The Librarian and the Wolf:

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Authors: E A Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Romance, #Fantasy

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The Librarian and the Wolf

(Book 3
, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

By E A Price


Copyright ©2014 by E
lizabeth Ann Price

All rights reserved. 
Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Chapter One


Terri Lin
stretched her arms over her head and yawned loudly.  It was 8.45pm.  The library was dead.

The majority of
library patrons were either school kids who had a curfew or senior citizens,
who also had a curfew.
  None of them entered the library after 6pm.  These late hours were pointless.

The town council had insisted they
test them out on a trial basis, just in case someone had a library emergency.  Fifteen more minutes and she was free.

She and two other full time staff members
, Damian and Fran, ran the library between them, and if they needed help they called in either Kayleigh a part time staff member and part time witch or Mrs Martin, a retired school administrator.  They were reluctant to call in Mrs Martin because she was a terrible gossip and spent more time talking to patrons than actually helping them, but she volunteered and would actually work for free.  In a pinch she could run the front desk.

checked her phone again. 
No new messages.  No missed calls.
  She sighed.

Her sort of boyfriend Malcolm Tanner had been out of town for a week but he hadn’t tried to contact her once.
  She told herself she didn’t care. They didn’t exactly have the kind of relationship where she could get upset about it.  They were casual at best.

Last week he had come round to her house with a pizza.  They’d had sex,
then whilst eating the cold pizza he indifferently told her he was going to be out of town for up to three weeks.

Her heart had wanted to say, stay, don’t go, I’ll miss you.  Her head told her heart to shut up.
  He was clearly unfazed by being away from her, she daren’t show him that she felt differently. 
She’d look like an old fool.

Terri was
28 and Mal was... quite a few years younger.  The age difference didn’t seem to bother Mal but Terri was a little sensitive about it.

Terri had lived in the town of Rose for two years.  Following a heart
break she had applied for numerous librarian jobs all over the state, and at the suggestion of her friend Liv she had applied here.  She was pleased to accept the job offer.  The town was only about an hour and a half away from where she lived before, Alexandria.  Meaning she could legitimately move to Rose for the job but she could still comfortably visit her mother and sister... every now and then.

She’d never really been aware of Mal when she moved here, he had never actually stepped foot in the library before
they officially met.  She’d seen him around town a few times but dismissed him as a high school kid.

Since moving to Rose she’d dated a few men.
  The heart break she’d suffered still a dull ache.  Not wanting anything serious she had restricted herself to younger men and casual liaisons to protect her heart.  Thankfully Rose was not in short supply of young horny men.  They had all been nice and treated her decently, but mercifully none of them had wanted to really get involved with her.

Mal was really no different.
  Her heart however begged to differ.  It practically leapt out of her chest every time she saw him, not to mention how her sex behaved... 

They’d officially met in the
Honeypot Diner six weeks ago.  The Diner stood opposite the library just next to the Sheriff’s station.  Usually she brought her lunch to work but she’d slept in that morning and didn’t have time to make anything.

The Diner was heaving with people.
  It was a stormy day, rain was falling in sheets and people had retreated to the Diner for cover.  It also explained the sudden popularity of the library that day.  She didn’t think she’d find a seat.  But luckily just as she was shucking out her umbrella a tall young blonde woman stood up from her seat at the counter as if to leave.

knew her by sight, she was a puma shifter called Darcy.  The girl was beautiful but her face was marred by a scowl.

Terri ran over to her.  Darcy was
speaking lowly to a large blonde man whose back was to Terri.  She waited patiently before asking if Darcy was leaving and if she could have her seat.

Darcy had turned her nose up at Terri
and told her it was all hers.  The young puma had pushed past her and Terri had lost her footing at the force of the puma’s shove. 

Shifters were
pretty strong
.  She was about to land on her ass when strong arms shot out and steadied her.

The large blonde man had whirled round and took hold of her
.  He stood up and with some trepidation she had noted that he was over a foot taller than her five foot four frame.

He slid an arm round her waist and grasped her
wrist with the other.  His look of concern was evident.  Terri was awe struck.  He was beautiful, truly like a Greek God.  She wanted to climb up his body right then and there and wrap herself around him like a horny koala bear.  She’d never had such a physical reaction to a man. 
She’d fiercely told herself that he was only a boy, not a man
.  But her sex did not care at all, and had begun to moisten at the feel of his body pressed against her.

He smiled and it was like a blast of sunshine hit her dull grey heart.
  He patiently asked her again if she was all right.  She squeaked that she was and satisfied he manoeuvred her into the empty seat, carefully taking off her coat and settling her purse at her feet.

They had chatted a little.  Introducing
themselves, talking about the weather. 
Normal small talk
.  She had cast covert glances at him throughout her meal which she barely touched.  Her stomach was doing flip flops.

She’d discovered his name, the fact that he was a wolf shifter
, he was hoping to train to be a pack Enforcer (kind of like a pack cop he explained) and he lived at home with his parents and three brothers. 
Oh and he was also only 19 years old.

He was an amiable young man
, not exactly a sparkling wit but he was easy to talk too.  After her heart break that was more important to her.  She certainly didn’t want to make the mistake of getting involved with an academic like her ex Jameson again.

He was tall, taller than
both the Beta and the Alpha, but he didn’t have the muscles of those men.  He was leaner and more graceful, and whip-cord fast.

Abruptly he asked if he could see her again.  No flirting, no dancing around, he just directly asked her.  Startled she immediately said yes.

He gave her a devastating grin. 
God he was like a ray of sunshine
.  He was working late that day in his dad’s shop so, surprising herself, she suggested he come to her house for supper afterwards.  She’d never been so quick to invite someone over to her house.  He said yes straight away and offered to bring a pizza.

That night they had eaten and without preamble they’d had sex.
  Within eleven hours of meeting him she’d already slept with him.  Several times.  He was tireless, and amazing in bed. 

The next morning she had woken sore but satiated. 
Both her sex and her heart were thrilled by the outcome, her head however still had some qualms.  She had also woken alone.  He had snuck out in the night.  She had been disappointed that it was a one night stand but she couldn’t deny it had been the best sex she’d ever had.

Yet, m
uch to her surprise later that day Mal had turned up at the library.  He had swaggered over to her desk and winking at her, asked how she was feeling.  His leer said it all.  He asked her if she wanted to get together again that night and she hadn’t hesitated in saying yes.  Mrs Martin had heard the exchange and within the hour it was all over town, the mousy librarian was hooking up with the hot young wolf.

Up until a week ago when he left
for his trip they had spent almost every evening together since they first met.

She looked at the clock.  Two minutes to go.
  She checked her phone again.  Nothing.  Lusting after a 19 year old boy, desperately wanting him to call her. 
God she was a loser.


Terri unlocked her green front door and let herself in, locking it behind her.  She let out a long breath and shucked her shoes off, wiggling her toes.  Heels had been a mistake.

She lived in a cottage on the edge of town.
  She snapped it up when she moved here using money her father had left her in his will.  Her father had been a very successful obstetrician and had left his family very comfortable after he had died prematurely of a heart attack.  She still felt a pang of loss at the thought.

The cottage had a kitchen, living room and a small conservatory
downstairs, upstairs it had one bedroom that led through to a decent sized shower room.  There was no bath but the shower was massive.  It was a white building with red slate roof and a bright green door.  It was tiny but she loved it.  It was her charming little nest.  When he was inside Mal was almost like Gulliver in Lilliput.  She told him that and he hadn’t understood what she meant.

She ambled through to the living room
deciding to turn the TV on for some background noise whilst she cooked.  Her stomach churned, she’d been feeling unsettled for over a week now.  She hadn’t felt like eating and had practically been surviving on dry toast.  She must eat something or she was really going to get sick.

She reached to flip on the light but froze.  A small crash came from the conservatory
.  She had a few potted plants in there her friend Liv had given her.  They were in various stages of death, but they wouldn’t fall over by themselves...

She heard the small squeak of shoes and her
heart leapt into her throat. 
Someone was in her house!

She backed away slowly,
then heard the footsteps speed up.  She needed a weapon fast!  She bolted for the kitchen.  She made it and was reaching for her rolling pin when enormous strong arms locked round her body.

She struggled and twisted, trying to
kick, trying to punch but the intruder was too big.  She was pulled against a warm body and then... then the intruder flourished butterfly kisses up her neck and she knew who it was.    She stopped wriggling and his arms relaxed around her.  She elbowed him and he yelped jumping back from her.

She whirled round to face him, the heel of her hand pressed against her heart.  It was
beating like a runaway freight train.  “Fuck!  You scared the hell out of me!”
  Why had she told him where she hides her spare key?

tried to keep a straight face but his body shook with laughter.  He flipped on the light so he could see the look of outrage on her pretty face. 
It was priceless

“I’m sorry
baby, I couldn’t resist seeing you all helpless.  My wolf felt like a bit of a chase.”

She rolled her eyes
.  He was such a child.  He leaned forward and dragged her to him crushing his mouth to hers.  His tongue darted out demanding entrance and she opened her mouth melting into the kiss.  Their tongues tangled for what felt like an eternity before with an effort he drew back breathing heavily.

His voice was hoarse.  “Fuck you taste better than I remember

“I’m still mad at you...”  She began without conviction.
  She could already feel her sex weeping for him, preparing to take him in.  Undoubtedly he could smell her arousal.

chuckled and pushed her back so she was perched on the edge of the kitchen table.  He moved down until he was kneeling before her.  She bit her lip in anticipation and he groaned.  Pushing her skirt up he quickly ripped away her hose and panties.  Ever since they met she’d been running low on underwear.

He dipped a finger into her channel, eliciting a small m
oan from her.  He brought his finger to his lips sucking her juices off it.  He smiled at her smugly.  “You’re already so wet baby.  Wet for me.”

He pushed two fingers, then three in her forcibly widening her in preparation.  Her muscles pulled at his fingers and tried to hold them inside, but his movements were too quick and jerky.

Her breathing became laboured.  God she was going to come just from this.

He stood up
, his fingers never stopping, and leaned over her.  One hand firmly planted on her hip to keep her in place.  “I missed you” he breathed into her shoulder inhaling her scent.  “Did you miss me?”

He stilled
when she didn’t answer.  She grabbed his shoulders and tried to move her hips forward to engulf his fingers but he held her too tightly.

He pulled his head back to look at her.  She thought she saw looks of doubt and hurt pass over his features, but she was too stimulated to really acknowledge what that meant.

“Yes...yes... I missed you.... please...”

removed his fingers and quickly flipped her so she was facing the table and bent her over, pushing her shoulders down until she lay flat against it.  Her ass pointing upwards.

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