The Little Way of Ruthie Leming: A Southern Girl, a Small Town, and the Secret of a Good Life (39 page)

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Authors: Rod Dreher

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Women, #General

BOOK: The Little Way of Ruthie Leming: A Southern Girl, a Small Town, and the Secret of a Good Life
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Ray “Paw” Dreher and Dorothy “Mam” Dreher, on their back porch.

John Bickham, a surrogate son for Paw.

Ronnie Morgan

Abby Temple Cochran and Ruthie.

Dr. Tim Lindsey, at Ruthie’s kitchen table.

The Leming family:
(left to right)
Claire, Mike, Rebecca, Ruthie, and Hannah. This photo was taken days after Ruthie’s diagnosis. The family wanted to have a portrait taken before Ruthie’s appearance changed because of chemotherapy and radiation.
Courtesy of Jeannie Frey Rhodes

Three generations of West Feliciana homecoming queens: Mam, Ruthie, and Hannah.

Ruthie and daughter Claire in the hospital after her diagnostic surgery; February 2010.

The author and his sister, Ruthie.

Mike on the day Ruthie’s tombstone was delivered to Starhill Cemetery; May 15, 2012.

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One: Country Mouse, City Mouse

Two: “Forever and a Day”

Three: A Family of Her Own

Four: Sweet Babies

Five: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost

Six: The Peppers

Seven: The Bright Sadness

Eight: Standing in the Spirit of God

Nine: Expecting a Miracle

Ten: “I’m Scared”

Eleven: “The Choir Invisible”

Twelve: Lean on Me

Thirteen: The Narrow Path

Fourteen: One’s Destination Is Never a Place


About the Author





Copyright © 2013 by Rod Dreher

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First e-book edition: April 2013

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Lines from Charles Péguy’s poem The Portal of the Mystery of Hope come from a 1996 translation from the original French by David L. Schindler Jr. and are used with the permission of William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

All photographs are courtesy of the Dreher family, unless noted otherwise.

ISBN 978-1-4555-2190-6

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