The Last Stand of Fox Company: A True Story of U.S. Marines in Combat (58 page)

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SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYAll historical records are complicated, none more so than accounts of any war's individual battles and firefights. In addition to relying on official United States and Marine Corps historical records, contemporary media accounts, and the works referenced in this selected bibliography, we have reconstructed the events of the Battle of Fox Hill-particularly the quoted conversations among participantsfrom journals and personal letters written by Marines soon after the "Last Stand" took place and from reminiscences of the remaining members of Fox Company and the Ridgerunners that were obtained in personal interviews during the last two years. We acknowledge that fifty-year-old memories can play tricks, so whenever possible we have tried to confirm those conversations with each participant.BooksAppleman, Roy E. East of Chosin: Entrapment and Breakout in Korea, 1950. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1987.Brady, James. The Coldest War: A Memoir of Korea. New York: Orion Books, 1990.Clark, Johnnie M. Gunner's Glory: Untold Stories of Machine Gunners. New York: Ballantine Books, 2004.Cumings, Bruce. North Korea: Another Country. New York: New Press, 2004.Daniel, Clifton, ed. Chronicle of the 20th Century. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1995.Davis, Raymond. The Story of Ray Davis. Fuquay, VA: Research Triangle Publishing, 1995.DuPuy, R. Ernest and Trevor N. The Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B.C. to the Present (second revised edition). New York: Harper & Row, 1986.Geer, Andrew. The New Breed: The Story of the U.S. Marines in Korea. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1952.Halberstam, David. The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War. New York: Hyperion, 2007.Hammel, Eric. Chosin: Heroic Ordeal of the Korean War. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1981.Hopkins, William B. One Bugle No Drums: The Marines at Chosin Reservoir. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 1986.Jackson, Robert. Air War Over Korea. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973.Knox, Donald. The Korean War-An Oral History: Pusan to Chosin. Orlando, FL: Harcourt, 1981.Leckie, Robert. March to Glory. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960.Mahoney, Kevin. Formidable Enemies: The North Korean and Chinese Soldier in the Korean War. Novata, CA: Presidio Press, 2001.Manchester, William. American Caesar-Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973.Marshall, S.L.A. Battle at Best. New York: Pocket Books, 1964Pork Chop Hill. Nashville, TN: The Battery Press, 1986.Montross, Lynn, and Canzona, Capt. Nicholas A. (USMC). U.S. Marine Operations in Korea 1950-1953; Volume III: The Chosin Reservoir Campaign. Austin, TX: R. J. Speights, 1990.Murphy, Edward F. Korean War Heroes. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1992.Odgers, George. Across the Parallel: The Australian 77th Squadron with the United States Air Force in the Korean Air War. Australia: William Heinemann, 1952.O'Neill, Robert. Australia in the Korean War. Australian Government Publishing Service, 1981.Owen, Joseph R. Colder Than Hell. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1996.Roe, Patrick C. The Dragon Strikes: China and the Korean War: June-December 1950. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 2000.Russ, Martin. Breakout: The Chosin Reservoir Campaign, Korea 1950. New York: Penguin Books, 1999.Schlesinger, Arthur M. War and the American Presidency. New York: W. W. Norton, 2004.Smith, Larry. Beyond Glory: Medal of Honor Heroes in Their Own Words. New York: W. W. Norton, 2003.Sun-tzu. The Art of War. London: Oxford University Press, 1963.Warren, James A. American Spartans-The U.S. Marines: A Combat History from Iwo to Iraq. New York: Free Press, 2005.Wilson, Jim. Retreat, Hell: The Epic Story of the 1st Marines in Korea. New York: Pocket Books, 1988.Magazine and Newspaper Articles"Angels or Gooney Birds?" William O. Brennan, Marine News Digest, JulySeptember, 2005."Finally, Back at Chosin?" W. G. Ford. Leatherneck, December, 2002."Gen. Raymond Davis, War Hero, Dies at 88." Richard Goldstein, New York Times, September 5, 2003.'Marine's Marine' Laid to Rest." Bill Hendrick. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 9, 2003."Official Reports Describing the Fighting in Korea." New York Times, December 13, 1950."Ridgerunners of Toktong Pass." Lynn Montrose, Marine Corps Gazette, May, 1953."Sudong-ni: The Historic Clash as American Marines Meet Red Chinese Volunteers in the Korean War." Combat Magazine ISSN 1542-1546, volume 05, number 04, October, 2007."Toktong Ridgerunner." Bob Jordan. Leatherneck, December, 1985."Toktong Ridgerunners-Ist battalion, 7th Marines." Dick Camp. Leatherneck, December, 2000."Truman's Letter." Marine Corps Times, Dr. Charles P. Neimeyer, July 30, 2007Video and Electronic Sources"Battle for the Frozen Chosin." War Stories with Oliver North. Fox Network."Col. Bill Barber." Radio Interview with Hugh Hewitt, May 25, 2001."Korea: Medal of Honor." U.S. News & World Report, 1990."Korean War Stories." PBS Home Video, 2001.Miscellaneous"A Prayer Vigil on a Hill." Walter Hiskett. The Fox Two Seven Association Newsletter, April, 2007."Cold Injury." Jerrod E. Johnson, MD. The Scuttlebutt Newsletter, November, 1998."F-2-7 Battles South Korea, 1951." Jack Strong. The Fox Two Seven Association Newsletter, June, 2007.Historical Reference Branch, U.S. Marine Corps, Quantico, Virginia.Letter to General C. B. Cates, USMC, from General Oliver P. Smith, USMC, November 15, 1950."Night March to Fox Hill." Joesph R. Owen. Marine Corps Association Newsletter, December, 1984."Personal Notes Covering Activities of Lt. Gen. E. M. Almond During Military Operations in Korea 31 August 1950-15 July 1951."Special Action Reports of the 1st Marine Division, November and December, 1950."Turkey Shoot at Turkey Hill." Joseph R. Owen. First Battalion Seventh Marines Newsletter, 1970.

INDEXAbell, Ralph, 290-92, 295, 300, 303, 308 Able Rifle Company, 91, 145, 241, 258,259,269,270,278-80 alcohol, 104. See also whiskey; specific soldiers Almond, Edward M., 13, 14, 20, 146, 171, 189, 207, 236 Arioli, Peter, 251-52, 279-81, 286 "army" (Chinese), 47-48 Art of War, The. See Sun-tzu Ashdale, Thomas G., 74, 76, 160, 165-66 "assembly on the objective," 84 atomic bomb, 56-57, 236 Attlee, Clement, 236 Audas, John D., 303 Ashdale and, 74 background, 107 Barber and, 175, 273 Bonelli and, 107, 113, 175, 182 casualty report, 183 Chinese soldiers and, 112-14, 289 Ernest Gonzalez and, 117, 286 Klein and, 275 McCarthy and, 66-67, 74, 175 orders, 179 wounded, 307Australian Mustangs, 137, 142-43, 190, 220 "backdoor" scheme, 190-91 Baker Company, 241, 275, 279, 280, 295, 311. See also Sudong Gorge Able and, 280 accomplishments, 20 Audas and, 275 Chew-Een Lee and, 253, 256, 259, 270, 311 Fox Company and, 20 How Company and, 269-70 Kurcaba and, 253, 262, 270, 275, 277-78,311 Raymond Davis and, 49, 259, 263,269-70,277-78, 280 Turkey Hill and, 49 Barber, William Edward, 32-34, 36-38,75-76,96,187, 203-4,214,224,235,247, 272-73 after the war, 313 Arioli and, 279 attitudes toward and views of, 32 Audas and, 175, 273Barber, William Edward, (continued) awards and honors, 24, 300, 31214 background and overview, 22- 25,33,47 birthday, 217 Bonelli and, 25, 107, 173, 175 Campbell and, 105, 206, 231, 238, 285 cargo plane, 301 casualties and, 183 Chew-Een Lee and, 279 Chinese POWs and, 125, 14041 Chung and, 75, 140 clothing and, 60, 315 command post, 219 temporary, 83, 96 communications, 78 Corsairs and, 190, 247 death, 313 Eighth Army and, 135 Ezell and, 123-24 family, 22-23, 314, 316 fascination with Korean War, 24 Flying Boxcars and, 202 food and, 60 funeral, 314 Gray Davis and, 25 Groenewald and, 75-76 Hagaru-ri and, 195 headquarters and staff (H&S) section, 38 "horseshoe," 58 at Iwo Jima, 182-83 John O. Henry and, 39 on killing wounded Chinese soldiers, 114Kipp and, 138 Litzenberg and, 78, 123, 149, 187, 188, 190, 209, 235 Lockwood and, 22, 26-29, 31, 34, 68, 149, 184 McCarthy and, 39, 106-7, 114, 136, 174, 312 McClure and, 104-5, 300 military strategies, 29, 33, 114, 123,188-90,195-96,247 O'Leary and, 83, 231 orders, 37, 39, 40, 67, 96, 107, 110, 114, 116, 124, 130, 138,148,160,173-75, 183, 186, 189, 210, 220, 225, 226, 231, 233, 273-75, 285 parka, 315 perimeter inspections, 226, 228, 258 personality and attitudes, 25, 32 Peterson and, 202, 203 physical appearance, 22, 25 Pitts and, 107, 231, 232 Raymond Davis and, 272, 274, 278-80, 286 Reitz and, 197 rifle practice, 117 Schmitt and, 36, 37, 78, 83, 136 speeches of coming-aboard speech, 25 in Koto-ri, 175 supply planes and, 195-96, 201-2 and trade-off of men for territory, 182-83 turned over command to Ralph Abell, 290-91on world history, 313 wounded, 175, 179, 224, 226, 233,250-51,258,278,286, 290, 313 wounded soldiers and, 290 Wright and, 78, 133, 149, 188, 209-10 Barrow, Robert H., 314 Bavaro, Phil "Cookie," 132, 133, 294 background, 233-35 Barber and, 233 Bledsoe and, 80-81, 112, 132, 167,183-84,232,233,258- 59,271 David Smith and, 112 rescued, 302-3 return to United States, 308 Scully and, 233 shootings, 233 trapped between Chinese and Jack Page's nest, 112 wounded Chinese soldiers and, 183-84 wounded/injured, 81, 271-72, 290,293-94,308 frostbite and foot problems, 258-59,271-72,293,294, 300, 302, 308 bayoneting sleeping soldiers, 2, 84, 99, 117 bayonets, 83, 89, 164, 213 Bean, Harold H., 144, 145 Belmarez, Eleazar Barber and, 174 Corsairs spotted by, 134 at Fox Company reunion, 316 Garza and, 174, 181 plan drawn up by, 119-20Slapinskas and, 119 Wilson and, 118-20 wounded, 166-67, 174, 181, 289, 299, 301, 308 Bendy, Cecil J., 192 Benson, Kenneth R., 87, 106, 116, 123, 140, 163 after the war, 316 background, 52-54 Barber and, 116 "battle of the slit trench," 115, 116 Cafferata and, 52-53, 55, 85, 86, 105,106,115,170,194-95, 281-82 D.J. and, 194-95 Ezell and, 115, 116 Fixico and, 281 Gilling and, 260, 281, 293 Iverson and, 194 Kirchner and, 205-6, 213 Litzenberg and, 55, 205 physical appearance, 53 reputation, 55 sent home, 307 shootings, 105, 106 surrounded, 86-87 weapons and, 170, 205 wounded/blind, 115, 194, 195, 307 Bernard, Richard J., 124, 281, 308 Biao, Lin, 48 "Big Indian," 155, 156 Bledsoe, John, 80-81, 132-33 Barber and, 233 Bavaro and, 80-81, 112, 132, 167,183-84,232,233,258- 59,271Bledsoe, John (continued) digging hole, 112, 132 Koone and, 132-33 wounded Chinese soldiers and, 183-84 "Blitzen Litzen." See Litzenberg, Homer, Jr. blizzards, 247, 260 Bonelli, Richard A., 9-11, 89, 90, 94-95,112-14,175,182, 225,239,279-80 Audas and, 107, 113, 175, 182 background and overview, 9-12, 44-45, 279 Barber and, 25, 107, 173, 175 "Big Indian" and, 155, 156 clowning, 196-97 cold weather and, 64 daily routine, 196 eating and, 196 evacuation to Japan, 301 Farmer and, 279-80, 283 Fox Company reunion coordinated by, 316 frostbite, 64 Goldstein and, 43-44, 90 Golembieski and, 43-44, 90, 175 Koone and, 94-95 McCarthy and, 155 mother, 283 motto, 173 Penn and, 156-57, 166 personality, 11, 12 prayer, 225, 279 return to United States, 309 shootings, 175 on staying alive in firefight, 44 on Uijongbu campaign, 66weapons and, 155, 166, 171, 174, 210 wounded, 280, 283, 298, 309 bonfires, 67 booby traps, 204, 233, 249 Boudousquie, William, 87 Bowser, Alpha, 145, 188, 237 Brady, Joseph J., 96 alcohol use and, 147, 149, 239 background, 147 David Smith and, 149 McClure and, 147, 239 mortar units under the command of, 38, 78, 83. See also mortar units Schmidt and, 149 wounded, 78, 83, 202, 219-20 brandy, 104 breakout column, 284, 285, 295 British Royal Marines, 188 Browning automatic rifles (BARs), 11, 34, 72. See also under Gonzalez; McClure Bryan, John C., 88 Bunch, William H., 186 Burke, Harry L., 79, 80, 96, 112, 148, 167, 272 background, 57, 184, 186-87, 240 bazookas and, 57, 184, 18687 on foot care, 57, 132 at Fox Company reunion, 316 injured Chinese and, 131-32, 240, 272 John 0. Henry and, 219 Kipp, Gaines, and, 240 Page and, 184-85 Purple Hearts, 307 sniper and, 239-40Thornton and, 186, 187 wounded, 307 C-rations, 60, 223 Cafferata, Hector A., 87, 88, 106, 130, 163, 197 background, 52-55, 106 Benson and, 52-53, 55, 85, 86, 105,106,115,170,194-95, 281-82 cargo plane, 301 Ezell and, 130-31 fear, 195 Fixico and, 281 Gilling and, 260, 281-82 honors, 300, 312 Litzenberg and, 55 McCarthy and, 312 McClure and, 300 Medal of Honor, 312, 314 ordered to break D.J.'s arm, 19495 physical appearance, 54 Pomers and, 94, 106, 218 reputation, 55 return to United States, 312 shootings, 86, 88, 105-6, 115, 312 surrounded, 86-87 on watch, 85 wounded, 131, 170, 194, 312 Campbell, Donald, 166, 215, 220, 231, 232 Barber and, 105, 206, 231, 238, 285 called in howitzer barrage from Hagaru-ri, 163 Page, Holt, and, 238 Peterson and, 206 weapons and, 231, 232, 237-38Carter, Bobby, 148-49, 196 Cates, Clifton B., 16 Charlie Company, 48-49, 241, 259,269-70,278-80 casualties, 49 illumination shells from, as cry for help, 74 near annihilation on Turkey Hill, 135 Ray Davis and, 191 "Checkerboard" squadron, 220 Childs, Donald L., 166, 170-71, 219 Chinese Communist Force (CCF), 15,45,46,113-14,225-26. See also specific topics bets on when they would come, 205 communication system, 47 disregard for life, 15 divisions, 47-48, 171 Fifty-ninth Division, 47, 76, 140, 284, 285 prison camps, 116, 137. See also prisoners of war (POWs), American tactics, 45-47, 113, 114, 134, 226 view of American soldiers, 47, 263 weapons, 45-46, 130. See also specific weapons Chinese corpses, 129-32 Chinese soldiers, 135. See also Chinese Communist Force; prisoners of war (POWs), Chinese age, 125 morality of killing wounded, 114 Chinese "Tactical Field Forces," 46Chosin Reservoir, 14, 26-29. See also specific topics American outposts stranded at, 235-36 "breakout" from, 207 climate, 27-28 map of, 8 Oliver Smith and, 205 swarmed armies in, 47, 48 Chou En-lai, 15, 52 Christmas, 21 expectation of being home by, 14, 16, 18, 25, 51, 67, 85, 139, 140, 218 Chung, Mr., 140, 241, 295 Churchill, Winston, 42-43 climate, 27-28, 36, 59. See also coldweather warfare; weather clothing, 31, 60, 112-13, 132 cobalt zones, 57 cold-weather warfare, 59-62, 64, 134, 160-62. See also climate; frostbite; weather communication systems, 36-37, 47, 75, 220. See also radio communication Congressional Medal of Honor, 300, 311-13 Corsairs, 135, 220-22, 244, 245, 248, 285 Barber and, 190, 247 Bavaro and, 293 Belmarez and, 134 Henry and, 221, 222 Lockwood and, 141 Raymond Davis and, 274 Dana, Charles C., 151, 171 Danford, Richard E., 14-15, 60, 219, 308, 316Davis, Graydon W., 107-9, 120- 21,202,207,212 background, 41, 107 Barber and, 25 casualties and, 199 food and, 198-99 Gamble and, 206 Griffith and, 108-9 Jensen and, 304-5 Luke Johnson and, 82, 108, 120, 121,157-58,198-201,206, 207,213,227,249-50 Montville and, 249-50 Peach and, 199-200 Peoples and, 199 Peterson and, 200-201 relations with natives, 41-42 Roger Davis and, 199 shootings, 107, 147, 202, 227 snipers and, 147 in snowbank, 300-301 tracers and, 82 weapons and, 202, 227-28, 24950 "Willie Peter" and, 157-58 Davis, Raymond, 241-44, 258, 266-68,274,279,280,282, 284. See also Ridgerunners Abell and, 291 Arioli and, 251, 279 awards and honors, 311-12, 314 background, 191, 208 Barber and, 272, 274, 278-80, 286 Charlie survivors rescued by, 49 Chew-Een Lee and, 245, 256, 259,260,262-67 Fidel Gomez and, 278 First Rifle Battalion, 268How Company and, 269-70 inspection, 244 Kurcaba and, 244, 245, 263, 270, 277 leadership, 208 movements, 276 orders, 251, 259, 270 Owen and, 265-67 personality, 208 Peterson and, 202, 295 Puller and, 208 Ridgerunners, 284. See also Ridgerunners shot, 270 Turkey Hill and, 191, 209, 242, 243, 257-60 unorthodox recruiting methods, 208, 209 Watson and, 264 Davis, Roger R., 167, 199 "deep dip," 48, 141 dig-ins, 37-38, 49, 60, 62, 64, 84. See also dugouts D.J., Sergeant, 194-95 Dog Company, 1, 4 Duffy, Bob, 304, 316 dugouts, 71. See also dig ins Dunne, John M., 96-97, 172, 272, 291, 304. See also First Rifle Platoon Barber and, 183, 184 Bavaro and, 184 death, 307 only officer to survive Fox Hill unscathed, 307 Peterson and, 295 sniper and, 149 wounded, 307 Dytkiewicz, Alvin T., 140, 153-54, 163, 164, 219Eighth Army, 13, 14, 135, 142, 207, 236 Eleventh Regiment (artillery), 14, 19, 189, 203, 241, 242 Elrod, Judd W., 116, 124 Englehardt, Floyd, 197 Ezell, Robert "Zeke," 58-59, 97, 115-16,154,163-64 Australian Mustangs and, 143 background, 57-59, 198 Barber and, 123-24 Belmarez and, 299 Bendy and, 192 Benson and, 1 l5, 116 Bernard and, 124, 125, 281 Cafferata and, 130-31 and the Chinese, 150 Elrod and, 124 evacuation to Japan, 301 at Fox Company reunion, 316 foxhole, 115 Freddy Gonzales and, 125 Goldstein and, 191-92 Goodrich and, 139 injured/wounded, 289, 298-99, 309 frostbite, 191 Komorowski and, 180 machine-gun crew, 130, 143 Mason and, 277, 278 paralyzed Marine and, 192-93 Parker and, 139 physical appearance, 57, 58 return to light machine-gun emplacement, 123-24 return to United States, 309-10 shootings, 124, 163-64 Tallbull and, 139-40 Triggs and, 140, 180 wounded, 164, 180Farish, George, 150 Farley, John D., 110, 111, 151, 184, 304 Farmer, Randall, 279-80, 283 Fifth Regiment, 14, 19, 24, 67, 146, 171, 203, 237, 241, 242, 258 "fire and maneuver" tactics, 45 fires, 67 First Marine Division, 13, 14, 16, 47. See also specific regiments Chinese soldiers encircling, 135 First Regiment, 14 First Rifle Battalion, 208-9, 24142, 268. See also Baker Company; Owen, Joe First Rifle Platoon, 38 Fixico, Amos alcohol use, 239 Benson, Cafferata, and, 281 Bonelli and, 95 eye injury, 95, 238-39, 274, 281, 290 Hiskett and, 291, 299 Koone and, 95 McClure and, 238-39, 273-74, 281 flanking maneuver, 49, 84, 141, 166,190-91,214 Flying Boxcars, 201, 202, 247 food, 60. See also C-rations Fox Company. See also specific topics casualties, 135-36 Chinese attacks on. See also specific topics November 28, 7 November 29, 159 November 30, 216defensive perimeter diminished, as of Nov. 29, 211 gaps widen as of Nov. 29, 246 as of Nov. 27, 65 re-formed, as of Nov. 28, 128. See also under McCarthy during first six months of war, 18 maps of, 65, 128, 159, 211, 246 memorial service, 316-17 reunions, 315-16 Fox Hill, 27-29. See also specific topics acoustical barriers across, 96 maps of, 17, 30, 159 Fox Rifle Company. See Fox Company French, Billy M., 77, 79, 82, 138, 183, 235 Friend, Harvey J., 86 friendly fire, 3, 173 artillery shells, 160 frostbite, 59-60, 64, 272, 308. See also under Bavaro; specific soldiers Fry, William L., 88 Gaines, Robert L., 80, 131, 138, 168,185-86,240 Gamble, Clifford, 206, 221 Garza, William F., 174, 181 gear, 31 Gilling, Richard, 260, 281, 293, 299 Gleason, William P., 140, 154, 163, 180, 219 gold mines, 141 Goldstein, Bernard "Goldy," 43-44, 89, 90, 191Golembieski, Stanley "Ski," 43-44, 66, 89, 90, 172, 175 Gomez, Anacleto, 104, 278 Gomez, Fidel G., 88-89, 103, 104, 211, 309, 316 Gonzales, Alfredo D. "Freddy," 92, 125, 153 Ernest Gonzalez and, 92, 153, 165,171-73,181,182,193 Ezell and, 125 Hiskett and, 282 Kirchner and, 282 Roger Gonzales and, 125, 282 Gonzales, Edward, 197, 289, 316 Gonzales, Roger background, 11, 125 death, 110-11, 129-30, 141-42, 282, 285-86 Ernest Gonzalez and, 285-86 Ezell and, 125 Freddy Gonzales and, 125, 282 Kirchner and, 110, 129-30, 141, 310 MI, 99-101 McClure and, 11, 35, 48, 99101,110,141-42 Gonzalez, Ernest T., 90-95, 116- 18,152-53,165,303 Audas and, 117, 286 background, 91-92, 165 as BAR man, 92, 93 Benson and, 194 booty, 152-53 Cafferata and, 194 Freddy Gonzales and, 92, 153, 165,171-73,181,182,193 hospitalized for frostbite, 308 Hutchinson and, 292 physical appearance, 91Roger Gonzales and, 285-86 sent home, 308 shootings, 94, 117, 165 shot, 95 sniper killed by, 93 weapons and, 152-53, 181-82, 193-94 Goodrich, David J., 139, 309 "gook," 12 Gore, Albert, Sr., 56 grenades, 81, 93, 165, 210. See also booby traps concussion, 87, 167, 249 hand, 89, 98, 100-102, 106, 154, 196-98,201,215,249 Griffith, Jack B., 108, 109, 120 Groenewald, William, 75 Gruenberg, Arthur H., 96 "gung ho," 205 Hagaru-ri, 19, 22, 226, 237. See also specific topics attack on, 195-97 Battalion Command Post in, 19 considered safe, 20 howitzer barrage called in from, 163 howitzers at, 209 Litzenberg and, 205 reinforcements for, 188 surrounded by Chinese divisions, 47 Hamhung, 252, 265 Hancock, Harold E., 88, 89 Haney, Alvin R., 138, 139, 183, 192 Hart, John, 196 "hasty burial detail," 290 Henry, George, 310Henry, John 0. after the war, 310, 316 awards and honors, 310 background, 39, 221-22 Barber and, 39 Burke and, 219 heavy weapons unit, 213 McCarthy and, 71 North Korean officers and, 24041 orders, 39 personality, 221, 222 physical appearance, 39 shootings, 81-82, 241 weapons and, 39, 82 Hill 1419, 49 Hiskett, Walter A., 169, 282 background, 111, 169 Farley and, 111 Fixico and, 291, 299 Freddy Gonzales

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