The Left Behind Collection: All 12 Books (112 page)

Read The Left Behind Collection: All 12 Books Online

Authors: Tim Lahaye,Jerry B. Jenkins

Tags: #Christian, #Fiction, #Futuristic, #Retail, #Suspense

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“So, what are you saying, Nicolae? You’re going to wage war on the fundamentalists?”

“In a sense I am. No, we will not do it with tanks and bombs. But I believe the time has come to enforce rules for the new Global Community. As this would seem to benefit you as much as it would benefit me, I would like you to cooperate in forming and heading an organization of elite enforcers, if you will, of pure thought.”

“How are you defining ‘pure thought’?”

“I foresee a cadre of young, healthy, strong men and women so devoted to the cause of the Global Community that they would be willing to train and build themselves to the point where they will be eager to make sure everyone is in line with our objectives.”

Rayford heard someone rise and begin pacing. He assumed it was Mathews, warming to the idea. “These would not be uniformed people, I assume.”

“No. They would blend in with everyone else, but they would be chosen for their insight and trained in psychology. They would keep us informed of subversive elements who oppose our views. Surely you agree that we are long past the time where we can tolerate the extreme negative by-product of free speech run amok.”

“Not only do I agree,” Mathews said quickly, “but I stand ready to assist in any way possible. Can One World Faith help seek out candidates? train them? house them? clothe them?”

“I thought you were running short of funds,” Carpathia said, chuckling.

“This will only result in more income for us. When we eliminate the opposition, everyone benefits.”

Rayford heard Carpathia sigh. “We would call them the GCMM. The Global Community Morale Monitors.”

“That makes them sound a little soft, Nicolae.”

“Precisely the idea. We do not want to call them the secret police, or the thought police, or the hate police, or any kind of police. Make no mistake. They will be secret. They will have power. They will be able to supersede normal due cause in the interest of the better good for the global community.”

“To what limit?”

“No limit.”

“They would carry weapons?”

“Of course.”

“And they would be allowed to use these to what extent?”

“That is the beauty of it, Pontiff Mathews. By selecting the right young people, by training them carefully in the ideal of a peaceful utopia, and by giving them ultimate capital power to mete out justice as they see fit, we quickly subdue the enemy and eliminate it. We should foresee no need of the GCMM within just a few years.”

“Nicolae, you’re a genius.”

Buck was disappointed. When it came time to run Hattie back up to Milwaukee, he felt little progress had been made. She had a lot of questions about just what it was these women did with their time. She was intrigued by the idea of Bible studies. And she had mentioned her envy of having close friends of the same sex who seemed to really care about each other.

But Buck had been hoping there would have been some breakthrough. Maybe Hattie would have promised not to have an abortion or broken down and become a believer. He tried to push from his mind that Chloe might get the idea of taking and raising as their own the unwanted baby Hattie was carrying. He and Chloe were close to a decision about whether to bring a baby into this stage of history, but he hardly wanted to consider raising the child of the Antichrist.

Hattie thanked everyone and climbed into the Range Rover with the women. Buck implied he was going to take one of the other cars back to the
Global Community Weekly
office, but instead he drove to the church. He stopped on the way for a treat for his friend, and within minutes he had gone through the labyrinth that took him to the inner sanctum of Rabbi Tsion Ben-Judah’s personal study chamber.

Every time Buck sneaked into that place, he was certain that claustrophobia, loneliness, fear, and grief would have overcome his friend. Without fail, however, it was Buck who was warmed by these visits. Tsion was hardly gleeful. He did not laugh much, nor did he offer a huge smile when Buck appeared. His eyes were red, and his face showed the lines of the recently bereaved. But he was also staying fit. He worked out, running in place, doing jumping jacks, stretching, and who knew what else. He told Buck he did this for at least an hour a day, and it showed. He seemed in a better frame of mind each time Buck saw him, and he never complained. That afternoon Tsion seemed genuinely pleased to have a visitor. “Cameron,” he said, “were I not living with a heaviness of soul right now, certain parts of this place, even its location, would be paradise. I can read, I can study, I can pray, I can write, I can communicate by phone and computer. It is a scholar’s dream. I miss the interaction with my colleagues, especially the young students who helped me. But Amanda and Chloe are wonderful students themselves.”

He greedily joined Buck in their fast-food snack. “I need to talk about my family. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Tsion, you may talk about your family with me anytime you want. You should forgive me for not being more diligent in asking.”

“I know you, like many others, wonder if you should bring up such a painful subject. As long as we do not dwell on how they died, I am most pleased to talk about my memories. You know I raised my son and daughter from the ages of eight and ten to fourteen and sixteen. They were my wife’s children from her first marriage. Her husband was killed in a construction accident. The children did not accept me at first, but I won them over by my love for
. I did not try to take the place of their father or pretend I was in charge of them. Eventually they referred to me as their father, and it was one of the proudest days of my life.”

“Your wife seemed like a wonderful woman.”

“She was. The children were wonderful too, though my family was human just like anyone else. I do not idealize them. They were all very bright. That was a joy to me. I could converse with them about deep things, complicated things. My wife herself had taught at the college level before having children. The children were both in special private schools and were exceptionally good students. Most important of all, when I began to tell them what I was learning in my research, they never once accused me of heresy or of turning my back on my culture, my religion, or my country. They were bright enough to see that I was discovering the truth. I did not preach at them, did not try to unduly influence them. I would merely read them passages and say, ‘What do you deduce from this? What is the Torah saying here about qualifications for Messiah?’ I was so fervent in my Socratic method that at times I believe they came to my ultimate conclusions before I did. When the Rapture occurred, I immediately knew what had happened. In some ways I was actually disappointed to find that I had failed my family and that all three of them had been left behind with me. I would have missed them, as I miss them now, but it also would have been a blessing to me had any of them seen the truth and acted upon it before it was too late.”

“You told me they all became believers shortly after you did.”

Tsion stood and paced. “Cameron, I do not understand how anyone with any exposure to the Bible could doubt the meaning of the mass vanishings. Rayford Steele, with his limited knowledge, knew because of the testimony of his wife. I, above all people, should have known. And yet you see it all around you. People are still trying to explain it away. It breaks my heart.”

Tsion showed Buck what he was working on. He had nearly completed the first booklet in what he hoped would be a series from Bruce’s writings. “He was a surprisingly adept scholar for a young man,” Tsion said. “He was not the linguist that I am, and so I am adding some of that to his work. I think it makes for a better final product.”

“I’m sure Bruce would agree,” Buck said.

Buck wanted to broach the subject of Tsion’s helping the church, remotely of course, locate a new pastor. How perfect if it could be Tsion! But that was out of the question. Anyway, Buck did not want anything to interrupt Tsion’s important work.

“You know, Tsion, that I will likely be the first to join you here on a permanent basis.”

“Cameron, I cannot see you as content to hide out.”

“It’ll drive me crazy, there’s no doubt about that. But I have begun to get careless. Riskier. It’s bound to catch up with me.”

“You will be able to do what I do on the Internet,” Tsion said. “I am communicating with many hundreds already, just by learning a few tricks. Imagine what you can do with the truth. You can write the way you used to write, with total objectivity and seriousness. You will not be influenced by the owner of the paper.”

“What was that you said about the truth?”

“You can write the truth, that’s all.”

Buck sat and began noodling on paper. He drew the cover of a magazine and called it simply “Truth.” He was excited.

“Look at this. I could design the graphics, write the copy, and disseminate it on the Net. According to Donny Moore, it could never be traced back here.”

“I don’t want to see you forced into self-incarceration,” Ben-Judah said. “But I confess I would enjoy the company.”


Rayford was proud of Hattie Durham. From what he could gather in New Babylon, she had pulled another fast one on Nicolae and his henchman Leon Fortunato. Apparently she had flown from Milwaukee to Boston, but rather than taking her connecting flight on to Baghdad, she had stopped somewhere.

Rayford had been out of hearing range, of course, when the meetings with Peter Mathews were continued at New Babylon headquarters. All he knew was that there was great consternation around the place, especially among Nicolae and Leon, that Hattie had slipped off schedule yet again. Though Nicolae had shown indifference to her, not knowing where she was made her a loose cannon and a potential embarrassment.

When word finally arrived that she had a new itinerary, Carpathia himself asked to see Rayford in private. The new secretarial staff was in place and operational by the time Rayford entered Suite 216 and was granted audience with the potentate.

“It is good to see you again, Captain Steele. I fear I have not been as forthcoming with my thanks for your service as I used to be, before so many distractions have come about.

“Let me get straight to the point. I know that Ms. Durham once worked for you. In fact, you came to us based on her recommendation. I know also that she has at times confided in you. Thus, it should come as no surprise to you that there has been some trouble in paradise, as they say. Let me be frank. The fact is, I believe Ms. Durham always overestimated the seriousness of our personal relationship.”

Rayford thought back to when Nicolae had seemed to proudly announce that Hattie was pregnant and that she was wearing his ring. But Rayford knew better than to try to catch the liar of liars in a lie.

Carpathia continued: “Ms. Durham should have realized that in a position such as the one I hold, there really is no room for a personal life that would enjoy the commitment required by a marriage and family. She seemed pleased with the prospect of bearing a child, my child. Thus, I did not discourage that or encourage some other option. Should she take the pregnancy to term, I would of course exercise my fiscal responsibility. However, it is unfair for her to expect me to devote the time that might be available to the normal father.

“My advice to her would be to terminate the pregnancy. However, due to the fact that this result of our relationship is really her responsibility, I will leave that decision to her.”

Rayford was puzzled and didn’t try to hide it. Why was Carpathia telling him this? What assignment was going to fall to him? He didn’t have long to wait.

“I have needs like any other man, Captain Steele. You understand. I would never commit myself to just one woman, and I certainly made no such commitment to Ms. Durham. The fact is that I already have someone else with whom I am enjoying a relationship. Therefore, you can see my dilemma.”

“I’m not sure I do,” Rayford said.

“Well, I have replaced Ms. Durham as my personal assistant. I sense that she is distraught from that and from what she has to deduce is a relationship that has soured. I do not see it as souring; I see us both moving on. But, as I say, as she saw it as more important a commitment than I did, she is thus more upset and disappointed at the conclusion of it.”

“I need to ask you about the ring you gave her,” Rayford said.

“Oh, that is no problem. I will not be requiring that back. In fact, I always believed that the stone was much too large to be worn as an engagement ring. It clearly is decorative. She need not worry about returning that.”

Rayford was getting the picture. Carpathia was going to call on him, as Hattie’s old friend and boss, to deliver the news. Why else would he need all this information?

“I will do the right thing by Ms. Durham, Captain Steele. You may be assured of that. I would not want her to become destitute. I know she is employable, probably not as a clerical person, but certainly in the aviation industry.”

“Which has been devastated by the war, as you know,” Rayford said.

“Yes, but with her seniority and perhaps with some gentle pressure on my part . . .”

“And so you’re saying that you will give her some sort of severance or a stipend or settlement?”

Carpathia seemed to brighten. “Yes, if that will make it easier for her, I am happy to do that.”

I should think you would be,
Rayford thought.

“Captain Steele, I have an assignment for you—”

“I deduced that.”

“Of course, you would. You are a bright man. We have received word that Ms. Durham is back on her itinerary and is expected in Baghdad on a flight from Boston on Monday.”

It finally hit Rayford why Hattie might have delayed her return. Perhaps she knew of Amanda’s plans. It would be just like Amanda to arrange to meet her somewhere and accompany her back. Amanda would have had an ulterior motive, of course: to keep Hattie from visiting a reproductive clinic. She also would have wanted to continue expressing love to her. Rayford decided against telling Carpathia he was headed to the airport in Baghdad Monday anyway to pick up his own wife.

“Assuming you are free, Captain Steele, and I will make sure that you are, I would ask that you would meet Miss Durham’s plane. As her old friend, you will be the right one to break this news to her. Her belongings have been delivered to one of the condominiums in your building. She will be allowed to stay there for a month before deciding where she would like to relocate.”

Rayford interrupted. “Excuse me, but are you asking me to do something that you yourself should be doing?”

“Oh, make no mistake, Captain Steele. I am not afraid of this confrontation. It would be most distasteful for me, yes, but I recognize my responsibility here. It is just that I am under such crushing deadlines for important meetings. We have established many new directives and legislative encyclicals in light of the recent insurrection, and I simply cannot be away from the office.”

Rayford thought Carpathia’s meeting with Hattie Durham might have taken less time than the meeting they were conducting right then. But what was the sense of arguing with a man like this?

“Any questions, Captain Steele?”

“No. It’s all very clear to me.”

“You will do it then?”

“I was not under the impression I had a choice.”

Carpathia smiled. “You have a good sense of humor, Captain Steele. I would not say your job depends on it, but I appreciate that your military background has trained you to realize that when a directive is given, it is to be carried out. I want you to know that I appreciate it.”

Rayford stared at him. He willed himself not to say the obligatory, “You’re welcome.” He nodded and stood.

“Captain Steele, might I ask you to remain seated for a moment.”

Rayford sat back down.
What now? Is this the beginning of the end?

“I would like to ask you about your relationship with Cameron Williams.” Rayford did not respond at first. Carpathia continued. “Sometimes known as Buck Williams. He was formerly a senior staff writer for
Global Weekly
, now
Global Community Weekly
. He is my publisher there.”

“He’s my son-in-law,” Rayford said.

“And can you think of any reason why he would not have shared that happy news with me?”

“I suppose you’ll have to ask him that, sir.”

“Well, then perhaps I should ask you. Why would
not have shared that with me?”

“It’s just personal family business,” Rayford said, trying to remain calm. “Anyway, with him serving you at such a high level, I assumed you would become aware of it soon enough.”

“Does it happen that he shares your religious beliefs?”

“I prefer not to speak for Buck.”

“I will take that as a yes.” Rayford stared at him. Carpathia continued, “I am not saying that this is necessarily a problem, you understand.”
I understand all right,
Rayford thought. “I was just curious,” Carpathia concluded. He smiled at Rayford, and the pilot read everything in that smile that the Antichrist implied. “I will look forward to a report of your meeting with Miss Durham, and I have full confidence that it will be successful.”

Buck was at the Chicago office of
Global Community Weekly
when he took a call from Amanda. “I got the strangest call from Rayford,” she said. “He asked if I had hooked up with Hattie on her flight out of Boston to Baghdad. I told him no. I thought she was already back there. He said he thought she was on another schedule now and that we would likely be arriving at about the same time. I asked him what was up, but he seemed rushed and didn’t feel free to take the time to tell me. Do you know what’s happening?”

“This is all news to me, Amanda. Did your flight refuel in Boston as well?”

“Yes. You know New York is completely shut down. So is Washington. I don’t know if these planes can go all the way from Milwaukee to Baghdad.”

“What would have taken Hattie so long to get back there?”

“I have no idea. If I had known she was going to delay her return, I would have offered to have flown with her. We need to maintain contact with that girl.”

Buck agreed. “Chloe misses you already. She and Tsion are working hard on some New Testament curriculum. It’s almost as if they’re in the same room, though they’re at least a quarter of a mile apart.”

“I know she’s enjoying that,” Amanda said. “I wish I could talk Rayford into letting me move back this way. I’d see less of him, but I don’t see much of him in New Babylon either.”

“Don’t forget you can be in that ‘same room’ with Tsion and Chloe, no matter where you are now.”

“Yeah,” she said, “except that we’re nine hours later than you guys.”

“You’ll just have to coordinate your schedules. Where are you now?”

“We’re over the continent. Should be touching down in an hour or so. It’s what there, just a little after eight in the morning?”

“Right. The Tribulation Force is about as spread out as it’s been for a while. Tsion seems productive and contented, if not happy. Chloe is at Loretta’s and excited about her study and her teaching opportunities, though she knows she may not always be free, legally, to do that. I’m here, you’re there, and you’ll be meeting up with Rayford before you know it. I guess we’re all present and accounted for.”

“I sure hope Rayford’s right about Hattie,” Amanda said. “It’ll be handy if he can pick us both up.”

It was time for Rayford to head for Baghdad. He was confused. Why had Hattie remained incommunicado in Denver for so long and then misled Fortunato about her return flight when she
reestablish contact? If it wasn’t for the purpose of hooking up with Amanda, what was it? What would have interested her in Boston?

Rayford couldn’t wait to see Amanda. It had been only a few days, but they were still newlyweds, after all. He did not relish his assignment with Hattie, especially with Amanda getting in at the same time. One thing he could justify, however, based on what he had been told about Hattie’s encounter with Loretta, Chloe, and Amanda at the safe house, was that Hattie would be comforted by Amanda’s presence.

The question was, would this word from Rayford be bad news for Hattie? It might make her future easier to accept. She knew it was over. She feared Carpathia might not let her go. She would be offended, of course, insulted. She wouldn’t want his ring or his money or his condo. But at least she would know. To Rayford’s male mind, this seemed a practical solution. He had learned enough from Irene and Amanda over the years, however, to know that regardless of how unattractive Nicolae Carpathia had become to Hattie, still she would be hurt and would feel rejected.

Rayford phoned Hattie’s driver. “Could you drive me, or could I borrow your car? I’m to pick up Miss Durham in Baghdad and also my—”

“Oh, sorry sir. I’m no longer Miss Durham’s driver. I drive for someone else in the executive suite.”

“You know where I could get wheels then?”

“You could try the motor pool, but that takes awhile. Lots of paperwork, you know.”

“I don’t have that kind of time. Any other suggestions?” Rayford was angry with himself for not planning better.

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