The Lion (14 page)

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Authors: D Camille

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Lion
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  “Hello Tauri.”

She smiled. “Hi Jeremy.”

  All five men looked at Jeremy and Tauri felt like she was surrounded by a pack of wolves that were all ready to attack.

Jeremy cleared his throat. “Would you like to dance?” he asked Tauri.

  The men turned to look at her. “Sure Jeremy.” They all looked back at Jeremy as Tauri stepped forward.

  Jeremy froze underneath their glares before Tauri took his arm and led him to the floor. Jeremy kept glancing back at the men to make sure they didn't tackle him on the way. The Negus stood tall sending him a silent message the he heard loud and clear.

On the dance floor, Tauri turned to him and saw the wary look on his face. “It's fine Jeremy.”

  “They look like they want to hurt me.”

Tauri smiled. “They won't hurt you. They're just looking out for me.”

  “So you are dating Rion Shaw?” he inquired.

  “Yes, Orion and I are dating,” she confirmed as she placed her hand in his.

Jeremy glanced around. “He's not here.”

  “Not yet.”

He looked down at her. “Is that why I couldn't escort you tonight?”

  Tauri stared up at him. “It wouldn't have been a date either way Jeremy,” she told him. “You know that.”

  They moved slowly to the music. “We've worked together for four years Tauri and you've never shown me any interest.”

  Tauri looked Jeremy over in his tuxedo. While he was definitely not an unattractive man, he just didn't do it for her. Plus, she didn't like dating men she worked with. Her professionalism was of the utmost importance to her.

  “We work together Jeremy.”

He frowned. “You're the lead on Rion Shaw's case,” he pointed out.

Tauri matched his frown. “I don't see how the two relate.”

  “Of course you don't.”

They danced silently for a few minutes as Tauri began to think. She looked back at Jeremy.

  “When we met early that day and you were waiting for me in my office did you do something to my computer?” she asked.

Jeremy paused. “No. Who do you think I am?”

  “Clearly I'm not sure Jeremy since tonight you've decided to turn into some kind of jilted lover.”

  “Four years Tauri. I've helped with your cases, been your sounding board and a shoulder to lean on.”

  Tauri froze. “I've also helped with your cases. That's what co-workers do. You've also helped Richard and you helped Lisa when she was there,” she told him with eyes flashing.

  Jeremy looked into her angry face. “I'm sorry Tauri. The last thing I want to do is make you mad at me.”

  “I think we should just let this die down. I'll see you at the office Prosecutor Thompson.” Tauri turned and walked away heading to the ladies room.

  Jeremy glanced at the Negus standing watching him. He watched as Rion Shaw entered the room and joined the group. Rion spoke to the group then frowned and turned to where Jeremy was still standing on the dance floor. Jeremy remained still and his eyes followed Rion as he headed in the direction that Tauri had taken off in.

  “Damn, what did I do?” he said to himself as the Negus continued to watch him.


  Tauri calmed herself before exiting the restroom. Her face broke into a huge smile when she spotted Rion waiting outside the door. She walked up to him and stared into his handsome face.

  “I know we're not supposed to be here together but I need you to hug me right now,” she whispered.

  Rion quietly gathered her into his arms holding her close. “Khalil said I need to beat Jeremy's ass right now,” he whispered in her ear.

She smiled against his chest. “No. You need to handle the business you came here for.”

  “Brandon said if I did, he'd have Mac arrest me, so I can't anyway.”

Tauri looked up at him. “I don't want you getting arrested.”

  “We'll talk about Jeremy later,” he promised and she nodded. “Stay with the Negus.”

Tauri touched his face. “I will. Please be careful Orion.”

  Rion stared down at her mouth before tracing her lips. “This mouth...hmmmm.” He removed his hand. “Go back out there before I start something that we can't finish here.”

  She placed a hand on the stark white shirt of his tuxedo. “You look extremely handsome tonight.”

Rion placed his hand over hers. “You look like my entire world.”

  Tauri flushed and smiled. “Your brother says he's smoother than you but I must object, because you can set my panties on fire with your words.”

  Rion leaned down to her ear and whispered, “Those panties are going to disintegrate.” They turned to stare into each other's eyes.

  Brandon appeared and cleared his throat to get the attention of the couple. “I hate to break up this happy reunion but we're all here for a reason.” He looked at Rion. “Beckham's here, so it's show time.”

  He squeezed Tauri's hand gently before he turned and walked back inside the ballroom. Tauri looked at Brandon concerned.

  “He's going to be alright?” she asked.

Brandon looked down at her. “We need to discuss Jeremy.”

Tauri hung her head. “Okay.”

  “I can't have Rion beating the hell out of one of my prosecutors,” Brandon told her. “That's not a good look.”

She looked back at him. “It's nothing and I'll talk to Orion.”

  Brandon nodded and began to lead her back to the ballroom. “Jeremy was in my office alone when we met last week.” Tauri informed him. “He called and asked me to come in early but I ended up being late and he was waiting in my office when I arrived.”

Brandon paused. “Is that where you two usually meet?” he asked.

Tauri shook her head. “No, usually we meet in the conference room.”

  “Did you notice anything out of place?” Brandon asked.

  “No, but he was sitting at my desk,” she told him. “He said he was looking for paper to leave me a note because he didn't think I was going to show up.”

  “Stay next to me tonight Tauri. I don't know what the hell is going on around here.”

Tauri nodded. “I'm carrying too.” She looked up at him. “Just in case.”

  Brandon continued to lead her back out to the ballroom. Tauri noticed that the Negus and Marcus were no longer together but were spread out all over the room, while Rion was nowhere in sight. Her heart began to beat faster as she wondered what was going to happen tonight.

Chapter 13

  Rion stood out on the terrace of the venue with County Executive John Beckham. John served in the adjacent city where the population consisted of ninety-five percent dominant culture residents. This was in direct contrast to the city of Detroit which was eighty-four percent African-American. Because of this racial disparity, relations between the two cities were not at its best and had not been in a while, if ever.

  African-Americans reported being harassed and profiled whenever traveling through that suburb while residents of that city traveled freely and safely into the Detroit area for their beloved professional sporting events and also to conduct their dirty deals.

  Rion knew that John and his cohorts did not want to see another team located within the city limits. Early on they had made it known that any new teams coming to the area would need to be located in the suburban area to cater to those residents and that they expected the owner to be of their sector, was a given.

  John Beckham was a third generation politician in the area. His family was known far and wide for controlling the politics in the Detroit metro area. This made him feel as though he was untouchable, but he would soon learn better.

Rion looked into the blue eyes. “Rion Shaw. How are you?”

  “I'm well Beckham, as you can see.” Rion slid a hand into his pocket.

John nodded. “I understand you're having some difficulties acquiring a team.”

Rion smiled slightly. “Nothing I can't handle.”

  “These things take time. You can't just expect to up and buy a major league franchise,” John commented.

  “I'm not just upping and buying. This is a plan coming to fruition.” Rion gave him a hard stare. “Why? Do you have a problem with it?”

John shrugged. “You're a smart guy Rion. You know how these things are done.”

Rion raised a brow. “You mean how they've been done in the past?”

John took a sip of the drink in his hand and stared at Rion.

  “It's a new day John and you can't stop it. The days of threats and fear are over.”

  John laughed. “Let's just be honest here Rion. You were a great ballplayer, one of the best on the field I'd say, but this is business.”

  “So because I played ball, I can't know business?” Rion inquired.

  “Well we all know that you all are better on the field than in the front office,” John told him.

Rion's eyes narrowed. “You mean athletes?”

John's eyes narrowed as well. “We both know what I mean Rion.”

  Rion stepped closer and stared into the face of hatred. “Let me tell you something John, you and your racist partners who think you're going to stop this from happening, don't know who you're messing with. You're all going down, one way or another. I promise you.”

  “Are you trying to threaten me?” John's eyes widened.

  “That's your style, not mine,” Rion told him.

  John's anger showed on his face. “You don't know who you're messing with. I run these counties and there will be another team in Detroit over my dead body.”

  “I don't prefer it any other way,” Rion agreed.

John stepped closer and Rion lifted a brow. “Don't make another mistake,” Rion growled.

  Both men looked up as Agent Graham appeared in the doorway wearing dark glasses and a grim expression. He looked at John and slowly pushed back his suit jacket to reveal his weapon.

John stepped back and looked at Rion. “I assume he's with you.”

  “Step to me again like that and you won't have to worry about anybody else,” Rion warned.

  His dark eyes were filled with anger when he spoke again. “What you and your scary ass partners are about to learn John, is that I'm not just a ballplayer. I'm a god.”

  Rion turned and stalked back to the doors and past Marcus who was still standing in the doorway. Both men watched as Rion angrily walked back into the ballroom. Tauri glanced up and saw Rion marching across the room. His profile was clearly one of complete fury and he didn't falter as he headed straight to the doors leading to the exit.

  Tauri turned to Brandon. “What happened? Something's wrong.” She started after Rion when Brandon halted her with a hand on her arm. Tauri turned to him with concern in her eyes.

  “They've got him Tauri. Just hold on,” Brandon told her.

  She turned back just in time to see both Lance and Corvus heading out after Rion as Khalil joined her and Brandon.

  “Looks like we've got problems?” he asked.

  “Let's just see Khalil,” Brandon answered.

  All three looked over as John Beckham re-entered the room. His face was flushed and red as he headed straight to the bar.

  “Brandon, I have to see if he's alright,” Tauri told him.

Khalil turned to her. “The lion is in attack mode. It's best to let him calm down.”

  Tauri looked confused and turned to Brandon for an explanation. “Rion will let us know what he wants to do.”


  Outside Corvus and Lance caught up to the furious Rion across the street heading towards his car.

  “Rion!” Corvus called his brother and Rion stopped before turning to them.

Corvus approached his brother. “What's up?”

  “Make sure Tauri gets home. Text me after you drop her off,” Rion instructed still angered.

  Corvus nodded. “No problem.” He looked at his brother. “We need to take care of anything in there?” he nodded towards the venue.

  “No, I've got that.” He turned back toward his car. “Just make sure Tauri gets home and tell her I'll call her later.”

Corvus looked concerned. “You cool to drive home?”

Rion turned to him. “Did you hear me?” he asked pointedly.

  “Yeah, make sure Tauri gets home,” Corvus repeated.

  “Thank you.” Rion opened his car door. “I'll be straight, just take care of her.”

  He climbed inside the vehicle while Lance and Corvus watched him start the car then drive off. Lance looked to Corvus.

  “Damn, he's mad.” He shook his head. “We might need your Momma tonight.”

Corvus shook his head. “I don't even think Momma can handle him right now.”

  “Well you better get Tauri home safe or you're going to need your Momma tonight,” Lance told him.

Corvus frowned at him. “Shut up.”

  The two headed back inside so that Corvus could check on Tauri. He was going to make sure he settled her inside her apartment tonight because he knew his brother and he didn't want to be on the receiving end of what he was ready to dispense.

  As they were walking back toward the building, Tauri came rushing out with Brandon and Khalil following her. She crossed the street and ran up to Corvus.

  “Where is Orion?” she demanded.

Corvus looked down at her. “He went home. He wants me to take you home and he'll call you.”

Tauri frowned. “What's wrong? What happened?”

Corvus shrugged. “I don't know. He's really mad right now.”

  “I have to see him,” she implored.

  “Let me take you home Tauri. He said he'd call you,” Corvus told her.

Tauri looked at the men around her. All of them looked as if they weren't going to defy Orion.

  “Fine, if none of you will take me, I'll get there on my own.”

  She turned and headed back towards the building. As she was crossing the street bright lights came out of nowhere barreling towards her. She froze even as her mind told her to keep moving. Vaguely she heard her name being shouted then felt her heart stopping, before her life flashed before her eyes.


  Rion attempted to breathe deeply to try to calm himself. Very seldom did he reach this level of anger. John Beckham had been one step from meeting with his fate. Rion had promised Brandon that he would follow the proper channels to deal with the corruption and malice of the officials in and around the city, but Rion wasn't quite sure now that he'd be able to keep that promise.

  John Beckham was a coward, a liar and a thief. He was supposed to serve the people but he did nothing but serve himself and his rich cohorts. Detroit had history of systemic racism. This system controlled the housing, jobs, education and government for the residents who suffered from the inadequateness of them all.

  Rion knew that he was on the edge, between the fiasco going on in New York with the league officials and dealing with the issues here at home, he was nearly exhausted and needed to rejuvenate. He'd wanted to see Tauri tonight but knew he was in no mood for anyone to have to deal with. He'd known going in this wasn't going to be easy, but things were now piling up quickly and his time was running short.

  He'd call Tauri later when he was back in his right frame of mind, for now he just wanted to go home and get his head together. Rion had no warning when the car hit his front side panel. The blow caused his car to spin in a circle before coming to an abrupt stop jerking him forward and hitting his head soundly on the wheel.

  He closed his eyes and waited for a moment. In the distance, he heard tires screeching and sirens. Seconds or minutes later, he didn't know for sure, his window was being banged on with someone calling his name. Rion opened his eyes to a police officer.

  “Are you alright Mr. Shaw? Open the door.”

  Rion reached up to touch his head and felt dampness. He dazedly looked at his fingers and saw the blood.

  “Mr. Shaw, can you open the door?” the officer repeated.

Rion slowly reached for the button to release the locks and the door was immediately opened.

  “Are you okay?” the office asked. “Do you need an ambulance?”

  Rion shook his head and it hurt. “No, I'm fine. I don't need an ambulance.” The last thing he wanted to do was draw attention to himself.

The officer looked at Rion. “You're bleeding! We need to get someone to look at that.”

Before Rion could respond the officer was calling for a medic.

  “What happened?” Rion asked groggily.

  “A car came out of nowhere and smashed into you. Our guys are in pursuit right now,” the officer explained.

  Rion released his seat belt and began to try to exit the car. “You should sit still until the medic arrives.”

  “I need some air,” Rion told him and the officer stepped back.

  He stood and leaned against the car holding his head allowing his thoughts to focus. A few minutes later, a medic arrived and rushed over to him. They checked his head and placed a small bandage on it asking if he wanted to go to the hospital.  An officer came over to Rion and spoke into his walkie clip.

  “He's right here ma'am.” The officer looked at Rion. “It's Chief Green.”

  “Yes Mac,” Rion said quietly as not to disturb the ensuing headache.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I'll live. I just need to go home. Can you have one of these officers drop me off?” he asked.

  “They say you have a head injury Rion,” she told him. “You need to go to the hospital.”

  Rion sighed. “I bumped my head Mac. I'll be fine. I've been hit in the head way harder than this by Corvus.”

Reluctantly Mac agreed. “Okay, but promise me if you need to get checked out later, you will.”

  “I promise.”

  A tow truck arrived for Rion's car and he was driven to this apartment and seen inside by one of the officers. Once inside he went into his bedroom and laid prostrate on the bed.

  “Damn, what else can happen today?” he said to himself and closed his eyes.


  Vaguely Tauri heard the screeching of tires and then she felt herself being lifted in the air and carried. The Negus joined her on the other side of the street where Corvus held her as a woman exited the car.

“Oh my god! Is she alright? I didn't even see her coming out into the street,” she cried running over to the group. “Tauri, I'm sorry.”

Tauri turned to look at her friend. “Lisa?”

  “Girl yes.” She looked at her friend. “Why are you running out into the street like that?”

Tauri looked up at Corvus. “You can put me down now.”

  “I'm taking your ass home before you get us all killed,” Corvus told her.

Lisa looked at the group confused. “Are you alright? What's going on?” Lisa asked.

  “She's fine,” Brandon assured Lisa. “She was just in a hurry.” He turned to Lisa's vehicle in the middle of the street. “You should move your car. I'll wait to escort you inside.”

  Lisa smiled. “Thank you Brandon. I'll be right back.” Lance lifted a brow as she took off to her waiting vehicle.

All the guys looked at Brandon before turning to Tauri who was frowning at Corvus.

  “If you don't put me down, I swear I'm going to hurt you,” she told him.

  Corvus slowly lowered her to her feet and she was fixing her dress when Brandon turned back to her.

  “Go home Tauri. Don't make us kidnap you.”

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