The Last Wizard of Eneri Clare (27 page)

Read The Last Wizard of Eneri Clare Online

Authors: April Leonie Lindevald

BOOK: The Last Wizard of Eneri Clare
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She was speaking very quickly, nervously, hoping they would consider this as wonderful an offering as she meant it to be. Jorelial fidgeted, awaiting their response. The couple exchanged a look, and then Delphine said, “But, Rel, this will never do. That’s
place… your special, secret place….and …and Tashroth too! It’s…it’s too much.”

“That’s the whole point, though, isn’t it, to share something that’s really mine with those I love the most? Please say yes. Tash wants to give you something, too. And you’ll love it there, I promise.” Delphine and Mark glanced at each other again, and simultaneously succumbed to wide, delighted grins, “Well, then, if you’re serious, yes! Oh, yes. It’s the most wonderful, thoughtful idea ever, Rel. Thank you, thank you so much.” Delphine was hugging her sister and nearly bouncing with excitement. A shadow passing overhead caused them all to look up, just in time to see Tashroth’s oversized face swinging in over the rhododendrons. He had curled himself on the lawns just beyond for the entire ceremony and now looked in to pay his respects to the bridal party. The deep, musical voice rang out, “A hearty congratulations to you, little sister, Mark. You make quite a handsome couple. I wish you every happiness.”

Mark’s mother was clinging to her husband in terror as if she were about to faint (likely the reason Tashroth had chosen to monitor the proceedings in secret up to this point), but young Nelrose lit up in absolute glee. “Can I touch him?” she asked Rel in an awed whisper. Jorelial nodded to her and showed her a place behind the ear that Tash enjoyed a good scratch now and then.
The girl has taste, and spunk to boot
, the Royal Regent thought, as she regarded Mark’s fearless sister with a new respect.

Nyree’s white head turned toward the commotion, “Ah, Lord Tashroth! How good it is to be in your presence once again. It has been far too long.”

Tash acknowledged her with a special, gentle nuzzle, “Nyree, I would fly from across the sea to hear your rare voice one more time. The ceremony was, as always, memorably beautiful.”

“My thanks, old friend,” she bowed her head to him and added, “but the young people made quite a lovely contribution themselves, yes?”

“Impressive.” Tash agreed, and Mark turned red at the compliment.

Delphine jumped in, “Is it true, Tash?”

“What, little one?”

“Is it true you have offered to fly Mark and me away tonight? It’s very out of the ordinary…”

“It will be my pleasure, little sister, to carry you both on your wedding day. I am at your service. Call on me when you are ready.”

Mark spoke up, “Mighty Lord Dragon, I thank you for this generous gift…”

Tash chuckled, “We all wanted this night to be
” Nelrose turned to her parents, enchanted, “Mamma, I want a dragon for

Mark’s mother nearly
faint at that pronouncement, and Tashroth laughed outright, good-naturedly delighted by the youngster’s fascination, “Come and find me when the time comes, little one.”

Tvrdik was regarding Jorelial Rey from across the circle, watching her relax and laugh with the rest. He liked her this way, her guard down, all burdens of leadership set down for the moment, her personality allowed to just shine through with a dazzling brilliance. He felt inexplicably proud of her, guessing that it had taken a lot of soul-searching for her to give up her special secret retreat, her exclusive claim on the dragon. A worthy gift. As he stood there, musing thus, he realized that all eyes had turned toward him. Of course. He was the last of the wedding party not to have presented a gift. Almost as if it were choreographed, everyone present looked away again. He realized they did not wish to make him feel uncomfortable, assuming there was no way he could have any gift to present. Ah, but he was prepared. He stepped forward as the others had, and cleared his throat.

“Ummm, Delphine, it was barely two weeks ago when I arrived in this place, not a cent to my name, my few possessions on my back, and knowing no one. Right away, you offered me your trust, your smile, your friendship. You shared with me your deepest feelings, your fears and joys – shared Mark with me as well. And now, you have invited me to participate in this most significant moment in your lives, and made me feel like family. I do not know how I ever came to deserve any of this, but I am most grateful. I have nothing that belongs to me that I may give you as a gift. Still, I do not come here empty-handed…”

“Tvrdik, you don’t have to…we never meant to…for you to feel obligated….”

“No, no, I
to give you something special in return for all your kindness. My gift to you is the fulfillment of a wish you expressed to me several days ago. But its purpose is to show you that, after all, the world you live in is a very magical and beautiful place. That even in times when all seems dark and hopeless and oh, so uninspired, there is always a magical adventure awaiting you, magical possibilities hiding just beneath the surface of things, if you only just look for them and believe. Will you remember that for me?” As he spoke, his voice began to take on a tone of authority not usual for him, and he was almost glowing with a strange, internal radiance. Even Tashroth was still, attending to the young wizard. Delphine wrinkled her brow in question, “Why, yes, I will, but what…?”

He held up a hand to interrupt her and she fell silent, glancing up at her new husband for an answer. Mark shrugged, and nodded. Tvrdik strode up to the burbling swan fountain, and held out his right hand as if presenting something, or someone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I should like at this time to introduce you to a very dear friend of mine: an authentic naiad – that’s ‘water sprite’ to the uninitiated – whose home is in a pristine waterfall in the heart of the ancient forest. She travelled all the way here with me from the wood in order to better know the world outside her small neighborhood. Friends, may I present the lady Ondine? You can come out now…” There was a moment of awkward silence, all eyes on the fountain, which flowed on undisturbed by anything unexpected for what seemed an eternity. Tvrdik shifted, cleared his throat once more, and stared at the waters, brows knitted. Then, in a heartbeat, a small blue, glistening ball of energy exploded from the basin, shot up into the air, hung there a moment and fell back down with a gigantic
, spraying everyone within a five foot radius of the fountain. A curly blue head poked out of the water, “Hello, lovely people. Happy joining day to you.”

Delphine threw back her head and howled in unadulterated delight, clapping her hands and jumping up and down like a small child. For a second Tvrdik noted again just how similar the young girl and the water sprite were in so many aspects. Ondine leapt and spun and somersaulted in exuberant greeting, splashing everyone yet again. And then Tvrdik went down the line and introduced her to everyone individually, paying special attention to the bride and groom, the Lady Regent, and her dragon.

“Well, well,” Tash purred, “I have not seen your kind in many a year. How delightful to meet you in person, Ondine!”

Ondine froze in the basin, staring wide-eyed at the huge dragon’s head addressing her, a look of uncertainty on her small face. Then she shot up and planted a wet kiss right on the big beast’s snout, “Hello, dragon! First time I meet dragon so close – not scary. Dragon sweet. Lovely Man, you not tell us dragon is sweet…why you not tell us?” Tvrdik’s mouth opened, but he could think of no reply. Ondine turned her attention to the Lady Regent, who was staring at her with head tilted to one side and brows arched quizzically. “And Lady Juh-reh-lee-uhl.” Ondine struggled with the name she had heard. “Pleased to meet you too. Hear much about you from my friend. Want to see you myself.” Jorelial Rey cleared her throat and extended a hand toward Ondine’s. Gently she grasped the tiny fingers, and did something like a formal handshake.

“I am astonished to meet in person such a wondrous creature, Mademoiselle Ondine. We would like to welcome you to our fair city and express our sincere pleasure at your visit. If there is anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable, please do not hesitate to ask. We are honored.” Ondine gave her a pretty little bow and thanked her, stating she was enjoying herself ‘plenty well’ thus far. Then the nymph turned her attention to Nyree, “Oh, so lovely singing, beautiful lady. I like music, sing too. Someday, maybe we sing together, yes?” Nyree was smiling ear to ear.

“My, my, Mark, I had no idea when I consented to come to your wedding that I would be surprised by your interesting assortment of friends.”

“Neither did I,” interjected the groom sheepishly.

Nyree went on, “My dear little naiad, you make an old woman very happy with such a compliment. I shall be ever so glad to make music with you any time you wish.” At that, Ondine rose up in the air and did one of her amazing pirouettes, causing everyone to gasp in delight and dissolve into laughter.

Delphine could barely catch her breath, “Oh, Tvrdik, this is truly too much. You are amazing. Thank you, thank you for this wonderful gift. I will cherish it in my heart and memory always, just as you say. It
a magical world, and I am blessed to have such remarkable friends. I hardly know what to say.” She threw her arms spontaneously around the pale wizard in an enthusiastic embrace, and then stepped back to let her grateful regard fall on each who was present there, in turn. Nyree, always the wise woman, was the one to respond, “Child, they are all here because they love you, and you have earned that yourself by the way you have treated them. Remember the love you give will always come back to you a hundredfold. Never be afraid to love. It is always the appropriate response.” Delphine squeezed the old bard’s hand in acknowledgement, then turned to Ondine, “Thank you for coming to my wedding, Ondine. I shall visit you soon, and I hope we shall grow to be great friends.”

“Oh yes, surely we shall. I bless your marriage now with a little bit of the old magic; we naiads are of water – we know water magic. Water flows, is powerful, deep, filled with shifting moods, but also healing, life-giving, thirst-quenching. I give you all these qualities for all your days together. Then you will never be bored, or dull, or rigid, and you will be life, and refreshment, and healing to one another. Now it is so.”

Mark nodded to her with appreciation, and Delphine bowed her head, eyes closed. In the pause that followed, the Lady Regent snatched her opportunity to shift the mood, “Well, this was nice. Who’s for some breakfast? I’m famished, and I’ll bet it’s still early enough for us to have the kitchen all to ourselves. And there may yet be time for a nap before the Coronation gets underway.”

Tvrdik walked over to Stewart to trade greetings and commend him on his gesture. Tashroth courteously took his leave of the wedding party, then stopped to connect briefly with Jorelial. Delphine and Mark finally found a moment to seal their union with a long and meaningful kiss. Stewart trotted away on his own while Tvrdik made a point of greeting Mark’s parents with a warm welcome and compliments on their son. Nelrose, beaming, stole an opportunity to stroke the dragon’s lovely opalescent scales one more time before he withdrew his head from the arena. After a moment, they all saw him rise in the air and wing off into the blue distance. Then, as Mark and Delphine each attached themselves to one of Nyree’s arms and escorted her down the cobblestone walkway toward Theriole, closely followed by Mark’s entire family, Jorelial Rey lingered a moment to watch Tvrdik carefully gather Ondine up into a small basin he had hidden behind the benches. The little nymph was twittering and splashing in the bowl and the young mage was all smiles. Rel strolled over.

“Well done, my magical friend. You are ever full of surprises.”

“I try. Well done, yourself. That was quite thoughtful and generous of you.”

“I can do thoughtful and generous…sometimes.” They laughed. “Coming to breakfast?”

“I’ll just return Ondine to her favorite spot in the river, and join you all in a bit, shall I?”

“Good. Don’t be long. Delphine would want you there.
mmm…Tvrdik, you know I can’t invite you officially to the Coronation. It’s a closed affair, by invitation only, being in a relatively small space, and people would wonder who you were…”

“I understand.”

“I was wondering if I could, well, impose on you one more time, to, uh, to …do your bird routine? I know it’s asking a lot. I’m sure you have better things to do with your afternoon…”

“I hope this doesn’t offend you, Lady, but I was already planning on it. You never know what might happen at a crowded event like that. We can’t be too cautious; an extra pair of eyes and ears might be useful.”

She was grinning, “You really are too much, do you know that? Well, I can only say thank you, and I promise it won’t be long before you can emerge from anonymity for good.”

“All at the proper time. You have enough on your mind just now. By the way, you look lovely. That color and that style suit you well.” He was appraising her appreciatively. She blushed.

“Not bad yourself. Quite the festive jacket!” Now it was his turn to blush and lower his eyes.

“Delphine picked it out.”

“She has good taste.” There was a brief, awkward silence, which Tvrdik broke.

“You should go. They will all be looking for you.”

“Yes. See you. Don’t be long.” She turned and hurried to catch up with the others as fast as her gown would allow, leaving the wizard shaking his head, still smiling, gazing after her retreating figure.

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