The Lion Within (Ghost Cat Shifters #1) (11 page)

BOOK: The Lion Within (Ghost Cat Shifters #1)
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Lila glanced to Daniel and chuckled. “This is my friend Nina. She’s been hanging around our house for the last few years.”

Sophia caught his eye. “My mother feeds any animal that shows up. I hope you’re hungry because I’m sure she’s got something ready for us too.”

Lila sprinkled the remaining cracked corn on the railing and gestured for them to follow her inside. Daniel looked around once he was seated at the table by the windows. The kitchen was warm and inviting with plants hanging in the windows, the scent of fresh baked bread, and Lila’s warm presence as she puttered around getting a tray of sandwiches ready for them, along with making a fresh pot of coffee. She swatted Sophia away when she offered to help. Sophia sat down across from him and shrugged. “My mother’s kind of bossy when it comes to her kitchen.”

He grinned. “My mother was the same way.” Lila stepped into the pantry, and he took that moment to reach across the table and tuck a loose lock of hair behind Sophia’s ear. He couldn’t resist the excuse to touch her. Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. His chest tightened with emotion. Damn. Sophia hit him hard in more ways than one. He wanted her fiercely in the physical sense, but she’d also snaked her way straight into his heart and elicited a deep need to take care of her. She unsettled him because in record time, he found himself picturing her as a permanent part of his life. His confidence in this notion was absolute. His mother had warned him his shifter side would be possessive when it came to finding a mate. She’d told him once he found the right woman, he would know without a doubt she was meant to be his. He hadn’t quite believed it, but now he’d met Sophia, it was hard to deny the truth of what she said.

Sophia’s eyes were on his, the green darkening. The air around them felt heated, as if by the sheer power of need burning between them.
Not the time and place, man. Get a handle on yourself.
He took a breath and tore his eyes away. He curled his hand around the mug of coffee Lila had poured for him and took a gulp. He scrambled to rein in the lust galloping through his body. When it came to Sophia, he was helpless in a way he’d never experienced. He was used to being in control and having no trouble maintaining it. With her, all she had to do was exist, and it shook his hold on himself.

Lila walked out of the pantry and set the napkins in her hand on the tray and carried it over to the table, setting it in the center. “There you go. Help yourself,” she said with a warm smile and nod to Daniel.

Over the next hour or so, Lila kindly answered any questions he had about his family. Beyond offering the bare bones of a family tree, she shared her memories of his mother when she was younger. When it came to talking about his family after David died, she was kind and careful. “I’m not sure how much you know about what happened.”

“My mom told me David was shot and killed when he shifted at a playground,” Daniel offered bluntly. “I know it was awful, but I’ve had a long time to adjust to his death. Oddly, I think it was probably better I didn’t really understand what happened until I was older. It would have been so confusing. I was only three when he died.”

Lila reached over and squeezed his hand quickly. “It was a tragedy. Plain and simple. The kind of accident that could happen to any young shifter. It’s hard to learn how to control shifting until you’re older. Your family was understandably devastated. To this day, I wish your parents hadn’t moved away. They cut themselves off from anyone who could really understand what they were going through.”

“I know. I’ve thought the same thing since I understood what happened. Nothing to be done about it now. Do you know much about my uncle?”

Lila was quiet for a long moment. She took a sip of coffee, her eyes thoughtful. “Nelson didn’t take the situation well. It would have been hard for anyone. With your mother gone and your grandparents all but recluses at their old farm, he got bitter. I used to see him around town a lot more. He used to work at one of the mechanic shops in Painter. He was always out at Quinn’s and a few other bars. He became a heavy drinker and a hard partier. Then, the last five years or so, he just kind of faded away. I see him every so often. I don’t even know what he does for work. If you ask, he says odd jobs, but no one seems to know what those are. Your grandparents were pretty comfortable financially. Your grandfather made money in the logging industry and sold off some land before he died. His logging business owned properties all around Colorado and in other states. I don’t know the exact details, but the lawyer who drew up your grandparents’ will told me they tied up the money for your inheritance because they were concerned Nelson would burn through it. I have no idea how he’s getting by.”

Daniel now had more questions about his uncle. While Lila could offer much more about what led Nelson to the point he was at now, she was as puzzled as he was when it came to Nelson’s current situation. “I have no idea what he’s doing either. He didn’t have much to say to me when I stopped by to introduce myself. He mentioned that my grandparents’ old home was deeded to me after he passed away. Honestly, I didn’t feel comfortable asking him too many questions.”

“I can find that out for you. Your grandparents’ attorney is a friend of mine. He’ll want to know you’re here. Maybe I can bring you by to meet him. Would you like that?”

“That would be great. Maybe he can fill me in on everything Nelson chose not to.” Daniel finished his coffee and sat for a moment. “I really appreciate you taking time to talk with me about my family. It’s sad to see how Nelson’s turned out, but I suppose he didn’t have it too easy after what happened.”

Lila shook her head sharply. “It wasn’t easy on anyone in your family, but it’s no excuse for Nelson to be so cold to you. If I knew him better, I’d give him piece of my mind.”

Daniel shrugged. “No need. Even though my parents passed away and I miss them, I was blessed to have two parents who loved me. It would have been nice to find an uncle, or any family, I could connect with and get to know, but it’s okay. I’m glad I got to hear about them from you.”

Lila’s eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled. “I’ll see what I can find about some of your cousins. I know your mother had a few who lived in nearby areas.”

At that, Lila stood up and went to refill her own cup of coffee. She held the coffee pot up and gestured to them. “More?”

Sophia shook her head. “I’ve got to get going. Daisy needs her dinner soon.”

A few minutes later, Daniel watched Sophia hug her mother and was then enveloped in a warm hug from Lila himself. She pecked him on the cheek. “So good to meet you. I’ll get back to you about meeting that attorney, okay?”

At that, she shooed them off the porch and watched while they drove away. Daniel glanced over at Sophia, wondering if he was going too far or too fast if he hoped to stay with her again tonight. The truth was, the idea of
being with her tonight bordered on painful.


Sophia forced herself to keep her eyes on the winding road ahead of her. Her body was humming at Daniel’s nearness. He’d been quiet since they left her parents’ house. Her mind spun in circles. She was startled by how quickly her heart had become entangled in Daniel. She hadn’t doubted her attraction to him, but she hadn’t expected it to grow by leaps and bounds, or for him to so effortlessly knock down the barriers she kept in place around her heart. With Daniel, she felt as if she was diving off a cliff—that’s how hard and fast she was falling. To complicate matters, she didn’t know how he viewed her and if he felt the depth of connection she did.

In the enclosed space of her car, she could feel every breath he took. The air around them felt electric. The sun had fallen behind the mountains, leaving the wispy light of dusk in its wake. Shadows of trees fell across the road as they drove toward her house. Daniel had driven over to meet her, and they left from there to go see her mother. She wanted to ask him to stay. Again. Yet, she worried she was being too forward. Her mind started running through the long list of reasons why now was not a good time to try to start a relationship. Odd thing was she kept trying to tell herself the main reason was because she needed to be there for her family, but her mind kept whispering that it wasn’t that.
You’re afraid because you’ve never felt like this. With anyone. Maybe your reasons made sense before, but now you’re just scared.
She sighed mentally and tried to stop chasing her thoughts in circles.

Daniel’s voice knocked her yammering mind off its loop. “Thanks for taking me to meet your mother.”

She slowed and came to a stop at an intersection. She glanced over, her eyes colliding with his. It felt as if a flame licked its way through the air between them, coiling in a circle around them. She forgot what he said for a moment, belatedly realizing she should reply. “Oh sure,” she managed over the pounding of her heart. Pure need coursed through her as she looked over at him. Another car approached the intersection, its headlights illuminating the inside of her car. She jerked her eyes away from Daniel and drove through the intersection and turned onto her road. A moment later, she parked her car in the driveway. She didn’t know if it was the smart thing to do, but she didn’t want Daniel to leave just yet, so she ignored her doubts, kicking them to the back of her mind.

“Do you want to come in? Daisy would love to see you.”

For God’s sake, you’re telling him your dog would love to see him. How about just admitting you want to see him?

She caught herself just before she was about to shake her head. Daniel glanced her way. “I’d love to see Daisy, but that’s not why I’d like to come in,” he said bluntly.

A wash of heat rushed through her, flushing her inside and out. “Oh. Okay.” Flustered, she turned her car off and fumbled to unbuckle her seat belt. Seconds later, she was standing beside her car. He climbed out and walked at her side up the steps. When they reached the front door, she took a breath and turned to face him. If he was going to be straight with her, she wasn’t going to be a coward with him.

“Daisy will be glad to see you, but I wanted you to come in because I didn’t want you to go yet.”

Her pulse leapt wildly, and butterflies thronged in her belly. She was relieved she’d simply stated the truth and terrified at the same time. His eyes met hers in the soft glow cast from her porch light, his gaze dark and intent. “It’s good to know I’m not alone in this.” His words came out rough and raw.

She reached up and curled her hand around his neck, tugging him down to meet her for a quick kiss. When she broke away, she whispered against his lips. “You’re not alone.” She looked into the blur of his gaze, the connection between them live and pulsing. Her heart clenched and warmth curled around it.

Unsettled, she turned away and unlocked the front door, flicking on the lights as she entered. Daisy was waiting for them and immediately circled them both, nudging her head against their hands for greetings. Sophia went straight to the kitchen and got Daisy’s food ready. Once Daisy was eating, Sophia glanced to Daniel who was seated at the kitchen table.

“I’m not really up for cooking. Would you mind takeout again? We could do pizza or something else.”
“Pizza is perfect,” he replied firmly.

She snagged the menu off the refrigerator and handed it to him. “You pick.”

He shrugged and didn’t even bother looking. “Let’s do the half and half thing we did last time.”

Sophia tugged her phone out and called in the order. Once that was done, she became instantly restless. The pulse of need she felt for Daniel was so strong, it was hard to ignore. Daisy finished eating and promptly curled up on her dog bed in the living room.

Sophia leaned against the counter, crossing her arms as if she could somehow contain the beat of desire thrumming through her. Daniel stood up from the table and walked to stand in front of her. He rested his palms on the counter on either side of her. The air around them felt charged. Heat suffused her when she met his eyes—dark and intent, focused solely on her. She felt as if she was the center of his universe in that moment. He was the center of hers. The moment was taut with need, fraught with the depth of sheer want between them. He dipped his head and fit his mouth over hers. In seconds, their kiss exploded, a fierce meeting of lips and tongues.

He stepped closer and slid a hand up her back, pulling her flush against him. The warmth of his palm sent an electric current racing up her spine. He tore his mouth free when she gasped. His lips dusted over her face before traveling down her neck, nipping and licking his way over the sensitive skin. She could feel the heat of his shaft resting against her and arched into it. He slid a knee between her thighs and slipped his hand under the hem of her t-shirt. The calloused skin of his palm stroked up the curve of her belly, striking sparks along the surface of her skin. Hot, liquid need built in her center. Her panties dampened as he nudged his knee against her. Pleasure arced sharply through her with each nudge of his knee. She needed more. Now.

She tore at his jeans, yanking the buttons free and curling her palm around the thick, hard length of his cock. His breath hissed through his teeth. She put a palm on his chest and pushed back swiftly and firmly before shimmying down as she hooked her hands over his jeans and briefs and shoved them down around his hips.

Her name fell roughly from his lips.

She ignored him and stroked her hand up and down his cock before drawing her tongue along the underside. Several long, slow licks and a low groan came from him. She closed her mouth around him, drawing him deep. His cock throbbed and pulsed as she stroked him in her wet grip. He gasped her name again. When she paused and glanced up, he reached down and lifted her roughly. He shoved her leggings down with one hand and dragged his fingers roughly across the damp silk of her panties. The need to feel him inside her was so great, it clawed at her.

In a rush, she turned into his touch as he curled a palm around to cup her bottom, squeezing roughly. She scrambled to grip the edge of the counter as she pushed her hips back into him. She felt the brush of his hard shaft against her, the skin hot and velvety. One palm stroked roughly up her back, threading into her hair, while the other shoved her panties out of the way. She felt him fumble and heard the tear of foil before he rolled a condom on. He paused for a brief moment, the head of his cock resting against her. In one swift surge, he sank inside deeply.

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