The Lion's Den (49 page)

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Authors: D N Simmons

BOOK: The Lion's Den
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Danielle looked at both men, her nostrils flared slightly and she rolled her eyes, knowing what had just transpired between them. She looked at Adan. “Are you ready to go?” she asked, sarcastically.

Adan nodded. “Yes.” He stepped over the threshold. Turning, he addressed Kysen. “I’ll be seeing you later.”

Until then,” Kysen replied. He watched the two shifters climb into the waiting SUVs then drive off down his winding driveway. He closed the door, relishing the peaceful quietness. Sitting down in his throne-like chair in his den, he looked around. The house was in order, his noisy guests were polite and didn’t litter. He thought about Darian and his situation, knowing his fledgling would survive intact. He was strong enough to bounce back from his ordeal. He then thought about Adan and the relationship that was now becoming a possibility to him. He wanted Adan, he
wanted him! The fire inside of the young shifter, his passion, his personality was electrifying to Kysen. He excited him, much in the way Darian had done so many centuries ago.

Stretching out his long legs, he began to fantasize about the life he could share with Adan. All of a sudden, he began to frown. He thought about Adan’s Pride. They would have to live in his mansion along with him and there would be children in the future. Whiny children. For so many years, he had lived a life of solitude, almost forgetting what it was like to live with others. Would he be able to tolerate the constant noise, the inner squabbling that so many shifting communities endured. Would he want to kick them all out by the end of a week’s time? He chuckled.

I guess only time will tell,” he mumbled to himself as he reclined in his chair, relaxing his mind and body as he drifted off to sleep.









On the plane back to Chicago, Natasha sat down next to Darian, sitting between him and Xavier. She took his hand into her own. “Are you going to be all right?” she asked, concerned. Her eyes studied him, watching for the slightest indication that there might be a problem. She saw none.

Darian nodded. “I’m going to start charging money to answer that question.” He was beginning to get annoyed by how many people kept asking him if he was going to be
“all right”
. He took it in stride, because he knew they were only asking because they cared. “Yes. I’ll be fine. What happened is now over, we can move on. We should move on.”

Natasha studied him for a few seconds more before nodding. “Okay. I know I’ll be happy to be back in our own city, comfy in our own home.”

Darian gave her a slight smile. He placed his hand over her stomach, resting his fingers where he knew their unborn baby lay curled safely. “How are you and the baby feeling?”

We’re both fine, happy our ddies are doing well. To be perfectly honest, I’m more worried about Warren and Matthew, and what’s going to happen with them.”

Darian frowned, his perfectly arched eyebrows creasing slightly.

Xavier nodded. “This situation is going to get worse before it will get better,” he said. “The best we can offer is support.”

I know. Besides, I’m sure Xander and Richard won’t let any harm come to them,” Natasha said.

That’s true, they won’t, but that’s not to say harm won’t come to others,” Darian stated, bringing up another issue. “Humans make it very difficult to handle things in a sensible matter.”

I don’t know if I agree with that notion. People have fought for equality in a non-violent manner and have made wonderful progress,” Natasha stated.

And yet, there was still violence. It’s almost a certainty that it’s human nature to reject change. People become accustomed to their way of life and when they are forced to transcend into something unknown, they react badly. Mark my words, there will be chaos.” Darian settled back against the cushion of his seat, allowing his two lovers and all aboard to reflect on what he said.

Warren had been listening to every word spoken, especially those concerning his future. He hadn’t really wanted to think about what was to come; yet, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. He looked down at his right hand, noticing that he had bitten two of his nails down to the quick. He frowned, biting his nails was a horrible habit, and one he had broken himself of when he was twelve. Doing so now, meant he was more nervous than he realized.

Adrian sat down beside him. “What’s on your mind?”

Just listening to Darian’s forecast of gloom and doom,” Warren replied, resting his hands on his lap.

The shit’s going to hit the fan, there’s no denying that, but I have your back, you know that. Who knows, things might work out. You said you’ve got some people on your side in the S.U.I.T., right?”

Marshall Galen and Captain Lawrence are the only people who know for a fact what we are. They may be on our side, although I’m not willing to take the chance in putting all my faith in them. It’s us against the government, the odds are shitty as hell.”

When you go back, they are going to want to test you and if you take the test, they are going to try to either fire you or arrest you. What are you going to do?” Devin asked, looking at Matthew then to Warren.

I honestly have no idea. I won’t know what I’m going to do until I’m in that predicament. Trying to come up with a scenario now just isn’t working,” Warren said.

I think we should bypass the outing of the test results and simply confess to who and what we are,” Matthew said, causing a few of them to raise eyebrows.

Come again?” Gabriel said. “Matthew, do you honestly think that’s the best decision?”

Do I think it’s the best idea? I can’t say. But it
an idea. One that will give us a sense of freedom from having to always be worried of exposing ourselves.”

Yeah, it’ll give you a sense of freedom for about five seconds before they arrest you, thus taking your real freedom away,” Sergio said, snorting.

Sergio, I can deal without your sarcasm right now,” Matthew said, startling some who were a bit surprised to see the young shifter get agitated. He was normally so very calm, levelheaded.

Sarcasm aside, you go in there, confess. You’ll get arrested. That’s how the law works,” Sergio said, without the cynicism.

I still think Matthew’s right. You should take the honorable high road and just come clean, state your case and hold your heads up high,” Barry said, adding his opinion. “The court may be lenient if you do.”

right. There’s no way we can return to work like nothing’s happened, especially considering our absence,” Warren said, finally agreeing with what was turning out to be the best and only plan.

Tomorrow morning, then?” Matthew asked.

Warren nodded. “Yeah, the sooner, the better. I hate this feeling. I hate the anticipation, the not knowing what’s going to happen.”

I know what you mean. So, it’s decided.” Matthew gave Warren a sad smile. He too, was worried about their fate.

Well, whatever the case, we’re not going to let you two go to jail and we for damn sure won’t let them kill you,” Ignacio said.

Is this where the violent part comes in at?” Natasha asked.

I hate to say so, but yeah. Matthew is one of us. I’m fucking someone up if they think they’re going to kill him just because he lied about what he is. He did that so he could help them. These people are some assholes as far as I’m concerned for even taking this shit this far!” Ignacio replied, frowning. His anger was palpable, and not one could disagree with his sentiments.

I don’t blame you. I remember when the S.U.I.T. arrested Darian. We had to haul ass to Russia, crack the case and sprint back to Chicago before all hell broke loose. Darian was going to break out of there one way or another,” John said, remembering the urgency of that time, and all that had depended on their involvement.

Darian chuckled. “It’s true, you all did a fine job, saved many lives.”

Just so we understand what’s to come. Tomorrow, both you and Matthew will turn yourselves in, confess to being shifters and then what?” Xander asked, trying to get a broader understanding of what was to be expected.

They’ll probably arrest us, since we’ve committed perjury. It’s a crime, punishable by law. If you’re a government employee, jail is mandatory,” Warren said.

Adrian snorted. “Bullshit, it’s a crime if you’re a shape-shifter and a government employee. For what you’ve been doing, if you were a human, the worst you’d get is fired, maybe a fine, but that’s it. This is a dick swinging competition to see whose got the biggest one. And what really pisses me off is, you shouldn’t even be getting arrested at all.”

That may be true, but we knew the law when we took the oath. Let’s take the first step and then we can all see where to go from there, how about that?” Matthew asked, looking around the plane at the others.

I still say we should bug you so we can monitor your conversation. Just in case we need to bust through some windows, crack some skulls,” Justin said.

That’s not a bad idea,” Warren said, pointing to Justin. “We should bug our conversation, that might be helpful.”

Consider it done,” said Michael, a member of Xander’s Pack. “I’ve been meaning to ask you two this, but do you want me to find you a lawyer?”

No need for that. I have a lawyer that I’m sure would love to take your case,” Darian offered.

Is this lawyer the same one who was about to rip the S.U.I.T. a new asshole when you were arrested?” Natasha asked.

Darian chuckled. “Yes. I only put my money behind the best. He’s one of the top defense lawyers in the country.”

He looked like a shark in that courtroom before we showed up. I almost didn’t think you were going to need us,” Natasha said chuckling.

I’ll always need you,” Darian said. He lifted her hand, kissing it softly.

Natasha blushed. “All worked out for the best.”

He’s got to be the best. He
rip the S.U.I.T. a new asshole in Darian’s lawsuit.”

That’s convincing,” Matthew said, nodding.

Well, if this guy’s as good as you say, then yeah, I’d really appreciate his help,” Warren said.

Consider it done,” Darian said.

All I know is, I’m glad Marcus and his crazy fucking coven are dead!” Christopher said.

Oh, hell yeah!” Devin added. “I don’t ever want to go through anything like that ever again.”

You?!” Gabriel said. “You had it easy compared to me.”

What is this? A ‘Who got fucked up the worst’ competition?” Sergio asked. “People died! Friends. Family. Good people. We should be honoring their memory, not debating on who suffered the most, because in reality, there’s no competition.” He looked at the younger shifters. He knew he’d gotten through to them by the now somber and shame-filled expressions on their faces. He then looked down at Elise, who was still resting from her ordeal, but at least she was alive and healed.

I’m sorry, Sergio,” Devin said, apologizing. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

Sergio gave him a slight nod. “I know you and I know you didn’t mean to disregard those who’ve died.”

I didn’t either. You’re right. I’m sorry,” Gabriel said, apologetically.

Sergio nodded, accepting his apology.

As much as I would like to not have to ask you this, I must. Darian, would you happen to have any spare coffins we could borrow to take our members home in?” Xander asked.

Actually, I only have a few. Not nearly enough for what you ask. But whatever I do have available, it’s yours,” Darian said. Silently, he wondered why so many assumed he had an abundance of spare coffins lying about, but he dared not voice his thoughts as the mood would have made such a statement extremely inappropriate.

Thank you,” Xander said. “We’ll make sure we return your property to you.” He paused with a sigh. “This isn’t going to be easy.”

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