortable silence sits between us.

“I won’t be treated like that...from you or from anybody.” The fire in her eyes burns brightly, staring daggers at my face. “You were out of order, Champ.”

“I know I was. I’m so sorry. Please, just let me in.” I’m not beyond begging right now, I love this girl and, by God, I am going to fight for her.

She sighs before turning and walking inside. I follow at a respectful distance, the anger that surrounds her makes her unapproachable. Why is she still so shitty even after I’ve apologized? Surely she shouldn’t be this angry at me for that. I mean, fuck, I said sorry...twice!

“Look, I’m not saying sorry again. I’ve said it twice. I love you and all, but you have no reason to be this angry over a small remark that I’ve apologized for.” I shake my head, turning to leave. I actually can’t be bothered. I’m not standing here like a fish out of water just to appease her.

“Wait!” she exclaims, taking a small step towards me. “Let me explain.”

She walks over and sits on the couch, elbows on knees and head in her hands. I take the recliner; I don’t want her attacking me like a feral animal because she’s angry.

“I have all this pent up anger inside of me, ever since I was taken and treated the way they did. I can’t seem to trust or believe anyone. I’m self-conscious when I never used to be, and I’m not used to feeling this way. You did piss me off though, but I’m like a volcano ready to erupt. Plus, you made me feel like utter shit. I did absolutely nothing wrong and you went at me like an asshole.” She finally takes a breath and stares down at her carpeted floor, biting her plump lip.

My dick stirs in my pants at the side. Dammit, not the time or place for that! “I understand that. But running from me isn’t going to help you, is it? It’s going to make shit worse. I don’t want to be angry at you, but I am. You won’t let me in, yet you tell me you love me? How does that make any sense, sweetheart?” I sigh, knots are tightening in my stomach with...I’m not sure…nervousness…anger? No friggin’ idea.

“I want to. I really do. It’s just hard. You have to understand that, especially after all the shit I went through.” Her voice rises as she rambles on.

This shit isn’t getting us anywhere.

“Just stop, Lauren. This isn’t getting us anywhere.” I want to punch the wall with the amount of frustration I’m feeling. “I’ve said I’m sorry, and that should be enough. It wasn’t even as bad as you’re making it out to be, but you’re making me feel like shit.”

Okay, maybe that sounded a little bit harsh, but it’s the truth.

“Forgiven. Please, just don’t speak to me like that again,” she whispers.

“I’ll try, but I am a guy.” I try humor to lift her mood, and I’m rewarded when she chuckles lightly.

Moving onto the sofa, I pull her to me, tucking her head under my chin and wrapping my arms around her slim body. “This is where you belong, baby. Wrapped in my arms,” I whisper into her hair, giving the top of her head a lingering kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Champ.” I hear the smile in her words, and they warm my chest.

We sit there, all cuddled up for a while before I hear the soft snores of Lauren sleeping. I feel all warm and gooey inside again, for a minute there I thought I’d lost her.

Shifting slightly beneath her, I stand up, picking her up and carrying her to her bed. I can do with a sleep myself. This stress has caused tiredness to flood my body. I couldn’t think of a better thing to do right now than to be pressed up against her, even if it is just sleeping.

I wake to the feeling of sweat covering my body, my body feeling like a furnace at full heat. I realize pretty quickly that it’s because I’ve managed to wrap myself fully around Champ in my sleep.

Disentangling myself from his heated body, I scoot off the bed to the bathroom, dying for the toilet. Relieving myself quickly, I wash my hands and brush from my teeth the grime they’ve accumulated during the day and in my sleep. Nothing worse than morning breath, if you ask me.

When I return to the bedroom, I notice Champ isn’t in bed where I left him. My heart plummets thinking maybe I dreamt him being there. Wouldn’t surprise me, my mind is damn crazy when it’s sleep induced.

Looking down to check my attire, I just shrug and leave the room, he’s probably long gone anyway, but when I round the corner to my kitchen, he’s standing there, shirtless, might I add, holding two mugs of steaming coffee which I could smell from the bedroom. Not only that, Mr. Domesticated here has bacon sizzling in the pan on the stove and toast in the toaster.

“Good afternoon, Lauren.”

My head snaps up from ogling his abs, and notice his eyes dancing with mirth. Is he laughing at me? My cheeks warm from being blatantly caught staring. Oh boy. “Afternoon,” I reply, sleep still lacing my voice. “Sleep well?”

“Yep. I always do when I’m sleeping next to you.”

Is he flirting with me? That’s new.

“Aww, aren’t you the sweetest?” I mock, laughing at him with good humor.

“You know it, sweetheart. Bacon, eggs and toast okay?” he asks, turning back to flip the bacon and to add the eggs to a separate pan.

“Sounds good to me,” I reply, seating myself on a stool at the breakfast bar.

I stare at his ass. He has a good ass, firm but enough fat to be able to squeeze. That thought makes me salivate.

“Here.” He places a plate in front of me, the food steam drifting up my nose. Smells fucking delicious. I moan languidly as I take my first bite. “Hot damn, you’re an amazing cook! Who knew?” I laugh humorously.

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