The Leopard (73 page)

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Authors: Jo Nesbo

BOOK: The Leopard
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‘I hardly think they’ll lay much weight on our one-sided presentations,’ Bellman said, looking at Hagen and trying to interpret where he was going. ‘I suppose we just have to give our opinions, in the name of tolerance.’

‘Unless we both believe that the present structure is preferable to all the investigations being placed under one roof,’ Hagen said through chattering teeth.

Bellman chortled. ‘You’re not wearing enough clothes, Hagen.’

‘You could be right. But I also know what I would think about a new murder unit being led by a policeman who had used his position to let his future wife go free after she had been smuggling drugs. Even though witnesses had pointed her out.’

Bellman stopped breathing. Felt his grip slacken. Felt gravity taking hold of him, his hair rising, his stomach falling. This was the nightmare he had been having. Nerve-jangling in sleep, brutal in reality; the fall without any rope. The solo climber’s fall.

‘Looks like you’re feeling the cold, too, Bellman.’

‘Fuck you, Hagen.’


‘What do you want?’

‘Want? Long term, I want the force to be spared yet another public scandal calling into doubt the integrity of the regular policeman. As far as restructuring is concerned . . .’ Hagen’s head receded between his shoulders and he stamped his feet on the ground. ‘Now, the Ministry of Justice might want murder investigation resources all in the same pot, quite irrespective of the leadership question. If I were to be asked to lead such a unit I would, of course, consider the offer. But, in general, I think things are functioning well as they are. By and large, murderers receive their punishment, don’t they. So if my counterpart in this matter shares that view, I will be prepared to continue with investigations both in Bryn and here at Police HQ. What do you think, Bellman?’

Mikael Bellman felt the jerk as the rope caught him after all. Felt the harness tighten, felt himself being torn into two, felt his back unable to cope with the strain and it broke, the mixture of pain and paralysis. He dangled, helpless and dizzy, somewhere between heaven and earth. But he was alive.

‘Let me think about it, Hagen.’

‘Think away. But don’t take too much time. Deadline, you know. We have to coordinate.’

Bellman stood watching Hagen’s back as he loped to the entrance of Police HQ. Then turned and stared over the rooftops of Grønland. Studied the town. His town.


The Answer

floor, looking around, when the phone rang.

‘Rakel here. What are you doing?’

‘Examining what’s left,’ he said. ‘After a person dies.’


‘There’s a lot. And yet not much. Sis has said what she wants, and tomorrow some guy’s coming to buy up the goods and chattels. He intimated he would pay fifty thousand to buy the lot, lock, stock and barrel. And he’ll clean up after him. That’s … er . . .’ Harry couldn’t find the word.

‘I know,’ she said. ‘It was like that for me when my father died. His things, which had been so important, so irreplaceable, seemed to lose their meaning. It was as if he alone was the one who had given them value.’

‘Or perhaps it’s those of us left realising we have to clear up. To burn. To start afresh.’ Harry went into the kitchen. Looked at the photograph hanging under the kitchen cupboard. A photo from Sofies gate. Oleg and Rakel.

‘I hope you said goodbye properly,’ Rakel said. ‘Saying goodbye is important. Especially for those left behind.’

‘I don’t know,’ Harry said. ‘We never properly said hello, he and I. I let him down.’

‘How was that?’

‘He asked me to dispatch him. I refused.’

The line went quiet. Harry listened to the background noise. Airport noises.

Then her voice was back. ‘Do you think you should have helped him on his way?’

‘Yes,’ Harry said. ‘I do. I think so now.’

‘Don’t think about it. It’s too late.’

‘Is it?’

‘Yes, Harry. It’s too late.’

The line went quiet again. Harry could hear a nasal voice announcing boarding for a flight to Amsterdam.

‘So you didn’t want to meet him?’

‘I can’t do it, Harry. I suppose I’m a bad human being, too.’

‘We’ll have to try to do better next time then.’

He could hear her smiling. ‘Can we do that?’

‘It’s never too late to try. Say hello to Oleg from me.’

‘Harry . . .’



Harry stood looking out of the kitchen window after she had rung off.

Then he went upstairs and started to pack.

The doctor was waiting for Harry when he came out of the toilet. They continued down the last stretch of the corridor towards the prison officer.

‘His condition is stable,’ she said. ‘We might transfer him back to prison. What’s the purpose of this visit?’

‘I want to thank him for helping us to clear up a case. And to get back to him about a wish he had expressed.’

Harry took off his jacket, gave it to the officer and held out his arms while he was searched.

‘Five minutes. No more. OK?’

Harry nodded.

‘I’ll come in with you,’ said the prison guard who was unable to take his eyes off Harry’s disfigured cheek.

Harry arched an eyebrow.

‘Rules for civilian visits,’ the officer said. ‘It has come to our ears that you’ve resigned from the force.’

Harry shrugged.

The man had got out of bed and was sitting on a chair by the window.

‘We found him,’ Harry said, pulling a chair close. The prison guard stood by the door, but was within hearing distance. ‘Thanks for your help.’

‘I kept my part of the bargain,’ the man said. ‘What about yours?’

‘Rakel didn’t want to come.’

The man’s face didn’t move a muscle, he just shrank as if hit by an ice-cold gust of wind.

‘We found a bottle of medicine in the chest at Prince Charming’s cabin. I had a drop of the contents analysed yesterday. Ketanome. Same as he used on his victims. Do you know the drug? Fatal in large doses.’

‘Why are you telling me this?’

‘I was given some of it myself recently. In a way, I liked it. But then I like all kinds of drugs. Only you know that, don’t you? I told you what I did in the toilet at The Landmark in Hong Kong.’

The Snowman eyed Harry. Glanced cautiously at the prison officer and then back at Harry.

‘Oh yes,’ he said in a monotone. ‘In the cubicle at the end on . . .’

‘… the right,’ Harry said. ‘Well, as I said, thanks. Don’t look in the mirror.’

‘Same applies to you,’ the man said and offered him a bony, white hand.

When Harry was shown out at the end of the corridor, he turned and caught a glimpse of the Snowman tottering towards them with the guard. Before going into the toilet.


Glass Noodles

.’ K

She was sitting in the bar, on a low stool, on her hands. Her gaze was intense, her lips blood red, her cheeks glowing. It struck him that he had not seen her wearing make-up before. And it was not true what he had once believed, in his naivety, that a woman cannot be made more beautiful with cosmetics. She was wearing a plain black dress. A short necklace of gold and white pearls rested against her collarbone and when she breathed they reflected soft light.

‘Been waiting long?’ Harry asked.

‘No,’ she said, getting up before he had a chance to sit down, pulling him over, laying her head on his shoulder and holding him like that. ‘I’m just a bit cold.’

She didn’t care about other people in the bar watching her, she didn’t let go, instead she stuffed both hands under his suit jacket, stroking his shirted back up and down to get them warm. Harry heard a discreet cough, looked up and received a friendly nod from a man with body language that said head waiter.

‘Our table is ready,’ she said.

‘Table? I thought we were only having a drink.’

‘We have to celebrate the end of the case, don’t we? I ordered the food beforehand. Something very special.’

They were shown to a table by the window in the fully occupied restaurant. A waiter lit the candles, poured apple cider into the glasses, put the bottle back in the ice bucket and left.

She raised her glass. ‘

‘To what?’

‘To Crime Squad continuing as before. To you and me catching bad men. To being here now. Together.’

They drank. Harry set his glass down on the cloth. Moved it. The base had left a wet mark. ‘Kaja . . .’

‘I’ve got something for you, Harry. Tell me what your greatest wish is right now.’

‘Listen, Kaja . . .’

‘What?’ she said, breathless, and leaned forward, eager to hear.

‘I told you I would be on my travels again. I’m leaving tomorrow.’

‘Tomorrow?’ she laughed, and the smile faded as the waiter unfolded their serviettes and spread them, heavy and white, over their laps. ‘Where to?’


Kaja stared down at the table without saying a word. Harry wanted to put his hand on hers. But refrained.

‘So I wasn’t enough?’ she whispered. ‘We weren’t enough?’

Harry waited until he could catch her eye. ‘No,’ he said. ‘We weren’t enough. Not enough for you, not enough for me.’

‘What do you know about what’s enough?’ Her voice was thick with tears.

‘Quite a lot,’ Harry said.

Kaja breathed heavily, tried to control her voice. ‘Is it Rakel?’

‘Yes. It was always Rakel.’

‘But you said yourself she didn’t want you.’

‘She doesn’t want me the way I am now. So I have to repair myself. I have to be well again. Do you understand?’

‘No, I don’t understand.’ Two tiny tears clung to the lashes under her eyes, wavering. ‘You
well. The scars are just—’

‘You know very well it’s not
scars I’m talking about.’

‘Will I ever see you again?’ she asked, trapping one of the tears with a fingernail.

She grasped his hand, squeezed it so tight the knuckles went white. Harry looked at her. Then she let go.

‘I won’t go and bring you back another time,’ she said.

‘I know.’

‘You won’t cope.’

‘Probably not,’ he smiled. ‘But then who does?’

She tilted her head. Then she smiled with those small pointed teeth of hers.

‘I do,’ she said.

Harry remained in his chair until he heard the soft slam of a car door in the darkness and the diesel engine starting up. He looked down at the cloth and was about to get up when a soup plate came into his eyeline and he heard the head waiter’s voice announce: ‘Special order at the lady’s instructions flown over from Hong Kong. Li Yuan’s glass noodles.’

Harry stared down at the plate. She is still sitting in her chair, he thought. The restaurant is a soap bubble and now it is taking off, hovering over the town and is gone. The kitchen never runs out and we never land.

He got up and made a move to leave. But changed his mind. Sat down again. Lifted the chopsticks.


The Allies

a dance restaurant, drove down the hill to the Seamen’s School that was no longer a seamen’s school. Continued to the bunkers that had defended the country’s invaders. Beneath him were the fjord and the town, hidden by mist. Cars crept forward carefully with yellow cat’s eyes. A tram emerged from the mist like a ghost gnashing its teeth.

A car stopped in front of him, and Harry jumped into the front seat. Katie Melua oozed through the speakers with her honey-dripping agony, and Harry desperately searched for the ‘off ’ switch on the radio.

‘Jesus Christ, what do you look like!’ Øystein said, horrified. ‘The surgeon must have definitely failed the sewing course. But at least you’ll save a few kroner on the Halloween mask. Don’t laugh or your mug’ll tear again.’

‘I promise.’

‘By the way,’ Øystein said, ‘it’s my birthday today.’

‘Oh, fuck. Here’s a smoke, from me to you. Free.’

‘That’s exactly what I wanted.’

‘Mm. Any bigger presents you’d like?’

‘Like what?’

‘World peace.’

‘The day you wake up to world peace, you don’t wake up, Harry. Because they’ve dropped the big one.’

‘OK. No private wishes?’

‘Not a lot. New conscience maybe.’


‘The old one’s not so good. Smart suit you’ve got. Thought you had only the one.’

‘It’s Dad’s.’

‘Jesus, you must have shrunk.’

‘Yes,’ Harry said, straightening his tie. ‘I have shrunk.’

‘How’s Ekeberg restaurant?’

Harry closed his eyes. ‘Fine.’

‘Do you remember the leaky shack we sneaked into that time. How old were we? Sixteen?’


‘Didn’t you dance with the Killer Queen there once?’


‘Frightening to think that the MILF of your youth has ended up in an old people’s home.’


Øystein sighed. ‘Look it up.’

‘Mm. Øystein?’


‘Why did you and I become pals?’

‘Because we grew up together, I suppose.’

‘Is that all? A demographic coincidence? No spiritual fellowship?’

‘Not that I’ve noticed. As far as I know, we’ve only ever had one thing in common.’

What’s that?’

‘No one else wanted to be pals with us.’

They wound their way through the next bends in silence.

‘Apart from Tresko,’ Harry said.

Øystein snorted. ‘Who stank so much of toe-fart no one else could bear sitting next to him.’

‘Yes,’ Harry said. ‘We were good at that.’

‘We nailed that one,’ Øystein said. ‘But, Christ, how he stank.’

They laughed together. Gentle, light-hearted. Sad.

* * *

Øystein had parked the car on the brown grass with the doors open. Harry clambered up onto the top of the bunker and sat on the edge with his legs dangling. From the speakers inside the car doors Springsteen sang about blood brothers one stormy night and the vow that had to be kept.

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