The Living Bible (407 page)

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BOOK: The Living Bible
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Nature and effects of

Gen 44:18
you can doom me in an instant,
Psa 37:8
worryit only leads to harm.
Psa 69:24
the fierceness of your anger.
Prov 15:18
quick-tempered man starts fights;
Prov 19:11
wise man restrains his anger
Prov 29:22
gets into all kinds of trouble.
Isa 30:27
Lords lips are filled with fury;
Jer 44:6
fury and anger boiled forth
Jas 1:20
anger doesnt make us good,

Remedy for

Prov 15:1
soft answer turns away
Prov 21:14
angry man is silenced by giving
Eph 4:26
Dont let the sun go down with you angry.


Examples of

Exod 22:24
my anger shall flame against you,
Num 11:1
His anger flared out against them
Num 25:3
the anger of the Lord was hot
Deut 29:20
His anger and jealousy will be hot
2 Kgs 22:12-13
you must be very angry with us,
Job 9:13
God does not abate his anger.
Isa 5:25
the anger of the Lord is hot
Isa 13:9
terrible day of his wrath
Jer 4:4
my anger will burn you
Jer 32:37
in my fury I will scatter them.
Ezek 25:14
They will carry out my furious vengeance.
Hos 11:9
my fierce anger tells me to.
Mark 3:5
Looking around at them angrily,
John 3:36
wrath of God remains upon them.
Rom 1:18
God shows his anger from heaven
1 Cor 10:22
the Lord to be angry with you?
Eph 5:6
terrible wrath of God is upon all
Heb 3:11
full of this anger against them,
Rev 14:10
the wine of the anger of God;

Propitiation of

Rom 3:25
Jesus to take the punishment for our sins
Rom 5:9
to save us from all of Gods wrath
Col 1:20
Christs death on the cross has made peace
1 Thes 1:10
Jesus our only Savior from Gods terrible anger

, see

Of the Lord

1 Sam 12:3
before his anointed king
2 Sam 23:1
the anointed of the God of Jacob;
2 Kgs 9:3
the Lord has anointed him to be king
1 Chr 11:3
anointed him as king of Israel,
Psa 84:9
on the one you have anointed as your king.
Isa 45:1
to Cyrus, Gods anointed
Dan 9:25
until the Anointed One comes!
Zec 4:14
two anointed ones who assist the Lord
Luke 2:26
he had seen himGods anointed King.


In grooming

Deut 28:40
olive oil to anoint yourselves!
Psa 104:15
olive oil is a lotion for his skin,
Amos 6:6
perfume ourselves with sweet ointments,
Mic 6:15
not get enough to anoint yourself!

For dedication

Exod 28:41
by anointing their heads with olive oil,
Exod 29:29
for his anointing ceremony.
Lev 6:19-20
Aaron and his sons are anointed
Num 3:3
All were anointed as priests
1 Sam 9:16
You are to anoint him as leader
1 Sam 16:3
I will show you which of his sons to anoint.
1 Kgs 1:39
poured it over Solomon;
1 Kgs 19:16
anoint Jehu to be king of Israel,
2 Kgs 9:6
young man poured the oil over his head
2 Kgs 11:12
Jehoiada anointed him as king.

For burial

Matt 26:12
prepare my body for burial.
Mark 14:8
anointed my body ahead of time
Luke 23:56
ointments to embalm him;

Of Christ

Mark 14:3
she poured it over his head
Luke 7:38
poured the perfume on them.
John 12:3
Mary anointed Jesus feet with it


Isa 61:1
the Lord has anointed me to bring good news
Acts 4:27
Jesus, your anointed Son,


Lists of the twelve

Matt 10:2-4
the names of his twelve disciples:
Mark 3:16-19
the names of the twelve he chose:
Luke 6:14-16
Here are their names:
Acts 1:14
the list of those who were present

Calling of

Matt 4:19
Jesus called out, Come along with me
Matt 9:9
Come and be my disciple,
Mark 1:17
Come, follow me!
Luke 5:11
they left everything and went with him.
John 1:37
they turned and followed Jesus.

Mission of

Matt 28:19
go and make disciples in all nations,
Mark 3:14-15
to go out to preach and to cast out demons
Mark 16:15
go into all the world and preach
John 15:27
you must tell everyone about me,
John 21:16
take care of my sheep,
Acts 1:8
testify about me with great effect,
Acts 13:31
testified to this in public witness.


Of a soldier

1 Sam 17:4-7
helmet, a two-hundred-pound coat of mail,
1 Sam 17:38-39
Saul gave David his own armor
1 Sam 31:9
stripped off his armor
2 Sam 21:16
sporting a new suit of armor,
1 Kgs 22:34
between the joints of his armor.
2 Chr 18:33
where the lower armor and the breastplate meet.
Psa 35:2
Put on your armor, take your shield
Prov 6:11
attacks you in full armor.
Jer 46:3
Buckle on your armor, you Egyptians
Jer 46:4
sharpen your spears, put on your armor.


Rom 13:12-13
put on the armor of right living,
Eph 6:11
Put on all of Gods armor
Eph 6:13
use every piece of Gods armor
1 Thes 5:8
protected by the armor of faith


Of Enoch

Gen 5:21-24
he disappeared, for God took him!

Of Elijah

2 Kgs 2:11
was carried by a whirlwind into heaven.

Of Jesus

Mark 16:19
he was taken up into heaven
Luke 24:51
began rising into the sky, and next on to heaven.
Acts 1:9
he rose into the sky

, see


Day of

Exod 30:10
sin offering for atonement.
Lev 23:26-27
The Day of Atonement follows nine days later:
Lev 25:9
on the Day of Atonement, let the trumpets blow
Num 29:7
a day of solemn humility
1 Chr 6:49
annual Day of Atonement

By Christ

Matt 20:28
to give my life as a ransom
Gal 4:5
to buy freedom for us who were slaves
Eph 1:5
sending Jesus Christ to die for us.
1 Tim 2:6
by giving his life for all mankind.
Heb 9:12
once for all took blood into that inner room,

, see
Fear of God


Examples of

1 Sam 15:26
Saul, you have rejected the Lords commandment
1 Kgs 11:3
Solomon turned his heart away from the Lord.
2 Chr 12:1
Rehoboam abandoned the Lord,
2 Chr 24:24
Judah had forsaken the Lord God
Jon 1:3
Jonah ran away from the Lord.
Matt 26:70
But Peter denied it loudly.
John 6:66
his disciples turned away
2 Cor 12:20
will find you quarreling,
1 Tim 1:19
they lost their faith in Christ
1 Tim 1:15
Christians from Asia have deserted me;
Rev 2:4
you dont love me as at first!

Of Believers

Matt 26:31
Tonight you will all desert me.
Mark 4:19
come in and crowd out Gods message
Luke 17:32
what happened to Lots wife!
Gal 1:6
you are turning away so soon
Gal 4:9
become slaves again of a useless religion
1 Tim 5:15
been led astray by Satan.
Heb 3:12
are leading you away from God
2 Pet 2:20
gets tangled up with sin

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